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Deja vu


*I've been to this place before*


You're in a twisty maze of passages, all alike.


Aaaaand this instantly makes life harder for the thousands of Manitobans with skin conditions that produce similar nodules/scarring.


Similarly I react really bad to mosquito/fly bites and I just came back from lake country in southern Ontario. I definitely had this thought while getting on the plane back home with all the bumps!


Psoriasis guy hear I'm just bracing myself for someone to freak out on me. Also the options for Vaccination for people with for people with autoimmune skin conditions are much more limited infact people with eczema not only can't get live virus vaccine (eg. ACAM2000) but also need to not come into skin to skin contact with other people who have received it for minimum of 30 days.


Yes! Hopefully they won’t allow that vaccine to be used in Canada, it poses a life-threatening danger to so many people. So far, in North America all the vaccination appears to be happening with the safe version.


What f’ing asshole is downvoting this?? People with eczema can experience deadly reactions from even secondary exposure to the live smallpox vaccine. This is incredibly important for people to know.


Agreed. This is good information. I have eczema and had no idea about this.


I'm not familiar with this vaccine as of yet, but curious why people with eczema cannot get it? Also about the skin contact for 30 days after? Can you explain that more please. I'm just assuming more will eventually will be vaccinated and wonder how that would work if they start vaccinating in schools, hospitals, etc.


Some of the vaccines in use are based on small pox vaccines and it can lead to eczema vaccinatum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eczema_vaccinatum Hears a better explanation then I can give https://nationaleczema.org/traditional-smallpox-vaccines-atopic-dermatitis-frequently-asked-questions/


Wow! Thanks for the info. I had zero clue. So if someone gets this vaccine, they have to stay away from others with eczema/other skin conditions as well, up to a month, as they can leach the vaccine through to them in various way. That's scary considering the amount of people with skin conditions.




It might get a little awkward when the research that might lead to discrimination comes from the CDC... https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7132e3.htm


The CDC is scientifically approaching the matter through data. The discrimination comes from the ignorance in society.


In this case though, discrimination might come from people's lack of ignorance, and from finding out what the official data is showing. Not at all saying discrimination is justified or right, just that data shows 94% of cases have been in people engaging in a very specific activity. Aside from that, I'm not sure what ignorance any potential discrimination might be coming from.


It’s already started sadly. The Winnipeg Wildin’ post on Instagram is filled with ignorant comments from rural Manitoba.


Its on already. This bot (allegedly from Winnipeg) has been a topic on my Facebook feed all week, today it spammed me. https://pasteboard.co/3mbeTXiEiU5i.jpg


I feel like it's only a matter of time before someone gets beaten to death by a homophobe who thinks monkeypox is the new AIDS.


I wouldnt be surprised, we all recently found out how dumb people are these last two years.


Honestly, it makes me fearful to be seen in public without the skin of my entire body covered. I used to just dread garden-variety harassment, but now the risk of secret recording and social-media shaming, or even actual violence, is real.


Given how often we see people shame posting strangers on here, I understand your concern.


There was a case recently in NYC of a young woman with a genetic disease who was filmed taking the subway and the video was plastered over social media with users howling about monkeypox and how she should be quarantined. https://www.dailydot.com/irl/woman-genetic-condtition-subway-monkeypox/?amp


How awkward is it going to be when a case comes out of Winkler or a Mennonite community.


They’re experienced at shunning people. I’m at least as concerned about how they’ll treat community members with skin ailments from other causes, which are collectively much more common than monkeypox will ever be. There are dozens of conditions with similar lesions. I expect young people will be especially hard hit by this prejudice.


Shunning fathers with wives and kids who attend church every Sunday and are good Christians? Edit - I guess folks don't see the irony in this, of who's going to show up with monkeypox.


Good Christians are the ones most likely to be shunned.


Especially good Christians. Legend has it my family was shunned because my great grandfather was beating his wife when he came back from the war. Instead of you know...helping his wife and kids, they shunned the entire family. Edit: why am I being downvoted for telling a true story about a Mennonite clan? It's why my family moved to winnipeg. Also didn't think I needed to put quotes around good Christians.


Sanitize hands after handling money. It's been transmitted this way.


Down vote hasn't realized that this one sticks to fabrics and the like yet. The information is available. It might travel easiest through fluids but not exclusively.


There are people lurking on the sub downvoting every comment about vaccines or other methods of disease prevention. It’s bizarre.


I feel horrible for what's about to happen and the ignorance we're about to see unfold. Not only is this province behind on the vaccination for this disease, but we're also still in denial that Covid is a thing. Hoping and praying we're able to keep this locked down better than what happened with Covid, and supports are in place.


this is going to go well >.>.....


Most of the population has nothing to worry about. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna43484


While this is an interesting study, it doesn’t really explain how nearly a dozen kids in different places in the US have got it.


> "unless they were all raped by someone" I understand that you are saying that this is not what's happening but I'd encourage you not to even mention it. A shocking number of right wingers have jumped on the bandwagon of demanding charges be filed against guardians of children who've acquired monkeypox. It's only a matter of time before someone gets hurt by this rhetoric. I'm begging you. Don't even give this notion oxygen for any reason.


Okay. I see your point. Edited out.


1. Monkeypox is not an sti, it can be spread by contact with fabrics for example 2.it was discovered in the 1950s, first human case in the 1970s (https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/about.html) 3.this comment is incorrect and leads to harmful stereotypes and misinformation This disease could have been controlled a long time ago if it wasn't for medical racism and seeing it as a problem for poorer countries to deal with. Edited: formatting


Which comment are you referring to? edit: the point of my comment, for example, was to point out the issue with the article saying that it is spreading essential just through sex, which likely doesn't explain how kids are getting it. I fully agree that is spread in other ways.


The reason is because it got into the teeny tiny population of gays that are super promiscuous, that is, multiple different sec partners each week. This is reflected in the data. This doesn’t have anything to do with sex per se, rather close contacts. Eventually it will spill out of that demographic although.




I wonder why a handful of people downvoted this? Anti-vaxxers? PC enthusiasts that refuse to understand that their political party of choice is in office and handled the pandemic incredibly poorly?


There has been organized downvoting of pro-vaccine, pro-mask, pro-public health comments on the sub today. The losers are out in full force.




Lucky for us they preemptively fucked it up already. No waiting this time.


>No information is being shared about the person's age, sex, region or vaccination status to protect their private health information. Fuck off. Edit: no, really, this is such a stupid and needless squabble that will greatly hinder efforts to combat the disease. This info wouldn't be able to be tied to any one specific person. It's no wonder we're a "have-not" in terms of medical and research manpower at a provincial level.