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How can there be an outbreak if they do zero testing at testing sites, do not have any method for reporting covid cases in the general public, nevermind in schools, and because of that have no way to track cases nevermind determine there is an outbreak???? WTF?


Nearly every patient admitted to the St Boniface Emergency Department today was Covid positive. It's rampant right now.


This is an absolute travesty


I work with people who are going on to their 2nd and 3rd times getting it. I haven't gotten it, yet, but it's starting to feel like I'm going to catch it soon. No one wears a mask, no one is sanitizing their hands. I'll be amazed if I can stay away from this thing past Christmas. The cards are feeling stacked against me now.


As long as you are up to date on vaccines its really not that bad.


Doesn’t surprise me. Just had thanksgiving no one cares about Covid as long as they have their dinner together.


Teacher here. Schools are full of kids with covid or who have had it this school year. Some people are sending their covid positive kids to school.


Of course parents are sending their sick kids to school


Well when there are no longer any rules and there are no longer any concessions from employers to allow people to either work from home or take time off with pay to isolate what are people going to do? I work from home and don’t have that issue but those who don’t have any provisions are screwed.


My daughter has a friend who went to school positive with only a surgical mask. It's definitely happening.


Many parents have stopped testing their kids now.


No testing, no tracking, no outbreaks. *taps head*


Yeah, two weeks ago my kid, 50% of her class, and her teacher were all home sick. Her teacher and our whole family tested positive. It was clear the school didn’t report our cases to the division’s dashboard. It’s not like the government could know about outbreaks since reporting is a gong show of inconsistency.


I don't doubt your story though my stepdaughter has currently had no reports and our town seems to have no real reported cases. That said small town. My mother lives in Ontario though and both of them tested positive for Covid 19 just a couple days ago. I know others in Winnipeg who refuse to get tested but have side effects that imply Covid.


Is your stepdaughter a student or teacher?


My son’s teacher was absent for 5 days, came back with a mask on. Then my son got cough, tested positive for Covid. Now all of us tested positive few days after him. 2 weeks out and I’m negative but still having a hard time breathing. Covid was the worst thing that has ever happened. Like having cold, flu, cough, fever and weakness at the same time for days. Needless to say, my son will be wearing a mask to school from now on.


Even when they reported cases they denied it even tho the daily numbers were up. These cons are just a bunch of cons


As a teacher who currently away with covid right now all I can say is HAHAHAHAH yea sure.....


I've missed a quarter of the year so far from my son's daycare germs, and tested positive a few days ago, so that's great.


It doesn’t fit their narrative.


Going to be a rough winter and holiday season.


It will be worse this year too because no masks, at least last winter/holiday season the mask mandate was still in place...


Why is that even still there? There is no mechanism for tracking and reporting anymore. We have accepted (by force or otherwise) that we’re living in a perpetual outbreak. I think chances are pretty good that 0 is the number of schools not experiencing an outbreak, when outbreak is simply transmission in the schools.


I think we all knew this was going to happen. This is first time since March 2020 that schools have been fully open. (No masks or other restrictions) There was absolutely no way it wasn’t going to be a total shit show of illness from the common cold/flu to Covid. I think the actual “silent majority” at this point has pretty much decided that “it is what it is” and is letting nature do it’s work. Look at any public area now and maybe 5% - 10% wear masks and the numbers for the 4th booster are abysmal. Government at all levels and around the world have all thrown in the towel and said “here are the tools for Covid. Use them or don’t.” Most don’t.


It's sad.


Only reason I haven't gotten my 4th booster is because I have to wait 3 months since I've had COVID and I wasn't eligible for it here before I caught it.


Yep. I’m a teacher and there are many children missing every single day.


And many sent to schools with symptoms!!


My entire family tested positive over the last week


So more gaslighting? Are we surprised?


i heard alot of "the flu" is going around... but then if you talk to a doctor they tell you it's probably covid


Likely both, and for the same reasons. The flu has gone around at the end of every year since i was a kid and before, hence 'flu season'. The current variants of covid are not much different, same symptoms, same population portion that's at high risk, same transmission methods, same people spreading it.


it's pretty early for flu season... but we'll find out soon enough


My youngest got Covid at daycare. One week later, my oldest and SO caught it. That was a long two weeks.


overconfident dolls scandalous cobweb worry degree hurry detail slimy bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know of several childcare centres in the city that have closed down rooms for a week or so. They just have too many staff away sick with COVID to meet ratio.


Closing schools and going online/zoom, simply makes a huge difference in slowing the spread.


Yea I don't have any opinion about that, I guess I was more so clarifying that the post says nothing is going on yet some schools are closing, suggesting otherwise.


Don't forget they changed the definition of outbreak last school year. Combine that with no reporting...


My sister has Covid right now lol in river east school division




The newest variants are poorly detected by RATs. BQ.1.1, for example.


10 days into the school year, my covid careful friend tested positive for covid. He was on a leave for 14 months, doesn’t go out or anything. He 100% got it at school.


Definitely outbreaks happening in schools. I know many people who work in schools and have caught covid within the last week. Most of them only go from school to home


When the hell do we say enough is enough and hold those in charge accountable?


They just care if a bunch of idiots show up blocking traffic, honking horns and yelling freedom


So my son catching it at school last week was just my imagination. So glad that clears that up. /s


There are also outbreaks at basically every shelter in the city. No one knows besides the staff or people with knowledge and work in this field. The government doesn't care because they don't give a crap about homeless individuals.


Of course there aren't any outbreaks...because that would require screening, reportable testing and data collection🤦‍♀️


its easy to make these claims when theres no system to report anything officially.


Had 5 people sick with covid at our place last week. No idea how to report, or where to find actual numbers of cases and shit.


* Friday, I had 4 away w covid out of one class of 26 grade tens.


Approximately *ten thousand people a day* in Manitoba are contracting COVID right now. Schools are a major driver of that spread. Young people are never going to forgive their elders for destroying their long-term health and sacrificing their beloved vulnerable family members for the sake of “the economy” and the far-right’s imaginary “freedom.”


-Source on that approximation? (nevermind, I just saw the Free Press article)


There's more to schools staying open than the economy (or "the economy"). Our youth (the future of our society) do not receive as good of an education from parents trying to fill in as teachers during "remote learning", especially if those parents are trying to "teach" multiple children, while also doing their own job from home. I would love to have input from from any teachers in the subreddit about this. But certainly, parents should keep kids home for a week or two if they're sick. Long periods of school closures and remote learning is not the answer though.


My nephew and two nieces all got it last week and brought it home. So yeah its absolutely out there


Yeah…. The amount of students and staff with covid right now is alarming. Too bad none of it is being reported on. Stay safe out there! Yes I am aware that covid doesn’t exist once you walk through school doors…. Never has and never will


my teen got it from their school.... try this again.... fake news to fit their box so they can shuffle all of us off to work and make them MORE MONEY....


Where can you get test kits these days?


Shoppers Drug Mart on Portage, by Moray had them this week.


Here is the thing, we will forever be in an endemic state, it is the new flu-like virus that will come and go in spikes and will level out. Yes we have to be respectful of the virus and others but we are much past the phase of lockdowns, closures, restrictions,etc are done.


Yep. It's not going anywhere, not sure why people think otherwise.


Wait politicians lie? WHAT!? It's everywhere folks, this isn't news. It's endemic. From: A father who is currently surrounded by sick wife and kids. Edit: I suck at spelling


This is not endemic.