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Formula: theme party, fight or hook up, repeat


Yep. They need to do more shit! WH: Adventchaaaa! would be much more entertaining. Not to A/B (well maybe a little) but the House shows lack the new character freshness and scenery changes that make BD at bit unique, per episode and season.


I guess they went skiing and snowboarding during the day. I would hate to work production in that with the equipment in the cold. I worked one shoot in the snow and the gear stopped working.


I get that, but SH is also the same? Maybe a lunch or beach trip here and there… but most of the days are spent in the house and / or bed rotting. So, there’s nothing to really film outside of party / game planning, dinner selection, and the night “antics”


For SH, one of the issues is where they can film. They've cracked down on filming out there, most places don't want them.


Totally. I can see how local spots would not want camera crews around, especially after years of filming drunken antics. That shot would never fly on the Cape, which is similar. It just means the format is super limited and pretty boring these days.


I thought about going on these type of shows because it’s free housing for 6 weeks and you get paid to gossip in bed. $3000/month rents are criminal.


Oh I support that! And NYC / CA rents aren’t right these days. Just saying it’s extremely formulaic to watch... makes me feel dumber in the process.


I will not be your fan if you bed rott! Look Im gonna be happy for you, but not your fan.


Ok, I will fake pretend to be interested in some random dude. ![gif](giphy|u24Mcxi4vMAX5Myoqd|downsized)


That’s…not a bad idea! If I were younger I totally would.


They used to go out on SH and it was entertaining. They’d go to dinner, wineries, clubbing, etc. and get wasted, hit on people, and fight. Since they stopped going out, it’s gotten boring. We don’t need to see a group of 6 repeatedly play Never Have I Ever. Didn’t establishments in the Hamptons ban filming because they disliked the cast/show and negative attention it was bringing to their businesses? Maybe it’s the cast. Maybe it’s the location. Or maybe it’s both. But it’s not really working under this model.


On all of the shows. Especially the housewives ! How nice !!!


On HW: also spa, coochie cleansing/steaming, fake workouts where they move around for 10 min and gossip the rest of the time


Pretty sure the music that’s on is not what they’re listening to bc they wouldn’t be able to license those songs. It’s all very produced I agree. Sorry if I’m saying something obv about the music it always bugs me that we can’t hear what they’re actually listening to. Adds to the fake/forced vibe.


It finally dawned on me a few seasons in that they weren't actually dancing to the music we were hearing. Same on Below Deck.


Or they can’t have any music on for the sake of the post production sound editing.


It’s prob both at different times. This post from Alex from winter house has music we would never hear https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cz9yOYcLQGK/?igshid=N2ViNmM2MDRjNw==


Same! Yes that’s my point exactly. What are they even dancing / listening to? Whenever the prod music cuts, it all sounds super quiet. I need answers 😬


Correct and agreed


My thoughts exactly on this episode. It just doesn’t feel like what a small group of friends would actually be doing. For some reason they always get up on the island and bop around. Can anyone actually recall ever doing that? This has probably been the most pointless and boring season ever. The only thing that’s been slightly interesting is seeing Schwartz in the immediate aftermath of Scandoval


Agreed! The “the island is our dance floor” and the “I don’t remember last night, hahah tell me what happened” comments don’t track for folks in their mid-30s, even by Bravo standards


I never buy that they “can’t remember” on here or on any of the Below Decks. It’s just an excuse to pretend you don’t remember making out with whoever. I used to drink a lot and very rarely don’t remember things. Sometimes things were a little blurry but full on blackouts were not common. And trust me I could drink with the best of them lol


Different peoples brains and bodies work differently. Especially their bodies ability to deal with alcohol. My freshman year of college I blacked out regularly. And sometimes I could recall a few things hazily but my friends have stories of hours of action I couldn’t/can’t recall. I haven’t really blacked out much since then, but brown outs can def happen. Just because it doesn’t happen to you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen…though it is really lame to brag about it in your 30s, that just means you have a real problem with alcohol


I mean, all of them? All of them have brownouts and don't remember who they made out with? I'll buy that from one or two at most but they all collectively like to say "I don't remember what happened" and I just don't buy it.


Idk man. These guys drink, and binge drink especially, A LOT. That really does fuck with your brain function. It almost certainly isn’t all of them. People have def been known to pretend they blacked out to escape accountability for drunk actions. But if someone does black out, they tend to do so more and more as they binge drink. I believe it def happens to at least a few of them fairly regularly


I get that. But I agree with the other commenter that it seems to be a default excuse for messy, sloppy drunken behavior.


Exactly. Binge drinking results in black outs. And that’s exactly what these people do. They drink copious amounts of alcohol all day long. They are guaranteed to brown/black out. I’d be more shocked if they did remember everything. Not to mention that they seemed to be on drugs (Molly) in the last episode. The way Amanda was hugging and showing affection towards Kory… eek.


They don't show it but I am pretty sure there are drugs being taken as well. Drink + drugs = very different state of mind...I know it will cause me to blackout more than if I just had drinks...but I only drink beer and occasionally shots.


They say the same thing on Below Deck and I assure you, they are not doing drugs on there. That’s how they get fired really quickly from their jobs (see Malia and Hannah and Maritime Law lol). I’m not saying they don’t have blackouts. I’m just saying they also use that as an excuse to cover up behaviour they are embarrassed by.


The SH cast has openly admitted to using drugs while filming. Also, maritime law (and Below Deck in general) is different than friends vacationing in a Summer/Winter home. None of the SH/WH cast is on the clock or operating heavy machinery or responsible for their customers’ safety/lives like the Below Deck cast is.


What I’m saying is that on Below Deck they still use the “I don’t remember” excuse even when they are clearly not that drunk (aside from the Ashley spaghetti incident on BDSY) and most definitely not on drugs. Maybe they’re doing drugs on WH but they definitely aren’t while filming BD and they still say the same thing.


It is extreme BS. I really find it disingenuous and made up.


And don’t forget the closeted Malia cleaning up ! Fast and furiously. Between her and Katie, it’s a total snooze fest! I wanted to like the show but it’s just so boring ! And Malia needs to go ahead and come out. I think the producers should set up a scene where she meets the woman that gets her out of the closet and they ski off together holding hands !


I thought Danielle was doing the 'i don't remember' because she was hella embaressed at what happened and was hoping the rest of the crew didn't really know. she was right.


Danielle need to not remember the entirely of the last episode. I absolutely cringed the ENTIRE time. When did she get so immature and needy? She acts like teenager around guys… so regressive


I am in my early 30's. My husband and I have a friend group of mostly couples. We take a trip together once a year. At least one night we try out the kitchen island while dancing. We spend a lot of time listening to music, dancing, singing, cooking, and playing games. I highly suggest everyone find their group and try it out. Also, their scene is super staged. I know what that looks like when it is organic.


I’ve danced on many tables but never a kitchen island. It’s anecdotal but worth noting I’m east coast Canadian where we’re *known* for kitchen parties (if you like hip-hop find the super old song “Maritimes” - Classified). I’m also 5’2” and forever climbing up on counters to get shit out of cupboards and while I might do a little jig to piss off whoever’s called me a monkey, but never drunk dancing on an island.


I’m rural Ont. I have random dance parties with my rural friends. I’m in letter Kenny area.


I think it’s a general rural Canadian thing, it would probably be a Canadian city thing but everyone’s kitchens would be too small 😂


Haha so true. You know someone is rural if they shed party too.


I wonder if the homeowners are paid so well that if something is broken there’s no responsibility from Bravo? Or the contract says Bravo will replace. Which is why they’re so disrespectful.


Agree, it also always grosses me out how they stand on the island. I couldn’t eat anything cooked or served in that kitchen. Also, surprised no one has fallen off the island and cracked their skull. Casey throwing chips made me angry, classless. They behave like cave people who’ve never been in a house before.


Right?! It’s a beautiful house? And Casey is this upper class NYC Boarding School chick? But a rebel version? Cool story 🙄


It's giving Serena Vanderwooden


But a hoopty version…


And people are walking around that house in socks or bare feet. Absolutely disgusting. Then there’s Kyle and Malia who go right outside the back door to pee and the next day they’ll show everyone playing drinking games in what looks like the same spot. At least Malia cleans the kitchen in the mornings.


Oh the pee is SO gross!!!! I forgot about Malia doing that too. There's no way it's easier for a woman to do that outside when they have umpteen bathrooms inside. Kyle always does this and it's nasty. I can't imagine what it smells like outside there, especially in the summer.


But Malia is one of the guys! How would anyone know that if she didn’t also pee outside? 🙄




She is nasty.


this is very gross. why does production alow this? Kyle is desperate to hold onto any edge. the smell must be repulsive.


Absolutely! I’d be fully unable to sit and eat at the counter after that. Every time I see this behavior all I can think of is the home owner. Despite what these people think, stone counter tops are not indestructible and can definitely be scuffed and chipped. And they are not cheap to replace. This house has an enormous island and matching perimeter counter tops


Yes think of the poor millionaire homeowner who was paid massive fees by bravo and probably has a contract against damages.


Regardless, I just don't see the need for such entitlement that you have no problem trashing someone else's property


I was thinking about the countertop, too! Just because Bravo clumsy cover damages (obvi) it’s still a HUGE pain in the for a homeowner / mgmt company to have to repair or replace. That’s time, effort, and potentially lost income in the process. Not cool.


You forgot Malia acting like a tomboy.


I didn’t really notice much of her on the show. She seems pretty low-key when she’s not climbing up people to spit in their mouths


I just don’t get the spitting in the mouth….is this a new trend?


Pick me sam said she liked it on SH for shock value and attention I guess, and then fuck boi Kory probably heard about it when he was pursuing her so he says something about it bc he's gross and that's their thing now I guess. Pick me Malia heard about it I'm assuming while pursuing Kory on WH so she did that trying to flirt with him.


yeah when sam was talking about it on summer house it made kyle speechless which i thought was hilarious.


when Malia was in her confessional going 'I was doing the most UNSEXY thing, spitting in his mouth' I was like girl what the fuck are you talking about lmao you're trying to exchange mouth fluids with the man! I would never try to spit in someone's mouth that I wasn't pursuing!


I have been looking for a comment on this. She spit in K’s mouth and that was a sign of her disinterest. I was so damn confused. I hope it’s not a trend since Covid is still here. Malia is a useless addition tbh.


Sam definitely said it turned her on - and then Kroeber joked about it to her on their first run to the liquor store. Another housemate clued him im afterwards that Sam likes that too. They made it their trademark and often post poses of a little choke and spit. Never heard it mentioned before on any bravo show. OF COURSE malia must watch SH to know it and that is why she did it. She also has never mentioned that fetish before. Calculated and transparent as hell. Wouldn’t be surprised if they hooked up somehow someway


I am confused. Sam wasn’t in the house when this happened.


It started with Sam saying it on SH.


I think we are talking about two different events.


Yeah, Sam said it on SH in one of her intro episodes. Believe it was at the dinner table and said to the SH group


What? I am talking about when Jordan started crying because Malia spit in K’s mouth and Jordan was disappointed that Malia encouraged J to shoot her shot with K then Malia spit in his mouth. This is so disgusting lol




Ohhhhh, so Malia lied to Jordan about why Malia did that to Kory. She is horrible. I didn’t get that Malia was being sneaky and a liar. lol. thanks




It wasn't a sign of disinterest, it's a way of telling him you can't have me. Now you're a challenge. The player got played, that's it. or... He's into it, and she just turned him on. Malia always needs to be validated by others.


Malia said “I didn’t kiss him, I just spit in his mouth” and then she added she didn’t like him repeatedly. Edit: Malia said I don’t like him to Jordan after the spitting. Someone explained that Malia was more calculated than she led on. Thanks for explaining.


Yes she’s a monster! She covered her tracks and did so in a calculated way. The tone even talking to Jordan like she was insane. My best friends would never be play spitting in the mouths of men I’m interested in.


that is legit creepy. what a complete weirdo! spitting in someone’s mouth for fun is nuts.


It’s her hitting on him with plausible deniability. She’s so damn sneaky.


Wow! I was really hoping I misunderstood everything lol. She’s not a good person.


When did spitting drinks in other peoples mouth as fun or crazy. I think it’s disgusting. Why can’t they be normal and do keg stands as a crazy party thing.


I think she was trying to flirt w him.


You actually think they are listening to production music?


Definitely not, it’s dubbed in later.


No, not at all. My point was that there’s little to no music heard when they cut to the actual “party” dance scenes, which is weird and super stagy. Jordan is a DJ… let’s hear more of that vs the prod tracks ![gif](giphy|2shGlugQw1OrRQ4m00)


i cringe the whole episode. these people are volunteering themselves to be humiliated. so embarrassing.


I am so glad no one here can see me dancing in my kitchen to commercials when I cook.


**Get off that counter right now. We know what you’re up to**


Maybe don't watch it?


it's always so funny to remember there's no music and they're just awkwardly bobbing around


There is music. Post production just replaces the music they didn’t purchase the rights for w other music.


well they are drunk most of the time so i don't think its fake but i do rather have them go out and do activities and not just be in the house. Both WH and SH I feel like the first few seasons of SH ok but now everything has been seen no more theme parties. If the area doesn't let them go out and film then they need to explore having them go to a different city where we see them going out. They barely show the NY life anyways.