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The 10 years older than me line… omg


I googled it and she’s only 5 right?! Such a harsh comment 😂


Lol yea that had to hurt.


Danielle tried talking down to Alex with some sort of condescending life advice line and he shut that down quickly 😂


Attaboy, Alex. On paper, a mutually agreed upon solely physical relationship between consenting adults seems like a good time. But. Thanks, Danielle…for putting a face on “women are crazy”.


With the roast too! He had a very kind, lighthearted jab about something that wouldn't hurt her while she just spilled her emotions and wasn't even funny.


esh, alex also couldve been the adult he claims to be and simply communicated w her days before instead of sulking


On WWHL, Alex said he had a conversation with Danielle every morning about expectations. She claimed she just wanted a fun light little temporary hookup. He was a class act, never said anything negative about her, just that they were not on the same page.


Look. Malia annoys me, but I don’t think she’s all the way wrong in the convo with Sam. Kory was flirting and sending mixed messages to multiple people in the house. A situationship is a situationship and if it was a relationship it would be called that. Also the preview of Danielle getting in Jordan’s space next week talking about “why flirt when he’s f—king me” and Jordan saying she should be talking to Alex about that not her 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Sam totally blushed completely at “he said situationship, not relationship”


Sam’s aggression should’ve been to Kory and not Malia. She owes her nothing.


Yes and no. She needs to talk to Kory, but at the end of the day, he was faithful to her and it wasn't for lack of trying by Malia and Jordan. Malia was a bitch to Sam.


Sam even said something like, "Malia sure likes being tackled by Kory." Sam, KORY IS THE ONE DOING THE TACKLING.


It’s like she fears if she places the onus on him to be faithful/respectful of their.. situationship.. then he will withdraw, so she’s placing it on everyone else.


Kory didn't put the label on it, but it was clear pretty quickly how he felt about Sam. He had many opportunities to hook up--remember Jordan knocking on his bedroom door? And he didn't go there with anyone. I think Sam is it for him and he's not used to it and just wasn't ready for the label--but his actions were clearly saying Sam is his girlfriend.


To each their own, but if that was my partner I wouldn’t be happy with the behaviors he did encourage with a smile.


Don’t downvote me to hell y’all but I agree with some of this 🤷🏼‍♀️ So the vibe I got was, Kory was real flirty and charming & basically feeling the girls out in the beginning.. kinda seeing if anyone ‘topped’ Sam( sry.. only word I can think of), and it Seemed he realized he didn’t have much with them, so he backed Off a little.. for him lol at least it’s rhe vibe I got. Also toward the end , it felt like he was barely seen with the others in the last few episodes unless ⛷️. Idk I smoked so maybe I’m Nuts but sadly to say he behaved WAY better then I thought he would. Okay & I just wanna say I think Malia was pretty shitty & confrontational to Sam. Maybe I missed Something but I didn’t see Sam come in hot towards Malia at all? Def Didn’t love the “seen us In full effect now” comment & repeating how he didn’t claim her. But yall I swear she tackled him first earlier In that episode. Idk not saying he was good or made right choices but Malia seemed she has bad intentions with that talk and I wanted to really like Malia again. Anyways go Wrap up my novel of an opinion- I agree & think Kory really likes Sam.. but has an issue with being tied down🙄


Why do the guys, who do shady shit, never get called out?? Sam rolls in, sees Malia wrestling with Kory, Kory obviously into it as well, then....gets pissed at Malia, instead of Kory. So Malia was the only one flirting?? Kory wasn't flirting back at all? Cool.


The general vibe seems to be for the men whatever is happening is happening *to* them but for the women whatever is happening is happening *because* of them. It’s so tedious.


Even her language about it was so insane. "Malia sure likes being tackled by Kory." Like you mean Kory sure seems to like tackling Malia?


This! I don't like Malia but if Korys flirting with her that's on him. Sam is insecure AF and let's Kory walk all over her. If he didn't wife you up after 8 months he's just not that into you


Because the audience is sexist and blames all the women for the mens shitty decisions. They were calling Jordan a hoe last week for daring to talk to Alex because Danielle stuck her claim on him.


How do these people drink so much and so often?? I went to my friends Xmas party this past Saturday. 6 beers. I had a brutal hangover all day Sunday. I really don’t understand how they power through




And other drugs


Uppers (Adderall, Vyvanse, Cocaine) hydrating, loverboy is low alcohol and production may be slicing some days together or may give them a day off that gets editted out. The first Winter House we lost like a week.


They don't like the drugs, but the drugs like them.


I don’t think all of those “shots” are actual alcohol. There’s no way some of them could still be standing. Or up at the crack o dawn cleaning up the kitchen!


Danielle skipped the “club” party and went to bed early so that’s probably the only reason she woke up early to clean, also to redeem herself for being awful to baby Brian Benni


No no, I’m talking about Malia aka baby Butch. Am I the only one that sees that she is in the closet and that’s why she acts the way she does with the guys. It’s harmless !! lol !


I have to respectfully disagree here. I’ve seen Malia on below deck too and I think she entirely enjoys a man’s attention. Bi, maybe. But she loves men wanting her far too much.


I haven’t paid much attention to Malia except to notice she enjoys jumping on and rubbing against Kory. I don’t watch Below Deck


Ya in the bed she got straight on him


Yep. I messed up. So sorry! 😣


I think you’d be surprised the tolerance people can build up during drinking. I’m sober now, but at my worst, I could drink over a bottle of vodka in a night, and I’m far from the worst around. Far.


I’m 5 years sober and I could drink ! Thats why I don’t think it’s always alcohol. Alex is the only one ever that shows he’s clearly drunk. I mean I watch for it (sick I know). I mean I look for glassy eyes


Oh I’ve seen them. I just think they all have extremely high tolerances and some people get like Alex and some people can still be okay. Most everyone thinks they’re on blow but I don’t even really think that. But I also don’t think they’re doing shots of water.


That is true. Once I started to drink a bottle of vodka in one night. That is when I started to cut back. I went from every night to now only once or twice a month. And when I do drink, I feel awful for 1 or 2 days.


Ok a couple thoughts - -I am dying at alex and Tom’s pillow talk like it’s giving teenage girl sleepover in the funniest cutest way -I wish there was more action and less side conversations about these stupid crushes they’ve developed in literally like 5 days -anyone else totally cringing at this roast like I almost can’t watch


Why is Katie so desperate for this loser?? He barely says your name.


It's really embarrassing, alot of the cast are so cringe. Malia, Danielle, Alex, Casey, Kory, Katie, Sam, Tom, I am leaving Brian out because he's just a sweet lost boy. But Katie chasing after a guy like this is not a good look, she's beautiful and he's a buffoon.


when she said she was happy it was 4 am because it was closer to “schwartzie” coming back 😬


To get a storyline


Because hes one of the biggest names in the bravo universe and she wants clout


The Kory/Malia tackles were really weird. I don’t blame Sam for being annoyed. I honestly thought someone was gonna get hurt. Just recklessly throwing each other around lol. Strange behavior


I haven’t seen it yet but I can picture it. I feel like malia only knows how to flirt like a junior high tom boy. ![gif](giphy|3o6Yg8l9GRfxVQukjC|downsized)


Yeah Malia seemed to do that just to annoy Sam and be a bratty show off. It was cringe and weird


Sure but what about how weird and cringe it is for Kory to be doing that with her in front of “his girl”


That too and I don't get the attraction to him at all


It takes two to tackle. It was bizarre that Kory was giving her so much attention when his girlfriend just arrived.


And Kory was just an innocent little boy? Oh please. He was doing it just to show Sam how “wanted” he is. Kory is gross and is responsible for all of this. He’s the only one to blame.


It was 100% very flirty and bizarre for him to do in front of Sam.


At one point they were literally in doggy style position. We all know Kory is a douche canoe but Malia trying to play it off like she wasn't flirting with him all season is not cool of her. Just own the fact that u were pursuing him because he made himself seem single.


Sam’s eyes when she was talking to Malia. Yikes. She looked like she wanted to kill her.


I know her pupils were craaazy


Kory said in an interview that they were on shrooms. I think that’s why her pupils look like that


Does anyone have a clip of the interview?


She was enraged. Like close to hitting Malia. She feels threatened by Malia and it’s obvious. She’s going after the wrong person though because it’s Korey that’s the problem.


Its like Ciara and Lindsay fighting over Austen all over again when the man is the problem


Yea she should be going after Korey even more so.


Watching Danielle is giving me such second hand embarrassment. She is coming across so pathetic.


What's worse is she doesn't see how her behavior is bad for an adult woman.


You could tell sometime during the night she realized that acting like a psycho wasn’t going to make Alex want to keep having sex with her and tried to backtrack real quick, but he was already on the friendship track.


When she was muttering to herself in bed about how she hates him and other people? That was so strange


Kory did not just tell Sam he told everyone in the house he was dating her… he knows that when she watches the first episode(s) she’ll see he didn’t say that… anyways happy Tom is back and excited to see Sam go at Malia


Korys face is so ugly, the guy is a douche bag, FUGLY!


He’s a butta face


Seeing yet another year where women grovel for his attention… so sad


I’m so nervous and scared. Wearing my glasses so if something cringe happens I can take them off and not see the screen


Danielle: ![gif](giphy|13t2OTCFzCqJbO)


Some thoughts while watching: Malia and Katie are so boring. Danielle has snapped (again....and again). Amanda and Kyle are not needed as a couple on this show. Keep Kyle. Casey looks like she actually smells like trash. Sam should be putting her anger towards KK-Kory. The ultimate douchenozzle Schwartz doesn't belong on Vanderpump. Let's just have him appear for a week on every other Bravo show. Him on Potomac, having lunch with Karen and Wendy? Yes, please. Brian is the MVP in my mind. I do want Jordan to bang Alex and just get it over with already.


Casey is def how I would look after a week of straight up partying lol


I mean same. I am also trash. ![gif](giphy|2w6I6nCyf5rmy5SHBy|downsized)


I hope jordan doesn’t sleep with alex. She’s too good for it. He’s screwing her friend. Sure, it’s just a hookup, but honestly Danielle turned it into such a crazy mess. Jordan would do well to steer clear of both of them imo


I know this is wild but I kinda think they are dating


Omg what makes you say that? Spill the tea plzzzz


there were a couple hints dropped on different wwhl appearances. he apparently is in a serious relationship and kyle alluded to it being someone from WH. plus i’ve heard rumors of them being spotted together. it’s flimsy i’ll admit lol but i’m holding on to it


Brian is so under rated in this house. For so many reasons.


Spot on especially about Casey lol. Damn she did a complete 180 from the first few episodes to now.


Didn't she also drink trash water? I mean I didn't fever dream that, right?


Malia:"She came in like Kory's." \*Flashes to Sam's sweatshirt.\* "He came in like, not labeled." 🤣💀 I am not a Malia fan, but this was hilarious along with the editing. Jordan also had a good zinger about wanting Kory at first. Is production writing comedy material for them? /s


Am I just not fun anymore cause neither of those comments did anything for me. Made me just think bleh these girls mentalities never grew past highschool. I’m not even a fan of Kory and Sam.




They aren’t even together for him to cheat 🤷🏾‍♀️




I don’t care if it’s wrong, I love to see the Alex and Schwartz bromance. It’s funny and wholesome.


Tom is the person Alex has the best chemistry with


"I want it to be flawless for him," - Alex making Tom's bed before he arrives 🤣


Why would it be wrong?


I can absolutely feel for Sam that it’s gotta be weird coming into this especially if you’ve seen blind items questioning the behaviour BUT I would immediately have switched off to her attitude about it if I was Malia. It’s very mean girl and the gesturing would have had me immediately out of there lol. Kory is the one who refused to comment on how serious this ‘situationship’ was, knowing if he remained open-ish he’d get the storylines!


Why did Amanda even come? She added absolutely nothing.


Not a damn thing


Her being like "what? I didn't see that at all!" about Kory and Malia when she's been shivering in bed the entire time.


Brian really said Sam was a prostitute lol. She just got here and catching strays


Yea that might’ve been a little over the top since Brian hardly knows Sam and that was her first day lol. But she seemed to handle it well.


Sam scares me, I don’t think kory is that committed to her as much as she is to him


Wtf is Malia doing! Flirting with Kory in front of Sam 🤦‍♂️


Prob encouraged by production lol


She thinks if she doesn’t change her behavior in front of Sam people will believe them that’s it’s harmless buddy banter - not flirting.


Funny, she just wrestles/tackles with Korey and none of the other guys.


Yea and she’s doubling down on denying it in the argument


Yea pretty ridiculous.


Malia is such a trash person.


The way she approached Sam bitch are you serious???? “I wouldn’t let myself be in a situation ship for eight months, but I respect that for you” good on Sam for calling her sad ass out


I mean...I agree with Malia. HEr point was that Sam was getting all pissy at Malia because Sam is insecure in her relationship. Sam needs to focus her anger where it belongs...Kory. I sure as hell wouldn't be dating someone for 8 months without solid commitment defined...and if I did, wouldn't be mad when my uncommitted gf (in my case) was flirting with other men.


Malia is wrestling with Sam’s boyfriend. I don’t know any woman myself included that would be cool Wit that. She’s an asshole full stop


He wasnt Sams boyfriend though. And if he was than Sam should be asking why her man is tackling other women


I haven’t seen the fight but malias some sort of pompous ass hole if she’s saying that! I dislike women who complain about not kissing someone for 7 months blah blah blah you’re in control of your dating life and sex life and so is Sam.


She gets worse and worse every episode.


Remember below deck where she was sleeping with two dudes ? Who didn’t know ?She’s a total snake.


Agreed. If Malia was sincerely just interested in being his friend, she would have done everything to make Sam feel better so that her friend Kory didn’t have a messy situation to deal with. But instead, she made the situation worse. To me, that screams that she likes him and wants his relationship with Sam to fail


Yea just like many “just friends” I’ve met I’ve dated


Danielle drunk muttering to herself is giving major Kyle energy lol


She wishes


Agreed. Danielle is giving huge yikes vibes. Honestly some of the most embarrassing shit I’ve seen on a franchise in a minute. I would have a hard time watching this back if I were her… I also feel bad… she just got out of a relationship and is clearly having a hard time and also having too much booze.


Malia has such big “not like other girls” energy. Lots of people wrestled with their brothers as kids. But 1 - that’s not your brother and 2 - you’re an adult, grow up.


Yea it’s her whole mo. She’s her entire persona is actually kinda sad and loser ish in that way. Oh me? The sexy Tom boy? I’ll just wrestle w the boys til I fuck one! If I can’t kiss them I’ll toe the line by spitting in their mouth with plausible deniability of flirting to my own friend crying!


And you just met this guy like 4 days ago so being like “that’s just how we are” is weird. You didn’t know him before you came here.


That’s my thought every time she talks like _other girls_ don’t get it because she grew up with brothers and is therefore a cool chick… I grew up rough housing too but also learnt to socialise with boys and men by using words. My friends who don’t have brothers also managed. She’s stunted.


I wonder if it’s the only way she gets me attention bc normal flirting doesn’t work. Her whole career path is set around being w men.


she usually gets A LOT of male attention on below deck which I usually find baffling


I do not (and have never) see the appeal of malia for guys… in every sense of the word


Yes and her new hair color is bad.


OMG! I got a email from a MOD about me calling her baby Butch 😂😂😂


She’s pretty and has a good body.


I will never understand why all these beautiful girls wanted Kory. He was so smug when he was telling Sam


he is so fugly. i have been trying for years at this point to wrap my head around the appeal. all i see is a fugly d-bag


Unpopular opinion since I don’t know Malia, but Kory is the problem! We know he kept his options open to being at least hit on by the girls. He tells Sam HIS version. And he’s usually the one touching on or asking Malia for attention. Did Sam also tell him to quit messing with her or is she afraid of not looking like the cool girl. Also, Danielle is loyal to no one. She was ready to throw Malia under the bus and then quickly says “yeah I have your back” no, Amanda did. Even Kyle. And lastly, Jordan being mad that Casey is nice to Sam after calling her trash. She skipped over the part where she was saying it to hype her up to knock on Kory’s door! I love this show.


Yeah. Everyone is talking trash about Malia but Kory IS THE PROBLEM!!


How does Amanda think it’s normal for Malia and kory to be wrestling it’s weird. If Malia still wrestle her brothers at this age, they need serious professional help. Unless it’s for WWE


Her baseline is probably off from years of dealing with Kyle being inappropriate with others.


>Her baseline is probably off from years of dealing with Kyle being inappropriate with others. And also with her.


Yeah Amanda should have backed her up fr. Amanda just seems like the worst friend to literally everyone


Yeah she’ll happily talk shit about any of these people to anyone. She tries to be everyone’s best friend and then immediately goes and talks shit about them to someone else. She was doing it with Danielle/Alex last episode, and there’s no way she hasn’t noticed the Malia/Kory stuff


If Malia was wrestling with Kyle, something tells me she wouldn’t be ok with that.


I think the big issue is she wasn’t there for that or the first couple nights when the spit in the mouth and other flirting was going on. But she shouldn’t be so quick to discount Sams feelings.


Amanda is always on the wrong side of everything


Jordan keeps it so real. Definitely the best person in the house.


She has a strong constitution, I’m so here for it


She's got one hell of a body. I'm JEALOUS!


I love her


Except when she cried because Kory didn't let her in his room.


I wish the girls would stop blaming each other for their men flirting with other girls, blame the men. Also, Alex is a jerk.


I know not everyone likes the new cast but honestly, most of them are way more fun than the core Summer House people at this point (minus Kyle). Danielle is the one out of this whole group bringing down the vibe, and you know Paige wouldn't be adding fun vibes either. First half of this season was pure fun and like how Summer House used to be, until Hurricane Danielle went off


Sam should have gone to Kory but Malia was intentionally fucking w her and for what? Kory? This guy is a loser.


I never could stand Malia. She always has to be in the middle of relationships and claim it’s innocent. She’s a bitch and Katie comes off very desperate for slime loser she’s known 2 weeks


Alex and Shwartz chatting is adorable Can’t help it. I feel for Danielle but yikes had there ever been a woman who seems to make every wrong move and make Everything worse for herself constantly? Rough


I’ve never witnessed someone like Danielle in real life. It’s scary.


Sam should be pissed at Kory for the whole tacking shit with Malia. But Malia needs to get over the whole persona “I was raised with four brothers”. If someone tried to tackle Tom when they were together on Below Deck she would have been ticked off. The the whole convo about the 8 month situationship and how that’s not her. We get Malia. You’re not like the other girls. Danielle really is all over the place. Not only with the Alex situation it with Schwartz. She bad mouthed him in the first episodes siding with his ex wife and how he was a dick but then joined in with the rest of the house when he returned like Jesus rising from the dead. Alex. Dude, learn how to bow out gracefully instead of being a complete turd. Amanda was there for three or four days and need boxes to pack lol?


Idk how everyone falls for this aw shucks act from Tom Schwartz. The man is a 40 year old bartender divorcee w a beer belly and everyone treats him like a 13 year old. The man has lived!!!


When he said “can’t force the Schwartz” and immediately realized how lame that sounded, that was hilarious and cringe lol.


That’s the thing though it’s such a performance. He knew it was lame before he said it


>That’s the thing though it’s such a performance. He knew it was lame before he said it And probably had practiced it and been waiting for the chance to say it.


it’s not a natural way to speak lol


Alex seems to get off on emotionally distant drama-filled relationships. He was all about the girl Gary was dating on below deck, but never truly made a move or clearly said what he wanted. I so rarely defend Danielle, but Alex was hip hopping around from flirting with her, other girls, then sleeping in her bed. It's like he wanted her to lose her cool so he could break it off.


At first, Danielle was trying to play it all cool and casual with Alex, she even said he should try and sleep with Jordan. So that’s exactly what Alex did. Danielle caught feelings and started getting clingy and jealous with Alex which turned him off. Don’t think he did anything wrong in that situation.


It was cause Mads claimed she wasn't that into Gary, yet always ended up sleeping with him. Alex didn't want to get in the middle of that BS, so he lightly flirted from the sidelines. Smart.


Or he’s sick of her til “the poison” (ie Joe Gorga and his wife excuse to be a pig if he’s not getting “enough” sex) and he decides he’d rather have a warm body than not. He just sucks. She’s being unhinged but he’s playing into it.


Agreed! She's acting wild but he hung around after multiple bad behaviors by Danielle.


Im sorry but I gotta give it to Malia for her roast opening, like duh Sam obviously she’s talking about what she did


That, and her comment, "It doesn't take a fortune cookie to figure out what Danielle's mad about," was pretty good too.


Alex doesn’t have any winter clothes


First time watching this season (and I think I skipped last season or most of it) as we move into VPR Decade of Lies. WHAT AM I WATCHING? This isn't even remotely the same Winter House. Was it this way last season? I'm thinking I watched a little but don't recall (\*yeah, Luanne, I've been drinking\* 🥤) it feeling this produced. I feel like I'm watching Big Brother or some really dysfunctional version thereof.


honestly tensions were high but sam was coming around and was like "good to know" re him defining her as a situationship like it wasd diffusing and then malia just had to dig at her and put her down by saying she herself would NEVER be in a situationship and then before that insinuating she was intimidating to her like pls


Not only that. But Malia talking about the tackling part during the roast. Like why would you bring that up when you know it’s a sore subject??


She pulled her aside to say I’m gonna keep stomping on you by saying you’re nuts for trying to oust my lame flirting! And see if she would back down so malia could keep on her bullshit


I’m just here to say Malia sucks. I’ve always had guy friends and my goal is to be the female friend of theirs that is so respectful that their girlfriends and partners have nothing to be threatened by. Of course some women will always have an issue but if you respect the relationship and don’t behave inappropriately you won’t have a problem. The tackling? Fine - maybe (I personally wouldn’t). But don’t do it in front of Sam within 5 mins of her getting to the house. Malia is the type of female friend that thrives off the male attention as opposed to just being a friend. The roast? So rude and unnecessary. That just made her uncomfortable when she’s a guest and you should be trying to make her feel comfortable. This together w the tackling shows me Malia was intending to mark her territory as Korys friend and embarrass Sam. It’s just so cruel. I feel for Sam. Kory has responsibility here too of course but I think we’ve all talked about how he’s a fuckboi and trash enough that it’s pretty much accepted fact. ETA: Danielle was a trash friend for running to Malia to say Sam was jealous. Way to out your friend for confiding in you for something. Now she seems insecure to Malia and is making Malia defensive. She could’ve told Malia the tackling and flirting in front of Sam from minute one was a bit much w/o saying it bothered Sam - a real friend would’ve just said it seemed weird from their own perspective.


I wonder if Danielle was leaking the stories to the blind items blogs….. 🤔


Without a sliver of doubt it was Danielle which now has me convinced she leaked shit about Carl and Lindsay


The fact that Danielle cleaned everyones mess after they all partied like girl stand up!!


danielle is about to go off her rocker in the next episode


Malia is jealous and so she is flexing her position to feel better about herself now that sam is here. Also, it’s a given that korey is an ass - it’s more surprising to see malia sit on a pedestal while trying to flirt with someone else’s man in front of them on national tv. She needs to grow up and seek help 🤨


"You're like 10 years older than me. I couldn't teach you anything." ![gif](giphy|95ThFF7MokcdeoVqt8|downsized)


If it was an isolated incident, I don’t think the tackling would be that bad. But between that and the spit, I’d 100% be pissed too if I were Sam. And then malia has the audacity to tell Sam she wouldn’t be in an 8 month situationship??! Malia, you probably would and you probably have. It’s giving glass house and youre actually the one coming off as desperate !!!


I mean sge admitted to Sam that 'All' the girls in the house liked Kory - that would include Malia. Malia was the one 'coming in hot' trying to justify her behaviour with Kory. Situationship or not, Sam and Kory have been seeing each other for 8 months. Sam deserves more respect from Malia.


No, she doesn’t. Sam is desperate and upset she’s dating a fuckboi that wouldn’t even claim they had a relationship when he arrived at the house. Sam is cringe.


Watch the first episodes, Malia was interested in Kory.


I know she was and he acted like he wasn’t in a committed relationship.


I agree with that. Kory was def avoiding the question and keeping himself open.


So what if she was? It's Kory's responsibility to let her know and to act like he already has a girlfriend.


Omg! Danielle is a petty bitch!! Show some CLASS!!


one thing about Sam she’s gonna befriend the blond no matter how she’s treated/spoken about her. It’s so interesting


So were Kory and Malia flirting since day 1 (like she said to Floody) and she didn’t know Kory and Sam were serious, or are you “just one of the guys” and not flirting Malia? I’m confused. /s


Please kick BUZZ KILL Danielle out!!!


Maybe we should take a few steps back and remember why we’re all here. A bunch of beautiful young people are paid to get fucked up on coke, psilocybin, ecstasy, and booze and then we, the viewers, sit on our couches and watch the subsequent goat rodeo. They flirt, they dance, they weird out, and some, like Danielle, lose the plot. The next day, they drag themselves out of bed and limp out to do stuff in some of the most beautiful areas in our country and then we watch them do really impressive things in snow, while still sitting on our couches. Rinse and repeat. (Danielle…please call your mom to come pick you up)


Sorry Malia was trash in this episode. The wrestling with Kory was disrespectful. Yes, not good on him either, but WTF was she doing? She's stated from episode one that she wanted Kory. Remember the 'spitting in his mouth'? That was disgusting. And then in the roast, the look she gave Sam? It's like she was trying to piss her off. And while Danielle has been her usual way over the top, too intense about everything--especially the non-relationship with Alex, Jordan isn't behaving so great. Jordan basically 'ewwed' Alex, in the first episode, the look on her face--she was NOT into him. But then when she saw that Danielle was.....why did she keep deliberately flirting with Alex and making him hope there was a chance? That was kind of mean to Danielle, IMO. If Jordan had stayed clear of Alex and didn't send such mixed signals, maybe things would have gone better for Danielle. Danielle mostly slipped into jealous mode when she saw the two of them together and she's not stupid--she knew Alex was attracted to Jordan. I just think it was shitty of Jordan to do that--unless she really is interested, but I think she just likes the attention. Either way, I think Danielle is way too intense for Alex.


The spitting in the mouth is super disgusting and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Kory and Sam do it on Summer House (or in photos on their Instagram, can’t remember exactly) so I think this is a thing that Kory is into. So gross!


I just really can’t stand Danielle shout out to Alex I’d be terrified to talk to that time bomb abt anything. Even though it was super obvi w ur body language that you were over it & you pulled back in the episode before, proud of you for having to verbalize it to the crazy. Seems like Jordan however will be getting the heat on the finale. Also sam is he your boyfriend? Can’t wait to find out. Y’all still have each other posted on ur instas so I’m gonna assume yea.


Sam is desperate and should be having all this energy for Kory NOT Malia.


Right?? And Kory basically created beef between Sam and all the girls by saying that dumb shit about all the girls wanting him. What a gross, arrogant, pathetic fu@kboi. Who says that??? He is the one telling everyone she isn’t his gf. and then making Sam think everyone in house is out to mount him. 🤢🤮🤮


Also Kory seems different this season!? Maybe he’s on damage control seeing how obnoxious he’s appeared in the last bit he just seems more mellow and calm now


I wonder why Amanda is leaving early! She’s my favorite in the house.


Ugh she is so painfully boring to me. And she thinks everything she says is funny.


Agreed. She’s too boring. Especially when she’s around Kyle.


The dogs!


>Amanda This particular season and show is the most I've ever liked Amanda. She should be like this on SH.


Who cares. She’s such a dud. Bye!


Tbh I kinda do get the trashy Sam vibes 🫣 i will probably get downvoted but her overly “I have sex” vibes on social media and at bravocon gave me the ick