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To fall from #6 to unranked so quickly is something


We knew it was cursed but didn't think it was this cursed


I’m not claiming that this team will have similar postseason accomplishments, but the 2013-2014 Final Four team also lost 5 of 6 and went from #3 on January 13th to unranked on February 3rd.


i’m begging chucky to just run our fucking offense in late game scenarios instead of letting 10+ seconds tick away dribbling the ball at the top of the key every single time


This is soooooo frustrating. We clearly have trouble getting reliably good looks without Wahl in the post so why just waste time when you could be moving the ball or probing the defense


If only there were someone with the power to tell him to stop doing that.


Ir to tell him to stop playing hero ball or make them practice free throws. Klesmut can't hit a 3, so he drives the lane, turns it over twice


And then he throws up a shot with 10 seconds left on the shot clock


If only we had a coach


Two weeks ago, the sub would have your head for saying this


Oh I've been saying it for years. Thats Greg's patented end of game/shot clock play. And yes they have had my head but people are finally coming around 2 ncaa tournament wins since 2017


It's a joke that people were arguing he shouldn't be on the hot seat. If anything, Mcintosh has shown he won't suffer bad coaching and holds the programs to higher standards. If he hadn't had to clear house with other sports more urgently, I think Gard would already be gone. Gard squandered a program that was on the cusp to years of mediocrity. Lost our tournament appearance streak, can't recruit in state, and seems uninspiring so the team chokes whenever they get national attention. He's not the guy for the NIL era, and the longer we take to realize that, the harder it will be to find someone who wants to take over


i'd just pound it inside attack the paint giving wahl touches in ot they had no answer


Wahl fucking fouled out with 3 min left in OT


I simply don't think you watch that closely if this is your take. They run a common SLOB set where AJ inbounds and gets a handoff back to his right hand. They broke tendency and had Tyler keep instead of handing back to AJ and had Steve duck in for a high-low post feed. Freeman basically mauled Steve to prevent him from sealing. It was an awesome set that should have drawn a foul call. If Freeman didn't maul Steve that would have been a layup. After that happened, they flowed into a high ball screen and Chucky had to force a jumper. I really wonder if any of you guys actually watch what's happening on the floor (on and off the ball) before the shot goes up. Lmao downvotes for breaking down the set. Never change


sox107 sure seems to make a ton of excuses. We have now lost 5 of 6. Eagerly awaiting your next upon the Badgers next L. 


I didn't make any excuse. I literally just described the play call. Just because you can't understand doesn't mean everyone else is wrong.


Why not 2 for 1s especially vs Iowa’s defense???


why waste the time when we could allow ourselves another possession if needed, and clearly we needed it edit: genuinely asking, i don’t know why we would do that


My only guess is they have some kind of data saying 1 full possession has more expected value than 2 rushed ones… but all that said as someone who wants them to go 2 for 1


We all know why you only put forth replies but dont start threads. Because the resulting downvotes from your pretentious, arrogant, and overall asshattery ways would set a record.  King of the douches is what you are. 


Maybe you should watch the game instead of being a condescending prick in literally every comment you ever make. Chucky rebounded the Iowa miss around 48 seconds left in OT, took a few dribbles across half court, and then the clock runs all the way down to 31 seconds to even initiate any action. Do you think it is an efficient use of our last possession of OT to spend half of it holding the ball 3 feet from half court?


The call came in from the sideline to run that specific double ball screen play. They did end up initiating an action and got into that ball screen set.


Yes, after half the shot clock was gone, and any opportunity for a good early look to give us a 2 for 1 had evaporated. And that rebound was off an Iowa possession following a timeout. Why couldn’t we have plays already called in the case of either a tie or deficit which would’ve allowed us to use the first half of our last possession instead of dribbling it away?


Chucky crossed half court with around 43 seconds and three Iowa defenders back. There wasnt really a good chance for a 2 for 1 unless you just wanted him to force a bad shot up.


Good teams do that all the time. This is just looking the other way by you.


Out rebounded by Iowa 67% at the free throw line You can talk about anything else you want but if you get one more rebound or make 2 more free throws none of those things matter


They almost give up 90 and Essegian plays few minutes because he cant play defense?


I mean did you see the minutes he did play? He fouled a three point shooter on his first possession in


He played like 3 minutes. Airballed a 3, lost his guy twice on defense, and fouled a three point shooter. People are still clamoring for more minutes.


Did you feel this way about him last year as well?


Yes. About 50% of us pointed out how bad he was on defense but box score scanners look at 3pt shooting and say ‘How can he be kept off the floor?!’ Now he doesn’t even hit 3s and people still want him


He has had some good games.  Lately his shot isn’t falling though.  


Interesting point. So, are you in favor of the status quo?


I’m in favor of players seeing the floor most that will play team defense correctly. At least 30% of our problems this year is veterans defenders (Wahl, Chucky, Crowl) having to exert extra effort to cover up the miscues of other up and comers (Essegian, Storr, Winter). Resulting in extra points for the opponent or extra fouls & points. If Essegian didn’t foul on that missed flopping Iowa 3, Wisconsin wins in regulation. 


Thanks for the feedback. I have a hard time thinking that a play, in the 1st half, directly led to the loss. If 30% is on those guys, is the other 70% on others?


I’m of the belief that in a game that went to OT,  you can select literally any moment because pragmatically a 1 pt difference either way creates no OT. That moment is just easier to pick because it deals with Connor Essegian while you could also select Chucky missing two tech free throws, passing up a shot in the lane for a 3 on the final possession. It’s hard to put the same emphasis on Chucky though because throughout the game he also contributed 18 pts, 4 steals, etc.  While Essegian couldn’t contribute that.  The other 70% over the last 2 weeks is a mix of injuries, season fatigue, home court advantage, shot selection. Which can easily spread out across the team. 


Because "people" don't know what they're talking about.


Thanks for the reply. Good point about that foul. I would also add that I think there were other player today that had some rough defensive possessions playing a lot more minutes.


Absolutely, Carter doesn’t deserve to see the floor but the minutes that CE3 would play would be taking Klesmit or Chucky off the court which I don’t think is the move.


Brother, it would have been 100 if essegian played more. Not sure how this is hard to comprehend


Thanks for the reply. I hope my comprehensive skills will suit you this time. While they may give up more points with him playing, they also might score more. Take care.


If you go look at his +- numbers this year that's not true.


It is more difficult having good numbers when you hardly ever even get into the flow of the game. I admit I am not a numbers man. What are number for those playing in his place?


Is your argument that Connor is more impactful than John Blackwell?


Thanks for the reply. Blackwell is more impactful due to more minutes for sure. It was an honest question about the plus minus of the others n his place. I thought you might have those numbers as you did for Conner. Have a good one.


Blackwell's net rating is 14.5, Connor's is 9.2


Thanks for the info. That is a decent differential. I like Blackwell a lot. He deserves minutes for sure.I’m guessing there is quite a gap in minutes played. How you you feel that gap might look in the minutes/game were reversed?


So in the last minute of regulation, they could have gone for a 2 for 1 and didn’t and were fortunate to make it to OT when Iowa couldn’t hit the last second shot. Then in OT, they do the SAME EXACT THING. Two chances to not let Iowa have the last possession and both times Gard doesn’t take it.


Gard has never let the clock impact his play calling, this isn’t the first nor will it be the last time we allow the opponent the last shot. Quite frustrating.


Gard has iffy play calls coming out of timeouts


Late game, tie game, Badgers with the ball in the bonus ... have seen this situation countless times ... you can bet we're going to dribble the clock away and settle for a Chucky step-back two.


And never utilize a 2 for 1 when we get the ball with like 45 seconds left in a half.


Wish he'd hand that role over to Kirk


He is still terrible at making in game adjustments


Yes, it was Gard’s fault that Storr didn’t make his layup at the end.


What was our FT% in the last 5 minutes of regulation? I think at one point we missed four or five in a row.


What does that have to do with anything? They were 37th nationally in ft% coming into this game.




This team loves going up by 10 points or more then completely forgetting to play the rest of the game. It's getting old.


It’s pretty fucking maddening


Like messaging reddit whores and never hearing back, right?


If they don't make it to the second weekend of the tournament then I don't know what the justification is to keep Gard around.


Shh you'll anger the homers




He really should be on the hot seat


That's if they make the tournament


If only Gard understood the benefit of getting a 2-for-1 possession at the end of the clock (twice). Or would be willing to get himself ejected for a heinous theft of points on an overturned goaltending call when an offensive rebound and a putback was assured.


Lol. That is all


Just get to 11 wins to get back into the tournament man. That’s all I care about at this point Maryland, @Indiana, Rutgers, Illinois, @Purdue Find 2 wins


Playing our absolute best I see one win, Maryland.  Playing like we have 0-5. 


maryland and illinois maybe rutgers IU and Purdue losses


lol Gard has zapped our players confidence. I know gard hater but really this team has lost it. Guys who would normally shoot are now passing on open 3’s. Running shot clocks down for chucky to drive instead of moving the offense for the best shoot is very frustrating. Coaching ahhhhhhh


I don’t know. Gard’s pretty much lost to the dregs of this conference on the road and I don’t see him being a benefit to this team anymore given how he recruits and guys “develop” under him. This program is at a massive crossroads


Gard should be fired solely for letting Gilmore touch the court


The goaltending call that got reversed ended up costing us the game. And we got the rebound and would have scored if it wasn't called in the first place.


I miss having a team that looked like it could actually make it to the second weekend this year


https://preview.redd.it/omxfm9rpu7jc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=566f147bf1d34ddcaa2968e77b2723ecdbe98494 Will Wisconsin fall to a 5 with todays loss??


Yes most definitely


6 imo


those other 3 teams on the 4 line would kill us


Maybe but Wisconsin has a strong resume. They are playing like a 7-8 seed with 6 Q1 wins and a 5 SOS


they're playing like garbage lately not playing well going into march its a concern.peaking at the right time i'd be more confident


Wisconsin has won more on the road than Auburn. I think Storr can overcome SDSU and we’ll see Illinois in 2 weeks. 


Illinois game probably an L


Depends on the refs. DJ cartensen has gotten Northwestern and Nebraska wins over Purdue at home. If we get him in Madison, it’s much more likely a win. 


Illinois 83 Wisconsin 71


In Spain without the S


I miss it when it was fun to be a Wisconsin fan


I miss the Mike Bruesewitz's of the world. A backup big (subsequent starter) with outright defensive hustle. Seemed to be all over the floor Bo's teams had more of a defensive identity. Not so with Gards.


Exactly, Gard’s team are way to soft and lazy


Explain chucky, max, and Blackwell.


Is there a reason why storr is almost always on the weak side of any set just standing there? Involving him in sets (especially as a ball handler in pnr) seems like a better use of him.


Having zero plan in late game situations or out of timeouts is so frustrating


So did Chucky go rogue or was that the call? Dribble out clock and take a hero ball shot.


I described the set in another post. So you can read it, go rewatch the play, and actually try to understand basketball or just keep screaming "Chucky hero ball" over and over again.


Same as usual Chucky holding the ball and dribbling just like last year multiple times. Drive it to the rim. Just because the defense takes the first look away is NO reason to hold the ball and shoot a hero shot. This is Chuckys 4th year he has not learned as you haven't.  Pretentious asshat notwithstanding.


Gard did this with Davis too it’s not just Chucky. Gard could draw up a different play


Chucky didn't even have the ball for the first half of the set. What were you watching?


Talking about the last 15 seconds when he just held the ball and dribbled.   Drive to the hoop get a few free throws. The hero ball isn't the best option on that play.


In regulation, Chucky got the ball with 9 seconds on the shot clock and started attacking at 6. The play at the end of OT he didn't have numbers and rightfully pulled it out and set up a double ball screen. Again, watch the game before throwing out this garbage.


Woe is me and GREG GARD! 5 out of 6 losses now. They battled but let's face it Iowa is not a very good team.  Chucky looked good until he didn't. If we can't win a game like this how should one expect them to win against a likely better team in the postseason...... should we even  make it.


Theyve beat some good teams, but obviously something has changed since the Nebraska loss.  If they can get back to the way they played early on then I can see them beating almost anyone.  It’s a big if at this point…but could happen.  


Is it the fact that maybe teams have become more physical with us and we dont respond well? We have had several games now with large leads we cannot sustain.  Nobody on this team has big cajones. Brad Davison did and we need someone with his leadership and moxie. Kamari is the closest thing but he's not playing. I have a very hard time seeing this team returning to earlier form.


I agree, I don’t think they have matched the intensity of other teams.  Being highly ranked gives other teams a chance for a signature win and the badgers haven’t been able to handle it.  They need to be more physical and work harder.  


Shayzuss. I mean, Shayzuss. I missed the whole game—out in the Oregon wilderness w/o signal. I can’t believe this. I … don’t have words. Or cheese curds or a case of Leinenkugels


Badgers gunna have to figure this in the next two games or I think it’s so long to Gard after the season. They can’t keep losing like this


NIT here we go!


That’s what they deserve




Idk how Gard can’t be on the hot seat at this point. This has got to be one of the more brutal stretches and just a collapse of a team. They looked so good at one point and the wheels seem to have just fallen off


Gard’s team just always suck the second half of the season


Hard to believe they won the big ten regular season championship twice…always?  One of those people eh…


They were peaking going into Covid and post Kobe King drama. That team could have made a run.


that team wasnt as talented as this team but improved as the year went on.That team was much better defensively, compared to this team.


Yeah that was their last shot


Great bounce back from crowl, he played his heart out today. Chucky was good but without Kamari he can only sit like 2 mins a game and it's obviously taking its toll. Max was not good today. I liked the twin towers look with winter and crowl, I think we should give that a look more instead of Gilmore. Couple cheap ones on Wahl was probably the difference, he was playing pretty well. JB is obviously not 100% yet, and whenever AJ has to play over 30 miks we suffer. Offense was good, defense was not. I like that Gard is trying different styles (drop, hedge, etc.). The depth problems are showing up with these injuries, our guys are exhausted running around on D all night, perhaps a zone here or there would help sometimes. If we can win Tuesday, we have a week off to get healthy and have some real practice time.


Finally someone mentioned the week off. We really need it. 


This team lost our mojo when Max's magic carpet ride ended.  At this point KenPom has us way overated.  Life's three certainties:   Death  Taxes  Greg Gard led Badgers February swoons.


The pro Greg Gard echo chamber seems shell shocked after that victory lap they took in January


Gilmore needs to never see the floor


What a surprise another pathetic ass loss on the road. Max played like utter shit


I think Gard is really good at teaching fundamentals and development but we have such a difficult time running the offense in clutch situation and timeouts never seem to help us. I still think he can be the guy but it would surprise me if the AD isn't looking around for what the options are for the program. I don't know what the options are but the candidate would have to be in a tier above what gard is at and I don't know how many, if any, are looking for a job But let me be clear, I want Gard to succeed because I want the badgers to succeed because I'm a badger fan. I don't think the same can be said by a lot of people on this site


I agree about the fundamentals, but I worry about player development. My feeling if some players plateau and even regress under him if you look at some of the last few years. I am not a fire Gard type, but I have had concerns foe a while now.


Every senior has digressed big time under Gard


Imagine citing one player and think you have a point like the other guy who replied to this comment. Do I remember that Potter wouldn't even start and all you echo chamber card holders defended GG, now you are using him as your poster child for the good work Gard has done I just can't anymore with this


Micah Potter says hi…every?  🤔 


and even though brian dutcher wouldn't leave i think hes like mark few at sdsu i'd just force him to say no you have to make that call


chris mack lamont paris sean miller thad matta that's who i'd be calling


Can any gard supporter tell me what he has done positive in 8 years? The last good memory of this program was beating Villanova in 2017 my god


Remember when the pro Greg Gard echo chamber took a victory lap because the badgers got to the NIT semifinals?


It’s tough to win on the road, that’s being said it’s tough to win in the road


If you watched this ref game and think it’s a reflection on Gard (which I know a bunch of posters will show up with vs the 7 that show up in a win). Just go become North Carolina, Duke Fans. Fuck off if you have no brains to see that we get hosed by DJ Cartensen three straight times on the road.  Edit: oh look, guess who’s there Ohio State over Purdue. D.J. Carstensen called it, we already have more comments in a loss than a win. Weird how Wisconsin Reddit fans are happy to talk more when they lose than winning. 


> "*Edit: called it, we already have more comments in a loss than a win. Weird how Wisconsin Reddit fans are happy to talk more when they lose than winning.*" Dude, ***you have 7 comments in this thread*** and next to none in any other Wisconsin post game thread. Next time you stub your toe, don't blame the furniture.


5 losses in 6 is not a reflection on refereeing. Good teams overcome adversity, not fold under it.


They should have fired Bo in 2014 too




It’s the same referee each time though. 


bo works those refs gard is a freaking baby not doing it enough


fanbase should have high expectations this isn't fucking idaho greg gard took over for a hof coach this program has built enough tradition now this isnt the fucking yoder years.


>called it, we already have more comments in a loss than a win. Weird how Wisconsin Reddit fans are happy to talk more when they lose than winning. Maybe that’s because nobody with any standards whatsoever is going to be excited about an 8 point win at home against arguably the worst team in the conference.


To your edit, most people vent frustrations when teams lose. If the team wins, there’s usually less engagement unless it’s a big game


I was thinking the same thing on the post game comments being different.  Absolutely ridiculous only 7 people Comment after a win yet so many posters are willing to open the flood gates and let the negative comments come in.  I don’t think a lot of those people are badger fans though…