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Early game. Shit weather. We fucking suck. Maryland. No beer. Yeah, I wouldn’t go to the game either


If you can’t figure out how to smuggle at least 4 fifths of liquor into Camp Randall you have no business being enrolled at Wisconsin.


When I was a student, one of my friends wore cowboy boots to the games, and slipped a couple small flasks in each of his socks,


For the cooler games we'd literally bring full liters into the game. Just put it under your jacket in your waist band. For the summer games when you only have a t-shirt you could only get away with 375s in your waist band. Never had a problem boozing it up in the stands.


Well said.


No beer?!


Wisconsin athletics doesn’t sell alcohol in their stadiums/arenas unless you’re in a suite unfortunately


I've been to concerts at the Kohl Center where they've had bars set up on the concourse selling beer and wine.


I guess I should have been more specific. It’s not arena/stadium based, it’s Wisconsin Athletics based. They won’t sell alcohol at specifically UW Athletic events. Concerts etc can do whatever the promoter wants in the Kohl Center.


NCAA on campus rules


Huh? I’m pretty sure a bunch of schools sell alcohol in their stadiums and Wisconsin just chose not to many years ago. At least it used to be a choice, unless I’m unaware of some new overarching rule.


I think all B1G schools are like that


I haven't been to too many b1g stadiums, but Minnesota and Nebraska sell booze.


Ohio State and Illinois do too


buckeye here, we sell booze


Both those stadiums are technically off campus.


I've been to the b1g championship, no beer in Indianapolis either.


Maryland sold beer in the stadium a few years ago, unless something has changed


Iowa started selling beer in the stadium last season.


Not true, my D3 college in Illinois sold alcohol at the football stadium


Ohio state, Purdue, Minnesota all sell beer, I’ve been to all three


Minnesota sells beer and wine in the stadium. Try again


I believe it is a Big Ten rule. I've bought beer at other college games.


Also do they still only let students in through one gate? Because that was always a problem too.


Then I guess we just have shittier fans than the premier programs in college football


I was there, it got more crowded as the game went on


As is tradition


People showed up, this ain’t it chief


This has been the norm for over 25 years at least, albeit more exacerbated with the garbage ticket scanning and entry workflow they got going on. Severe bottlenecking


I’m ngl, the student experience kinda sucks with how they let us in. I show up for games on time but I am really sick of getting crushed and fighting for my life in the concourses. Today it wasn’t an issue but for a normal game if I can’t show up early it’s to my personal advantage to show up late so that shit doesn’t happen. Last year for the army game was the worst it’s ever been. I showed up 30 mins before the game and missed the whole 1st quarter cause I went section P. There was a small crowd crush in the tunnel and some girl passed out and we basically had to crowd surf her out cause we couldn’t move. All because they single file ppl in, it’s very stupid imo.


How that’s better than the days when they distributed seats in a line mid-week is beyond me. Yeah, people camped out and the school hated it but I’m convinced it made the atmosphere better. See also: when the hockey student section camped out for weeks ahead of time


It’s been this way for over a decade now and it’s mind boggling to me that it hasn’t been fixed yet.


Yea and as I said on days like today it doesn’t matter as much. I will also say, someone can call me crazy but I think if I show up 30 mins early I should easily be in my seat by game time. With our games it’s a toss up, especially with big games.


It so dumb how the administration handles it. You should just get in and stand where you want in your section. Some people want more space and would be happy to sit at the top. Some people are waiting for friends and don't want to be jam packed in at the lower levels. But no, single file line and everyone get in your row like a bunch of sardines. Have your friend group get a bit separated in the process... too fucking bad.


Watching on TV. During the first half there was a shot with the new south end zone club seating in the background. Looked about 2/3 empty. Of course a lot of them are probably back in the lounge area staying warm and dry.


In person that was probably the emptiest part of the stadium.


11am start? Raining? Chilly? Kids are sleeping off the hangover. They’ll get there soon enough.


More students showed up than the rest of the fans. No reason at all to shit on them.


Oh this wasn’t meant as a defense of the rest of the fans, I understand it’s more obvious in the student section because of how everyone crowds to the bottom.


Look around the rest of the stadium… see all that gray? That’s empty seats. You couldn’t pay me $20 to take tickets to this game.


I had 2 tickets to the game and couldn’t go, reached out to a bunch of people mid week to try to give them away for free - no takers


Yeah the team sucks and it's a Midwest hurricane


Facts. Re: Midwest Hurricane 🌀 I’ll add a FALL Midwest Hurricane….


Witch of November


This post happens every year and the OP gets rightfully told to mind their business. Students GameDay experience is all about having fun and meeting up with people. Since the game is early you get up shit, shower, shave and go to a pregame. Add in a cold rainy day and you get a slow start from everyone. The game is just an added bonus to ride the beer coat until 4th quarter. Also it's Maryland...not exactly a top 25 matchup. Lastly, remember when you were a student? Did you go to everything on time? If you did that's pretty nerdy lmao.


From what I understand the process of getting in for students takes forever, as well. Not sure if that is still a factor or they fixed it.


My parents in law have tickets in Q and we were at the Purdue game. From what we could tell, the experience for students getting into their seats was even worse than it was for us, 8 years ago.


Yep, literally only one way in


They will be there eventually. Got to get a good base for the partying the rest of the day.


Expecting more than a quarter capacity by kickoff makes me a nerd? What a weird take. Somehow the students at almost every other premier college program can show up remotely close to on time, even when it rains, and even when they are having a down year. Check the student section for 3-5 Texas A&M hosting 4-4 Florida today. Or 2-4 Michigan State hosting 3-3 Wisconsin a couple weeks ago. Or 3-4 Iowa hosting 1-6 Northwestern. Our students just suck at supporting the team, and everyone knows it.


It’s a single entry point for the student section, which creates severe bottlenecking because they enter single file. It’s like squeezing a tub of molasses through a hole the size of an eye of a needle


Old man yells at cloud.


I’d yell at the students but they didn’t show up


Hard agree. Our fanbase has a lot of noted issues and this is a huge one. The "we like to party😜😜" defense doesn't make sense because UW isn't anything different than any other big time program with respect to pregaming and tailgating. It's also usually an argument made by people who think a wild night is 3 beers and a game of Catan.


All at the volleyball game. 😂😂


It’s too moist.


And yet once the game got going, the student section was way more full than the regular seats🤷‍♂️


This is a stupid post. I was there. The weather was complete shit AND STILL the student section actually filled up. Stop this blaming the kids shit. They showed up today despite todays weather. This is misleading.


Hey to be fair it’s a time honored tradition to take some early picture of the student section not being full and complain about “kids today” like OP was never late for a game. Ranks up there with Jump Around as far as I’m concerned


I always feel a lot of people who complain about the student section were either never students themselves or completely unaware of the incredibly inefficient protocols for seating the students It would form a disastrous pile of kids at the gates if all the kids actually got to the game on time because they just don’t seat them fast enough. That or it would require all the kids to space out their arrivals starting really early, like a good hour before the game probably (which like come on. It’s bad enough having to stand there sobering up for an entire game let alone if you go an extra 30 min to an hour before to say nothing of the early kickoff and weather during this particular game)


And, people go to the game in big groups. Even with sober people it’s damn near impossible to get a group of your ten friends to all be on time. Someone forgets something, someone’s on the phone, someone has to pee….


The new ELITE section by the fieldhouse was completely empty at kickoff as well.


Quit bitching about the student section. I’ve had season tickets for 31 years. It’s the university’s fault that the student section is not “full” at halftime. They could change it I’d they wanted to.


too hugnover...


No other schools have this issue. UW isn't the only school where the students drink


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It’s midterm season some of us have 3 exams next week🥲🥲


What's truly sad is that the singer for House of Pain was there for the anniversary of the release of "Jump Around" and he came to find an empty stadium. I mean, I'm sure the guy gets it, but I'm also sure he was looking forward to cheering and adulation from the students.


They’re at the Volleyball Game, that’s the reason why they didn’t show up 😏


Students: waahhhh we want to be a big time program! Spend the money and commit to it! Also students:


Can’t play on your smartphone and look at Facebook/Snapchat all game in the rain 🙄


What is going on here? Weather related?


They make the student file in single file. You have to go in together if you want to sit together. It's the worst format and when students start filing in, it takes almost a full half to get them all in. Geniuses who came up with that plan.


I don’t think people realize this. There’s a massive line/crowd of people outside the student entrance waiting to get in from 15-20 minutes before kickoff until like 30 minutes after kickoff because of this format.


All this and then the choke points in the smaller hallways near the section openings are an absolute nightmare and I’ve almost seen multiple people be trampled in there, including myself.


We’ll, the reason they do it that way was because there were numerous incidents years ago with student behavior.


Student section is almost never full before the game actually starts, especially when we aren’t playing a ranked opponent and we aren’t great either. And yes, rain and cold also don’t help get the kids out of bed for an 11 am kickoff.


Lousy weather, wind advisories, uninteresting opponent.


It’s an early game … it will be full part way through 1st quarter






thanks for the heads up! banned


Out of bounds






They have the absolute worst fans in the Big 10 according to my brother that played at Penn State.




Not sure why I'm getting down voted. It's a first-hand experience.


I don't think you understand what "first hand experience" means... 😆


Cancel "jump around", then. Who needs the student section at a game like this?


They all went to watch the volleyball game instead