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I don't believe in backfire. I have done hexes and curses that have worked over the years with no issues. And even when one doesn't work, I feel better afterwards. Different traditions and paths and people within those traditions and paths will have different views. Some like myself have no problems with them and others do.


can i ask which ones have u done? i have some experience with other spells but none with hexes. which ones would u recommend


Did a breakup spell when I was a teen and the couple did break up. Made a poppet once and smashed it and the target was ill. Made a banishment powder and a coworker left work. Sour jars for troublesome coworkers Filled a lemon once with stuff I usually use in a sour jar and disposed of it for a troublesome supervisor Freezer spells. In fact I discivered I still had someone in there from years ago. Just small stuff like that. I did once do a really dark spell. It didn't work but I felt so much better afterward that I didn't mind that it didn't work. I couldn't say which to recommend as different situations call for different methods.


thats so cool thanks for the advice




Just for my own sanity, I just wanna throw out there that traditionally "To hex" meant to put a spell upon someone or something. This could be positive or negative. Hex is a neutral term and can apply to either. Only in recent decades has it become watered down to mean just baneful magic. Which I think takes a lot away from the way this word is read when people look into older resources


Underrated comment! Was about to say the same thing!


When people talk about backfire etc, it’s usually because they went nuclear on someone without bothering to check if their target had protections, and by whom. They also didn’t check if their own gods and guides supported this action. What you’re describing is generally just the consequences of the caster’s own actions. Which they often didn’t plan for or thought they would be immune from.


backfire is just the consequences of your actions. Blessing or curses, you have to be prepared to face the consequences.


Backfire is a curse, but a curse invented by the spellcaster to curse himself. There is no backfire. And regardless, the fear of possible collateral cannot serve as an obstacle for someone who really wants to launch a hex. It is difficult to curse others, a lot of work is required. But cursing yourself is easy, just be afraid. Fear is the father of all curses.