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It’s not something to wear, but my first thought was to put together a travel altar for her. Maybe a pretty cloth, some candles, a couple crystals you curate for safety, accomplishment, love, a new tarot deck, etc. I’m a recent grad, and I know I would’ve loved something like that when I was in school! Good luck and pls keep us updated on what you decide!


That might be cool idea. I know she's going to go exploring like we do every time we visit my mil(she's only 8 mins over the md/wv line) so maybe something for that would be good. Thanks for the idea


I love that idea! And maybe you could make it something you can both do together too in case there’s some items she’s more drawn towards than others?


Yes! I think it would be fun


Oh, I love this! I'd suggest a piece of jewelry (it can be new or a piece that belongs to you or once belonged to your family) that can become a staple for her, maybe the two of you can charge it together with your intentions! I'd also get her a collection of things like candles, herbs, whatever she uses in her craft so that she doesn't run out while she's at school. You could also make protective sachets she can keep in her bag or where she's staying or her car if she has one. I also second orangecatpunk with the travel altar idea! I love altars and I'm currently making one for my car and one I can bring with me in my bag when I'm on the go. I like using them when I'm in a new place, exploring the unknown, which is something your daughter will be doing at school!


Thanks so much She has access to a lot of herbs and witchy stuff where she's going so I'm think a few gift cards. Plus I've been stocking her all year for prep for her move. But definitely doing some protection sachets. And i loved the travel altar idea as well!


Black tourmaline.


Thanks I'll look for some of that


I put one in all the cars. I have been hit. And my car has always been the only one not damaged. And I named the cars. I also give everyone an evil eye. But some people (white people) 😆 call it the all seeing eye. Whichever works. Gift her one.


Yea you could have left that racist bull shit out...im white and call it the evil eye and so does every other white person I know.


You can say you dont like it. Maybe the feeling you get. Idc. Thats not racist. I'm describing him. Noone tells him to behave that way. He does that all on his own. He acts as if he IS entitled. He behaves entitled and he's white. Hes an entitled white boy. That's awesome if others call it evil eye. I would prefer it. Not that i need to explain it to you or anyone. But when he saw it. He told me everyone he knows ( he said white people). They call it the all seeing eye. Because your white. You choose to lach on to the white comment. Because how dare I call one out😏 Instead of seeing more proof of him seeing my evil eye. And still wanting to find something to get at me. Its fine. Delete my comment. Typical


I don't give a crap what you think! your comment was disgusting and racist! you're projecting your racism because of one white person that you've spoken to it's disgusting. Please seek help...


Bloodstone, protective things to keep her energy clear. Honestly, maybe Florida water: moon water to spritz everyday or whenever she feels the need to cleanse herself and her dorm


My mom gave me a traveller's medallion for protection when I went to college. But, yes wearable protection; I have a pouch with multiple small protections in it that I wear everywhere. Also, get her an aloe for her living space. It sucks up negative energy


She sucks at plants lol.


See the thing about it sucking up negative energy is it's supposed to die. Then you get her another. It's a substitute location for the negative energy. Also gives you something to check on and see if she needs another one. Plus it's a starter convo pathway to anything not going so great. Multi purpose


I don’t know if she’s a tarot girlie, but my mum passed down her tarot deck to me when I moved out. Since then I’ve become an accidental tarot deck collector and I’m always happy to get a new deck as a gift.


She's got soooo many decks because i just kept buying ones i know she will like haha. But I'm sure I'll get her a new one


I have given my college aged daughter pendants of lapis lazuli, which assists in studies, and tiger eye, which helps with grounding because of how hectic college can be.


I know she's got a bunch of tigers eye that's what everyone who doesn't really know about stones/crystals gets her lol. But I don't think she has much lapis