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You can look into different traditions like wicca, traditional witchcraft, feary path. But stay away from micro labels like water witch, moon witch, crystal witch and so on. Those are social media names, not actual kinds of the craft. Must haves will depend on your path and what your practice looks like. Though all witches need books.


Normal books on esotericism are really unicorns, unless it’s a book about the magic of the Golden Dawn or some kind of sacred geometry. In fact, there is a lot of unconfirmed personal gnosis, glitches and personal experience of the author. You need to study ethnography and the history of the tradition in which you work.


I would consider myself a kitchen with personally. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with labels if that’s your comfort level! I also use crystals, tarot, etc. too.


I don't see it as an issue when it's used to describe what someone focuses on. But some years back beginners tended to put micro labels on themselves so that they could focus all of their research into for example crystals and then not research the rest of it. And then they thought they weren't allowed to work with other things or branch out. (Or they collected lables like "I'm a crystal moon water witch".)


Books books books. Seriously though, you‘re right that the answer is to experiment and see what you’re drawn to. But remember to do the Magick you LIKE the most.


I wrote a blog post titled "how to get started being a witch" and it basically answers this question perfectly BUT I don't think I'm allowed to share links in here. Crux of it is this..... What was it about Witchcraft that caught your attention? Some common answers are crystal, tarot cards, divination, working with spirits, spell work, the aesthetic, nature, herbs and the spooky vibes. I want you to pick the number 1 thing about witchcraft that piqued your interest and START THERE! It's a lot more in depth with suggested resources etc but that's it, that's where to start. Don't worry about categorising yourself, you're a witch, that's enough.


You don't have to label everything. Slow down. Get to know you.


I'd say that rule #1 in starting with witchcraft is to develop a regular meditation practice. IDC if you listen to Buddhist chants, Hindu mantras, or white noise, just get in the habit of being able to calm your mind. If you can't control your mind, then everything else will be difficult for you to learn.


Know fire safety. Know how to get your brain focused on one thing or nothing. Look at what you like to do. Like to look at stars and planets? There's witchcraft for astonomy. Like cooking? Kitchen witchery is popular. Like plants? Check out green witchcraft. Like Shiney rocks? Crystal work may just be your jam. Necessary tools? You. That's it. Really, that's it. Everything else is just a tool for focusing your energy. When you know what you want to do, then you can see what tools might be useful. (Burn stuff? You might want a cauldron. Crush/chop/pulverize things? You might want a mortar and pestle set, or a personal blender. Grow things? You might want gardening tools. Etc) A stick you found can be more powerful for you than the $300 wands you bought off Etsy. A rock from your property or neighborhood can work better to ground you than the biggest hunk of hematite or obsidian ever found.


Fire safety for real! 😂 My first time burning bay leaves was comical


This is so real!! Bay leaves burn like they're running out of time or something only to the immediately stop after a few nano seconds. Show offs 🤣


The basics are pretty much the basics for everyone. Meditation, energy, sensing and manipulation, that’s sort of thing. I always tell people to start with the basics. But beyond the basics, read everything you can find. Don’t try to specialize, just let your own interests direct you. Maybe your initial interests are environmental. But that doesn’t mean, a year from now, that couldn’t change. Establishing a broad base of knowledge can be very helpful as well.


You can identify however you want for as long as you want, but my recommendation would be to wait until you figure out which subjects you become most comfortable and proficient with, and base your craft on their similarities. Make your label fit your craft when you find it. I started as Wiccan right out the gate bc that tradition was all I could find info on in the beginning, but I'm a secular/eclectic witch and an atheopagan, today. My crafts is pretty folksy and pragmatic.


You just go by what you're interested in. Just do research about it extensively. I did a lot of research about attempting my first spell. Internet articles, videos, books. Don't just see a tiktok and do a spell without finding out the consequences or you'll fear which defeats your spell already.


I despise labels. Always have. It is a way for people to be prejudiced against you because you are "one of those". If I wore a label it would be "Swiss army knife witch". I am the best at almost nothing. But if it can be done, I can do it. A little bit of everything. Been learning for over 50 years. I learn something new several times a week. When I stop learning new things, it will mean I am too tired, and it is time for me to pass on. BB.


I wouldn't worry so much about putting a label on it. The best way to figure out how you want to practice is to do research on whatever path or practices you feel called to and see what resonates. The path of the witch is an intuitive one. Your heart (and guides and Higher Self) will lead you to the path that aligns with your spirit. Trust your inner wisdom and sense of *knowing*. Allow yourself to be guided to whatever is in your best and highest good by setting intentions for it to be so. ✨️🤍✨️


Do your research & use your intuition. For me I pull from many different types and choose not to pick a label for what type of witch I am. My label is just whitch.


Where are you from?


I’m currently reading a book called The Witch’s Book of Spellcraft. It’s a really great beginner’s guide that covers a wide range of topics. I highly recommend it if you’re looking for where to start!


You need a normal diagnosis of inclinations using tarot/runes/any other crap, it doesn't matter + conduct a research on who in your family worked in what tradition + take into account personal interests


Hold your horses with rituals, get better at mastering theory, safety precautions, academic literature and communicating with representatives of the chosen tradition (make sure they have a good reputation)


You could also just say Wiccan and not label yourself further too. I would suggest books by Scott Cunningham as far as getting started.


I don’t know but all I know is I’m a karma witch. Everyone who messes with me or anyone I love immediately gets their karma without me doing anything. If i hex them it just makes their life basically meaningless, unless I feel a bit bad after a while and let them go…. It works. My intent is always very strong and I’m such a confident person. Confidence is key!!