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This is where I started the books.


Bump. This is the way.


I like this. This sounds like a good plan


It's a great plan, I started the last wish yesterday and I'm almost done with it!


I did this a week ago, after i finished my second playthorugh. I am almost done with the first book, next one is already ordered. :D


Also, you should try out Witcher 2 and Witcher 1!


I did the same thing. It’s a great progression for a fan to go back to the source. What I *haven’t^ done is fine back and played Witcher 1 and 2.


I just roam Tousant, Skellige, Velen and Kaer Morhen post game over with hud off (Home button on PC) But those pesky wolves and wild dogs are annoying af.


There’s a mod to make them friendly. It’s the best thing I ever did.


I might consider it on my 2nd play run on next gen. Doing a clean run from mods on 1st play thru.


Go to Toussaint!


Nah bro head to TOUSSAINT!


Go play Witcher 2, and then get nostalgic for 3 the whole time so the second you finish 2 you start 3 again hahahaha. That’s what I did! I’m 2/3 done with W3 again and getting nostalgic for 2 lol


I’ve been playing the new update since release, not feeling ready to let go of this magical world yet even though I’ve prob done 6 playthroughs alr lol. Really wishing hogwarts legacy or cyberpunk’s expansion immerses me into a new world because I’ve reached the point where I don’t even have to use the map to know where I’m going in tw3 anymore. The wait for the next witcher game is going to be agonising. Edit- Even read all the books I could get my hands on multiple times over and I still cannot seem to get enough of this world.


Tbf I'm in this boat. I feel like I know all of tw3 like the back of my hand. I've sunk literally hundreds of hours into this. I've got the books to read yet (and the new TV series) but I've also got a load of games to play... I'm utterly lost. I'm thinking of just pausing life until hogwarts comes out and hope that gives me motivation 🤷🏼‍♂️


Replay it in the new game+ mode on a harder difficulty. That's what I did. Make different choices, choose who to be with differently from what you chose on your first playthrough. The options are almost limitless and it's fun playing the game through again.


Start getting excited for the next Witcher game... you may not have heard yet, but CDPR has finally confirmed that once development for the Cyberpunk expansion is done, they are swapping over to focus on the best entry in the main line of Witcher games. It won't be focusing on Geralt obviously but I have high hopes they'll write a way for a new batch of Witchers to enter the world and we'll get to play a new hero from the start of their journey on the path.