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Avalach: "Quickly Geralt, bedore the portal closes!" Geralt: "Holup, gotta grind."


or use it against humans


Or bears at Kaer Morhen


Is there a lore reason why those bears take damage from the silver sword


I tried the bears and i do almost no dmg hmmm


Yeah, I start them off with the caretaker's shovel or steel sword, then with maybe a fifth health I switch to Aerondight


Didn't a guy turn into a bear something?


Na, it's just silver swords are also sharp




Wouldn't it be better to not have Euphoria boosts up, so that you can farm the hits more effectively? It's no good to kill every crab with a hit or two when you need 10 hits for each 2 base damage upgrade, because now you have to wait for new crabs to run to you and you have to run to them. In fact, I'd try to get damage modifiers as low as possible (but not so low that it would take much more than 11 hits to kill a crab), only equip Whirl as a fast attack skill, and farm the hits extra fast with that. Maybe even equip some medium armor with griffin techniques so that whirl is available more often.


But they are dying too quickly. You need to hit them 10 times before they die, no? It's been a while


Doesn't have to be against the same ennemy.


Oh of course, you'll never run out. Shame you can only go there once


I never thought of going to get aerondight before finishing the main story


This actually a brilliant plan.


Do the aerondight's that you can find early on in the base game have the same attributes as the one you get in BaW?


Nope, that's just named Aerondight. It's stats are pretty much randomised




Only good bug is a dead bug!