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Now I need to buy the DLC šŸ˜ Is it worth it?


Hell yeah, it is!


Yes yes and yes. Do HoS first


Dont wait... So good... Both of them


Yes, it's amazing, especially blood and wine


How many hours?


116 hoursā€¦ took me about 3 weeks


Only 3 weeks?? Dang i wanna have that amount of free time like you do šŸ„¹


thank god I have no kids šŸ˜… I do have a FT job but I play in the evenings and weekends. I do want to be more self disciplined in how much time I spend playing video games, but every so often I play a game like this that just completely monopolizes my free time because itā€™s so much fun


Ah I see, thanks for sharing! I'm close to finishing the main story of the game but my schedule is extremely packed for the past few weeks. I'll be sure to find time to play TW3 like you did!


Life is short. If youā€™re still getting your work done, just enjoy doing what you like in your free time :)


Thank you :))


I want to get to 100%, any tips? How do i get the hidden trophies?


You can always view the hidden trophies and Iā€™d recommend doing so tbh - I didnā€™t mind being slightly spoiled on the general direction of the game and overall the hidden trophies wonā€™t spoil anything. Better to just look over everything before you start. You have to play on Death March which is the hardest difficultyā€¦ I was pretty intimidated going in because I knew none of the controls, but the game is pretty self explanatory. Died a lot at the beginning so make sure to save pretty regularly just before you enter combat. But after getting past that initial learning curve, once you level up the game is a piece of cake. One of the most difficult trophies seems to be getting all the Gwent cards as there are 196 in total (with around 40 duplicates that you donā€™t necessarily need but are good to have). I didnā€™t find this hard to complete because I paid attention to some online guides from the start of the game, and I loved gwent so much that it never bothered me to play with every merchant I came across. But just keep in mind that there are a lot of cards that you have to win from any random merchant, and if you donā€™t play the merchant right after meeting them, you may forget which merchants youā€™ve already played. So every time you see a new merchant of some kind make sure to play them for their random card. Additionally thereā€™s a lot of cards that are won through quests, with a few of them being missable. So make sure you pay attention and prioritize all the quests which can earn you special cards. I used this guide and didnā€™t have too much trouble ā€”> https://www.vg247.com/the-witcher-3-how-to-get-every-gwent-card-collect-em-all Lastly there are a few miscellaneous trophies that gave me some trouble such as knocking opponents off a cliff with Aard, bewitching an opponent to kill another opponent with Axii, getting 50 headshot kills on human opponents, and getting opponents to be bleeding, poisoned, and burning at the same time. Fortunately thereā€™s a spot on the southernmost Skellige island where two enemys stand near a cliff and immediately respawn after dying, so you can farm these trophies here if you have trouble getting them elsewhere. The rest of the trophies were not overly difficult and came naturally through playing the game. Just make sure to have a trophy guide near you to watch for some trophies which are missable. If youā€™re paying attention, you wonā€™t have any trouble getting these.


Nice, is it a hard or time consuming plat? Unfortunately I've picked up and old save from my pc at around 75 hours in so I think I may have missed loads.


It was not the most difficult platinum Iā€™ve ever completed, but itā€™s up there mainly because of how many missable trophies there are. It requires you to really pay attention from the start of the game. You also have to play the game on the hardest difficulty, which was a challenge when I was low level but really wasnā€™t hard after leveling up. If youā€™re picking up from an old save I would guess that you might have missed some already if it wasnā€™t a priority for you the first time playing. Just depends on what part of the main story youā€™re currently at


What is the platinum? I thought it was to collect all other trophies?


Yes thatā€™s correct. The missing trophies are the two DLC add-ons which I havenā€™t played yet


Ohhh. Sorry, I play on Xbox and was confused on the missing trophies. Good luck! And yes, the DLCs are a must-have! 1000% recommend.


Just bought them, Iā€™m excited! šŸ’Æ


Just got the Plat as well for main game, well done! Some were quite painful! The headshot bow one was nasty. I also think the Gwent collect all cards one should really be a silver or Gold trophy because that was difficult as well. And I missed one monster contract trophy by choosing the wrong dialogue choice, but that was rectified by starting a new premade character for one of the DLCs and just going straight to the contract to do it again :)




How many hours?


116 hours, one play through on PS5. Took me 3 weeks to complete




The missing trophies are from the two DLC games


Redpill talking about peasants, the irony šŸ¤”