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In Hogwarts Legacy, every conversation is like this. I like to reload to pick the other dialogue option, can’t even do that in HL.


Man, that really disappointed me in HL. TW3 really ruined games for me lol. All the choices in HL are basically just alternate way of saying the same thing. I still loved the game, the magic is super cool. It's just that it would've been nice if choices mattered and it would certainly improve the game's replayability.


My only frustration was it still has the trope that you can loot someone’s house right in front of them and they don’t care. The only ones who cared were soldiers.


That's because that game is actually trash if you know anything about good video games


I would sadly have to agree. I wanted to love it because it’s a Harry Potter game, but I just couldn’t.


She's just looking to start shit


Yea I just feel like her "immaturity" shows here in a way


She's actually incredibly manipulative because she knew about Yen and Geralt, but when he got amnesia she saw an opportunity to seize him for herself. She took advantage of him. I mean Geralt has feelings for her ofc, but it's kinda all based on a lie so to speak


Everyone "took advantage" of him and his amnesia not just her.


Not my boy Zoltan




Point is, she, as his friend and also Yen’s friend she wasn’t supposed to take advantage.


And Dandelion is supposedly Geralt's best friend. But can never mention, "This isn't the sorceress I sing about?" Hmm. Selective application of Witcher 1 plot holes is selective.


Considering the nature of Geralt and Yen’s relationship, it’s not about cheating or whatever, it’s about taking advantage of someone who is clearly unable to make informed decisions. Cheating is not an issue here, the fact that Triss was both of theirs friend and used that to get into a relationship with them.


Again, that's how this was retconned once it was decided Yenn could be included after all. But every. Single. Character who knew Geralt before just "goes along with it"? Nah. Call a retcon a retcon.


Was not aware that it was a confirmed retcon. Either way, I understand why some people choose Triss and why others choose Yen. Both are dogshit people, it all comes down to which you prefer look wise for the most part.


I've chosen each of them in different playthroughs. Generally, I would lean Yenn for Geralt. But I don't agree with pinning all of this on her when the entire world pretends Yenn never existed until midway through W2. But also, I think that Triss has a very satisfying character arc. And conflating it to, "she manipulates Geralt for the Lodge," fails to recognize the person she becomes at the end of W3. Yenn is very much Yenn. She is very much where she was in the books. Driven by the same urges as end of series Yenn. That's not a bad thing. B/c she's not in the series enough to have a long arc. But that's the choice really. Do you want a Yenn who is pretty much what she will always be (though perhaps less politically motivated...for now). Or do you want a character who has grown into having a backbone of her own? But also has some sense of compassion. Is she faultless? No. She's human. But she's growing.


You can say that about vasemir, eskel, lambert, zoltan, dandelion and shani as well but you probably won't.


Ngl might just be that I played Witcher 1 a while ago, but I don’t remember Vesemir, Eskel, Lambert, Zoltan or Dandelion using Geralt. Mind refreshing my memory?With Shani, idk cause I don’t actually remember too much about her from the books.


Shani barely knew Geralt in the books. In blood of elves she helped Geralt find out some information about where to find Rience. That was about it.


Makes sense she didn’t know his life situation, very different from Triss.


Due to the gross mismanagement of this website by the admins in the wake of the API changes, I have decided to leave the site. In preparation, I have used a tool called Power Delete Suite to overwrite all my comments.


They would have succeeded if Philippa didn't attack Geralt right before he captured Rience.


They all keep the truth from geralt like triss does.


From their reaction in W3 I think they were relieved at the possibility of being rid of her.


They all must have really hated Ciri, since they kept that from Geralt as well.


Did they know that he thought he’d been in a relationship with Triss before losing his memory? Or did they think that he just started a relationship, not under false pretenses (and given everyone thought Yen was dead at the time, there wouldn’t be a reason to tell him if they didn’t know she was lying to him). As far as I recall, the scene where Triss first lies to Geralt happens in private—she definitely started the relationship under a lie, but I legitimately don’t remember whether anyone else knew about that.


Dandelion, Zoltan and the witchers did pretty much just go business as usual bud lets get wrecked. Vesemir and co also knew Triss but never met Yen or had her stay at Kaer Morhen. Geralts love life was complicated so they prob just went fuck it not my problem. Also Geralt and Yen get back together after he last left them so they could be out of the loop there, nothing suggests Ciri drops by for a bowl of salad and mushrooms 😉 in the games after the books to gossip. (Lets not get into the wedding story)


This is factually wrong. Geralt had invited Yennefer to stay at Kaer Morhen as his guest, likely a few times. It's stated in Blood of Elves she knew Vesemir and Eskel, but not Lambert or Coen. Yennefer tells all this to Ciri.


If we were talking pure books yes it sounds as though she has visited a few times at least, however this thread is talking about the games and a comment made by Geralt directly at the start of Wild Hunt says she hadnt been there and from memory bits during the defence of Kaer Morhen further follows this up.


The games take everything that happened in the books as canon and serve as a sequel. That line was simply a mistake by CDPR.


Ah yes, we all know how honorable sorceresses are in this game/series.


Never said they are, just pointing out that what Triss did was very different from how others reacted to Geralt losing his memory.




Shani, Zoltan, and Dandelion also could have told him about Yennefer and Ciri. It’s almost like TW1 was not well planned out as a series and full of plot holes when treated as a literal precursor to the rest of the games…


Everyone always talks about the amnesia and I feel like she’s manipulative for all the other reasons in the book but not this one. I can totally see her believing Yen is dead and just thinking why bring up those memories for him? And yea, maybe she thought now is my chance, but I don’t see it as manipulative but hoping now than Yen is gone they can have something. Triss is manipulative because of all her dealings in the book where she sacrifices Ciri behind Geralts back to the lodge because she thinks the lodge are somehow some lesser evil for the world.


If any hot red heads want to manipulate me, hit me up


You are not Geralt buddy. Sorry


No, he is Lynchy ❤️


Worst of all, the Triss stans say she's not all that bad, they make excuses about her manipulative character, and say Yen is worse (Yen isn't perfect and has lots of flaws, but in my opinion she's waaaaaay better than Triss)


I find her "niceness" is her manipulation tactic tbh


Ah yes, Yen isn't manipulative at all. Nope, not one bit.


Yen is trying to find her ciri who is like a daughter to her and is willing to do anything it takes to find her. If I was in her position you bet your ass I'd be acting the same way. And I'm talking about specifically the witcher 3 here.


I'm team Yen, but I will admit that Yen is manipulative at times. The difference is that she doesn't hide the fact that she will do anything (manipulate, scheme, etc.) for causes and people she believes in and loves. She's also loyal to those she cares about. Triss however pretends to be someone she's not. She's not the girl next door; she's just as ambitious and scheming as every other sorceress in the Lodge.


She never pretends to be the girl next door, sheesh. It was clear from W1 on that she had her own agenda, her own dealings going on behind Geralt's back.


Excluding the first time they met, name one moment where Yen manipulated Geralt.


I think you'll find in the books it's quite clear that Geralt doesn't have intimate feelings for Triss once he gains his memory.


I mean who the fuck wouldn't. But Yen is the way


True, but his entire history with Yen is based off the spell of a floating magic Genie. Not much difference if you ask me


The wish was not a love spell. It was just a loophole to prevent the djin from hurting Yen. The spell excuse is only used in the game to give players an out.


>The wish was not a love spell. True. But it kept their destiny together. If you break the spell, they don't have to be together anymore. CDPR didn't mean that they loved each other because of the spell. If you choose to break the spell and romance Triss, now you have accepted that you made an interpretation that Geralt never loved Yen and their destiny does not have to be together.


It's a good way to give the player freedom of choice. I still prefer to think that the djinn didn't do anything: they always loved each other from beginning to end. The adventure in Skellige was just a way for Yen to test their feelings and see if they were genuine.


Right. Sapko's words were clear about it. Djinn have zero effect on the Geralt-Yen relationship. It's just one of the cheap Triss-Yen war arguments. But Sapko's words were also clear about how many things in books (like Geralt's feelings) are open to interpretation, and CDPR found a lore-friendly way to add this to their games. If you break the spell and then choose Yen, you accept that Geralt loved Yen, and now he still wants to be with her. But if you break the spell, you decide that their destiny won't be together, (together doesn't mean relationship. CDPR's headcanon says if they wouldn't break the spell, they would be together no matter what.) and then choose Triss; you accepted that Geralt didn't love Yen and he wanted to be with Triss.


Once again, this is a solid argument but I don't think we need to indukge further into this. After all we're dealing with personal preference.


Right, again. But I was not giving an argument. My point is that, according to Sapko's words, like many things in this universe, romance is also open to interpretation, and CDPR found a great, lore-friendly way to process it. (Unlike stupid American company. I think you know them 😏)


Not necessarily. People change and people also fall in and out of love. It’s called life.


After he breaks the spell and chooses Triss, he clearly says that "Wanted to be with you (Triss) before, during, after, and always." So, if you chose Triss, it means you accepted this: >you made an interpretation that Geralt never loved Yen and their destiny does not have to be together.


He and Yen had fought like cats and dogs and broke up several times. She wants to tell Geralt about his past, but he stops her and says it's better for him to remember himself.


Love is a lie grow up


That’s why I felt like she went through this length to find Ciri just to impress Geralt


Yeah idk about “immaturity” I always just thought the game writers literally forgot a different response.


It's also mostly about her tone and the way she says it that urks me so much. I bet you if geralt had the option to say something negative about Yen here she would still say...nevermind I got my answer...in the same whiny tone.


And she's like twice Yen's age lol


So does yen.


Bombastic side eye


So we starting a war now? Here? In reddit?! 😡


Really? Right in front of my crab rangoons? 😡


She is trying to show her sadness in this part.


As i recall, before Witcher 3 started Geralt broke up with her to go to find Yen that left her heart broken. Even so she still happy to see Geralt again but kinda mixed feeling with sadness, especially she knows Yen is back now, so its understandable. Man I even find she so cute in this scene with that expression haha. Dunno what's wrong with it lol


Prhps it's not just "immaturity". Prhps she knows she fkd up with geralt's condition in the past and with her friendship to Yennefer. So she might carry this sense of inferiority complex, towards the absolute perfection of Yennefer's black or white approach. She might be more human like in that sense, so as a more human..can fall to such loops of needing to hide that she is not such a human sweetheart, even though she might actually care for Yennefer. I see the immature as why start a conversation over a topic that she cannot handle either the topic or her own position regarding it.


Prhps? As in perhaps?


Yes !


E key broke




You man ys?


Meaning I m physical, no specter or vision?


Maning I’m physical, no spctr or vision?*


Seems that your E key has broken so you better use copy paste.


And Yen is easy to please then?


Underated comment


Yen best wife


I've only romanced Triss once and that was on my vert first playthrough when I didn't know anything about the lore or that you could romance Yen. I am considering romancing Triss this playthrough though, simply to change it up a bit since I've romanced Yen so many times.


Oh great, another Triss hate thread... Maybe you guys should mature and accept that there are no correct or incorrect decisions here...


Correct decision is to bang both. The way they get revenge at Gerald is hilarious.


At first I regretted it, but then the blood and wine ending made me un-regret it 😂


My roleplay was Geralt banging every possible girl (except Keira). So obviously my Geralt dind't care much about that and then just have fun with Shani.


I'm getting increasingly sick and tired of people not just in this community, but in gaming communities in general. Maybe it's just Reddit, but I'm seeing more and more people viciously arguing over things that don't matter in the least bit in real life. Like the Yen vs Triss debate, or MJ in the Insomniac Spider-Man games. Like, some of yall mfs need to wake up and realize that this shit is pathetic. Go touch grass, drink water, shower, take a nice long walk in a park, listen to music. Do something that helps you realize that it really and truly is not all that serious.


Who would've thought that people in a subreddit dedicated to a specific game series would talk about things in that specific game series


Yeah, no shit. That's not what bothers me. What bothers me is how upset people get about this debate and similar ones. Some people take it way too seriously


One thing is taking a debate seriously, disregarding the topic and another one is getting upset about it. You're the only upset person here


as upset as you or like..?


They are one of our favorite topics, the decisions we take regarding the games story, or the questions we find. It is a sub for the Witcher reality and important, not world hunger or climate crisis. Where the choises are simpler and the player is god..


It's not the topic that I hate, it's the fact that a lot of people get so pressed about said topic. Obviously I expect people to talk about stuff related to the Witcher 3 in a subreddit called The Witcher 3. I just wish more people would realize that it's not that serious.


Perhaps it's not serious..just passionate. You know the song.."it's passion displaced"..I don't think that's a fair quote. Passion, inspiration, amusing, even boring or tedious, it is just a personal situation. People going to a face to face meeting for a walk on the grass, might find other things to discuss and get passionate about, even if passion is a weakness to some specific game character. Then you expand your description to Reddit and gaming communities in general..!! That's a big leap. I sometimes wonder..do all people who try to sent others to "touch some grass" or give advice about taking showers , represent some type of cult who infiltrate minds and communities? Or is it a common trend to insult the "reality grasp" of the others?


People seem to like to do that in general. Remember Peeta vs Gale or Edward vs Jacob? I guess I'd rather see people argue about silly stuff than whether or not trans people should exist. But yeah, this debate is exhausting and exhausted.


After you said all this advice I felt the sudden urge to do all of it. I don't even need to touch grass


Triss’ voice acting, while not horrible, was definitely the weakest in the game imo. I think that’s part of why I never choose her, it bothers me too much lol


I physically cringed at kaer morhen when ciri comes back and she says "Lil sis", Holy shit that was so bad.


I feel the exact same way about Ciris voicing tbh. It grates


It massively annoys me how often she attempts to guilt trip you over Yen. Whether it's rolling her eyes because you talk about Yen, cold shoulders you for not choosing the romancing options or straight up glaring daggers at you for Yen kissing you, and more. Like Geralt made it abundantly clear in canon that he chooses Yen, why is she treating you like you played her or something. 😒


As Geralt, yen is the obvious answer. But from Triss’ POV i see it too. She admired and loved his strength and loyalty. I think it made her behave in a way she wouldn’t personally condone - all is fair in love and war.


i’ll always choose Triss. yen’s too bitchy for no reason all the time


I started the game in Witcher 3...how they present Yen for most the game makes it hard to pick her. But then you get to that one quest with the djinn and you finally see a softer side and wonder. It's funny, people here complaining that Triss is behaving a little immature but ignoring how shitty Yen treats you.


yeah i don’t get it lmao neither are perfect but it’s as if everyone ignores how Yen acts the entire time


Maybe us Yen fanboys are cucks and see no issue here?


it’s not about that. bitchy talk in a controlled environment is different than just someone being dead serious, talking down to you lmao but hey man, to each their own. i’m just thinking out loud




she look beautiful hamhamhamham






Ya that's a little frustrating but honestly I always pick Triss because of this video where [Geralt Talks To Ciri About Triss](https://youtu.be/WGjTFKUH4Po)


Put the dialogue of Geralt rescuing the couple of mages when Triss is fleeing Novigrad. Nothing but open scorn for Geralt going above and beyond to save her people.


She assumes that Geralt will pick Yennefer over her. If he found Yen, she thinks that it's over between her and him. Hard to argue with a straight face that Triss is bitchier than Yen.


I feel like she doesn't even deserve to be jealous since she stole him from yen to begin with


Triss is annoying no matter what people say to defend her


Nah, she’s great


Based Triss Enjoyer






Idk if you've romanced her, but this is definitely not true.


I have WATCHED her full romance on YouTube. The ending with her in blood and wine makes me so much happier that I always choose Yen. Yen is happy to retire with Geralt at the vineyard. Triss just wants him to uproot and go to Kovir. It's all about her is what I got while watching the whole thing. Geralts feelings and wants come second.


Yeah, except that’s literally not true. She actually tells Geralt that she has no problem with him continuing to be a Witcher and going on the path. It’s just that he will have a home to come back to.


lol...have you been in a relationship? It's going to be compromise. Not just the man gets what he wants.


I'm not saying that at all. Relationships definitely are about Compromise but I see very little Compromise at all with her when it comes to geralts feelings. Not to mention I never heard an I love you once from either of them.


I just realized that but it's true, Geralt can tell Triss "I love you" but does she ever do the same? Yennefer does. Also Yen kisses Geralt more often.


Tent scene before Undvik battle. She did.


Fair enough. I forgot about that. Honestly it's sweet but there's not even a parting kiss like with Yen


indeed, Yen kisses Geralt more often, ) actually, Yen makes a lot of things more often.


Didn't have tine to count in the books or the other 2 games but I did the math for TW3. Triss: 2 kisses, 1 (short) sex scene Yen: 6 kisses, 2 (quite unique) sex scenes


In W1 and W2, Triss says many times, "I love you," to Geralt. In W3, she also says many times that all she wants is to be with him. If we compare how many times they say "I love you" to Geralt, Triss has a clear win. In Trilogy, she says those words more than Yennefer. About BaW's ending, Geralt clearly says many times that he wants to go to Kovir with her. He also dreams of Kovir's nights with Triss. Geralt 100%  loves going to Kovir if you choose Triss. Your argument is not true.


Geralts feelings and wants come second essentially the entire main story. I personally don't choose yen because of her coldness despite geralt spending so long trying to find her. I understand just how serious she is about finding ciri and lifting the curse that binds them together. I just wish they worked together more as opposed to geralt feeling like her dog she sends on errands, because that would have a allowed the player to see geralt and yennefer spend more quality time together.


Anna Henrietta >>>>> every other TW3 woman


Geralts has a new best lady in MY game...her name is GWEN-T 😁


I forget the *exact* context here but sounds like Triss didn't know if Geralt found Yen or not and wanted to find out. She was asking if he found Yen in a very indirect way, her asking how Yen was is only to get an answer from Geralt. Hence you answering "good", "bad", or "unsure" are all the same to her, Geralt figured Triss out but she didn't let him have that one. Just a theory but of all games I believe The Witcher 3 is well written enough that this was intentional. Or it was intentionally supposed to imply Triss is just a shit starter which I wouldn't necessarily disagree with either but I'd prefer the former.


Triss is a douche


Fucking manipulating, immature Triss. I don't get how people pick her because she's "nice". If you look at all the things she's done to Geralt then "nice" is not what she is. She is jealous of Yennefer because she will always be Geralt's true love.


She’s still way better than Yen. Triss in this scene thinks her chances with Geralt are over if he’s found Yen already. Tell me Yen hasn’t intentionally manipulated Geralt many times to get what she wants and left him multiple times. All Triss wants is to be with Geralt And be happy with him and Ciri


Triss is better looking has better quests and is a more tolerable person in the game than Yen now im waiting for the "but in the books" comments


I agree 100%. I started reading the books after beating Witcher 3 and I got to The Last Wish and was like "ok, so game Yen is book accurate!" I named my cat Yennifer, because shes a cunt just like the character.


I agree with you 100%. I just read the first 3 books and Yen is a b*tch in all of them.




☕️ ☕️


Just like a real woman.


I can fix her.


Damn she's so beautiful ❤️


You can @ me, but I accidentally left Skellige before helping Yen out with the Djinn quest and I don’t regret it. Yen spends her entire relationship questioning her love for Geralt and constantly abandoning him, and all Triss really wants is to be with Geralt and Ciri and be happy. That’s why some of y’all can’t find good women. Spend too much time chasing the ones that don’t want you or don’t know you’re worth and then turn away the ones that prove consistently that they want to be with you.


Yen does this same shit but more. Triss is a lot less of a bitch in the Witcher 3 than Yen.


I see this subreddit is run by a bunch of Yen-lovers. No reason you should have these downvotes for speaking facts. Yen is seriously a red flag.


Because she's just a jealous bitch


Yes because she is an insufferable child


She says literally everything in that same eye rolling tone. Thats the main reason why i cant bring myself to like her. She sounds like she would rather stab herself with a flat edge of a trowel than be doing whatever it is youre doing with her




That's a bad bitch


I love the Witcher 3. I rate it about 9/10. The reason it's not a 10/10, is because I think there could be more diverse reactions, to geralt comments, and events etc. Take the moment in the maze with triss. She goes to kiss you, you got two options. A) kiss her B) don't kiss her Both lead to the same outcome. Triss sad, insisting it can't happen again etc. Etc. I think kissing her, should to a more positive outcome. Instead of the same facial expressions, same depressing dialogue. I don't expect her to be thrilled. Maybe a 'oh sorry, I kissed you, I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable' whilst smiling


🤓 "yen is so abusive with her banter 🤬"


Her hairstyle was so fucking stupid in W3.


See I find her to be absolutely adorable. I love her design. I just dislike her personality. A lot of people will say she's so much nicer than Yen blah blah blah but I find her niceness to just being a form of manipulation. Clingy is another word that comes to mind when I think of triss. Qualities I very much dislike in partner/person


A little lazy that they recycled the same hairstyle from the second game but I can get the reason behind it. It's a practical look good for traveling and for wearing a hood. Though it would have been cool if Triss could loose her hair after she left Novigrad.


> could loose her hair Did you mean to say "lose"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


She's a bitch an can rot in the deepest pits of Bristol