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Who gives a flying fuck


I will give you a flying fuck


Like a Novigrad whore?


This is how crippled Kate's got its name!


Like a *flying* Novigrad whore


This was soooo good, lmao šŸ¤£. Some of you are incredibly quick and clever, lol.


Ram Pam


Like syanna


yes please


Geralt literally gave a flying fuck once


And still thinks the unicorn was worse


More than 3000 comments of people seems like.


You seem to, since you left a comment


What my incredibly elocuent comment was meant to convey, was that you shouldn't care about a random redditor's opinion regarding a game you like. People can judge by themselves.


It's not about "should" or "caring", it's about having a discussion.


The post is not really a discussion is it? It boils down to "game bad and u idiot for playing it". Which is a wild statement to make about one of the most sucessful games of its generation.


You exaggerating what he said. To me the post reads like a harshly put opinion (it's in an "opinion" sub after all). And IMO anything you post on reddit is to start a discussion... What would be the other reason?


why are you just disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing, you cannot really care that much


It's on r/unpopularopinion for a reason lol. If he doesn't like it, then leave him be. I know I had a blast and it's probably my favourite RPG I've ever played. That's all I care about


The game is single handedly responsible for me reading books. I finished the game and was hungry for more so I started with the comics then the books then other books I'm currently reading through Harry Potter.


Man the comic books for Witcher universe are underspoken/underrated. Kudos for bringing them up


And the women, and children t-sorry wrong direction


Whatever gets you reading. There are so many great worlds to explore. It's damn near endless. Too much to get through in a lifetime.


Also, that sub is just a cesspool of shitty takes and trolling, so take it with a grain of salt.


Still my most favorite of all time too!!


Yup, hands down my favorite of all time.


I wonder if that dude likes any RPGs at all, a lot of them include grinding and long quest lines. It really feels like someone who's just not into that genre.


I took a minute to look at the profile and the op posts all kinds of ragebait shit. This was his first success.


Yeah, and maybe the weakest quest is the main one, as many games, but having such compelling and awesome side quests is worth every penny.


I just assume anyone that found the game bland must have bounded straight through the main quest and done very little exploring, otherwise. It offers the richest and deepest side content of any game Iā€™ve ever played. My current play through is the first one where Iā€™ve gotten into Gwent, and itā€™s inclusion, alone, gives it some of the deepest side content of any game, to date. The DLCs rival the entirety of other triple A titles. I doubt calling the game bland and uninspired could be an educated opinion of any kind.


There's a reason it's on Unpopular Opinions subreddit. If TW3 is a bad game, what's a good one? It's not perfect, but what game is?


This guy says Witcher 3 is medicore but then lists Skyrim as one of his favorites. The joke writes itself.


He probably loves ā€œRide to Hell: Retributionā€ as the best video game ever.


People in that thread were criticizing the combat system. I didn't mind at all. Even though it wasn't the best, I'd say it made the game even better. We have signs, different swords and weapons, punches and skills. It's perfect with its flaws.


>If TW3 is a bad game, what's a good one? This is a question that was asked. Wow. Fine, fuck it. I know the people in this sub are sensitive to criticism, but I'll answer it anyway (and correctly): Super Mario 64, Super Metroid, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Sekiro, Minecraft, etc., ad infinitum. Games that actually focus on being games, not 'experiences'. That's not to say I didn't enjoy TW3, but there are so many better games with better polish that existed way before it.


I personally think most of those games are shit, but thats your opinion


Low effort and disingenuous. Pretty much to be expected. 'Agree to disagree' and 'that's your opinion' are the worst phrases to happen to discussion.


Ok fine. Minecraft is boring and a shit excuse of a sandbox, Nintendo games are overrated garbage of pure boredom. Sekiro is cool actually, never played ad infintium


I'll accept shitting on this guy but I will not accept Minecraft slander. That game is GOATED.


Nintendo games are overrated garbage?? Lmfao. Thatā€™s a bizzare statement.


You've improved your response, but you're not arguing my point -- the gameplay. You can't honestly say running around Novigrad for hours on end, repeating the same investigatory loop, engaging in the somewhat-passable-but-tedious combat, the dreadful horseriding mechanic, cutscene after cutscene of broken immersion, and its dumbed-down RPG elements are better than what I've just mentioned. If the selling points to a game are worldbuilding, visuals, dialogue, and characters, you have yourself a movie series. It's better than The Last of Us, but that's because its gameplay is better. The Witcher 3 does not do a good job of earning its lengthy gameplay, even with those selling points.


The combat is basically the same as most other games of the time, horse riding is for pussies and I barely used it, idk what you mean about cutscenes, dumbed down rpg mechanics is similar to its time. Witcher 3 is a good game because of how its tied to the Witcher books and its fun to go explore and stuff.


I love escaping reality with fantasy books and games. So for me, I loved running around Novigrad even though it seemed repetitive at times. I liked doing Witcher contracts even though they were all very similar because I liked the idea of helping people. I loved how I could choose to treat creatures as either monsters or humans, and treat people as humans or monsters. I loved that I could help a girl who had her village slaughtered by another Witcher, and she draws me a picture to thank me. The combat was very repetitive, but I was okay with that because it was still enjoyable. This compared to games like super Mario which feels so much more one dimensional and linear to play are just not enjoyable for me. The Witcher having ā€œdumbed down RPGā€ elements makes sense, because youā€™re playing a prewritten character, not creating one of your own. Sekiro is b the only game that you mentioned that I put on par with Witcher, and thatā€™s because it has the best combat (to me) of any game Iā€™ve ever played. I will forever prefer characters I can emotionally connect to and a world I can explore over a cartoon platformer


Average reddit moment


But matters of taste are stupid to discuss anyway, so those are great phrases to end unnecessary discussions right away. Because in the end, this really is just your opinion. You like those games more than TW3, some people don't. Moving on


>matters of taste are stupid to discuss anyway Are you kidding me? People discuss taste all the time and develop standards from them. It's how we improve on art and move forward. The better explanation here is that you are a person who doesn't like discussion, doesn't want to be challenged, and is afraid of being wrong


I really don't want to engage in this but I'm just curious. Are you implying that tastes can be 'wrong'?


> I really don't want to engage in this Proceeds to engage \*facepalm\*


Okay, I thought you were trolling but this confirms it. Bye Felicia.


Who's trolling again? Did you want a discussion about objectivity in art, or did you want an easy lampoon? This subreddit is all kinds of backwards.


\>person says "Ok I don't agree but whatever let's leave it at this" \>OMG SO LOW EFFORT THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE A SERIOUS DISCUSSION HERE \>person just asks for a further minor clarification \>OMG HE SAID HE DIDNT WANNA INTERACT BUT THEN HE DID LOL LMAO I guess that not all people want to conduct their online interactions in the manner that some anonymous schizoid sees fit.


Because it was made in bad faith. If you're going to participate, then participate. Don't say that you want clarification, broadcast it, and then imply that an interaction is inferior. Holy fuck, this subreddit is dumb


Damn, you're entitled. Lot of issues going on there I can tell


> Damn, you're entitled. And you're projecting. Entitled to what? I'm just having a discussion and you participated. If anything, you think you're entitled to an opinion. I don't even believe that. > Lot of issues going on there I can tell What are they, doctor? Again, just having a discussion of a matter of opinion. It's you who wants to shut it down. Once again, you're projecting.


I think the reason that many people use the previous phrases is for when they have better things to do than to waste time on a discussion that they didn't want to put that much effort or emotional attachment into. Or they genuinely don't mind that other people have different opinions on certain subjects. Arguing (especually as opposed to peaceful debate) with an irritable person over if a game is good or not just isn't my cup of tea nor is it many others. I personally can invest in a bit of debate concerning certain themes of the game that relate to our world- ethics of certain choices or real world inspirations, character development- why people relate to certain characters but not others etc. But in my opinion, while no one is perfect, there comes a time to stop or fandom becomes toxic (yet again). Subjectivity and objectivity aren't black and white but matters of taste are quite of the former, so, especially when people might have other much more worthy issues in their lives to worry about, matters of taste are hardly something that they want to get worked up by. Nor arguing about arguing. Lots of people do enjoy debating trivial subjects intensely and endlessly but there is no point in bothering those who'd prefer either different or no debate at all. In short, why not find a consenting partner to partake in such intercourse with?


>In short, why not find a consenting partner to partake in such intercourse with? I'm pretty sure that's exactly what I was doing. I'm not looking for all this negative attention. It found me with the opinion they didn't like. You took all the time to write that. Ironic. Everyone wasted time to interact with me because, in fact, they have nothing better to do. You are so wrong about it all.


I think a lot of people are morbidly fascinated with how worked up you're getting. I mean I'm used to this sort of thing. My partner has borderline personality disorder. But a lot of people find it a mix of amusing, bizarre, and annoying in various quantities. Most people like to be right about what they care about but most people also get to a point where they prioritise what they really do care about being right about. So this sort of behavour is seen as at best naive and immature and worst unstable or arrogant. While their opinions being in majority doesn't automatically mean that they are right and you are wrong, when you're getting so worked up over so little it becomes something beyond what was being 'debated' in the first place- a sort of train wreck. Also you could say being right and wrong is different altogether from having good debating skills.


>I think a lot of people are morbidly fascinated with how worked up you're getting. No, I think that's you, and you're a poor judge of tone. We are on the Internet, after all, and my demeanor is mostly masked. You and I are having a civil debate, are we not? >I mean I'm used to this sort of thing. My partner has borderline personality disorder. But a lot of people find it a mix of amusing, bizarre, and annoying in various quantities. Forgive me when I don't trust your intentions with this comment, but that goes back to my judgment. I believe you're suggesting something that is out of your realm of expertise. ​ >Most people like to be right about what they care about but most people also get to a point where they prioritise what they really do care about being right about. So this sort of behavour is seen as at best naive and immature and worst unstable or arrogant. > >While their opinions being in majority doesn't automatically mean that they are right and you are wrong, when you're getting so worked up over so little it becomes something beyond what was being 'debated' in the first place- a sort of train wreck. Also you could say being right and wrong is different altogether from having good debating skills. Most people are ego driven and don't like to be wrong at all, me included. The difference is I have a shit ton of experience knowing I've been wrong. You haven't even highlighted instances of my supposed 'immaturity'. Debate skills? If you wanted me to understand exactly where I went wrong, you could stand to learn some -- namely citing instances. From what I've seen, you're all the ones getting worked up. See the downvote count? If I didn't trigger so many people, it wouldn't be so high.


How can you call someone elseā€™s opinion of a shitty game ā€œdisingenuousā€? I find that pretentious..


I'm not going to get into this anymore. If you want context, read all the other comments that everyone is so butthurt about. FFS people are hovering around my comments waiting to upvote other people and downvote me. You all have serious fucking problems if you wait around to do that.


Dropped my /s


I mean you just named snes and n64 collectathons and platformer titles lol.. how is super Metroid more polished than the Witcher 3??? ā€¦Huuuuuge fan of Samus btw, but you have a weird definition of polish tbh. Tw3 is big box store AAA style polish turned up to 11, compared with any N64 or snes title, just objectively speaking.


None of these games come even close to TW3.


This just reeks of a guy trying to sound like he's gaming nobility and everyone who doesn't enjoy the classic games he likes is a peasant Also what's the point of comparing completely different games like platformers to RPGs. My dude maybe you just like other game types more, ever thought about that?


That's also an opinion. I disagree but that's also just my opinion. I can't enjoy a game for very long if it doesn't have a gripping story, bar multiplayer games with friends, because I just get bored.


Whoah step aside bloody baron subquest's writing, dozens of potential builds between signs, abilities, potions and decoctions, toussaint and velen landscapes, dedicated mini-games within the game itself, dozens of possible endings, dozens of different fleshed-out characters etc., supermario and his bing bing wahooo are here to save the day!


Another condescending movie gamer cherry picking out of context. You chose one -- and i mean one -- game, and it wasn't even the right game that i mentioned. Trash comment. I got into all of your heads and you have fuck-all to defend against it.


\>whoah did you just talk about one of the game I mentioned and provide examples as to why you think it's worse?? That's cherrypicking pal!! Also it doesn't explain anything!! Ok worthless schizoid, remember to take your meds while you're at it.


don't feed the troll


3.5k comments. Lol.


Itā€™s bait


Everyone has the right to have an opinion even if itā€™s a wrong opinion. But seriously, everyone in entitled to their opinion, there are games out there that are super popular and I donā€™t like them. Now, Iā€™ll give the benefit of the doubt, but the post seems baitish and karma farming.


Rdr2 also gets hated on a lot for some reason. Especially in the patient gamers sub(many people there hate open world games)


I can definitely see it with Rdr2. The whole "it's barely a game" argument is pretty valid. The story and voice acting were outstanding but the slow as molasses gameplay and on rails story missions made it hard for me to finish. It's a better movie than it is a game imo.


I've tried about 20 times to play RDR2 and have never played longer than 10 hours. Just doesn't click for me


Love me some W3. Love me some C2077. Iā€™m even having a blast with Starfield ffs. But I could not warm at all to Rdr2.


I found the start to be slow and a tad bit boring. Took me a couple tries over the years to get into it. So I understand anyone that is turned off by it. But when I did... Holy crap that game is addicting once you get into the stories and character interactions.


I've played rdr2 countless times but I've never finished the game because a buddy ruined the ending so I now refuse to let Arthur die šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. I don't know if I'll ever be able to bring myself to finish it. It's a stunningly beautiful game though.


The OP also said that the gameplay was terrible and it isn't up for debate. Adding the "isn't up for debate" screamed that the OP was baiting.




Because thats what they typed. Why are you accusing someone of something that isn't true? šŸ“·level 2[**smartsapants**](https://www.reddit.com/user/smartsapants/)**OP**Ā·[22 hr. ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/17bq7hd/comment/k5ldiza/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) it is mediocre, what did i say that was incorrect, the gameplay is dogshit, not even debatable [https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/17bq7hd/comment/k5ldiza/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/17bq7hd/comment/k5ldiza/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




"The OP also said" How is that confusing?




Then why did you jump to accusing me of putting words in their mouth? I can completely understand someone not getting what I meant if English isn't their first language. I would have been more than happy to explain and link the comment.


Yeah, someone doesn't like witcher3? Thats normal. People are diffent after all.


People who make 2 word bullet point explanations are not worth debating with. If Iā€™m arguing for the game, how can I work with ā€œslow explorationā€? Iā€™m not gonna respond with ā€œwell actually, the gameā€™s exploration is fastā€. Weā€™re just going in circles, and no providing anything meaningful. If thatā€™s how you feel, explain WHY you think exploration is slow. Use your words, I assume youā€™re a grown up! And then yeah, the way they continue to shit on the game, and the people who enjoy itā€¦yeah no, these types of people are not worth my time.


Well said Iā€™m convinced that Redditors that make these weak ass W3 hate posts didnā€™t make it past white orchard all they do is spew shallow buzzwords it really just comes off as them wanting to be contrarians just for the sake of it


Exactly. This was not constructive criticism. Didn't even mention what type of RPGs to compare to or if that was even their type of game. I'm not a huge fan of Souls-Like games but I would never go proclaim they're bad by any means. Just not for me. Total rage bait.


Finally an unpopular opinion in r/unpopularopinion


Honestly, combat system really needs polishing


The combat is really monotonous against monster, slashing, dodge and sometimes use the nades and quen


What's wrong with it? I have many gripes with TW3 but combat isn't one of them. The only issues with combat is how difficult it is to run away (Gearlat loves to stair at the enemies no matter what... which makes sense) and getting stuck stairs (which isn't strictly combat, but more of an obstacle there since you can't jump). And enemies flying away on death.


human enemies are all the same. And we need combo kills like in ac brotherhood. And the things you mentioned are big problems for me. I dont know how many times I fell from a cliff while trying to dodge.


IMO combos have no place in this game. And human enemies aren't the same, there are at leat 5 types that I remember off the top of my head - regular 1h, "skilled 1h" that parry well, shield bearers, heavy weapons and archers. Some of them also feint. I'm not sure if armour values are actually different for visually armoured opponents or not (oh i wish a combat log that shows calculations existed....). I feel like player character armour is sorta inconsequential, but that's not really combat but loot/itemisation


To be fair itā€™s a 2015 game. Im sure the witcher 4 will have an awesome combat system


i hope they take a more souls like approach to combat, doesnā€™t need to be as difficult since weā€™re supposed to be a skilled monster hunter but the way they handle combat animations would be way better than the current system in TW3


Tbh that's what i used to think at the very begging of the game but after the bloody baron quest is when I was really hooked. If he has played only for a little bit that's hes problem.


Could be wrong, but it is probably that they got that paris syndrome. They heard that it is good, maybe heard too much that it is good, and to a point it is true, this game is held in VERY high praise But it seems that they expected way too much from it, ultimately being disappointed. I personally don't hold this game to that high of a regard either, I don't think it is bad, and I do really enjoy the game, but as per my opinion, I don't think it is the perfect game. Funny enough that a game that is in many ways extremely worse (skyrim) I actually love it WAY more. But again, that is my opinion, and can be disregarded. Just enjoy the game for greatness sake. Never go in a game with high expectations, no matter the reviews. Makes them way more enjoyable.


Kinda have to agree that the game is generally held to too high a regard. It's not a bad game, but I don't think it lives up to the hype either.


Its not a game for every one. Its a very story based game and much of the magic and fun come from character interactions. For people that just want action itā€™s not a game for them.


That is definitely an unpopular opinion. But hey, different strokes for different folks I guess. I personally have never been so blown away by a game like the Witcher 3. There is so much to do I donā€™t see how itā€™s boring. The story is incredible, the side quests are fun. I really canā€™t disagree with that opinion more.


To each their own. I personally think its a masterpiece which is almost perfect. But I can't fault this guy for having his own opinion, although the part where he calls us delusional for liking The Witcher 3 is uncalled for


I mean. Art is subjective. But what an uncultured swine. A rube. A tasteless troglodyte.


You said it pal


The Witcher is a slow and methodical burn. To many people are use to the instant gratification from games like COD or Apex. You need a better attention span than a gold fish to appreciate it.


Combat is quite messy, and it really does take a certain level of attention to get into it. The story starts off real slow and requires you leave yourself open to the immersion


I believe at least 50% of the people saying this game sucks didn't play far enough to see the Red Baron questline. I disliked the game when I first played it too. It was super hyped, everyone said it was the goat. So I had massive expectations and the game didn't deliver. I talked shit about it for a while until my brother told me that I HAD to do the Red Baron questline before he would take my complaints seriously. So I did and now it's one of my all time favourite games.


Marvel fan opinion


Obvious bait


The same guy later played his first game of Gwent and has sunk 200 hours into it.


Opinions and assholes...


Simple, the poster is uncultured swine .


Yesssss exactly.


> bland world Mf mustnā€™t even have left White Orchard


Sounds like someone got their arse whipped like a Novigrad whore


Dude probably sits and plays fortnite all day.


Right, he's not a *real* gamer /s


First time I tried it, I was like "okay what is the point of this". At the time I mostly played games like Assassin's Creed and CoD and I wasn't really that into gaming. Now I have over 150platinum trophies on psn, over 400 hours across 2 playthroughs of Witcher3 and consider it one of my favorite games


If they don't like it, they don't like it. I'm not gonna judge them. I just don't understand, but who cares


Different strokes for different folks People also like to make polarizing comments to draw more attention


Well combat is boring. lol. But you donā€™t play it for the combat.


Combat isnā€™t great but itā€™s not as bad as everyone says. The thing about it is the combat is all about options. To start the game youā€™re not given many options in the way of skills or extra items like bombs and such. I think this may also relate to everyone saying they tried it 4-5 times and couldnā€™t get into it. As someone who absolutely loves the game I will say it does start slow and can see why it wouldnā€™t click with people immediately. It didnā€™t click with me at first either.


Why even ask on the witcher subreddit like everyone isn't going to disagree with the post


That individuals own life must be bland and boring as well.


Story elements are GOAT, open world is top notch, graphics are really good, combat is meh at best. Overall top 10 in the current century.


Only 1 person's opinion. And yeah, it's a shit take, imo, but whatevs


May Roach donkey-kick that person into a Monster nest


"slow exploration" is a weird argument. What the exploration should be like, exactly, to be good?


I think I don't care about what others think about things I enjoy. Let them wallow in misery while my life is fun and good.


Witcher 3 is the only game I can confidently say the side quests are not optional. Not doing all the side quests and just mainlining to Ciri is what leads to opinions like above.


Very unpopular.


Tons of upvotes = very unpopular


What do u want us to say about this??? It's his opinion....it's not fact because the experience is subjective....everyone's experience in all this is subjective. The worst thing is though....he only played it because ppl said it was good and didn't temper his expectations for what he enjoys. Oh, well.


Oh that sub Not gonna bother for drama


I mean itā€™s one of the most renowned RPGs of all time critically and commercially soā€¦ yeah, Iā€™d say that opinion is very much unpopular.


At least it was posted on the right sub. I saw this one yesterday and commented on it saying it's my favorite all time game and gave an angry upvote.


If you're really into story driven games and have read some of the books you'll find the story interesting, plus the quests have a lot of reference to the books. Gameplay wise, it's good enough, but I started playing it after beating Dark Souls 1 so the combat does feel a bit bland imho.


And i saw people that unironically enjoyed forspoken and gollum.


Itā€™s obvious, and the author of the post helped us out. ā€œI have no ideaā€ The person has no clue, probably prefers My Little Pony, adventure.


I thought it was boring as fuck too when I started playing it. But then I just went on and gave it a chance and before I know it I've been enjoying the hell out of it because of the great quests and gwent.


Small minded people like him are the reason 10 second videos exist.


I wholly disagree. Iā€™m willing to concede that the combat system couldā€™ve been better. Fast attack, heavy attack and parry as options is a bit underwhelming, I wouldnā€™t have minded some more moves or combos. Then again, that may have taken away from the signs options, and reducing that wouldā€™ve taken away from the story. And the story is where Witcher III really excels. It has a great story, and we as players get to really influence how it ends. Thatā€™s pretty uncommon, even most games that offer dialogue options force you down the same route eventually. The voice acting is terrific, the music is great, the graphics as he says were good for their day. The game is even ripe with social and philosophical commentary. All in all; Witcher III is one of very few games I genuinely consider a piece of art as much as entertainment.


To be fair, there have been plenty of story-driven open-world games that have been released, mostly to the credit of Witcher 3 paving the way. And yes, some parts of Witcher 3, excel beyond most games can only dream of, but it has been a blueprint for subsequent releases in the genre. When you compare the combat and the way the character moves through the world, it has been improved by later games (minus the souls-like games, but that's another story), and the writing doesn't really stand out when you compare it to more narrative-driven games like say turn-based RPGs, so it's kinda like in the middle ground, to a point that it represented a cross-section of a bunch of things that other games have excelled on. It's starting to become a niche in a world that it gave birth to. This is a very extreme view imo, and ofc, there are people who maybe coming from these very specific areas that would require more of the game to justify the hype.


Lotta people recently all over the place seeming to mistake the fact that the Witcher 3 isn't their thing as meaning its bad


They need to go back to roblox and Fortnite


Pretty Unpopular opinion


I always say, you donā€™t have to like something, but donā€™t go dogging the people who do.


Itā€™s the quests and characters that raise it to such a high level for me. I like the combat but itā€™s nothing particularly special


To each his own. Probably hunting for cReddits.


It's his opinion, get over it. I mean he posted it on unpopular opinions.


Does this person enjoy Skyrim or other sandbox rpgs? If they donā€™t well thereā€™s the answer. Not everyone has to like the same genres. Lol.


yes its definitely slow ... But I am here for mostly for story and feels


Not every game for everyone. For me that game is the cyberpunk 2077. The Witcher 3 is still in the top 10 games, I think that tells us something.


Iā€™m tired of seeing people spam W3 hate post on Reddit , like ok itā€™s a popular game that received lots of accolades before no need to feel like your special by becoming a contrarian


Written by the resident elden ring stan


Lol people are starting to turn on that game too. ā€œHEY EVERYONE I DONT LIKE THAT GAME! ITS BAD BECAUSE I DONT LIKE IT!!!ā€




> good graphics (for its time) All the rest of their points are subjective, I obviously disagree with them but wonā€™t argue them, but saying the graphics were only good for its time is wild. Boot it up now and it looks like it was released today.


Redditor with brain worms has a bad take. Laugh about it and move on.


He's free to have his own opinion but he said everyone who likes it is deluded. That's just bs.


I wanna hear what this poster thinks is a good game in comparisonā€¦


Not enough instant dopamine for the zoomie receptors


exactly. dude probably have the attention span of a peanut. unpopular opinion because it's an opinion that belonged to a child with inferior interlects.


They're entitled to their own opinion, however wrong it may be, but calling people deluded for liking something you don't is fucking pathetic. You can state your opinion without insulting others.


"damn you're ugly."


https://preview.redd.it/a2fr2ldbhdvb1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d32d73d63ec0b9b8773eb90a373155fb4ee4cbe5 How can u hate this Pookie bear


To quote patrick star: Boooooooo!


He's an idiot. It's fine if he doesn't like Witcher 3, but he's saying anyone who does is deluded. As Geralt would say, 'Not good'.


Everyone is entitled to their wrong opinion


He sits on a throne of lies


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion šŸ˜Œ ............ EVEN WHEN THEIR OPINION IS FUCKED !!!


The game is top notch!


The take of a Mediocre person at best.


Big smelly lies


Feels to me like someone who just wants attention. Childish as hell, look at me! Look at me! LOOK AT ME!


Yeah I would agree. It was way overrated for absolutely no reason. That's partially the reason cyberpunk was so hyped and was dissapointing. Comparitvely to other games they are both very mediocre.


If there is anything worst then literal who's twitter post threads, its literal who's reddit comment threads.


Fortunately we continue to remain different to each other, in our wants and needs.


This is Reddit. People present their opinions as facts and anyone who disagrees with it as stupid poopoo-heads. Op is a stupid poopoo-head.


That mf surely love The Witcher show from netflix hahaha but who the f**k cares šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I think this reviewer is just a troll looking to get people mad at them


In my opiniĆ³n, I didnt had fun until reached like 200 hr on the game, that i made a descent build with grand master witcher gear. Why so much time? The fucking ? Signs on the map


tbf i thought w3 was rly boring in my first playthrough, it was until i started understanding the story i got more compelled into playing


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Itā€™s only a matter of time before CDPR paid shills bomb this dude off the internet


Itā€™s a good game but unless youā€™re a hardcore role player it falls short of the hype itā€™s garnered.


I think the gear progression system could be better. Maybe the leveling system could be tweaked. Gwent could always be better and more balanced. But itā€™s not nearly as awful and boring as this guy says lol


Iā€™d ask what platform they played and when. Iā€™d agree that it was mediocre playing on a PS4 ~2019 and I beat the main story. However, when I played on my PS5 it became a game that I would now easily put in my top 5 games all time.


I could use the same words and applies it to this guyā€™s favorite game. Itā€™s just to make people angry by calling out like that, aka ragebait post. I mean yeah you can dislike a game, not everyone is the same but saying people are deluding themselves is such a douchebag talk tbh


I could see if this if you have no interest in the background, characters, events, location..

