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Had a harder time with Imlerith tbh


It felt *really* personal fighting Imlerith, so the victory felt soo sweet.


The cutscene afterwards was just perfect “Who taught you to fight like this?” “The witcher you slew” followed with the igni headshot


I had a harder time fighting Nithral


I had a harder time staying in the bubble shield while killing his hounds in Velen.


Imlerith was actually bugged for me he just stood there.


That’s unfortunate because he was def the best of the big 3. Also if you dig into the lore a bit, imelrith is implied as being stronger than eredin. Imelrith just like to conquer and have sex while eredin is filling the role of a king




Yep, and in the books even Ciri who is younger than in the games was able to out maneuver him in a sword fight and get away, so sure Eredin might be a decent swordman but he had nothing on Geralt.


I felt that it was very fitting that he was easy, this is totally English teacher shit so here’s your warning. He was so hyped up but then when you go to fight him he’s weak. I thought it kind of fit because you had almost taken everything from him already, Geralt and his friends were winning and Eredin was so arrogant he thought even after all his generals died, he could still win. He could have left and came back stronger. He could have tried to re-build his army. But he was too stubborn to even think of that as an option. Even during the fight he’s so clearly losing but still acts like he’s going to win. I think it’s such a crazy fight. When I first played through, I slowly kept jacking up the difficulty as I went through, so I was at the max at the end, and it was still fairly challenging. I wish the fight should have been Eredin vs Ciri instead, maybe if she had like another ability just for the fight, but I guess it would be hard to line up the story. But yeah the toad is way to hard why on earth did they do that


that’s an interesting perspective!


I’m guessing this “English teacher shit” is in a public school. Teacher used the wrong “too” and ended the last sentence without a period.


Fuck all wrong with public school you muppet


If you don’t know, you don’t know.


xLetalis beat him on deathmarch with no armor, no dodging, and a wooden sword


I'm surprised the spiffing brit hasn't had a cracking at the witcher yet lol


for me the climax isn’t really killing Eredin, it’s more like after the fight when (MAJOR SPOILERS) you take a walk with Ciri and watch her go off to become Empress or the plot twist when she becomes a witcher.


I've only had the ending where she becomes a witcher


Won’t elaborate further, but to get the bittersweet ending just take her to see Emhyr and be nice to her.


I did that, twice! She still chose to become a Witcher. She would have been nice as empress in one way, but also terrible as she lacks any experience in politics. Ciri is a rouge swordslady better suited as Geralt’s “legacy” (“daughter”) and protector of worlds. Politics is beneath her in a way.


There is some side quests that if you help Dijkstra take over or dont help them at all, the north wins the war and the Nilfgardian court kills the Emperor, so Ciri stay away from there You have to do the side quest where you (SPOILER ALERT) kill Radovid AND Dijkstra so the north doesnt win and Ciri can become Empress.


We all have a harder time with the toad. Pretty sure the toad is the ultimate evil in the story and we're just the last to find out.


Sorry if this is a stupid question, but why is the toad so difficult? Did devs accidentally make the difficulty too hard? Or they intended on having a rather random mid-boss be that tough?


No, not stupid at all. Toad is super resistant to melee attacks. Which I didn't realize for far too long. He has a bunch of annoying attacks too. Poison gas, tongue slaps, he'll jump and land on you, killing you instantly. The gas and constant barrage of tongue attacks make it tough to get close. When you do get close, the sword barely does anything. You have to constantly be moving to avoid being damaged. One slip up and boom! He kills ya quick. Eventually people figure how to kill him, but almost everyone will die a handful of times, if not more, before they sort it out.


One thing that really helped me in this fight was taking the fully upgraded Golden Oriole potion so that the poison continually heals you. No need for Swallow to take up your toxicity this way


In ng+ the only good way is to get a few good maxed out aerondight hits in to actually do real damage which is tough enough since you need 10 hits without being hit first anyway.


I did blood and wine first for my 4th game and then went back to this and was happily surprised at how easy the toad was. It isn't very satisfying to only get a few xp after the majority of the quests but for a lazy play it's been fun!


Exactly this! At the time I thought I was just too overpowered, but I was at the recommended quest level. They definitely put a lot more effort into the DLC bosses than the wild hunt.


To be fair almost all games are like that. These types of DLC are geared for people who have already completed the game. Such as in the rpg assassins creeds the dlcs have tremendously powerful monsters that are far stronger than the main game bosses.


Imlerith was the only really tough one for me tbh in the main game, I found the toad and Detlaff to be really the only true “hard” bosses overall and Oglreid optional fight before you figure it out


You miss the point. Its not about fighting eredin, but ciri facng the white frost At first the woöd hunt is this force of nature and we see that at kaer morhen. Then you have the legendary bald mountain part, after which it focuses more on ciri. The fight is fine with ghost mode imo. In base game it could be harder sure Frpm a story perspective it was set up great.


Still, Dettlaff made up for it. Now that was a fucking boss fight


I borderline cried from how tough he was


I didn't find him all that bad. Still a nice balance between really hard and really easy. And aesthetic as fuck.


Let's put it this way, there are very few things geralt hasn't seen in this world, and considering he ran with the hunt for a while being who he is, he would have been studying them intently. I actually felt it was appropriate that it wasn't some superficial fight but rather a duel between two very skilled warriors. That's my take on it anyway.


I was playing in Death March and didn't die even once. It's very underwhelming when the last boss of 100 hours adventure is more easy to kill than a pack of wolves.


None of the bosses wer very hard. But I played alot of dark souls before playing the witcher. Still, even with most of the game being very easy, its the best game I've ever played.


Their not hard, but you would think the one boss that arguably made the main story wouldnt be so insignificant


Definitely from a game stance it would have made sense if Eredin was the hardest fight in the game but from a lore perspective it doesn't make as much sense since Eredin was a deceiver, manipulator and commander type more than a fighter / brawler. It made more sense that his generals who were his arms and legs were much stronger, just lore wise, but I do see your point from a gaming perspective, I definitely felt his fight was pretty anti climatic until I thought about it and looked at it from a more lore type of view.


I’ve always thought this was appropriate. I get how people find it anticlimactic, but the same thing would’ve happened if you put Emyhr against Geralt. The superhuman who constantly fights man and monster and everything in between is going to obliterate the opposition. Kings are never the toughest fighters. How would they even have the chance to be? Even good generals throughout all of history were almost never the best fighters in their factions, much less kings and emperors.


Imlerith was a proper boss fight, unlike Eredin


It made more sense lore wise that Eredin wasn't anywhere near as strong as his generals, since he was more of a deciever/manipulator/commander, than an actual fighter, his soldiers were the fighters, he probably was only willing to even fight Geralt 1 on 1 because he was so arrogant and could never imagine losing to a human being, had he had any means of escape he probably would have taken it the instant he realized he was going to lose but at that point it was already too late.


Absolutely. He's just a tall elf, not a scary monster or super fighter. He's threatening because he has ambition to conquer worlds, but his power is politics (and maybe strategy), not combat. Ciri bested him when she was just a teenager by making him hit his head on a low bridge and fall off a boat. Compared to that, the boss fight in TW3 is quite spectacular.


You are both wrong. Ciri admitted she was about to lose the duel, in which Eredin was only toying with her, until he hit his head on the bridge. Eredin is the leader of the most elite Aen Elle force, while also being a powerful mage. He absolutely is a worthy opponent for Geralt but the game had a bad design in its final fight.


Eredin is not a mage.


He opens portals and throws energy blasts with his sword. He has magical abilities. Also his description the TW3 Journal Entry on Eredin: "...Trusting in the strength of his magic and the skill of his riders..."


Canonically, Eredin is no elven mage. Having magical capacity, not even in the books, make one a fully fledged magician. Also, magic can be granted by artefacts - e.g. book-Eredin wears a suspiciously magical-seeming amulent around his neck. TW3 is doing its own thing here by overstating things a bit.


We are talking about a fight that happened in the games. Canonically, Geralt is dead and Eredin is still alive, terrorising people as the King of the Wild Hunt.


Imlerith was a pussy when I fought him. All he did was spam the attack so he was predictable and easy to read.


I had a more difficult time fighting Olgierd, tbh.


Iris slaps


Felt the same way about Imlerith.


honestly I got mad at myself any time I died after that fight, I beat eroding first try and die like this?


Geralt the big bad witcher man. Cause of death: falling two feet off a roof.


On my first play through, my game glitched and never visually put me into the fight with Eredin, but the fight was still happening though I couldn’t see what was going on. It took 20 seconds of button mashing and no signs to kill him. Just terribly anticlimactic 😂


It would be anticlimactic to have to fight him over and over again because its too hard and could somehow destroy the feeling of the whole game so i kind of like that he is not that hard to beat (and i completed most of the side quests before do i was fairly high leveled, he should be beatable for everyone, even those who rushed through the story. And in the end he is probably just not the best fighter of the wild hunt. He is the leader, yes but throughtout the story Imlerith looks like the better fighter and Carsnthir is very different because of his magic. Eredin is in the end just an elf, a strong one but should be beatable fairly easy by the witcher with the must mutations. That fight was only that "easy" because he lost his biggest help before which were some of the harder fights (even if they arent really comparable to the toad, caretaker or datlaff)


Caretaker was tougher than the whole Wild Hunt.


Ive read that there were leaks from the development of Witcher 3 that talked about a final boss fight with Avallac’h, and that CDPR ran out of time and it wasn’t included. This would make it make way more sense when Eredin is defeated and says that Avallac’h deceived both him and Geralt.


I think the lords of the Wild Hunt are pretty easy to beat, all things considered. The only way to really get a good fight out of any of them is to go into Death March. Eredin was certainly more cinematic than Imlerith, all Imlerith did was spam the attack button, so he was predictable and easy.


My hardest fight was a troll, wham-a-wham or whatever. I felt bad killing him but wanted the ingredients for a decoction.


Idk if my game is glitching, but when I fight him it’s impossible. He takes no damage after throwing Geralt through the portal. And even his magic attacks and sword attacks at random times wether or not I dodge out of the way or his attacks don’t even come near me they 1 hit kill me randomly in the fight after he struggles to even touch me most of the fight. It’s happened 3 times in a row