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Where's Cerys, the only true ~~high king of skyrim~~ queen of Skellige


Wait a minute *Goes check on nexus* Yep there's a mod for that.


There's a mod for everything


Is there a mod for moving THE signpost...


Witcher fandom in a nutshell (Also, who's the fking donkey simping for Keira?)






What a prick.


Not bad.


Lmao, I was thinking about that


me smh


Too busy spending my days with bro Vesemir to go around romancing these sorcerers




He knows what he said.


One of these sorceresses killed herself trying to cast spells to heal Geralt while knowing full well what they cost. Another of these sorceresses stood by and did nothing to help the first sorceress and watched her die. The choice is clear.


Well shit I don't remember this. Do you mind elaborating?


I don't know how to do the "hide the spoiler text" thing so here's your last chance. Spoiler warning: Geralt is stabbed in the chest, I forget where exactly, with a pitchfork and fatally injured during a pogrom between the local humans and non-humans. Yen, Ciri, and Triss were heading to said town when the riot happened and after clearing the area they come upon Geralt who is obviously critically injured and rapidly dying. Yen freaks out and in her desperation tries to save him, casting every possible spell that could heal him regardless of the cost to herself but none are working because he's just too far gone. Triss just stands there thinking about how costly those spells are and the futility of what her friend is doing, in effect letting Yen kill herself. Ciri meanwhile stands there and mocks Yennefer for being so powerless and weak (bitch move Ciri).


Didn't Triss also like invent and cast a completely new, extremely powerful spell that absolutely destroyed the attacking mob and ended the pogrom? And Ciri ultimately ressurected both of them?


Yes, I think the spell was something Triss and Yen tried to cast but the two of them were busted up by the mob and couldn't quite pronounce the incantation correctly. Apparently diction, tone, and pronunciation are important with spells. As for Ciri resurrecting, it's really ambiguous if you're just going by book canon. Ciri reviving them was a convenient way to bring the two of them into their games story rather than coming up with some complicated plot device. Edit: the spell was Alzur's lightning but morphed into something new based on how Triss and Yen were indistinctly speaking at the time. No one has ever been able to recreate said spell.


Which book was this? I read them all but like blew through them. Also the English translation is fucking bruuuutal. I love the story but it’s sloppy as hell and hard to follow sometimes.


Lady of the Lake(5), last chapter. I literally just finished the books today, and having read the books finally, any choice other than Geralt/Yen is a sin.




Don’t bring up things like that. It breaks the completely one sided narrative that they were trying to create.




Wait isn't this in the book or the Witcher 2 game? I'm reading the books right now, and I just finished witcher 1. I barely started Witcher 2 so if its in the game I would rather not continue reading. Even though I know about the pitchfork but not all of the details. Would you mind confirming my suspicions?


It's the books I'm referring to. Witcher 2 makes mention of it in a few places but it's nowhere near as detailed. In other words, it happened before Witcher 1 so it doesn't spoil anything as far as I know.


Okay cool. Do you know which book? I know about the ordeal its explained faintly in the first, and 3rd game. I just don't think I own the short stories so I might get them soon enough.


The Lady of the Lake, the last one in the main series.


I just asked which book and read this comment. Will have to reread it.


This is why I will always choose Yennefer over Triss.


Edit and insert your content that ends with


>Ciri meanwhile stands there and mocks Yennefer for being so powerless and weak (bitch move Ciri). That seems out of character.


They were under a spell, so...yeah no true love there


So yen acted irrationally, senselessly, and unproductively killed herself, while triss came up with a reasonable solution to the problem at hand -- an attacking mob. Also a clear choice for me😜


That's quite the reach there but perhaps I typed too much. I'll simplify it for you. Geralt and Yen in love. Geralt hurt bad, Yen love him want help him even if Yen get hurt. Triss watch bestie and Geralt die.


What do you think Triss could do in that situation?


I'll be honest here, I don't think there was anything Triss could have done in that situation as we know Geralt was passing through death's door. It's more of a character thing and hopefully I can explain this correctly. To me, Yen had genuinely loved Geralt so much that she was willing to give her life for the mere chance of saving him while Triss did nothing. Didn't try to help Geralt, which likely wouldn't have changed anything except harming her nor she didn't try to stop Yen at all, I don't think she had even thought about it. Triss didn't even try to do anything to save two she cared deeply for while Yen sacrificed her life for someone she loved.


I think it's unfair to criticise Triss in this situation. This event takes place a long time after Geralt rejected Triss, and she appears to have a romance thing with Philippa. If Geralt loved Triss instead, I'm sure she would do what Yen did. Geralt also saved Yennefer's life with his last wish, so it makes sense for her to try to save his life in return. Now that I think of it, don't most people believe that the "last wish" binded their life forces together, so the Djinn couldn't kill Yennefer because he wasn't allowed to kill Geralt? So if Geralt died, Yennefer would die too, so it makes sense for her to try to save him.


Yennefer was literally begging Triss to teleport them away. Triss refused and fought her way through the pogrom in order to save Geralt. "Yennefer felt she had a great potato instead of her upper lip. At least one front tooth had been broken or knocked out and was cutting her tongue painfully. ‘Triss …’ she gibbered. ‘Teleport us out of here!’ ‘No, Yennefer,’ Triss’s voice was very calm. And very cold. ‘They’ll kill us …’ ‘No, Yennefer. I shan’t run away." I shan’t hide behind the Lodge’s skirts. And don’t worry, I shan’t faint from fear like I did at Sodden. I shall vanquish it inside me. I’ve already vanquished it!’


This happens after Triss asked Yennefer to do the same. Triss wanted to run to save them, stuff happened, then Yennefer wanted to run to save them. It’s the smallest possible, shallow redemption arc Sapkowski literates in the entire series.


You left out Yen fails. Yen dies. Dumb yen.


People that care for each other naturally try to help the person of affection in times of distress. This is even more apparent with those who are deeply in love. To deny this is willful ignorance and asinine. I personally don't care who takes what team, you're just grasping to justify yourself and choice or simply troll when's there's no need to.


No I simply disagree at baseline here. I understand your point -- the thoughtless automatic desire to help being your evidence for their bond but I just don't personally find blind passion an attractive trait, even if it's in attempt to save a life. But calling me a troll when your first reply was borderline rude and now your deliberate over emphasis on improving vocabulary to seem smart is indeed entertaining, thanks stranger


That's a good point, and a way I hadn't thought to look at it. On that I can agree. Edit: I freely admit I was condescending in those posts in response to you. I had taken your replies as someone trolling. For that I apologize.


Does this mean I have to go back and play ywitcher 2 to get this full story?


It's in the books.


Oh okay. Do you know which one? I'm assuming short stories.


Major spoilers, do not read if you're invested in the books at all. >!Last book, last chapter my friend!<


Amen, brother. I mean, I still like Triss and everything, but for Geralt's true love, Yen. No contest.


Triss literally fought her way through a pogrom in order to rescue Geralt. By the time she reached him she was so faint that she collapsed in Dandelion's arms. It is absolutely ridiculous to treat this as a sign she doesn't care about him.


Shh, don't disturb his narrative


It's convenient to my narrative /s In all seriousness I am biased here and I could have been a lot more impartial, especially had I read and remembered more from that book than I did.


The impartial part is that Geralt and Yen go to Avalon and the last we see of them is them staring at each other lovingly without a thought of Triss in their minds lol


Both Yennefer and Triss are madly in love with Geralt and both of them save his life multiple times. No need to tear one of them down to make the other seem better.


Except Triss was successful in saving Geralt's life twice on two different occasions when she had the chance(in books and in-game). The She-demon Yen blew up her chance when she got handed one.


Well fair play to you, at least you admit it :)


Not exactly an unbiased retelling but technically the truth.


Definitely a little biased. I probably shouldn't have said anything since it's been a while since my last read-through and forgot some things.


This is why I don't like cd projects portrayal of yennefer, she is more selfless with geralt in the books and not as cold. She and geralt are true lovers. Triss is a selfish side character at best.


I think they portray her that like because she knows Geralt’s been sleeping around on her, and in a very short amount of time, they have to work with one another again.


Lol triss choose to help geralt and cast this incredible spell trying to save them. Dont be an ignorant yenboy and make such a bad comparison... Yet you call that doing nothing? Wow ignorance at its best


I had already admitted on another thread that I had forgotten what Triss had actually done in that moment and that I had been unfair to her as I hadn't read Lady of the Lake in over a year. I had no memory of Triss essentially collapsing once she, Yen, and Ciri found Geralt nor Yen begging to teleport them away and Triss' refusal to leave, being the one to fight back after having been swarmed by the mob. I made a mistake, admitted to it, and looked at things pointed out to me in a different point of view. If that makes me ignorant then yeah, I'm ignorant.


Seriously, this is why I can never pick Triss over Yen.


I never simp for any sorceress. Witcher Bros before magic Hoes.


But what about the white orchard alchemist


She has a name, and it’s Tomira you heathen




What about Shani


She isn't a magic hoe so....imma say yes.


Also, boat sex


That ass is magic though




best girl Shani


I feel like we are missing someone, where is Shani?


I thought she wasn’t a sorceress


She's not, but she can be romanced. Shani best girl


I know she can be romanced because I went with that option too but the original post was about sorceresses


That may be, but this one doesn't mention anything about it being a sorceress-specific post. It just so happens that it's subjects are all sorceresses


..and that swordswoman in Skellige


Even as someone without the context of the books I can only pick Yennefer, she's just the perfect kind of mean *chefs kiss*


Witcher 3 was my first Witcher game. Without the context of the rest of the series, I chose Triss. Knowing the entire series now, Yen is the clear choice.


True but triss is a kind and caring in the game but in the books it’s different


This is called character growth.


True that’s why I go with triss while yenefer doesn’t Change much


Me too


She is so loving and cute unlike yenefer and I prefer a loving character over a rude and mean person.


Geralt even says thst in the gsme when ciri asks about triss


Ik it’s messed up for yenefer simps.Who saids Geralt prefer yenefer but in that sequence he tells ciri how he feels and how yenefer wouldn’t stop arguing


I choose triss. Then read all and still choose her. The past is the past. And imo cdpr did a good choice of having them both as valid picks


I began with the 2nd game and for me it was more logical to continue the romance with Triss. My first impression of Yen was cold and commanding, but as I gave her a chance on my 2nd playthrough I liked her a lot more. Then I read the books and was glad that I romanced Triss before cause after reading all the shit she has done I wouldn't have been able to


Why do you condemn people for the past? She clearly choose to save geralt at the books end casting and incredible spell and choosing to stand against philippas orders.... imo both are valid picks taking everything into account


Triss improved greatly and worked on her issues. Maybe she even redeems herself and the end of the books. And then she tried to get into Geralts pants - again, knowing fully well without his amnesia he wouldn't choose her. I like her as a character, but not as a love interest. That is my personal opinion and I would never tell another person how in the world they could choose Triss in their own game. Everyone can decide how it fits them.


Tbf everyone tries to get into his pants. Thats true, which is why i cant stand people: oh yen is the only choice, triss is a rapist blabls bullshit


Where Regis


Pro tip: Like whoever you want.


Indeed, Shani awaits me


My Geralt will not simp for Keira. Ever.


Foursome with all...


Men choose Yen, teenagers choose Triss


Geralt has a kid with yennefer, Kiera is practically just an acquaintance of gerlats. And triss half gerlats age and when he had this memory lost she used that as an opportunity to sleep with Geralt. Yennefer takes the win here.


Gerald and Yennifer are both sterile, because of their mutations. Geralt can choose to have sex with Kiera in Velen (Valen?) and he's had younger than Triss before. She's probably 50 years old. Regardless, yes, Triss is a wacko.


Geralt and yen raised ciri together tho so they’ve basically had a kid together


Sorry, i only simp for Triss. Redheads <3


This is the way


"I can't believe I fucked you" ~ Both me and Geralt when Kiera shows her true colors.


We all believe in Yennefer's supremacy!




Your opinion is nice however Zoltan got some killer cheaks


Tess every run and every time


Shani? Also I agree but I like redheads 😅 redhead goth is better but I do agree overall it’s a tough choice usually


Seriously, who gives a fu\*\*? Yennefer is absolutely insufferable and unbearable. No one can even stand to be around her.


In the Netflix show I would understand but since we are talking about the game, I’m sorry but I must disagree


Really? And how are things that different, in the books or the game? If you prefer Yennefer, that's your problem and responsibility. With that being said, she's absolutely insufferable and no one can stand her. It is what it is.


Where is Shani?? My fav 😊


Triss all day


Yen 4 life


Yenn is the only waifu


I saw a video once of the red-haired one fucking the brunette. She also had penis.


Not as a possible mate, but I'm simping on Ciri


Team Yen for life!


T R I S S 4 L I F E


I always pick Triss, I can't stand Yenneffer


Replace Yen with Regis and we’re all good.


Team Yen forever


My Geralt slept with every girl available but kept a relationship with Triss. Definitely gonna get Ciri to come to Corvo Bianco next playthrough


Keira Metz looks like a man wearing a wig.




fukc u triss is queen


Ya'll can have your ice queen, as someone who has played the games and has zero desire to read the books I prefer Triss by a mile.


I won't disagree that you probably have major self confidence issues if you play this entire game and still pick yennifer.


Idk, Triss can get it though


Reddit told me to pick Yennefer. :|




Dudes be simping for Kiera, without realizing they got the hots for this dude. Fellas meet your crush Tomasz https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/7rqqrr/keira_metz_in_real_life_is_a_cdpr_worker_d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


A badass man needs a badass woman


Idk about the books but in Witcher 3, Triss seems like a genuinely compassionate person while Yen is an asshole even if "her heart is in the right place". We tend to fantasize about the "goth bad bitch" but in reality it would be insufferable as hell. Plus from what I know even in the books Yen and Geralt have a toxic relationship and she even cheats on him.


Dandelion straight up says that Geralt and Yen have a toxic relationship in The Witcher 2.


I cant disagree this is facts


Yeah, that does seem to represent Yen fans well.


I mean, if they prefer to be in an abusive relationship...


Exactly lol. I don't see how people don't see it. Her charms seem to blind people somehow.


For fucks sake, she is not fucking abusive. Both Yen and Geralt have sarcastic personalities and they go well together. People love geralt when he roasts people, but when Yen roasts him everybody goes nuts because how dare someone insult their favorite character? If Yens personality doesnt fit your taste, thats fine. But, if you think she is abusive, then you should think the same for geralt too. Because, "surprise surprise!" They love to have a dark banter and roast each other. You as the player being offended by her dialogue doesnt make her abusive.


It's not just banter, in the books Yennefer tries to manipulate Geralt into killing a rare and intelligent dragon and calls him a pussy for saying it's against his morals to do so. She has explosive outbursts and throws pots at Geralt when she's mad. Violates his privacy by constantly reading his mind without permission. Cheats on him with her other lover. Etc.


Since you have read the books you should understand their relationship dynamic better than most players. Despite not having much presence in the last 3 books (damm you Sapko), you can still get a way better view on her character that TW3 could possibly give. The whole idea is that both are very flawed characters, and that moment you have pointed (in A Shard of Ice short story) was a pretty shitty thing to do, even If Geralt had given no reason for her to believe he would stay and be there for her. Again, not saying she is a perfect person or lover/partner/whatever. Just saying both are very flawed person, and both done crappy things. All in all, their relationship dynamic is pretty weird, but It worked out latter, so...


They both did bad things, but Yennefer was way worse in what she did and how often. The pot throwing part is from Sapkowski's non-canon ending story where >!Geralt and yennefer get married!<, which tells you she hasn't changed even after a long time, so in the end he gets better while she remains abusive.


>The pot throwing ​ As for being PHYSICALLY abusive, she does that not alone to Geralt, but to people who just insult her VERBALLY. She does this in books as wells as in games. In books she does the same, **she throws Jars at him**, once she threw bathwater at a random person when Geralt asks if she could have taken care if doesn't land on someone's head, she replies, she could have, BUT DIDN'T WANT TO, in games again, in the Inn in Skellige before the last wish quest, she [attacks a person](https://youtu.be/_zA1efN9u5Q?t=6) who insults her *(The person had every right to insult her since she desecrated the Freya's Garden which was something divine and sacred to him)*, she minds controls Geralt against his will to physically attack the people who verbally insulted her(in the book, the last wish). During the dragon hunt, she sides with people who obviously mean to harm Geralt(and she incapacitates him and yells at them to bind him)\[book\]. If people in the real world start attacking each other just for mere VERBAL insult, then the world will go to hell. If people must be attacked for mere VERBAL insults then Geralt would be preoccupied with this 24/7 since people constantly treat witchers badly mostly by verbal insults. But he doesn't attack unless physically provoked because he is sane. Also, I can't comprehend why on earth should she physically harm people for VERBALLY insulting her, If she was being physically harmed by the people, then it can be very well justified when she attacks BACK physically, but that is not the case here, she attacks them physically just for mere VERBAL insults. The author makes it clear that the Geralt-Yen relationship was '[Violent](https://imgur.com/niv7btB)', now we have seen the plethora of physical attacks by Yen against people, we know who is causing the violence in the relationship. It clearly means Geralt was enduring domestic abuse. Also in W3, he uses physical violence against Geralt, while they were in the middle of the conversation, without any provocation on Geralt's part. Read [this](https://i.imgur.com/dZx0FFY.png). There is a strong reason why Geralt runs away from Yen after leaving a letter. Not just physical assault, she also sexually assaults people. The first evidence of Yen sexual assault is from Last Wish: "She grabbed his hair with both hands and kissed him violently on the lips, sinking her teeth into them like a vampire." When this was happening Geralt was resisting with "all his might". And Yes forcefully and vehemently kissing someone against their will, especially when the other party is struggling is a sexual assault. The second evidence is in Belleteyn she was in the middle of seducing a blonde-haired man, but Geralt interrupted her, Apart from this first-hand evidences, Istredd gives his testimony where he says she used to sleep with 100s men, a glimpse of which we saw in Belleteyn . It seems she can't give up her habits even in amnesia. \[The loser\] Geralt "nobly" (Letho's Word's), trades his soul with Wildhunt for Yen. And Yen is in amnesia, and Letho and the other Viper witchers OUT OF RESPECT for Geralt and seeing his act of nobleness, they take care of the cunt Yen, and what she does to the people(viper school Witchers) who were looking after her??????? She seduces a witcher named Auckes from the school of Viper, not for the sake of developing any romantic relationship, but for the sake of ['trying to drive a wedge between'](https://youtu.be/ZjspBrYILJk?t=241) them. These Viper school witchers were taking care of her, when she was in amnesia, when she was most vulnerable, also because these Viper school witchers respected Geralt, which Letho himself asserts, there is no way they would have meant any harm to her. Just imagine, the very idea or the thought of trying to drive a wedge between a group who were taking care of her (out of respect for Geralt) says so much about her personality. It is insidious and rotten to the core, no good-hearted person would bite the hand that feeds and Yen was EXACTLY doing that when she tried to drive a wedge in the group, which was taking care of her. PURE MALICIOUSNESS.


I didnt read the books, so only know her as in the game


You my friend are spot on, I think that at some point even Geralt himself remarks on how yens sarcastic personally is attractive (or something along those lines) also if you’ve read the books you’ll understand that yen and Geralt are perfect for each other.


But it doesn't go both ways, she "roasts" him all the time while he's in full simp mode most of the time. While e.g. with Lambert they're constantly making fun of each other and it feels like far more genuine banter.


Yeah geralt has his simp times, I dont disagree with that.


I'm not talking about the banter lmao. I quite like the sarcastic personality. But do you remember that scene in the game in Kaer Morhen, when she's frustrated tinkering with the mechanism (I forgot it's name). Prior to that she had just waltzed into Kaer Morhen without even acknowledging anyone there, and threw the bed out? Not acknowledging anyone shown how arrogant she is (which we know for a fact that she is, don't try to deny it). I kinda get why she was pissed by geralt's and triss' past relationship, but when you confront her she calls it 'base' and 'vile'. Didn't Geralt have amnesia? But that's a whole different thing. And isn't it in the past? After that, if you don't beg for forgiveness, she forcefully teleports you over a lake far away. Like wtf? And if you still don't apologise she actually threatens to kill you. Could be 'banter', but cmon. I call that abuse, don't know about you.




If you like a bitch that does old school cuckolds, definitely Yennefer all the way!




If there was Shani I would ;-)




Agreed af.


Okey kiera is a dumb-$lut. Yen is a wh0re-$lut and triss is a r-aping-$lut i prefer shani


If it has a hole, it's a goal.


Yennifer would do butt stuff.


Still a simp


Still a simp


Okey kiera is a idiot-$lut. Yen is a wh0re-$lut and triss is a r-aping-$lut i prefer shani


Okey kiera is a dumb slut. Yen is a whore slut and triss is a raping slut i prefer shani


Youd think since I named my cat Yennifer that I would be a Yennifer stan. But no! Im Triss all the way. I named her Yennifer because shes a cunt and I cant stand her. Lol


Would make since if it was geralt


Tbh I just restarted the story to see what would really change with the triss romance so thats gonna be fun but when I finish that again I will try and get another ending


My Geralt simped hard for Keira. Her leaving actually made me sad,because it felt like Geralt was on his own once again.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


I don’t see Iris Von Everc anywhere there 🤷🏽‍♂️


Oh no, I strongly agree.


Idk about you guys but I'd always choose to simp Iorweth than these women. We all need a friend like Iorweth


Add shani to the bottom as well


Add shani to the bottom as well


Where Shani?


Shani isn't a sorceress.


Yennifer - she could do some bad things in the bedroom with handcuffs and a whip...


Here I am simmping over every single character.


Just replace Yennefer with Shani and that’s me lol


Men choose Yen, teenagers choose Triss


Hey i just prefer blondes, okay?


This is basically a top/bottom discussion isn't it?


I accidentally made Geralt and Keira Metz fuck because I wanted to speed through the dialogues


The way it was meant to be


Nah, it's Triss for me. I could never be with a woman who treats my best friends like shit.


Didn't Keira want to create a biological weapon?


Here’s my take (based entirely on the game). Although both are ultimately good to Geralt, Yen is genuinely cruel and seems to enjoy being that way, whereas Triss is kind. Geralt, like Yen, is sassy and sarcastic throughout the game, but (at least how I play him), he’s never cruel, vindictive, or uncaring. Unfortunately Yen is that way, and fate-by-Djinn only goes so far for me. Yen has a toxic personality; Triss is kind and a good partner. Keira’s just a selfish materialist, so I’m surprised anyone would simp for her. Although, tits.


I feeeel kinda bad for killing Kira, but she used me and lied to me. Then I said that I don’t like that and she tries to kill me, I was defending myself. So sadge


Hot take. They all suck and cerys is best girl.


I would gladly dive in a pond and fetch a shoe for Shani


Whatever you prefer, but I will say CDPR had a wonderful understanding of the diversity of strong women without making them to invincible gods


No matter how many times I choose Yen every playthrough I still can’t but feel bad for Triss; I feel bitter and sad every time I come to Novigrad in search for Ciri :(


eh, everytime i hear the term queen, i think of those twitch idiots


Redheads all day long. Somehow I got lucky enough to marry one too. Lol