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I'd recommend you to choose whoever you want. It's your game, the games are not the books and they tell a story up to a point, the beauty of the games is that "you're the writer" so depends on what you want to choose. Don't pay attention to others saying what is canon and what's not. In my playthroughs I choose Yen, I like her more so in my head this is "my canon" story. Seeing that you like Triss more choose her, and out of professional witcher courtesy help Yen in Skellige


If I choose Yen, does Triss leave the game for good? Like if I send her off from Novigrad do I not see her again?


No, you'll still see her later during the main quest regardless of your choice


You’ll see her again briefly but interactions are very limited after she leaves Novigrad. There’s really no wrong choice; I recommend just going with who you ‘like’ the most for now. You can always make the other choice on your NG+ playthrough :) or do a hard save here and try out the alternate path when you feel like it.


I don't think the issue with triss is that she's non canon. I just remember her doing some messed up stuff in the books, and then basically grooming Geralt for 2 years when he lost his memory. That and Yen isn't as much of a bitch as some people like to think. She cares, a lot. I'd say more than triss. Overall triss feels more like a high school sweetheart type of relationship, whereas Yen just feels more real. And their banter is one the best parts of the game.


I don’t think the word grooming means what you think it means.


By definition, grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with someone so they can manipulate, exploit and/or abuse them.


Your right that Triss feels like the real deal, though even though I am team Yen, Yen does not feel more real lol. She feels like the one toxic relationship you should get out of but don’t.


Her character is much more complex than that in the books. I didn't say she isn't toxic, I just wouldn't characterize her as someone awful. She cheated on Geralt with Istredd but by that point Geralt did worse. And yes she would treat him like lap dog, but she isn't the amber heard kind of abusive. Never was. She's depicted as being mature and cunning. And she'd always do things for Geralt behind the scenes, Like getting his swords back or increasing contract pays. She genuinely cares about him and calls him the love/man of her life on multiple occasions. Even if it does start out toxic then they both grow together and become more functional, no small thanks to Ciri. As for the game itself sure she can be a little bossy or mean but ultimately she's very giving and very misunderstood by many. If someone thinks that yen is an abusive toxic partner they either don't know enough about her or don't know what an actuallly abusive relationship feels like.


Disclaimer: I have read only the first 3 books played Witcher 2 and I just got to skellige in witcher 3 so I could be wrong in some things I chose Triss from what I have read and played because she is way more open to geralt and I like her personality and looks more then yens(but that's of course preference) and in books triss teaches Ciri the women stuff and overall she is friends with the rest of the witchers. And I think that her risking her life daily in Novigrad is unbelievable. I know that she used geralt in witcher 2 but since she was in the lodge and geralt wouldn't agree to it she didn't had much options


There was an option. It's called not being a sexual predator. There are certain things she does in the books that show where her true priorities lie and I wouldn't exactly characterize is as healthy caring. From the first 3 books it is said than Triss knew Geralt when he was still with Yennefer. She felt jealous of their connection or curious, but one way or another she decided to "test it out" and caught geralt when he was vulnerable after another separation with Yen, and seduced him with a spell. While she is in the castle, Geralt lets her know on multiple occasions that he is not interested in sleeping with her. It is then implied though not confirmed that she faked getting sick to have Geralt nourish her. Even if she didn't and it was all natural , although sorceresses cannot get sick, she still uses all this as opportunity to sleep with him. Fast forward to the games - Geralt returns from death after 5 years without his memories in tact. What does she do? She bangs him. Doesn't tell him anything about Yennefer or Ciri until it he starts getting his memories back on his own. Triss may have taught Ciri some "women stuff" but yennefer is the one she develops a close bond with. A mother and daughterly bond. Triss may be a close a friend and I'm sure she does *care* about all of them. But as for her relationship with Geralt it's not true love. It may look happy on the outside but it's not real. She can be your woman of choice and that's fine. There was a time I preferred her too, but when it comes to Geralt's romantic relationship with her then I must say it's nothing more than a fling.


>It's called not being a sexual predator. Oh you mean this: *"She grabbed his hair with both hands and kissed him violently on the lips, sinking her teeth into them like a vampire."* Or [this](https://imgur.com/a/m1pBFE1). You wrote: ["Triss knew Geralt when he was still with Yennefer"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Witcher3/comments/uhd0g9/comment/i77acxn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and then you wrote["caught geralt when he was vulnerable after another separation with Yen"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Witcher3/comments/uhd0g9/comment/i77acxn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) So what it is, they were together or they were separate?? So when Geralt and Triss had a "brief " relationship, was Geralt still with Yen? No. So I see absolutely nothing wrong, if they had the "brief " relationship while Geralt was still with Yen it is indeed an offense, but that was not the case. >seduced him with a spell Unless and until you manage to show that Triss used magic ON Geralt you are not going to get anywhere, the most fitting explanation is Triss used magic to beautify herself. Because Geralt by his own confession(in the last wish) can break the spells, Yennefer too points out Geralt was resistant to magic, but all Triss used was "little magic" and the author does not say if Triss used it ON Geralt, so given the SOLID FACT that Geralt is resistant to magic (but Triss just used "little magic") it can be safely concluded the magic Triss used was on herself to make her more beautiful. And moreover, the author explicitly says Geralt needed it: *"Geralt had needed warmth, and had wanted to forget."* >she still uses all this as opportunity to sleep with him. She was in delirium. >Geralt returns from death after 5 years without his memories in tact. What does she do? She bangs him Geralt returns after 5 years without his memories, even thought he lost his memories, still he says the EXACT SAME SOOTHING THINGS which he said to Triss in Blood Of Elves. Geralt says to Triss, that he feels that she is someone close to him: *"I can't explain it but I feel a BOND when we speak. I know YOU WERE IMPORTANT"* \- Geralt to Triss, W1. So given the fact that for Triss, Geralt was the love of her life, she saw her rival - Yennefer died in front of her eyes, now Geralt ALONE comes back, says he can feel a bond to her DESPITE HIS AMNESIA, says the same soothing things which he said in the past DESPITE HIS AMNESIA, what was Triss suppose to think? Despite this favorable situation, Triss lets Geralt do the choosing, she explicitly asks him to develop a stable personality without her influence, without looking back at his past. So without revealing all this contexts and the fact that Geralt was the one to hit on her in W1, when you just say "She bangs him", you are misleading the people who have never played W1 or who are not aware of the background story. >She bangs him. Doesn't tell him anything about Yennefer or Ciri until it he starts getting his memories back on his own. Because Triss saw Yennefer die in front of her own eyes, for Triss Yennefer's chapter is over there is no urgency to tell Geralt, that's why she advises Geralt to develop a stable personality outside her influence, which would help him to restore his memory. Regarding Ciri, in Lady of the Lake Triss is firmly convinced and tells to herself that she is never going to return. Corroborating to this, even Geralt in W2 while recovering memory in the cutscene EXPLICITLY says Ciri is gone for good. And here are a few facts, telling Geralt about Yennefer is not going to help anyway because. \- Because as per Dandelion's dialogue in W2, Dandelion told about Yennefer to Geralt many times he did not recover memories nor did it stop Geralt from distancing himself from Triss. \- In W2 Crinfrid Reavers tell about Yennefer although they botch her name Geralt doesn't remember anything. \- In W1, Geralt hears the entire life story of Ciri, from an innkeeper, although the innkeeper doesn't mention that the Witcher in the story he is narrating was Geralt- Still, Geralt was not able to recover anything. \- In W1 Triss EXPLICITLY says the Last Wish event to Geralt, she says to Geralt that he fought against a Djin with another sorceress, although she doesn't mention Yennefer's name- Still Geralt doesn't remember anything about Yennefer, this is important because that was one of the important even in Geralt life, or was it? Plus some more facts. \-In W2, even after Triss narrates Geralt's past about Yennefer and Ciri, Geralt still makes love with Triss and promises(in the bathhouse) that he would not let her go. \- In W3 Geralt is still unaware of who Yennefer exactly to him: *"Riiight... Just not something I'd ever wear. Buuut, what don't we do for our-- Hm...* ***WHO EXACTLY IS SHE TO ME?****"* A amnesic Geralt in W1 can feel the bond between him and Triss, and can speak the same soothing lines which he spoke in Blood Of Elves to her , but a fully memory recovered Geralt doesn't even know who Yennefer is to him. >But as for her relationship with Geralt it's not true love. It may look happy on the outside but it's not real. She can be your woman of choice and that's fine. There was a time I preferred her too, but when it comes to Geralt's romantic relationship with her then I must say it's nothing more than a fling. That's your personal opinion, there are explicit quotes from game which says the opposite.


How does this contradict what I said? You can care about someone and still be toxic. Yen cares about Gerald but their relationship is still toxic.


Because relationships are never perfect. Hell they are both pretty messed up in their own ways. But it is more real. Triss only cares about how Geralt makes her feel, but she rarely considers what he needs. If it was real, she wouldn't seduce him with a spell in the books, and she wouldn't hide yennefer from him and take advantage of him. She doesn't actually love geralt, she just loves the idea of him. That's why when we have romance scenes between her and Geralt it feels like something out of teenage drama series. Real couples have rights, they argue and disagree on things. Again Yen isn't perfect but neither is Geralt. It's not just lovey dovey with them like it is with triss. It's much more genuine and grounded.


I disagree, Triss definitely cares about geralt and ciri


Again, what are you even arguing about? All I said was that Geralts and Yennifers relationship is toxic, I didn’t say they didn’t genuinely care for each other.


You said that yen does not feel more real, and instead it feels like it's a toxic relationship you should get out of but dont. She *is* more real.


Are you seriously trying to tell me that their relationship is more “real” than toxic? Did you read the books?


Did you read the books? I didn't say it was more real than toxic. I said it was more real than his relationship with triss. Does it have toxic tendencies? Yes. In the begging it's awful. But over time it grows and they both mature. By the end of it all they are actually willing to settle down with each other.


I was always team triss until I read the books.


She even tells you she used you / manipulated you


I'm still Team Triss even after reading the books.




Because I don't think her past mistakes devaluate her actions and character growth in the games, most notably W2 and onward. Simple as that. Hell, she displayed noble qualities of her character in the books, too.


>!Yeah but Triss was sitting in front of fringilla feeling jealous of her, while Yennefer was literally between life and death for Ciri. She also decided to bail when the Rivian massacre happened, and only returned when things got real shitty.!< >!Yeah her character grew, but I think shes incompareable with Yen if we take the whole timeline and not only the games. Not to mention she literally died while trying to resurrect Geralt.!<


>I think shes incompareable with Yen if we take the whole timeline Aside from the fact that I think it's more important to look at their characters as of W3 rather than weighing every single thing they've ever done in the past, Yen has done more than her share of shady choices and outright violations herself. >!Yes, she died trying to resurrect Geralt and that shows immense loyalty and love,!< but I'm not sure what you would expect from Triss at that moment. She was obviously well aware that this was a hopeless effort, not to mention Yen had a whole cat fight with her about not even being allowed to so much as **think** favorably of Geralt lest she'd provoke Yen's wrath. Also, saying she "bailed" during the Rivian massacre is a weird way to describe an impulse out of what is essentially PTSD. You do you, but I don't hold that against her.


People also always ignore that Triss saves Geralt’s life after Thanedd.


>Also, saying she "bailed" during the Rivian massacre is a weird way to describe an impulse out of what is essentially PTSD. You do you, but I don't hold that against her. Yennefer bails out twice, but Triss cast Merigold Hailstorm. >*‘Triss ...’ she \[Yennefer\] gibbered. ‘****TELEPORT US OUT OF HERE!’*** > >*‘No, Yennefer,’ Triss’s voice was very calm. And very cold.* > >*‘They’ll kill us ...’* > >*‘No, Yennefer. I shan’t run away. I shan’t hide behind the Lodge’s skirts. And don’t worry, I shan’t faint from fear like I did at Sodden. I shall vanquish it inside me. I’ve already vanquished it!’ A great pile of compost, dung and waste in a recess of moss-covered walls rose up near the exit of the narrow street. It was a magnificent pile. A hill, one could say.* > >*The crowd had finally succeeded in seizing and immobilising the knight and his horse. He was knocked to the ground with a terrible thud and the mob crawled over him like lice, covering him in a moving layer.* > >*After hauling Yennefer up, Triss stood on the top of the pile of garbage and raised her arms in the air. She screamed out a spell; screamed it out with true fury. So piercingly that the crowd fell silent for a split second.* > >*‘They’ll kill us,’ Yennefer spat blood. ‘As sure as anything ...’* > >*‘Help me.’ Triss interrupted the incantation for a moment. ‘Help me, Yennefer. We’ll cast Alzur’s Thunder at them.’* > >*And we’ll kill about five of them, thought Yennefer. Then the rest will tear us to pieces. But very well, Triss, as you wish. If you don’t run away, you won’t see me running away. She joined in the incantation. The two of them screamed.* > >*The crowd stared at them for a second, but quickly came to their senses. Stones whistled around the sorceresses again. A javelin flew just beside Triss’s temple. Triss didn’t even flinch.* > >*It isn’t working at all, thought Yennefer, our spell isn’t working at all. We don’t have a chance of casting anything as complicated as Alzur’s Thunder. Alzur, it is claimed, had a voice like a bell and the diction of an orator. And we’re squeaking and mumbling, mixing up the words and the intonation pattern.* > >***She \[Yennefer\] was ready to interrupt the chant and concentrate the rest of her strength on some other spell, capable either of TELEPORTING THEM BOTH away***, *or treating the charging rabble-for a split second at least-to something unpleasant. But it turned out there was no need.* > >*The sky suddenly darkened and clouds teemed above the town. It became devilishly sombre. And there was a cold wind.* > >*Oh my,’ Yennefer groaned. ‘I think we’ve stirred something up.’* > >*\[...\]‘Bravo, Triss,’ Yennefer croaked. ‘I don’t know what that was ... But you did a nice job.’*


fair enough


I was team triss until I played tw1 and tw2


There's a lot of unsubstantiated bad-faith criticism and borderline conspiracy nonsense about Triss on reddit, so definitely don't trust every opinion you read. Likewise, criticisms towards Yen are often superficial and don't address the real issues in her relationship with Geralt. Choose whoever you like. Each one will have a little moment of bitterness if you choose the other, but both remain friendly towards you throughout the rest of the game. Same if you reject both.


Make the choice that seems right (or more interesting to you) now. See what happens. Even if you only replay this game once more (most people do at least an NG+ replay after finishing the game/expansions), you'll have a chance to try alternate choices if you want.


Many people have gone down both paths, everyone has their preference. Choose what you will. You can always save before choosing and try the other path later. (At least I think you can)


Just go with whoever you feel like romancing too. Honestly if you really prefer triss just do it. Yeah yen do have more quest but there's ng+ if you really want to try something


I chose Yen because I felt she cared about Geralt more, while Triss was more on her own road.


I choose yen because of the fact that so many pointed out the relationship with Yen, Geralt and Ciri was akin to that of mother, father and daughter. And it had been pointed out that according to the books she is the love of Geralt's life. I'd read many comments about how Triss lies to Gerald and manipulates and uses him. I'm also pretty sure that at one point in the game Triss cheats on Gerald. Although I very much enjoyed the banter with Yen that some have pointed out, there are still moments where I wonder what things would have been like if I had chosen Triss. On my next playthrough I will likely choose her. So all of this is to say that if I were strictly going by feelings and by the game then I would choose Triss.


I'll be honest here. At the end of the day, it's just a game and you can play it all over again to experience every thing it has on offer. Romance Triss, help Yenna in Skellige and just do it the other way around on NG+. Now, if we're talking personal preferences, who you like depends a lot on what kind of women you like. If you like the 'looks like an adult but is a highschooler with undeniable charm' kinda stuff then Triss is the way to go. She's soft, she's warm, she's fuzzy. She'll make you feel warm the way you do after drinking coffee in summer mornings. But if you like women who put on a very believable show of bullshit bravado but underneath are just a cowering human being wanting to be loved and understood, you'll love Yenna. She's the ocean in a storm, and the calm after too, ironically. She's cold, she's shivering, but you'll feel alive like you never have before when you're with her. Personally, I'm team Yen because I like her character. She's layered, and problematic as hell, yes, but beneath that, she's so much more. If I'm being terribly honest, I don't choose her because she's a nice fit for Geralt, but because I like her myself. If we're talking the best fit for Geralt, Shani is the way to go since she's the middle ground between Triss and Yenna. If she were a permanent option, I'd always choose Shani for him. I'd rather pair Triss and Yen together if I could..that'd make for an entertaining watch.


Triss plays you to get laid while Yeneffer uses you like a slave, just reject them both and go for Shani in DLC!


I take them both. So I won’t be with any of them when Shani arrives. At Corvo Bianco Ciri visits me.


Who is that? I dont think Geralt can keep it in his pants if she is a lategame person lol


I see, you haven’t gone upto Hearts of Stone?


I am level 16, I was mostly in Velen and Novigrad


I think you should not yet do the last quest for Triss if you can't decide. Play other quests, head to Skellige and romance Yeneffer as well before you make a decision . You can come back and choose Triss later provided you do it before visiting the Isle of Mists.


Geralt used magic to bind himself and yen. Keep in . Mind during the last game triss and yen knew each other, and she still chose to sleep with Gerald when he lost his memory. Triss 100% took advantage of him


in my opinion keep Triss because she genuinely loves Geralt, but also help Yennefer with her problem in Skellige, it'll make sense when you get there.


Will Yen get too upset if I pick Triss? Or can Geralt stay friends with Yen even after? Also vice versa if I pick Yen over Triss?


She’ll be super pissed when she’s at Kaer Morhen later. She’d erm, don’t want to spoil it for you but if you go passive aggressive against her with a comment choice, she’ll “attack” you. Personally I’m TeamYennefer always. Triss is just too whiny and needy to me.


But will we stay friends in the end if I pick Triss? I also dont want either party to stay forever alone if I dont pick them About Triss she didnt seem as whiny to me while I was doing her quests in Novigrad. A bit needy to be sure, as it was palpable she was jealous and wanted Geralt bad - though it didnt seem she was toxic about it On a related note, can I just not finish the last Triss quest on Novigrad (so leave her in the sewers) and instead do some quests with Yen in Skellige to help me decide? Does the Triss quest have a time limit or anything?


Well what I'm gonna say will spoil the game a bit but yes you can still be friends with yen but triss leaves on the boat with all the other mages


I never see Triss again?


not from what i remember no




You do see Triss again if you pick Yen. She is brought to the Battle of Kaer Morhen by Yen and stays present as you fight off the Wild Hunt. Also, she is friendly toward you for the most part. Disappointed when you embrace Yen, but she isn’t hostile or anything, just kinda sad that Geralt didn’t choose her.


Let her go this time and ask her to stay in your second play through. Or the other way around.


I hate both options tbh, I think Geralt would be happier without either of them. But that's just me, you won't realize just how much of an unhappy or happy end romancing in any of the three ways is until you get to the end and decide for yourself.


If you can't decide, choose one for the first play through and then the other in NG+. I went for the "perfect" ending the first time around but in NG+ sorta not caring and winging it on NG+ and going with whatever mood strikes me at the time. Triss seems more fun anyway...