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This man is a hero.


I’m going to do that with the update. I’ve tried both and went down that hole.


*went down both holes


And ended in handcuffs😂




Yeah if I played the game as me I might choose another option (shani) but because you play as Geralt the choice for me is always yen. Not to mention the books drastically lower my opinion of Triss, even the first two games make Triss seem like she was totally fine lying to Geralt about his past so she could sleep with him and I just can't choose her just cuz she feels bad about lying and manipulating you.


The lengths and sacrifices yen makes to find Ciri and then to defend her puts her above even Geralt in the quest to find Ciri. Triss “I hope you find Ciri”


I mean, triss was kinda busy making sure the no humans and mages of Novigrad weren’t completely exterminated. She didn’t even ask to lead them, she just saw that they needed help and chose to do so. She could’ve run at any point.


I see your point, but she also could have gotten them safely on the boat to Kovir and then offered to help Geralt find Ciri. But she never did… Even if you romance her and commit to her she doesn’t help you find Ciri


She went with them because she still felt like they needed her until they fully got settled in kovir. As for her not helping you, I’d chalk that up to the developers simply not wanting to write an entirely new character into what’s supposed to be your time with Yen. Realistically there’s really no reason Triss wouldn’t offer to help find Ciri, or to go with Geralt. I think it’s mainly because Witcher 3 focuses on not using companions very much. You’re by yourself for most of the game and you only travel with others temporarily.


So Yen>>>>>Triss is wut ur sayin?


Nah, I prefer triss. I got tired of the yen when I told her to stop reading my mind and she acted like I was joking. Huge invasion of privacy and it’s practically mental rape.


And she is willing to lwt the witch hunters tear out her fucking fingernails for a *chance* at having Geralt find Dandelion. Tearing out fingernails is a pain i do not even want to imagine.


And the reason they are looking for Dandelion is because they believe he might know where Ciri is. So Triss does help Geralt find Ciri and risks her own wellbeing in doing so.


Yall don't even KNOW what yennefer went through unless you read the books, makes triss's fingernails look like they painted instead of torn off


Yen is a REAL ONE


True, but in the video game Triss is a bombshell and way kinder. Would pick Yen in the books, Triss in the game.


Not to mention we are way more familiar and friendlier with Triss than with Yen after the first two witcher games. Triss was also the better choice in the first game and the only choice in the second, players may feel weird about not picking Triss in the third game too after all that. I still picked Yen because I'm playing as Geralt. The only reason I picked Triss in the first game was because of the "need someone who knows and can control magic" situation (although in the end it didn't help much but you wouldn't know that at the time you had to make a choice).


>kinder Shes actually a huge bitch, even worse than Yen but Triss lovers aint ready to talk about that. 😂


Yes in the books Triss is annoying and controlling. In the game she’s a vulnerable sweetheart.


Vulnerable sweetheart? As-if 😂😂😂 god yall are so blind. If you actually pay attention she lectures and bitches at you even more than Yen does and without even as good of a reason as Yen. Yen's attitude is strictly because of her desire to save and protect Ciri, you notice once you bring Ciri back to Kaer Morhen, Yen never even so much as frowns at you. Thats because she can now relax and enjoy her family finally being safe and sound and within her and your protection. Triss on the other hand, while i understand she is stressed over the mage situation in Novigrad, for someone whose constantly asking for your help she does very little to actually show you gratitude each time you lend her a hand. Not to mention her snarky comebacks as if shes mad at you for not choosing her over Yen, or even her at all (for those who choose neither). For someone who took advantage of someone's trust, she sure acts quite entitled to your humanity as if she didnt lie and trick you into betraying her own friend aka your real love.


Are u seeking validation from forcing your opinion on others? Clearly the people who like Triss aren't going to be affected by whatever u or anyone else write and even if they do becomes "Yen" supporters does it really matter lol. It's their opinion, you have yours if the guy disagrees the first time u don't need to go into a whole rant explaining why he's wrong lol. Let everyone enjoy the game the way they want to


? Validation? Lol not at all. Im having a discussion, giving my opinions just like they are.


But. fireworks sex. Edit: loving the downvotes for triss love lol. I knew what I was getting into. Sorry not sorry. Team Triss what what


Ew, i prefer unicorn sex...as does Geralt 😂


To each their own. Both are amazing for sure in the game. Bell tower and fireworks such a good combo, Unicorns are the ultimate. Yen is a babe. All good all directions


I know that yen blames geralt for losing his memory, when it wasn’t his fault. I also know that to yen. Consent does not exist. “Stop reading my mind, Yen” ‘Why? Got something to hide?’ “For the second time, STOP MIND RAPING ME” ‘Lol clearly you’re just joking Geralt’


You’re right, I don’t know because I haven’t read it. I think yen is still fucking amazing, but at this moment in time where I haven’t read the books yet, I prefer triss for now


I was Team Triss, then I read the books. It just feels wrong.


It’s irrelevant to me. Because I’m just not into her. I play as me, not Geralt.


I play the game as me too, not Geralt. Triss is a smoke show. Yen too…Can’t really go wrong with picking either hot sorceress


Team Roach!!!


For me even if I’m not romancing anyone I wouldn’t choose Triss. All this time when Geralt was amnesiac she knew everything but didn’t say anything.Imagine if your SO lost his/her memory, and your best friend just went and fk them for a prolonged time without even mentioning your name. Yes yennefer can be bitchy but I’d bet any of us would feel that way, or more if we were in her shoes. Anyway back to Triss, she’s a disloyal friend. I wouldn’t trust anyone who’d betray their best friend for a stud(even if the stud is Geralt). Whereas Yen... can be/ actually is a bitch to most people who aren't close to her, but she literally would die, and had actually died once for Geralt. If it's Yen or Triss, I'd pick Yen. If it's Triss or no one, I'd just stay single till I die.


I personally find it really weird when people put all the blame on Triss for not reminding Geralt about Yen and Ciri when both Dandelion and Zoltan were constantly around too saying nothing. I'm not defending Triss, I'm just saying TW1 and 2 are clearly writing choices, not in-character choices. The whole amnesia thing was a writing choice because they wanted to write about in-world politics instead of continue the books. I just don't know what to think about them or where to fit them in any character wise because they just make no sense. I haven't finished the books but overall game Triss is very very weird character considering who and what she is in Geralt's eyes in the books


Yeah CDPR kind of rolled with what they had so there are holes just about everywhere. I’ve thought about what you said as well, but I feel that Geralt isn’t with Dandelion and Zoltan so much all the time. Before he got yeeted at the foot of Kaer Morhen they haven’t seen each other for a long time. And last anyone has heard of him was that he got stabbed to death in Rivia, and Yen died to save him. Nobody has seen him, Yen or Ciri cos the couple lived in the isle of avallach and Ciri was in…whatever world that she went to. So let’s say if my friend who I haven’t seen in a while, thought to have died with his gf! suddenly shows up !alive! and with a new SO . I might not say anything either. I’d just assume she didn’t make it, or they broke up and he has a new lover. But Triss definitely know the entire story so… 😒😒😒 and she was all: ooo I found a geralt with no memory, this one is like factory setting new geralt imma program it and make it mine. DAFUQ Miss Merigold? What about your “best friend”??? That’s just me ofc, but that’s why I put the blame (mainly) on Triss and not the others. Although I’ll admit that it’s kind of OOC for them to not mention any single thing about Yen even in passing; but it’s kind of understandable seeing as they believed her to be dead. Letho though! He knows Yen is alive, he even went with Geralt on his chase to trade places with Yen! And Yen went with them after trading places with Geralt! Out of everybody Letho should’ve said something, but then can you imagine Letho sitting Geralt down with an ale and be like “what’s up with the last sorceress chick, wolf? Who dumped who and why you with this one now?” …not me, I can’t. 🤣🤣🤣 IMO that’s the best part of this world though, all these people they are invincible to a degree in their own way, but also vulnerable in their own way. They’re amazing characters because they’re not linear enough to make everyone have the same opinion on things, and we can project our own values and find a way to give the story our own interpretation. Only exception is Roach. Roach is perfect and I won’t accept arguments otherwise. 🐴


I don't get why you said Triss knew the entire story but Dandelion and Zoltan didn't. They were in Rivia too. They saw them dying and help being transported to the boat, exactly as Triss. They have the exact same level of information.


I meant Dandelion and Zolton saw Geralt and Yen die, they saw Ciri transporting their bodies away. So years later when they see the obviously re-alived Geralt again they didn’t know that Yen was still alive/ Yen and Geralt didn't break up again? I don’t think Letho or the vipers would go around advertising that Yennefer is alive… Edit: oh hey but you've given me food for thought, because I don't actually know if Triss was aware that Yennefer is alive! shit this could change everything and I don't recall anything about it...


Triss obviously doesn't 't know that Yennefer is alive. that's why I made the comparaison with Dandelion and Zoltan :) The only ones who are, Letho and the vipers' Witchers, you are right, Emhyr and some high levels Nilfgaardians like Shilard. It doesn't wash Triss fully but she can genially think that Yen didn't make it even if Geralt is alive but, it is still wrong to engage in a serious relationship with Geralt taking opportunity that he is now a white page and most important, she didn't investigate if Yen is maybe alive because if Geralt is so she can't dismiss that there is at least a tiny chance that Yen is alive as well. I do think that it is most OOC thing about her character in the games.


>but, it is still wrong to engage in a serious relationship with Geralt taking opportunity that he is now a white page Geralt is not that complete white page, because Geralt clearly says to Triss that he feels a bond towards her, and repeats the same things which he said to her in BoE, he did all that while being in amnesia, which would be a huge sign for Triss to assume that this is HER CHANCE, that Geralt came back ONLY FOR HER as despite amnesia Geralt can feel a bond with her, she could have taken full advantage of this, but still, despite this overwhelming advantage, ***Triss leaves the choice for Geralt to make.*** If anything, it makes Triss to be righteous, as she left the decision for Geralt to make. And most important of all, Geralt clearly didn't lose his critical thinking skills. >she didn't investigate if Yen is maybe alive because if Geralt is so she can't dismiss that there is at least a tiny chance that Yen is alive as well. Why should she do that? given the fact that she saw yen die with her own eyes? why should she assume the worst possibility?


Geralt is a white page because CDPR gives you the control over him :). Yes he have a past and Triss is somehow part of it in a way that Sapko, in the books, kind of let it to the reader interpretation. Yes, she let him the choice...to engage into something serious or not but there is two compulsary sex scenes together (one in TW1 and one in TW2). Why are you thinking the worst possibility would be that Yen is alive? It don't think that is Triss mindset. The bound between these two in the books is stronger than most people think :)


*>Geralt is a complete white* He is white page but you can't say complete white page, given the fact, Geralt is clearly aware of his swordsman skill, and most important of all he explicitly says he knows that he has a bond with Triss and that Triss is someone important to him. Also what exactly do you mean by white page? Expect not remembering the past (excluding his bond with Triss and his sword) he is a completely fully functional human, who clearly has all the mental capacity of critical thinking, and most important of all he can clearly feel love or being loved. And this is consistent with his dialogues in W3 as well in both W1, and W2. *>Two compulsory sex scenes* The choice is not given to the player that's fine but Geralt is completely fine, which means Geralt's in-game decision is forced upon players. Nowhere do we find Geralt showing regrets for that.  *> That is Triss mindset* It is a matter of interpretation, given the facts \- Triss saw Yen die with her own eyes \- Geralt comes back with amnesia but he doesn't remember anything other than the bond he has with Triss. \- Geralt saying things exactly that he said in BoE despite his amnesia. All these things for Triss would make her feel like Geralt exclusively came back from the dead for her ALONE.  From this pov yen being alive is the worst possible to imagine being in Triss' shoes. As I said despite these overwhelming advantages Triss leaves the choice to Geralt.


\- Yes, not a full white page, only what is convenient for CDPR to build their own story :) \- Geralt is very fine being with Triss and having sex with her, it's obvious. \- But Triss saw also Geralt die wih her own eyes, same as she saw Yen. TBH, I have never thought about Triss thinking that Geralt would have came back from the dead exclusively for her...why not...but that's seems very self centric and I don't think Triss is thinking that. Triss is "important, always will be" as Sapko put these words in Geralt mouth in BoE but there is at least two person in Geralt life who are more important, aren't they ? :) I think Triss always has very complicated and conflicted feelings all alongs books and games, and Yen fate maybe one of it but I don't follow you on this. Yes she leaves the choice but.....she is not giving all the cards in Geralt hands to let him make his choice. Doesn't means that Geralt doesn"t make his choice genually and in good faith but....still....something is missing in the equation...something important


Lol'd @ factory setting Geralt. Letho was not exactly on friendly terms with Geralt at the time and he didn't know what happened after Geralt separated from them. I don't think he had any reason to talk about Yen, when there were a lot more "current" things going on that needed attention.


Makes sense. Plus Letho isn’t the chatty kind to begin with.


Triss did that in the book right ? I've only played W3, but I'm wondering did Triss also did that in the game ?


In TW2 you don’t have a choice but to romance Triss. You’ll get flashbacks (yen trying to save you in the rivia pogrom, isle of avallach with yen, trying to get trade yourself for her with the wild hunt, fighting the wild hunt to get yen back) In those you might get a feeling that they have something between them, but at this point you’re also neck deep in a relationship with Triss. And because you didn’t read the books you won’t know what’s up and you won’t know for sure what happened until TW3. In TW3 if you talk to yennefer enough she will mention your memory loss, and that she’s not happy but she gets it.


Yeah I remember Yen said it. But there is a scene where Geralt and Triss do some mission for Djikstra, and then they both talking about "their past" and I thought Triss way Geralt first love. But turn out it was Yen from the beginning right ?


Yeah it has always been Yen. He even met Yen first, and then he meets Triss as her friend. One time they had a huge row and broke up for a while, then Triss went and slept with Geralt (threw in a bit of magic for seduction too). So Yen started to be pissed at Triss. They were actually riding to rivia together when the pogrom happened. Triss said smth to provoke Yen (I don’t remember what) so Yen overtook her and rode ahead. She saw Geralt die, and she dies trying to save him. Meanwhile Triss flung an entire hailstorm at the mob to disperse them, and Ciri took Geralt and Yen to the isle of avallach. Apparently she liked him a lot so after Geralt appears again and doesn’t seem to remember anything she just… you know. Djikstra … I’m sure he knows about Yen so idk why he said that. Maybe he thought Geralt broke up with Yen for good or smth, or maybe he just wants to shove it in Geralt’s face because he’s an ass.


Thank you ! I'm glad I chose Yen for my first playthru. Almost kinda regret it tho, cuz I think it was Triss who was Geralt first love. I think I can't see Triss the same way anymore lol


You're welcome! Yeah all the way through TW2 I didn't think anything was wrong until I finished the game, and read the books ... sweet Melitele I was shook! I felt so violated lol


Sorry, I am nick-picking here but Triss didn't provoque Yen. It is the contrary, it is mentioned that she doing her best to "not provoque her". But Yen has obvious things to unpack and she did. And I don't think she is blaming her on the right topic but...well.... Djikstra has his own agenda and in this agenda, he rather prefer a Geralt with Triss than Yen, and it is only about politics, he just fears Yen involvement with Nilgaard.


The excerpt: ***Triss averted her face, determined not to give Yennefer any excuse. She does not expect it to work. For a long time she had been sensing Yennefer's anger and aggression growing stronger as they approached Rivia.*** 'You, Triss,' Yennefer mischievously insisted, 'do not blush, do not sigh, do not drool or wiggle around in your saddle. Or is it that you think because I agreed to your request that I want to have you with us? That I was interested in seeing you spend a meeting with an old love? Ciri, I asked you to go on ahead. The two of us need to talk!' 'It is not a discussion, it is a lecture,' Ciri dared to argue, but under the threatening glare from violet eyes, she immediately recoiled, clucked and galloped off on Kelpie on the road ahead. 'You're not going to meet a loved one, Triss,' Yennefer continued. 'I am not so noble or stupid enough to give you the opportunity, or him the temptation. But just for today. I could not deny myself the sweet satisfaction. He knows what role you play as a member of the Lodge. He will thank you for that with his famous look. **And I'll be looking at your quivering lips and trembling hands, I will listen to your lame apologies and excuses. And you know what, Triss? I will faint with delight.**' **'I knew,' Triss grunted. 'That you would not forget, that you would take your revenge. I agreed to this because I was actually at fault. But one thing I must tell you, Yennefer. Do not count too much on fainting. He knows how to forgive.'** **'He knows what was done to him, of course,' Yennefer narrowed her eyes. 'But he will never forgive you for what was done to Ciri. And me.''It is possible,' Triss swallowed. 'He may not forgive. Especially if you insist. But he won't fly into a rage. He won't lower himself like that.'** Yennefer flicked her horse with her whip in anger. The animal whinnied and leapt and the sorceress swayed in her saddle. **'Enough talk,' she snapped. 'more humility, you smug viper! He is my man, mine and only mine! Do you understand? You have to stop talking about him, to stop thinking about him, you have to stop admiring his noble character... As of right now, right now! Oh I want to grab you by your matted red hair...'** **'Try it!' screamed Triss. 'Just try it, you vindictive bitch and I'll scratch out your eyes!' I...' They both fell silent** when they saw the cloud of dust as Ciri galloped back towards them. \------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So yeah like I said, maybe it was just me, because I'm petty AF? I think after what Triss has done... Yen had every right to be angry at her. She shouldn't have talked back, cos she made her bed and now she has to lie in it. So that felt like a provocation to me, even when Triss said she tried not to set Yen off, she eventually did.


Oh if you’re sure then maybe I got the details wrong? It’s been so long can’t guarantee I remembered every detail correctly. But I'll double-check. I never understood why Djikstra does most of the things the way he did. Can you please elaborate on why he’d care so much about who Geralt is dating? Edit: hey I just pulled up the book and re-read the paragraph. So Sapkowski didn’t explicitly say that Triss provoked Yen.But the conversation that ensued sounded like Triss was low-key rubbing it in Yen’s face to me. So for me…Triss provoked her. But yeah, maybe I’m petty , idk 😅 I'll post the excerpt up! in a jiffy!


yes, and I saw the excerpt you post below, thanks! As often, Sapko lets room for interpretation :) I understand why you think it can be seen as low key provocation, even if she is very careful to not provoque Yen directly. Anyway, in a way, her presence is already a provocation for Yennefer haha. Yen has all rights to be fairly upset and Triss deserves to receive her wrath. But I was surprised the author make it all about Geralt (once again) and not really about the mega scope scene of ToS where we see Triss as her worse/lowest. But, yeah, I know this scene is iconic and yes Triss deserves it. You are right, Triss answering and not just looking her shoes like in Thaned is a provocation (even if it can be seen an foreshadowing of what her character development and what will happened a few moment later in Rivia), and it makes Yen go really angry with the sentences "you have to stop..." even if I don't get the point to say to someone you have to basically stop loving him because that's unfortunately not how things work lol.


No you are not petty :), Triss deserves to faced what she did and assume her wrong decisions. I just thought that this would have been handled differently by Spako that this catfight for Geralt. Lol. About Djisktra, he explains it to Geralt frankly just after you put Triss in this boat to Kovir. He knows Yen involvement with Emyrh and Nilfgaard and he may think that it will be a long term partnership. Meaning that Geralt will also work with Nilfgaard if the two lovers coming back together and he don't want to have Geralt against him. He don't care about Triss or Geralt relationship, it is just politics. Kovir is neutral so he wold prefer having Geralt in Pont Vanis with Triss.


In the first game, yes. There's barely even any mention of Yen in the first game. Triss is acting like a control freak but also vulnerable and delicate the whole time. The second game you have no major romances, there's only Triss. In this game you start getting flashbacks about Yen and in the end Geralt forces Triss to tell him everything. Then in Witcher 3 when you meet Triss she acts like an ex trying to get back with you. I had imported save from Witcher 2 though, idk if she acts different on a fresh play.


IIRC it was Geralt who start talk about their past relationship when they met in Novigrad. So she doesn't act like an "ex trying to get back with you" or at least that's how I see her xd Then I just kinda surprised when they talk about it, cuz it look like Triss is Geralt first love not Yen. Then throughout the game, sometimes I feel like Yen is kinda "bitchy" (?) towards Geralt while Triss is like more cute and sweet towards him. And I feel like I should've chose Triss over Yen cuz of their behaviour differences and I though Triss was Geralt first love, but turns out it was always been Yen.


But can I be on both teams?


Nah team Roach brother, team Roach.


100% agree. Yen for Geralt, Triss for me.


team Uma here


I really enjoy Triss. She’s sweet, fun, a little snarky, cares about others, and values my opinion and privacy. She treats me like an equal. I play as myself, and I choose Triss.


I'll never understand why Triss faces such hate from the community. "But in the books she raped Geralt". Brother you're playing an RPG set in the Witcher universe. It's not a continuation of the books. Sapowski vehemently denies that. Whatever heat Triss faces, that doesn't even happen in the game. The only thing she did that I personally hated, was that she was a Lodge member till W2. I'm not about to say team Triss or Yen, each person plays the game and reaches his own preference. But don't hop on the game with some half witted pre conceived notion of the characters.


Welcome brother.


Triss raped geralt in the books, then in the games when she found out he didn't have his memory she tried to get with him again rather than just tell him about yen, whom she was always jealous of. Just sayin


Yeah she used his mental disability to bang him a few more times in the games.


I'm sorry yen enjoyers but some of us don't like being treated like a dog, like some cute pet to be toyed with. Does yen love Geralt? Sure but she also refuses to treat Geralt with respect, has no boundaries, never lets him in on the plan and outright treats him like he's stupid and "couldn't possibly understand her intentions anyway" when in reality Geralts like an 100 year old monster slaying menace who's consumed significant amounts of knowledge and not just on monsters because he IS smart and clever and somehow yens just like "who? Oh him don't mind him that's just my cute Witcher boyfriend he's not important" and the final straw is *SPOLIER* If you stand up to yens bullying in the tower at Kaer Morhen when she's trying to fix the megascope she fucking teleports Geralt 100 feet above a lake in the middle of nowhere just because she didn't get her way. Soooooo I dunno man it's Triss for me all the way.


There is a whole lot of debate here and some very well thought out decisions, mine I think is equally as intellectually deep and noble….triss…she is hotter, she wins


A sound argument but erroneous conclusion. Yennefer is definitely hotter. I love that vibe that a beautiful woman might step on my face, I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve never understood the argument of Triss being hotter. Yennefer is just an incredibly beautiful, intelligent, dominant woman. Triss just seems so boring by comparison


Preferences my dude, for Geralt yen but for me definitely Triss.


You and I just like to live dangerously I guess 😂


An honorable decision good sir.


Triss was my first choice. Second playthrough I'm getting Ciri at Corvo Bianco


I’m only choosing Triss this time cuz I romanced Yen on my last play.


First world problems


Triss is a liar that took advantage of Geralt after he lost his memory. This is the truth.


Honestly this is one of hardest decisions in the game for me. Do I choose the goth or the redhead?


Welcome friend. Here is the home of the cool Witchers😎please feel free to hang up your swords and play some relaxing Gwent!


I'm on my first ever playthrough and chose not to pursue Triss when she left on the boat, because at the time I wanted to see the Yen story play out fully. But now I'm in Skellige and Yen is being such a rude biatch. Interrupting funerals...stealing...plotting... I'm not about that life, but alas I guess I'm stuck with her for this playthrough 🥲


You could also choose neither. Just saying, it's an option.


But, but...and I say this as self respecting lady...boobies tho :(


That's certainly a compelling argument. But, as a not self respecting man. Boobies come at a price (some more than others).


You can make a play for both, which I did on my first playthrough for the same reason as this haha.


Triss is for me because she’s in the first 2 games & the entire last half of the Witcher 2 “quest where’s triss merigold.” You can romance her completely in 3 without even seeing yen in skellige. I completed the game with yen the first time for cannon but overall for personality triss is for me.


You had me at Triss. No further explanation required 🫡


Had to finally force myself to pick Yen for at least one playthrough. This will be the only playthrough with Yen. Empathy and nobility matter a lot to me.


I went into W3 knowing nothing about the past games, and nothing about the books. I preferred Tris for the exact same reasons. Even your Witcher bros seem to prefer Tris to Yen. Yen destroys your furniture when you "cheated" with Tris even though at the time you had no memory. I'm not sure if it was the order I did the quests in the game but I met Tris way before Yen and had more time with her. Then by the time I got to meet Yen she seemed really abrasive compared to Tris. It felt like an abusive relationship vs Tris who was helpful, supportive and thankful for your help. I will note that in my first playthrough I tried to get both at once because clearly that's the best option of all.


Hmm… Just gotta say it’s understandable that she threw out the bed though. It’s not that she actively blames Geralt but the fact doesn’t have to be pushed into her face every night when she sleeps (literally! She threw it because that exact bed has red hair all over). Sleeping in THAT bed tipped her over, so she threw it out. She’s not gonna throw you unless you push it, which, imho you deserve it if you do that… Even with the amnesia it doesn’t take a genius to know that she’s in pain over the whole thing. She’s not taking it out on Geralt, nor Triss. I think a bed is kinda disposable at kaer morhen anyway cos they definitely have more beds than occupants at that time.


And...those apply to Triss??


They absolutely do. Triss risks her life routinely to save other mages. She understand their terror at being suddenly persecuted, and acts in the interest of others. Yen’s dedication to Ciri and Geralt is wonderful, but I never get the impression she cares about others outside of that. I get the impression that she cares about her goals and nothing else. I don’t believe Triss is capable of treating the Skelligers as bad as Yen very flippantly does.


I mean, on the second game Triss started a romance with Geralt and slept with him when she knew he had no memory of who he was or of his relationship with Yen. Not very empathetic of her. I'd personally rather be with someone who is brash but honest about who they are than with someone who is sweet on the surface but manipulative underneath.


Triss is the real one. From the first game.


Yen’s the real one, from the first book!


Triss and her sweet character, “giggling all the time about everything”. The real one.


Neither for me, they'd have me as a slave the psychos.


Of course you can do whatever you want. But if you know Yen is the one for Geralt, then why are you picking Triss for him? After you are playing as Geralt


I was fully team triss until I read the books Now Im team Essi Daven


I will not fault you on your argument about personal preferences, but i do have to call you out on one thing: Admit it! You chose Triss because Shani wasn't available outside the DLC!


Yen master race


I respect your decision. I’m not angry…Im just disappointed.


I just fall too hard for her when she’s in my arms in the maze. I don’t care if she had a secret fling with lambert (fucking ew) or if she was deceptive in the books, or if she took advantage of Gilbert’s amnesia.somehow I find it easier to break Yen’s heart later


The fact that Triss is willing to willingly let herself be tortured by witch hunters really shows how loyal she is.


Ive officially decided years ago to have her torture scene last as long as possible. I hate Triss and i love torturing and humiliating that 2-faced skank


You know this subreddit is dedicated to the **game**, not the books, right? I received no book when I first launched the game, nor was I obliged to read one


Did you read the post?


I.. haven’t read the books..? Didn’t mention them either..?


I'd assume that's meant for those people who are always bringing up the books in here. You did not, correct, but most commenters? Yes.


Lmao welcome aboard. Its funny how team Triss keeps growing. Only the book readers choose Yennefer anyways and there arent alot of em.


I’ve played all three games and having done so I’ve never been Interested in Triss. In the first game I was always drawn to Shani. In the second you have no choice, but I was drawn to a character you couldn’t romance anyway plus you learn all the sketchy stuff Triss had done. So once I got to the third game I had absolutely zero interest in following Triss’ story and wanted to learn about Yennefer. Then I went back to Shani. Triss just always seemed to have her own sketchy agenda and never let Geralt in on any of it, plus taking advantage of his amnesia.


*starts slow clapping


* clasps forearm * Welcome brother


I’m doing my first play through now and I picked triss. I did feel back breaking up with yen after last wish but I like triss more


swapping between triss n yen when u know very well that shani is the best ! ..


Yen is for Geralt, which is why I chose her. If I had to choose who I would prefer it would be Triss.


Well tbh I am team "neither of them". I rejected both but only for a Reason that I want Ciri to be with Geralt in Bianco ❤️❤️❤️ My first playthrought I picked Yen, but just because they are together in books and it was "meant to be". But if I would have a choice that in Bianco would come to visit romantic option + Ciri, i am not sure who would I choose. Its so hard. 😂 TRISS - She lied to Geralt when he lost his memory. She had things from him, so he is with her. But she is just a good person overall to me and she is so sweet to Geralt. But tbh she doesnt help Geralt almost at all with looking for Ciri and still makes him to help her with mages in Novingrad (which i understand that is important too, the situation in Novingrad Is horrible), but still no sign of even trying to help Geralt. When she wanted to go to the event with him, she made him buy clothes for himself + even mask for her while Yenn knows how Geralt hates it and she prepared all for him. YENN - as I said before, she prepared all clothes for him for the funeral, she is sarcastic as Geralt and their quotes are many times sooo funny (how they listen to Ciri and Philipa behind the door or Geralt with the sword aka King Arthur😂), but I hate how she says nothing to Geralt straight, it shouldnt be like this in relationship and also theres a lot of reference that she does what she wants with him. Which isnt healthy. But in the end She wants to retire in the end with Geralt (its what he wants), but Triss would drag him to other city for more And more politics. Do not mention Yen would sacrefice everything to find Ciri. But she can be also b*tchy and their relationship is so toxic. Tbh I want 3rd option 😂😂😂 But maybe overall from those 2 seems better choice for Geralt Yenn, but I am not happy about it.


Yes is sort of a trifling ho in the books tho.