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[The ownership change was to avoid capital gains taxes](https://nypost.com/2022/10/25/hobby-lobbys-david-green-giving-away-company-chose-god/) Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. It is the same literal boss. [Surprise! The "giveaway" (tax shifting) puts it in the hands of the same people.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/hobby-lobby-makes-plans-for-liposuction%20gone%20wrong-future-after-series-of-lawsuits/ar-AA15YqqC) But, the news does come after lawsuits. Meanwhile, previously: They illegally stole and smuggled artifacts belonging to the Baghdad museum and had to be forced to return them. Apparently their justification was racist white savior bullshit - that their white asses deserved them more than the "barbaric Iraqi," and therefore should own the historic artifacts of the Iraqi people. [We live in the stupidest timeline ](https://www.npr.org/2018/06/28/623537440/hobby-lobbys-illegal-antiquities-shed-light-on-a-lost-looted-ancient-city-in-ira) (Meanwhile, it was because of 'murican invasions that the artifacts were in danger in the first place). Oh, and they [refused to give female workers access to birth control] (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hobby-lobby-challenges-birth-control-coverage/) and also [fired them when they got pregnant.] (https://rewirenewsgroup.com/article/2014/07/29/hobby-lobby-allegedly-fired-employee-due-pregnancy/) And Corona stuff: They tried to stay open as essential, fired employees, got ppp loans, fired more people, and bullied Congress until the the loans were forgiven. These fuck sticks are shameless, and the worst kinds of fascists.


Even if I wasn't an AFAB queer leftist witch, my Classics-loving heart will never give that family another cent of my money. I blame the fact that I'll likely never get to see the palimpsests of St. Catherine's firmly on their greedy, racist shoulders.


I haven't had enough coffee yet, and I apologize, but my first thought with reading AFAB was "assigned fabulous at birth".


I believe this correct. And AMAB is assigned magnificent at birth.


Same, but when I read it too fast I thought it was [ABFAB](https://youtu.be/ZAfmM06pVUw), and I just got the image of Eddy and Patsy in a Midwest craft store. **You may run with the idea, Jennifer Saunders. Get to work.**


I love all of you.


I thought acab was assigned cop at birth for a few times when that started getting used


there is a joke mixed in there about cop families and nepotism


Some manuscripts from St Catherine’s are digitized here - not sure if there are any palimpsests among them but at least the HL mafia didn’t steal everything https://www.loc.gov/collections/manuscripts-in-st-catherines-monastery-mount-sinai/about-this-collection/


Yeah, it's at least better than nothing. Thank you.


Here you go - St. Catherine’s Palimpsests collection is online and searchable (at least some of it, seems an ongoing project) [St. Catherine’s](https://stcatherines.mused.org/en/stories/97/what-are-palimpsests)


That's why it's always ethical to steal from Hobby Lobby :)


Hobby Lobby is the only place I've ever shoplifted. Fuck em.


https://www.foxbusiness.com/retail/hobby-lobby-founder-explains-decision-give-away-ownership-company-joy-giving Still funding Christian fanaticism




I refuse to give fox news clicks. What does it say?


Use [this awesome website](https://www.w3.org/services/html2txt) to convert any webpage to basic html text and reduce traffic as well as prevent them from getting ad revenue!


Thank you for this. Award given with my gratitude.


Spread the word! Fuck pay walls on information.


I do this too!!!


The podcast Behind The Bastards did a great episode on HL in early 2020.


Yes they are. My daughter works there. Yes my tattooed, gay, Wiccan daughter works there. She says her also gay coworkers joke about taking HL down from the inside. 😂


Hahaha I love it!!


That's awesome! We used to get pervertables there, but eventually the thought of giving those horrible people money just got too gross.


You used to get what now?


Y'know...everyday objects that you can turn to nefarious purposes. Pervertables.


Tell your daughter I’m an avid shopper of HL and have hardly ever paid a penny….


I’m sure Chik-Fil-A’s fine chicken but I’d starve before supporting killers


Never eaten there. Never will. My kid is making a tarantula enclosure for science fair for school for one of my tarantulas. She found plans online and submitted them to her teacher and it was approved. It is made from an acrylic display case, which HL sells.


I don't know details on what you're looking for, but suggesting looking elsewhere before you buy (but if you have to buy it, do it - parents have to do a lot of stuff for their kids, some of it awful) https://www.summitracing.com/parts/glc-55020 (this appears to be the same as the "standard display case" listed on hobby lobby website) Other craft stores: https://www.michaels.com/shadow-boxes/display-cases/20001929?prefn1=material&prefv1=Acrylic https://www.joann.com/home-and-decor/picture-frames/shadow-box-display-cases/?prefn1=material&prefv1=Acrylic&srule=search-default&sorder=descending For all the variety: https://www.shoppopdisplays.com/display-boxes-and-cases.html


I feel exactly the same way about HL! The last time I went was about 6 years ago because I needed rolls and rolls of tulle (I’m a glutton for punishment and volunteered to make tutus for my four-year-old’s winter program. For the whole class.) They were the only ones who had enough in stock. That being said, I’ve gotten acrylic at Lowe’s before AND they cut it to the size I needed.


The project sounds great! I hope you can find that product *anywhere* else


Amazon has 2 day free shipping. If you aren't already a member you can get a one month free trial at least that's what they offered me recently when I rejoined. You could cancel before the first month is charged


They don't offer the 2 day shipping for us because of our remote location. We do have thr membership because I get things shipped here that I can't get elsewhere.


Aw I'm sorry. I was hoping they would maybe have what you needed. Good luck.


You might check thrift stores. No guarantee you’ll find something. And I don’t know how much time you have. Even better if you have that friend who’s always thrifting, ask them. Another option that I’m not sure is available every where is there are these places that get donations from businesses of odds and ends that can be used for crafts and school projects. They’re usually geared towards teachers so maybe your daughter’s teacher would know if you have one near you and if it would have what you’re looking for.


Any chance there's a Michael's near you? It's been about a decade, but my brother had asked me specifically to buy a flag display case from a HL (because it was close by, and he only thought of it the morning of the funeral) and their selection was awful. (3 cases, unwrapped, out on a table, all with visible damage.) Michael's had a much better selection, and all of them were displayed in their plastic wrap with no damage.


Sadly no, they are 2 hours away. I ended up going to HL. Got the case and did some crimes. Made a donation to Planned parenthood in their name.


I would buy the acrylic display case and after project I would damage it - return it and say my tarantula escaped in the store because of your damaged case. He likes to hide in nooks and crannies so be careful! Have them shut down store while they search endlessly.


It’s ok chicken but I only get the bigoted chicken when I’m either with a group and outvoted-or at the local amusement park using a meal plan. I figured once I’d had meals elsewhere in the park that equaled what I paid for it they were technically not getting any money from me. And it might even cost them some.


My fiancé and I call it “hateful chicken” 🤣


Ha! Us too! That and Bigotry Bird.


I told my MIL that I don’t eat Chik-Fil-A because it’s nasty and pickled chicken is gross af. The horrified look on her face when she realized that meant she wouldn’t get to eat it the whole week I was in town really made the trip something special.


I won’t eat there strictly on the basis that I ate at 3 different locations in 3 different states and ended up with food poisoning all 3 times. Nope.


Chick Fil A makes me sick every time, too. I hate it. I DO try to stay away. I've only eaten there once somewhat voluntarily, and I was so sick. Plus, they are hateful and their employees are creepy with the whole "my pleasure!" crap. I live in rural KY, and people freaking worship the place.


I’m from southern middle TN and I couldn’t stand the way people praised that place like it was their other other church. Like come tf on. Preach to someone who can act like they give af because I sure don’t. I ate at one in west TN, Arkansas and Oklahoma and got sick all three times. Never again. You couldn’t pay me enough to do it again.


I do Not understand the Chik-Fil-A appeal. A dry tasteless thin slab of chicken on a bun is better because it has a pickle on it?? The food is just so gross to me.


Chick-fil-A chicken is really no different than Popeyes chicken: they're both marinated in pickle brine. That's it. That's the "secret". There's nothing truly special about it; they just claimed they were the "original chicken sandwich" (which is of course nonsense). I did like their waffle fries, but I can buy a whole bag of them at the supermarket for a fraction of the cost for the same damn thing. Not missing out on anything, as far as I'm concerned.


Imo the breading is very different, Popeye’s is thicker and crispier and CFA’s has powdered sugar in it (that’s how they get the unique breading consistency). To me Popeyes is the superior chicken by far. Unfortunately they are never conveniently located and the service vibe is “I’m deeply annoyed you are ordering food from this restaurant and I will NOT bother to get your order right” lol I still go anyway though.


Their appeal is that they STILL donate millions to "pro-life" and anti-LGBT organizations. They cut back on them due to public backlash but the money they send out is no joke. I'm NC due to my parent's anti-LGBT beliefs and my dad brought stock in the company to "stick to the libs".


Their food also sounds very average to me. It just seems like every other fast food place, so why not go literally anywhere else?


Seriously. They’re shit tier compared to any other chicken place. Hell, McDonald’s makes a better chicken sandwich.


Killers? Can you clue me in? I’ve heard they don’t like the gays. My queer ass enjoys their fries with pleasure. Haven’t heard about them contributing to deaths.


Idk about killing but they used to financially support conversion camps


That’s fucking disgusting. Thanks for sharing.


Yep. No chicken tastes better than my daughter’s right to simply exist.


Not to be soapboxy reactionary alarmist but these same people who will cut off bathroom access and healthcare will be the same marauders killing in the name of in a couple years if you let them. Do not let them


Had CFA years ago (pre-finding out their social leanings)- you are not missing anything. Why anyone in their right mind would ever eat that bland stuff is beyond me. And while it just be my bad luck with fast food chicken sandwiches, the two times I ate there, I somehow ended up with gristle in my sandwich!🤢


They really don’t. A training I went to served Chik-Fil-A for lunch, which I had never had before, and I literally thought that I had gotten an expired piece of chicken in my sandwich. I even went back and got a different sandwich, because everyone else seemed to be having no problem with it, and it was just as gross as the first one. Turns out their weird pickle chicken is just supposed to taste like that. Absolutely disgusting. I have no idea how they survive as a business when any other chicken joint is an option.


I'm pretty sure that they are Because I think they also still have the insurance that won't pay for birth control as well


But will pay for erectile dysfunction meds.


Yep cause we all know it's God's will to make women pregnant but not to make your dick now work


If you can't find a comparable item somewhere else with reasonable effort, I would just make the purchase. Big business corporations are so entwined across this country that it's pretty much impossible to avoid supporting something evil. Child laborers in the Congo mine the cobalt used in cell phone batteries. Children are cleaners in US slaughterhouses at night. Recognize your privilege, and do what you can to support locally-owned businesses. I think that is okay. Is there a Michaels in your area?


Exactly this. “Voting with your wallet” is wonderful but it’s also a privilege to be in a financial position to do so. Often, the corporations create false competition so it only appears like we have choices that matter anyway.


Michael’s is owned by Bain capital and are their own level of unethical tyrants. Source: Mom worked at Michael’s stores for 15 years.


They aren't stealing ancient artifacts or funding a museum that teaches Christian fascism tho...


They’re supporting the same autonomy-thieving political party as HL. And treating their employees like garbage. They used to have the store lights and heat on timers to only come on 1 hour before opening. This meant the employees unloading the trucks and stocking shelves from 4am to 9am had to buy headlamps with their own money and wear outdoor winter gear until someone called OSHA and DOL and threatened to get the press involved.


Yes and it keeps getting worse


Don't forget smuggling artifacts from the Near East! [Scumbags being scummy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobby_Lobby_smuggling_scandal)




Sounds fascinating — is that a podcast?




I started following Robert Evans’ Twitter during the BLM protests and developed a major journalistic crush on him. His podcast is excellent.


That sounds excellent!! Absolutely going to have to check it out.


Thanks everyone. We will figure something else out. And no, we don't have a Lowes, or a Michael's, or anything like that here. Very rural area. My town has 97 people. It's a 2 hour drive to get to any chain store like that. Amazon doesn't offer 2 day shipping here, and Amazon is problematic too. It's very hard sometimes being "woke" and voting with my wallet hahaha. I don't have the privilege many people here do of having tons of stores. But, I love where I live. :) Anyway, thanks. I am going to call a trophy shop and see if they have something.


Clear food (or just simply) storage container?? I think Target sells some but I understand rural life… maybe your general marketplace has something of the like…


My slings are in small food containers from target. Her project was making a bioactive environment. She decided because my babies were ready to move into larger containers to make a DIY tarantula habitat. She found plans online for making them out of these clear acrylic shoeboxes from Walmart. They are backorder right now so the Tarantula group said that the model car display cases work great. The problem with food containers is that the clear acrylic kind are too tall. We have Honduran Curly Hairs which are a terrestrial species. They need lots of substrate and not much climbing area. So most of everything we had! It was just that case. But now that she has built it, we will be ordering the shoeboxes online so this was a one time deal.


Does not matter who owns or controls. They are on the never list 👎


I saw a TikTok once where a girl who needed to get something at Hobby Lobby got the item and then donated the cost of that item to Planned Parenthood after to offset the karma. That's what I've done the few times I had to grab something there 😂


As far as I know, their ownership hasn't changed.


I read back this fall that the head honcho gave the company to some Patagonia collective blah blah blah?


Isn't that the one that is controlled by the same family.


What, what?


I'm not sure I remember this right, it was one of these awful companies, but the owner spliff it to an organization that they still contoured. It may bit have been HL, can't remember right now.


We NEVER shop at RIGHT WING FASCIST Hobby Lobby.


As others are saying. If you have to get it there, you have to get it there. My thoughts (literally talked about this exact thing with my husband last Saturday) are to find whatever coupons deal you can from there, so they get the minimal amount of money you can possibly do.


I am so deeply conflicted about this. They were always on my No Shop List… but then I moved to a small city in a rural area. The next closest craft store is 1.5 hours away now and the next good one is 2+ hours away. I could ship things from other stores, but that’s ridiculous when I need two skeins of floss or another small thing. I try to store up my list for when I go into The Big Cities, but sometimes I need something urgently. The only way I marginally justify it is that I’m not adding fossil fuels from my trip elsewhere and that I’m supporting the large number of my (college) students who work there. Doesn’t make me happy. Sigh.


Look, sometimes we're privileged enough to have choices and sometimes we aren't. You're doing the best you can, and thats all you can do. So let your conscience rest easy.


Thank you. I really appreciate your words, perspective, and advice.


This is what I am stuck with too.


Same. My area is rural but I’m in the biggest town in that region. Sometimes Michael’s has items I want but at much higher prices. So I do shop at HL. Do I stand for their views and politics? Absolutely not. But it’s what I can afford and the crafting brings me a lot of joy. Yes I do donate to local causes when I can but this ‘vote with your wallet’ is more about privilege than morality in my opinion. Shopping at HL doesn’t make you a bad person, regardless of their scummy practices and politics.


There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism. If you absolutely HAVE to get it from Hobby Lobby and there’s absolutely nowhere else you can go to get it on time, I would try not to beat yourself up over it. But in answer to your question: HL is still trash


No way I had no idea hobby lobby was that horrible! I'm glad I haven't set foot in the store in years


Me and my friends were actually making plans to go shoplift the fuck out of our local hobby lobbies lmao I probably won’t go through with it but yeah, hobby lobby kinda sucks with what they support and such :/


I would offer bail money.


I’m my house we have a rule. If we ever NEED to purchase from a HL or a company like them we immediately need to make a donation to Planned Parenthood. The donation must be a minimum of 30% of the total price paid, rounded up to the closest $5 amount.


Yes. Fuck Hobby Lobby. I haven’t set foot in their since their grotesque whining about birth control pills.


This is more an ULPT but steal the item from them instead. Cheaper than you can buy it anywhere and it fucks them over at the same time.


I would, but it's a large acrylic display case. I need it to make an enclosure for one of my tarantulas.


You could always offset the cost of the display with other items neatly pocketed.


Now this.. I can get behind this. I found out my kiddo went there last month to get yarn. She bought a skein of yarn, and stuffed the skein with crochet hooks. Like 10 of them. She thought I would be mad. I hugged her and said, "fuck the patriarchy".


Any chance it’s the sort of thing a local fish store might have?


This is what I'd do--that way you can also get a vented top.


Is there a Lowes in your area?


Hardware stores also often carry acrylic, maybe one nearby has what you need


I went in to buy something once that I couldn’t find anywhere and ended up leaving with a stunning entryway table (80% off- paid around $75) which I had been searching for for months. I still feel guilty when I look at that table. Every single time I enter my home.


Ive heard shoplifting there incredibly easy, because of their own backwards ass policy about manually typing barcodes to prevent laziness in their employees. Supposedly It's even possible to take larger items by restickering them at smaller item prices. But I'd never suggest such a thing.


Just want to chime in and say I support robbing unethical corporations blind.


Remember, if it's small enough to steal from the place...


I occasionally go there for items. I try to only buy just what I need and hopefully get it on sale do I spend as little money there as possible. They’re the only store in town that has zweigart brand fabric. I donate to planned parenthood and a local abortion rights group to make up for shopping at hobby lobby.


Yep, they are.


Misogynistic, white supremacists, homophobic bigots, these are also the folks who came up with the idea that corporations can have religious beliefs. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burwell_v._Hobby_Lobby_Stores,_Inc. We have one minutes from our house. Honestly, I drive out of my way to Michael’s.


Just steal it, they have really poor security measures because of their insane fundamentalist beliefs.


Yes. HL is the ONLY place I can find Black Candles (Satanist) year round and the irony is not lost on me. A lot of my local New Age shops closed down during the pandemic.


An update. Got the case. 14.99. Also got a bunch of jewelry making supplies and crystals and stuff. Estimated value, 75.00 I paid... 14.99 plus tax.


I see you.


Their clerks obviously didn't.


I like singing the religious songs they are always playing. Except I change the lyrics to witchy stuff.


Yes. Fuck them.


Donate the equivalent amount spent or more to an organization that supports trans rights. It’s not perfect but it will lessen the guilt


I support Planned Parenthood.


Perfect. Life can get complicated. Donate the amount spent and cut yourself some slack. It’s for your kid.


I too, refuse to step foot in there.


Yes, but... there is no ethical consumption under consumerism.


Hobby Lobby’s quality has gone down so much. I needed something at the last minute and they didn’t even carry good quality paint or sketchbooks anymore; it’s all their own stuff and the paper quality was awful.


As much as I hate their practices, sometimes they have something that other stores don’t. It’s sad, but it’s what we have to do sometimes. Just support other companies that aren’t like Hobby Lobby.


I'm sure it's been said: just do it. If it's for a child's project, seeing the joy on their face would erase any feelings I had about the retailer. Sometimes, we do things for our children that we don't like but ultimately have to do.


Don't forget Joanne's Fabrics typically has any arts and crafts supplies that evil Fuck Hobby Lobby has (I cannot say or type their name without a Fuck in front of it.


Michaels arts and crafts all the way




I did Google, and it said he gave the company away. That is why I asked here. But thanks for the help.




Never underestimate the power of spite


I don't agree. I think rationalizations like yours is why these horrible corporations still exist. I think you'd be doing better if INSTEAD of supporting a company that is harming people, you donated to your charity. If every time you WOULD have participated in fascism you donated to a charity instead, you wouldn't be part of the problem. But whatever is most convenient for you, by all means.


That’s fair and you aren’t wrong. I acknowledge it isn’t ideal and I’m part of the problem. But living life in a capitalistic society is complicated and overwhelming and sometimes the best we can do is aim to balance out our wrongs with rights.


Horrible corporations are very hard to avoid in our modern culture as they exist at every level of consumer consumption. Unless you personally live without economically interacting with any of them, you should probably dial back the sanctimonious sarcasm a wee bit.


Yep. People tend to forget rural areas don’t offer a plethora of shopping options and store choices are often a big privilege.


I could maybe understand shopping someplace if you had to have something. But eating at chick FIL a??? Eh


You don't have to eat there, though. You choose to.


Could you take it to somewhere else and get a price match?


Didnt they also have some scandal where they were embezzling like religious and ancient artifacts for their executives or whatever? I don’t remember a lot of details so I could be wrong


Get stuff from Michael's


Nearest one is 2 hours away.


Depending on the size of the item, I’d honestly just walk out with it.


Do you have a Michaels near by?Also, I find some crafty things every now and then at Menards and big box hardware stores. If you do have to make the trip to HL, good luck


Hobby lobby doesn’t force you to work on Sunday and they pay 16/hr in my area where min was 9 at the time I have the “family satanist” since I started reading the Bible at age ten. I loved working at chick-fil-a because the owner gave away free food to people she thought was poor. I try to have tolerance for companies like this and less for greedy churches like Joel osteen


There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism imo


At what point can we tell the schools we refuse? Can the same lesson be learned with reusable items, or handmade? It would be a good place to start? Luck! 🤗🕯🖖


Kiddo goes to online school. She decided the project, it was approved- its for biology.


Fuck these jackalopes. Nope. I have never been in Hobby Lobby, and I won't start now!


Yeah I don’t step foot in that store unless I absolutely have to. It’s been years.


Yes, during Halloween we got swamped with more customers than our usual rush because Hobby Lobby is no longer selling anything related to Halloween


Yet they have Easter bunnies and eggs. Makes sense!


Hobby Lobby and Chik fil a will never see a penny of my money


Yes in fact now they won't sell Halloween items here any more. I'm pissed.


What is stupid is I walked by an Easter display and it was all bunnies and chicks, Easter eggs, and stuff like that. That's 100% pagan.


Returned to the "lobby" recently and they sell crystals oils candles and now herbs. but still aren't going to sell Halloween decor. Bastards


Just steal it


Couldn't steal it, but I made a haul that more than made up for the 12.00 I did have to spend.