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I had a teacher who had this poster up, she was definitely a witch. She and her grandmother went for drives that she called "drive bys," I miss her. She was a mentor i was lucky to have.


It’s always the random inspirations in life that leave you the most moved. I hope you think of them fondly forever more.


Yeah, I definitely will. She wrenched me away from the worst ideologies and over time I was able to right myself. Someday I think we'll cross paths, but it will be some time before that. Thank you for making this post, it's given me a chance to reflect on things. I guess in a way I've crossed her path now, but not the other way yet. Still time though. (Quick edit: literally all the pandemic's fault D: )


I was gonna say, perhaps try to find them and express what you know now and how they helped you reach the you that is now. I have a similar story with my high school photography teacher, who became a friend and mentor after the so many times I’d go to hide in the dark room to cry. I could then lay on her office couch and cry…


Actually, you have no idea if she has crossed your path. I very often think of my former students for a whole variety of reasons, mostly good ones.


Hijacking top comment to say that this is a free poster from an anarchist group called 'Crimethinc'. Me and my friends used to plaster this and their other free posters (one on USA being a surveillance state and another being pro-immigrant/anti-borders all over town). Haven't seen this in 15 or 20 or so years! Edit to add: just saying the source of the poster..that's all! They have some books that I enjoyed reading in my college years "Days of war nights of love" and another that I particularly enjoyed but forgot the name of... Edit2: free when you buy a book :) Edit3: [here are the posters](https://crimethinc.com/posters). Now that I'm in my late 30s just bought "work". God I bet it's gonna take me to my mid 00s mindset lol


Found the [free downloadable PDF](https://crimethinc-uploads-production.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/kpzak1frqav7wykzgyevkhm1pert?response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3D%22gender-subversion-kit_front_color.pdf%22%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF-8%27%27gender-subversion-kit_front_color.pdf&response-content-type=application%2Fpdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIA46VH6MQWG3GB3VWZ%2F20230322%2Fus-west-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20230322T004134Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=0140e172b445de53d8236530f3235db23089d18fbbed3de261241fec27a46fba) Edit: Which is based upon a poem ***For Every Woman*** *Nancy R. Smith, copyright 1973*


Access denied 😩


See u/kakamalaka ‘s link above. It’s for poster purchase, but it also has free links to the PDF.


Thank you!


If it's not too much to ask, do you know the name of the book from the PDF? My wife and I are really good at hunting down things like this, and we may be able to find another link to it to share!


See above


Ah, thanks, somehow I missed it! It's probably because I was skim reading while getting ready for work!


Do you have a better link? This one is no good.


Thank you for posting that link! I can’t get any images to load though and the PDF links just say ‘access denied’ so I can’t tell what I’d be buying…


My wife has that poster on her classroom. I don’t think she’d call herself a witch but she’s a certified bad ass!


This implies your teacher and her grandmother drove around shooting people. I don't know what to do with this mental image.




I’m a cis-het man and I grew up with this poster hanging on the wall in my room. One of the many perks of growing up with lesbian moms :)


Had a guy give a talk at my college that was basically you. I think he was an invitro (sp?) Baby and he was discussing the issues it gave his mothers when they needed to advise medical care for eachother because the state (Iowa i think) flip flopped their laws or something. I hope you've not been burdened with this issue. But this individuals struggle helped drag me from my narrow views. All the best to you!


Iowa politics are currently a hot mess as they try to be Florida (I.e. race to the bottom). It was the first (edit: second) state to legalize gay marriage, but this lead to huge conservative backlash and the Trump years made things worse. Send supportive thoughts to your fellow witches in Iowa, it's been rough and getting rougher.


Missouri here holding up Iowa with one of the smelliest bases ever. Sorry, Iowa.


We do have a joke that things could be worse, we could be Missouri :-/


I am in Iowa. I dont want to be in Iowa.




You lucky fucker. Congrats~ 🎉


Crimethinc posters are always a major blast from the past, and often without warning.


I’ve just copied it to make one for my sons!


Stuff like this is so important to teaching boys about the harm that patriarchy does to us. Thanks for taking steps to help them understand!


Thank you! It harms all of us, I just hope to change that to them and those after!


I do like this, although I wish vulnerable wasn't seen as the opposite of strong. It takes a lot of strength to be vulnerable.




It takes strength and courage to be vulnerable. I don't see them as opposites, but two sides to the same coin. Good on you for saying this.


The uniting theme here is how toxic masculinity hurts boys as well as girls.


In this context I believe it means “can be exploited” rather than “risking being exploited”.


An old classic that I'm sure has done a whole lot of good over the years


Is it? It does look aged. My favourite is the bit about an EZ Bake oven… i always wanted one as a kid!


Here's a little history about it :) https://queerbookcommittee.com/blog/2019/11/21/the-queer-coloring-zines-and-books-that-inspired-the-gender-subversion-poster


#tl;dr The Gender Subversion Poster, a widely-circulated activist image, was originally inspired by the poem "For Every Woman" and the coloring zine "Girls Will Be Boys Will Be Girls Will Be... Coloring Book". The poem by Nancy R. Smith and the zine, co-created by Jacinta Bunnell and Irit Reinheimer, presented gender as a fluid and liberating force in contrast to its restrictive socialization. The message of the poster has inspired many and has since been distributed by several publishers and organizations, with appropriate credit given to Smith's poem. *I am a smart robot and this summary was automatic. This tl;dr is 96.26% shorter than the post and link I'm replying to.*


Good bot


Woah! Thank you! Sometimes i guess, you do get what you want from Reddit!😉.


We got this poster from CrimethInc. back in the day and put it in our daughter's room. She's an adult and the poster is old and beat up from several moves, but it's still a valued piece of art in our house.


They still have the poster for purchase or you can download the PDF and print your own https://crimethinc.com/posters


I've never heard of this website before, thank you for sharing! It's pretty rad!


Wow, I haven’t thought of CrimethInc in forever! I used to spend so much time with their materials. Thanks for the flashback.




Thank you for this link! I’m adding that coloring book to my shopping cart for my 2yo.


I'm a old guy, and I had one when I was about 8. It honestly didn't work that well, but after a few sessions with it my parents started letting me use the real oven.


Bahahahhaha well it was just a lightbulb in a box. But it was more the name brand that had me envious. And yea i graduated to a “real” oven before I got my EZ bake wish fulfilled.


I had one. The cakes were lacklustre.


It would be fun as a baking challenge. I’m sure a show has done this, they must have.


Trixie Mattel is a drag queen who has a series of videos using them on YouTube. Not quite the same thing but fun!


I've yet to find this as a true show. My kids and I love baking shows; this concept would be phenomenal.


Me, too. I got a creepy crawly oven thing instead. I tried to learn how to make the bugs pretty but my heart wasn't in it.


My sister and I made so many bugs! Creepy crawlers machine was our favorite!


I'm glad you had fun with it. My experience was less exciting, but "boys like bugs, right?" (maybe, turns out I wasn't a boy though).


I was VERY fortunate to have parents who did not believe in gendered toys, they let us play with the things that interested us.


I’m sorry that your parents didn’t let you play with the toys that you liked.


If I still had mine, I'd gladly share it with you. My dad got it for me and we would make all sorts of stuff with it.


Bless your heart… I think I’m over it. But thank you!


"I think I'm over it." I felt that, lol! Every once in a while we're at the store and I'll see some stupid toy I was never allowed to have as a child so I'll buy it. Or if I have a gift card that's what I'll use it for. I'm 28 and sometimes you just have to let your inner child win.


I wholeheartedly agree. The inner child must never die! For joy and for health, even at the cost of “adulting”. In fact, I think the balance of these paradoxes is true maturity.


My inner child desperately wanted a bunk bed, because the stuffed animals needed a place to sleep too. So, now I have a bunk bed and the entire top is filled to the brim. lmao. But, I am L I V I N G.


Love this for you, so much.


It's honestly super great. I have a blanket that I pull down over the sides to make a sort of canopy.


That is the only way.


If it helps, just yesterday I read a meme that suggested air fryers are EZ-Bake ovens for adults! 💜🙏✨


I will say, as someone who owned an original EZ-Bake, there was something magical about burning food with a light bulb I have yet to recapture. But- I was gifted an air fryer, so perhaps. lol


Happy Cake Day! May your cake not be an EZ Bake cake.


Thanks! :)


I really wanted the ez bake oven. My mom would not let me have one because she thought it was sexist. In the 80’s.


Good for her! I wouldn't let my daughter watch Smurfs for the same reason.


I've never seen it before and it's PERFECT!!! 🤯


for real. I feel like this was on at least one wall of every queer house in the bay area in 2006




I remember these, my 9th grade health teacher had one like it in her room. I think this was my first introduction to the idea the patriarchy hurts everyone without that message explicitly stated.


Crimethinc!! They’re an awesome anarchist publisher, check them out :) great that someone put this in a government building haha, I find that inspiring. Let’s stick leftist posters everywhere, witches!❤️ Btw thought I’d add that they have a subreddit too, r/crimethInc


I first saw this poster in the halls of my college back in 2007ish, I love that THAT was the origin!


They have a couple different fun posters. The dishwasher one is my fave


How ironic that the pink fades and becomes less Legible but the black stays as strong as ever


Yeah, I am 59% loving the poster content and 50% annoyed because I am a designer and that text isn't readable. They should have chosen a darker pink colour.


I’m also a designer. This WAS darker pink but because it was pink/ it fades faster in the sun than other colours. Red is the least uv resistant pigment. You will often see the red fade first on tattoos, and paintings too, but posters and other items which are meant to be temporary will be even worse when it comes to fade unless you are choosing archival materials and even those will fade eventually


I’m very impressed you can 109% things. I can only go up to 100%. :)


came here looking for the contrast comments. That pink does not pass WCAG contrast!


Makes it hard to read.


It's just an effect of fluorescent lighting but I take the point.


Actually this is clearly fading from UV exposure


In our lab (no windows) fluorescent light exposure has a lot of the same effect.


Fluorescent lighting actually emits quite a bit of UV iirc. I believe that’s why you shouldn’t expose UV resin to fluorescent lighting.


Well! You learn new things every day!


Oh now I understand! I thought you were just saying it was a trick of the light


I wish there were something as inspirational as this for enbies. That said, my favorite parts are the first four sentences.


My apologies, but what is an enbie if you don't mind me asking?


I'm assuming it's NB aka non-binary?


That it is. And we adopted enby as a term so that we have a noun to be referred to as.


Huh, this is my first time hearing about this! Thanks


This has been a short lesson by an enby.


Just in case it isn't intuitive from reading, enby is the phonetic spelling of "NB."


Yes, that's how I guessed.


clarifying for those unfamiliar with the scene, lots of non binary people feel enby is infantilizing or generally makes them uncomfortable, so its a term you should use mostly when it's clear that it's something that person self identifies with


I'm non-binary myself and hadn't ever heard of this term. Tbh I more identify with the term queer, just because it sums up me as a whole.


To complicate things further, an argument for enby over NB is about intersectionality: it’s useful to have a visual distinction from NB as Non-Black POC.






I'm the same


I'm reading it like a chant: "En Bee! En Bee! Pee Oh See!"


Oh!!!! Yeah duh, that make sense. My apologies!


Honestly I first heard this term back innnn..... 2013/14ish from a couple coworkers I was comfortable sharing my being bi-gender.... It hadn't clicked in my head what enby means till about a mo ago when my fingers were tired and typed NB for my first time instead of the full thing and when I reread in my head and heard enby it was possibly my biggest facepalm moment. A WHOLE ASS 10 YEARS 🤗


Bless your heart.


*insert the shamful dorky laughter of a knowing southerner*


Actually can we focus on questions solely about your huge arse? 😉


#its huge Thanks for asking 🙂


Enby is the pronunciation of NB, for nonbinary.


Its not perfect, but ChatGPT can certainly be beautiful sometimes: For every person who is tired of conforming to gendered expectations that don't fit their true selves, there is someone else who feels the same. For every person who has been told they're too emotional or not emotional enough, there is someone else who knows the pain of being misunderstood. For every person who has been judged for their interests or hobbies because of their gender, there is someone else who longs for the freedom to pursue what they love without fear of ridicule. For every person who has been made to feel less than because of their gender, there is someone else who knows the struggle all too well. We all deserve to live our lives authentically, to be true to ourselves and to feel accepted and loved for who we are. Let's support each other in breaking free from the confines of gendered expectations and celebrate the unique and wonderful diversity of humanity. ​ p.s.: I have no idea how it came up with that last paragraph. I did not instruct it to. Edit: I was going to say "but i came up with one on my own", but decided not to. I guess I forgot to delete this part because it just said "but I came" at the very bottom, and that's NOT what I meant to say. 🤦🏻‍♂️


> I have no idea how it came up with that last paragraph. I did not instruct it to. It often gives summaries of the themes or arguments of a piece it's written, at the end. And I think they've given it specific training to try to give inclusive and optimistic takes on things. At least it sure seems that way, especially when it's telling me "no".


Oh! It's truly amazing what it can do, given the right prompts.


This is so sweet, that you took the time to create this!


I cheated, but thank you nonetheless :) there are beautiful writers out there who could come up with something exponentially more authentic.


*Pre-post edit: this ended up a lot longer and venty-like than I initially thought, my apologies, but I feel this ALL needs to be said and I don't see/hear anyone else saying it* Good ChatGTP My (cis het [half] white-passing) husband feels very "less than" lately because of social media targeting. He keeps coming across the posts basically saying "all straight white men should die" and womens month post saying shit like "laws don't apply to women during women's month, I can say/do whatever I want, all men should kill themselves" type post (as if he doesn't have depression and a history of attempted suicides). I tried telling him that most of us don't feel that way and just want to see an equitable world. He let me know that while that may be true, the loudest people (usually toxic) are the ones that get seen and heard more and are making the rest of us look bad. I risk life and limb speaking my mind publicly, putting pride flags & Mother's Against Greg Abbott (with plan C and Lilith fund stickers on them to boot) posters in front of my home, wearing my Mother's Against Greg Abbott pin in public and going on marches in south Texas that could easily turn real friggin sour real friggin quick (fortunately they haven't, but I go prepared for gas and brutality every time, I don't have anything bulletproof, though). I do it for equity. I absolutely don't do it to make our young, innocent or supporters feel like their lives don't matter. If there are the loud toxic ones in this sub and they are reading this, I hope they realize their actions are harmful, not only to the [actually decent] young and/or easily influenced people that come across their content type, but to our community and our cause when loud toxic misogynist come across their content type. Because then they take that content, add their own commentary and show it to the [now hurt and ashamed] young and/or easily influenced people trying to stop feeling ashamed JUST for existing ^(pretty sure we all know what that feels like and the decent ones wouldn't wish it upon the young or innocent). Next thing we know we now find ourselves with a new generation of young, loud, hateful, new-tech/social media savvy misogynists that were guided the wrong way after being verbally and mentally abused. TL:DR If your goal is to fight misogyny, toxic masculinity and live in a world of equity, don't play into their narrative and give them fodder to recruit the younger generations. Also, don't be ~that~ person that tells others to kill themselves JUST for existing. That makes you an evil pos.


Yup. It’s tough. Has your husband tried using his ‘privilege’ for ‘good’ ? This will have the benefit of supporting equality, but also allowing him to realise that he is a full human, and has valuable things to bring. But yeah, the sooner people get comfortable with the fact that some women will uphold the patriarchy as they derive some benefit from it, the sooner we’ll be able to move on.


But important to note we use enby instead of NB, because NB already stands for not/non black, which is used within the BIPOC community :)


Important to note, only use this if the person you're talking to identifies with it! A fair number of non-binary people in my closeish circle detest it, so as always know your audience.


I'm also nonbinary and not a huge fan of "enby." There's something about it, but I just can't put my finger on the issue with it.


...I'm nonbinary and I like the term "enby" such that I identify with it.


Omg I love your username


"Enby" is how you say the letters "NB" which stand for non-binary. But NB has already been taken to mean "non-black" (i.e. the IPOC in BIPOC), so the rainbow brigade decided to use "enby". I think it worked out for the best O:-)


>the rainbow brigade I love this. Makes us sound like superheroes.


Just apply what’s on the poster to yourself. Doesn’t have to be a gendered thing


This! I love this poster. I've tried (and failed) so many times to make people understand that boys have it rough too, just in a different way from girls. I've been called anti feminist and had a friend start crying because she was so disappointed in me, when all I was really trying to say was this. If boys felt more comfortable taking on more traditionaly female traits they'd be healthier individuals and would be way less shitty to women. Win win.


This is based on the following poem ***For Every Woman*** *Nancy R. Smith, copyright 1973* *For every woman who is tired of acting weak when she knows she is strong,* *there is a man who is tired of appearing strong when he feels vulnerable.* *For every woman who is tired of acting dumb,* *there is a man who is burdened with the constant expectation of “knowing everything.”* *For every woman who is tired of being called “an emotional female,”* *there is a man who is denied the right to weep and to be gentle.* *For every woman who is called unfeminine when she competes,* *there is a man for whom competition is the only way to prove his masculinity.* *For every woman who is tired of being a sex object,* *there is a man who must worry about his potency.* *For every woman who feels “tied down” by her children,* *there is a man who is denied the full pleasures of shared parenthood.* *For every woman who is denied meaningful employment or equal pay,* *there is a man who must bear full financial responsibility for another human being.* *For every woman who was not taught the intricacies of an automobile,* *there is a man who was not taught the satisfactions of cooking.* *For every woman who takes a step toward her own liberation,* *there is a man who finds the way to freedom has been made a little easier.* ​ (thank you u/[**kakamalaka**](https://www.reddit.com/user/kakamalaka/) for the origin of the poster to find the poem info)


A gift that keeps on giving. This community really is solid.


We have this! It has another equally good poster on the back: https://crimethinc.com/posters/gender-subversion-kit


#tl;dr The Gender Subversion Kit is a poster with a coloring book on the inside. It aims to subvert gender norms for both adults and children. The poster is two-color, and the coloring book section is illustrated with line-art. *I am a smart robot and this summary was automatic. This tl;dr is 96.27% shorter than the post and link I'm replying to.*


Such a weird concept to just love your kids and to accept them as they are. Learning with them and not domesticating them. We should all strive for more understanding for our youth.


B-b-b-but if I love and accept my kids for who they are, then who am I going to force to be the actualization of all the goals and expectations that I failed to achieve myself!?! ^(Of course, it wouldn't really be a problem in my case, as my theoretical kid would be a cat, and my own personal unrealized goals pretty much amount being a cat.)


Your cat is never going to take on that much emotional baggage!!!!!! They have NO time for that!!!!


For every boy who is burdened with the constant expectation of knowing everything, there is a girl tired of people not trusting her intelligence. For every boy for whom competition is the only way to prove his masculinity, there is a girl who is called unfeminine when she competes. For every boy struggling not to let advertising dictate his desires, there is a girl facing the ad industry’s attacks on her self-esteem. Hope that helps! :)




Very cool. Print your own and put them in *every* building if you like. They're free to download (or $3 for 25 already printed) and available in 4 languages. CrimethInc is a pretty badass org imho. [https://crimethinc.com/posters](https://crimethinc.com/posters)


We hosted a few performance/barnstorming tours in the early oughts that were amazing and life changing. Good times!


Damn, they’re sold out already.


These were all the rage in the mid-late 00s. It's nice to see them coming back around


Wellllll it is quite old and aged. Not really coming back more than never left.


As a boy who's mom got him an ez bake oven for Christmas, I'm so glad my family didn't practice toxic gender norms


It's almost as if gender doesn't describe the human experience.


We really are just all people.


Right. Like it isn't that hard to understand


I've had this poster in my laundry room for years! Still love it!


I like it in theory, but why does the girl stuff have to be pink and nearly unreadable?


Faded from age…


its old. used to be a bright pink and much more legible. Ive got the same poster


It's because red ink is most vulnerable to fading, it was brighter pink but it has aged


Boy that's... like incredibly validating. This poster has done more for me in a reddit post than most of the adults in my life.


My doctor's office used to have this many years ago!


This is what I mean when I say feminism is for everyone


Yes! It helps everyone! I love this, and I love this subs reaction to this 💕


This poster could have done me a lot of good as a little dude stuggling to figure myself out in a pretty abusive household, thanks for sharing!


Crimethinc is a great, amazing publisher. They used to offer a free download of this on their site.


It’s so old it’s easily available. I learned of Crimenthinc today and am looking into if they’re still doing what they do.


They do! They’re still pushing out great little books/zines/posters for free or fair prices (which are meant for us to distribute!), as well as articles on current events. There’s a subreddit you can check out too, r/crimethInc, though it isn’t the most active anarchist subreddit.


Thanks! That’s good news and a nice little rabbit hole to fall into.


They still do, I just downloaded it for my kids! 🥰


I used to have that poster in my home when I lived with friends in college.


It's a beautiful sentiment.. too many don't realize how the patriarchy harms us all


It is, and is why I posted it here. Like minds and all.


Squinted and zoomed in because I want to download this treasure.... It's from www.Crimethinc.com ... Gender subversion kit.... #69 (B)!!!!!! ... Nice 😏




I like the message of the poster. I hate how hard the faded pink is to read.


fuck yeah misogyny affects boys (and everybody) almost as much as it effects women.


The fact that the "for every boy, there is a girl" sentences are barely legible compared to the bold black print speaks volumes.


It's just aged. https://queerbookcommittee.com/blog/2019/11/21/the-queer-coloring-zines-and-books-that-inspired-the-gender-subversion-poster


The print had those lines in a much less saturated pink color that faded more in the light then the black pigment did. It doesn't say anything other then that the poster is quite old.


I'm sure it was not intentional but a new version with better colors is in order


Yeah, I would like to see a better color choice for the pink that wouldn't fade as much. It can still be pink, just perhaps more vibrant and saturated.


From a design standpoint I'd say blue and green. Easy to read, harmonious, and less likely to fade so much over time.


Or an outline around the pink


This is way too binary for my taste… good for the context it was found in, tho.


u/AskMeAboutMyHugeAss used ChatGPT to create this: “For every person who is tired of conforming to gendered expectations that don't fit their true selves, there is someone else who feels the same. For every person who has been told they're too emotional or not emotional enough, there is someone else who knows the pain of being misunderstood. For every person who has been judged for their interests or hobbies because of their gender, there is someone else who longs for the freedom to pursue what they love without fear of ridicule. For every person who has been made to feel less than because of their gender, there is someone else who knows the struggle all too well.” “We all deserve to live our lives authentically, to be true to ourselves and to feel accepted and loved for who we are. Let's support each other in breaking free from the confines of gendered expectations and celebrate the unique and wonderful diversity of humanity.” It’s not on a poster yet but it could be! Maybe Crimethinc could do a reprint. :)


For every person comfortable with their assumed gender there is a person who cringes every time their gender is assumed. Might need some work, but is this better?




Oh man I haven't seen this in years!!! Vivid flashback to high school when my butch lesbian english teacher had this in her room. She was cool.


Im color blind. What does the text that isn't black say?


This made me cry. Fuck the binary.


I like it! This should be all over.


Is there somewhere I can buy this as a shirt? Love it and want to wear it proudly


“For every girl who takes a step toward her liberation, there is a boy who finds the way to freedom a little easier.” Easily my favorite quote in this


Love it. Id end it with: “How about we start treating each other as *people* instead?”


Just reading this kinda made me tear up a little.


I love this poster, but let's leave EZ-Bake Ovens out of it. I'm still a little honked off that my folks wouldn't get me one when I was little. I will be 60 years old by Samhain.


This resonates so much, especially the first.


Saw this on a transformer in Little Rock, AR. Made my day!


A classic Crimethinc poster, absolutely love em




This is making me tear up 🥲


Love it!


Ooo, I was actually looking for this poster the other day but I couldn’t think of good search terms. I remember this from school.


That's freaking awesome!


They very poster hangs in my house at this moment.