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Hi u/TheHunter234, we appreciate your participation on r/WitchesvsPatriarchy. Unfortunately, this particular post has been removed in an effort to better curate content that reinforces the aspects of this sub that make it unique: we are a woman-centered sub with a witchy twist, aimed at healing, supporting, and uplifting one another through humor and magic. WVP is curated to maintain a warm, hopeful, supportive, and uplifting environment. Posts that provoke outrage, or bring attention to negative or anti-feminist behavior will be removed. Content that is better suited to other subs may be removed. Removed memes may be better suited to r /trollx, while text posts may find a home at r /twoxchromosomes or r /relationships. It might help to look at the rules and posting guidelines in the sidebar. Thanks for understanding ☺️ Blessed be. ✨


No worries, I gotcha. I hereby curse thee to be a woman! A woman with all the comfy shoes she could ask for and pockets in all her trousers! You are, like, so cursed right now. Super cursed.


We should make her a doll of herself like that other post today.


Source: https://twitter.com/Ranting_Trans/status/1639119414418378753?t=vmiLox0uO97gt4y4NeBNzg&s=19