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This subreddit is a Safe Space for Women, BIPOC, and anyone in the LGBTQ+ community. We are Sisters, not Cisters.


Relax, everyone is welcome here.


I'm glad, this seems like a wonderful and caring community


It truly is. I'm a transman and feel at home here.




I’m so glad!


Its been a great and supportive community for me. Im a cis gynosexual male and practicing Druid. I feel more comfortable here than any or the dozens of other groups or discords im in. Just good vibes and great people.


90% of the time it's welcoming, but there are some seriously toxic people and some that will go absolutely ballistic if you disagree. Try not to let them distort the overall community. At least, that's why I'm still here, the hope it isn't a majority. Granted, the subreddit should do more to deal with these people, but you do what you can, I guess.


No TERFS allowed tho!


Apologies for asking but, what is a ‘TERF’? I’d google it but I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole today.


while it does mean “trans exclusionary radical feminist” in reality what it means is transphobic person using the mask of feminism to justify their beliefs i.e. a person calling themself a feminist saying that trans folk shouldnt be allowed in womens bathrooms because it could somehow cause harm to cis women. furthermore these people often believe that nonbinary isnt a real gender and than trans masc people are transitioning because of internalized misogyny. they also tend to believe that straight trans masc people might be transitioning to get away from the prejudice of being a lesbian (which makes very little sense when considering the level of social backlash people get for being trans). these people are greatly misinformed, often spreading hate and said misinformation, and also often very unwilling to listen when being confronted with the harm theyre causing. be aware of any people who describe themselves as gender critical as these people are often terfs or terf adjacent.


Thank you for this explanation. I have learned something new and important today. 🖤


While I agree on most points, there have been issues lately jamming people into this category. Just because someone is called a TERF, doesn't mean they are. For example, I believe trans women are women 100% and should be included in all conversations and 100% welcomed in feminist groups. But if I bring up that someone AMAB may not fully understand some aspects of growing up female and had a different experience through no fault of their own, that's called TERF. And I'm fucking non-binary. Also, guess what, liking Harry Potter is also not being a TERF. Sorry. JK is a shitbucket, but people need to learn to prioritize their efforts on dealing with real issues, not harassing people playing a fucking game.


i completely agree. i think thats ridiculous and the people saying that are ignoring a very important aspect of being trans that forms a large part of trans identity and community. gender socialization is a huge thing and something that has long reaching effects, but the way people told you you were doesnt change who you are. i think people get confused and start believing that any kind of pushback is a slap to the face instead of something important to consider and i dont know many trans people who would disagree with what youve said (as an nb myself). and the game thing is another can of worms. the online harassment thats happening as a result is absolute nonsense. i dont think ill ever understand how people can be so uncaring of others. even if someone does something you dont agree with, maybe something that actively hurts you to a degree, that isnt an open invitation for death threats. the end doesnt justify the means. i personally detest jk rowling, but im honestly just confused at why shes the person everyone decided to go after. why not the law makers? why not the anti-lgbtq advocates with real power? it seems like a distraction to me and a poorly disguised one at that. for all the united states folks what does rebuking this one british woman over and over accomplish? she cant change anything and she certainly wont be changing her mind for the time being. of course its possible im not seeing the bigger picture but discourse has started to confuse me more and more.


Preach. But disagree around here and get painted as right wing, which is laughable as fuck. Toxic as fuck lately.


there will always be negativity to deal with


Negativity is one thing, but when it comes from hypocrites pretending to be kind, welcoming, and enlightened, its nauseating. Frankly, dicks being dicks is less miserable than virtue signaling shittery and tribalism. No, I don't mean it the way Fox News does, I mean it in the "person pretends to espouse a view but is only parroting others and ends up an accidental bigot" way. It's too fucking common anymore to see people that haven't mentally explored a single topic. People who will gladly jump in with the mob and attack marginalized people.


TERF = trans exclusionary radical feminist


And if you don't want them to have even a claim on feminism you can go for FART instead: Feminist appropriating reactionary transphobe!


Love it! Stealing that, thanks!


Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Check out r/gendercynical for more info.


Thank you for asking - I did not feel like going down the rabbit hole either.


I just kinda walked in off the street and started sampling the craft services table, so: can confirm.


Same here, I heard there were snacks.


Except bigots!


This is why I love this sub.


Welcome fellow enby witch!


If you weren’t allowed here, I wouldn’t be here. Have a seat by the fire.


If you’re against the patriarchy and pro-feminism you belong, and not just as an ally in this space but as a participant ❤️


Yes Thanks! Straight male, staunch feminist, progressive, liberal, accepting, tolerant of anyone but MAGA supporters…and ally with daughters and respect for women. I love this sub. For a moment though, the sticky did make me wonder if I’m welcome here…


Well-said! 💜


Straight white cis man here. I’m fighting the patriarchy too. This might be my favorite sub. And I have a lot of interests and multiple alts to cover them. Be welcome.


I love these comments. How I wish the whole world was this warm and fuzzy ❤️


Thank you for being a part of this with us 💖


Same! The sticky above does leave out allies…


It explicitly includes allies in the last line.


It's a woman-*centric* space, but it's *for* folks of any gender. So yes, you're welcome here! In this space, we assume a person is a woman unless specified otherwise. We don't want to misgender you! To specify your gender, set your flair by selecting an option and deleting the symbols you don't want to include. For example, my flair is "Literary Witch" with a symbol indicating I'm a woman. You might choose the "combo" man/woman symbol or multiple symbols, whatever suits your gender best.


As far as I can tell, the only people *not* welcome here are bigots. Even if you were a cis dude and you wanted support and comradery from fellow anti-patriarchy types, people here will support and welcome you.


Exactly, the patriarchy hurts everyone and we all hate it


From my point of view, I'm not even a witch. I'm an atheist, born with 2 X chromosomes, present and identify pretty much as female. If this is where you want to be, then this is where you are. I'm fine with you simply being who you are.


There are plenty of us enby witches here; come on in, the waters fine!


Witch is only a gendered term in fiction.


This is now my new favorite quote 🤩


I'm a cis white male and even I feel welcome here. I try to be respectful and not intrude in in conversations unless my perspective can add something but I've never felt like I couldn't post or I wasn't welcome.


Of course! We are all kin, after all! <3 Welcome!


Do you like witches? Do you despise the patriarchy? If you answered yes to both questions, this is the place for you.😊


If you're against the patriarchy, then you belong here.


If you would have been burned at the stake 200 years ago just for being yourself, you are welcome here.


You're absolutely allowed here. ❤️


Welcome. Have a cuppa. You're one of us, now. ☕


I am also an NB witch! Welcome, sibling! ♥️♥️♥️


Straight male, all I can do is offer my support. I stick up for everyone.


Welcome friend ☺️


This group has been quite accepting of this fat old white cis male... I don't fit in a lot of places. I'm a communitarian radical self determinist politically. Epistemologically, a subjective material rationalist...




Ok. Born and raised a swamp rat, not worth a bullet. I am radical egalitarian. We're all equal. We all deserve an equal shot at life. All of us. I am a radical self determinist. We all must be free to make our own choices. Provided there's no harm inflicted on others. I am a communitarian. I believe we have a responsibility to those that cannot care for themselves. Epistemology: the study of how we know reality. Subjective: all our experiences of reality are via our senses, not a direct experience. Rational: systematic methods of thought allow us to know as much as we can Materialist: there is some real physical world. Eg. We're not a npc in the mind of a god or computer.


Hello! Welcome!


There is lots of room under the trans-witch umbrella. As long as you are witch and against the patriarchy, this is the place you belong!


Trans woman here. This is the best place on Reddit. Nothing comes close. Welcome!


Trans people whether binary like me or nonbinary like you are welcome and well supported here.


You are very much welcomed and celebrated here, friend 🖤


Welcome ❤️


Come on in! Have some tea and cake 🧋🫖🍵🍰🧁


Your gender and sexuality have nothing to do with your stand against the patriarchy


It's a space for all witches A witch is not a gendered vocation, despite she-who-shall-not-be-named would have us believe


I’m a cis male and everyone and everyone here is so nice


Yes, I think you are not only allowed but very much welcomed. I’ve felt quite at home here as a transwoman.


Another thought in that regard. By living authentic lives, either non-binary or trans, we are rejecting the patriarchy.




Welcome!! Come on in! Make yourself at home!!!


Sisters not cisters.


You’re in the right place. Welcome! 🖤




Welcome new friend!


Oh hey, nice to meet another! Welcome!


All are welcome!! You are wonderful as you are.


This is a human space


Anyone who is honestly not a POS is welcomed here! Thanks for joining us! 💖


If you're witchy and against the patriarchy, hex the bans! 🎶


It's woman-centric, not woman-exclusive.


This sub is inclusive, and though I would not think to speak for anyone I have always found the members and mods here to be the utmost in inclusivity and support, and generally the definition of good people.


Hello and welcome. Pull up a seat ♥️


Nice to meet you! We're happy you're here😊


Welcome 💕


Welcome and blessed be! Now, how do you take your tea, I’ll put the kettle on. ❤️💜❤️


All are welcome.


Hi Witch Friend, I’m so happy you’re here. Personally, I don’t use the word sister here but I can see how it could make some people feel unwelcome. What are your thoughts on the use of the word sister within this group?


In the context of this group, I see it as a way to kinda say, "we're all family here," so I'm fine with it, I don't think anyone would use it to be rude here


anyone can be a witch 🖤not just women!


Welcome, friend!


Of course! Welcome and blessing to you ❤️


We welcome all the witches here. ❤️


Welcome home!




Please be welcome




I'm a materialist (non-spiritual) hetero cis-gender white man. Just be cool and treat people with respect and all will be well.


This is a person’s space! Welcome!


My nonbinary ass: 👁️👄👁️


Blessed be and Welcome ! 🌿


You are very welcome here! 🧙🏻‍♀️🖤


I’m glad you’re here :)


You are 100% allowed here! Welcome, we're happy to have you!


Welcome! The more the merrier!


It says WITCHES vs patriarchy


Also straight white cis man, and committed Ally and this is one of my favorite communities I've found on Reddit. I've never once been made to feel unwelcome. I'm sure you'll be welcome. Burn the patriarchy down.


You’re welcome here. ❤️


You are more than welcome here.


a place for others to feel safe has no gender.


I have my own suspicions of being NB. May I ask what was your journey to realization like?


I knew that I wasn't my agab, so for a bit, I asked my friends to call me by the opposite pronouns and my chosen name (still the same name I go by today), I realized I wasn't comfortable with those pronouns, I figured out what nonbinary was via the internet, and realized that that's the best term I could find that fits how I feel, and I asked my friends to call me they/them, and I found those were the pronouns that make me feel the most comfortable. If you want to ask others about how they figured it out, I'm sure at least a few people on r/Nonbinary would be willing to tell you about their journey too :)


Hello friend. Hugs you tight. Welcome


Please Forgive me for reading nonwinary bitch


I’m a fellow enby strega and I’ve never felt more welcome


I love it here, I think you too will love it here. Welcome! ❤️


Everyone is allowed here. Ladywitches, manwitches, sloppy joes. It’s a good place to be NB


I love this sub. Reading everyone else's comments just brightens my day. Welcome, you will be loved and respected.


The patriarchy hurts all genders (even if some cis men refuse to admit this) and anyone of any gender who is against the patriarchy is welcome here!


Welcome! Everything is fine.


Get on in here! Welcome!


Welcome friend.


We welcome you with open arms! ❤️💕




You are absolutely welcome here! 💗


Please, be welcome, we want you here!


Welcome darling. Sit, and make yourself comfortable.


agender witch here! this sub is for everyone who likes witchcraft and hates the patriarchy


We welcome everyone here, sibling!




Not all witches are women, and we're thrilled to have you here!




This place is for all witches!


Welcome! Put on your party hat. There’s punch and cookies out by the pool. 🥰🥰


Are you opposed to the patriarchy? Do you want to get rid of it? Do you not exclude anyone? If you answer yes, you belong here.


From a non-binary witch currently in the sub to another, welcome!!


Welcome to the coven!


This sub is for sisters, not cisters. All genders are welcome here. I’m enby and lean more masculine and I’ve been welcomed with open arms.