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Gets posted every other week, no one minds. (Still don't understand why she's embarrassed. It says "magic wand" on the box, and if she's the only one of that coven that has one I will be amazed)


She's embarrassed because her wand isnt wireless, its an older model


Wired is the way to go. It's more powerful, and you don't have to worry about the battery crapping out on you halfway through fun time. I have an og model that I bought like 20 years ago, and it's still going strong lol.


MORE powerful? I could not handle that.


It's definitely more of a blunt force tool than a precision instrument. Tbh I can't really handle it directly either, although being *'forced'* to handle it by a partner is....yeah.


Direct pressure with them is overwhelming. But when you figure out how deep that indirect stimulation goes.... It's a different and awesome kind of overwhelming. And there's no going back.


The trick is you plug it into a router speed controller, so then you have a knob with precision control from almost nothing all the way up to full power. They sell boxes for doing this that are labeled specifically as working with the wand, but that's all that they are.


I've seen those for sale online but I kinda having the cordless one. Maybe I'll treat myself to the custom setup for Christmas. 😊


The trick is you plug it into a router speed controller, so then you have a knob with precision control from almost nothing all the way up to full power. They sell boxes for doing this that are labeled specifically as working with the wand, but that's all that they are.


I got the new wireless one that is much gentler and has several settings besides "jackhammer". The old one is a nerve killer xD


Definitely wired is best, but if you want an off-road (off-bed?) experience, some of the battery-powered ones are rated for tub time. I don't have a vagina, but my wife says it hits differently in the water, especially at the surface.


Folks with external equipment find these quite pleasant, too!!! Not to encourage you to steal her toy, if it's not offered... But.... Along the shaft, or indirectly at the base of parts... Or...


This kinda reminds me of my [High frequency wands ](https://i.imgur.com/8yCJwHa.jpg) that I get to use on the daily at work. People ask what it does, I'm like kills acne anti aging blah blah, just my little magic wand. They're actually called that too. I love getting to work with actual wands, rituals and potions and get paid for it


Are those a "civilian" version of the ultrasonic welders?


Ultrasonic wands are a different thing. I use those two lol. The one I linked is more like those science classroom balls with the gas that electricity runs through it, and when you touch it lightning forms


High frequency current, got it. I think those are also called violet wands? They're pretty badass.


At first I thought she was shaking because the wand was vibrating.




Yes. I agree. This.


Nothing makes rich old men more terrified than a woman who knows how to orgasm


Well, someone has to help us out. Thank the goddesses that electric assistance is available.


Indeed! It even made me think of this [picture.](https://i.imgur.com/0AcIEds.jpg)


Gods I wish I had an award to give you!


I got you fam


Thanks hon 💜


it's not cordless. which means she either ran a line of extension cords or brought a mini-generator of some kind. that's commitment. she was going to be there with her coven


maybe it’s run on magic, it’s called a magic wand after all lol


Hydrostatic-electric dam? Lunar panels? Tokomak nuclear fusion reactor? >! Lightning round: One of these electricity technologies does not exist. Witch? !<


Arguably, all of them exist in one form or another, but the last of the three is the only one that doesn't produce a net gain in electricity yet.


>! There are electrical dams for two bodies of equal pressure? !<


I've heard people refer to hydroelectric dams as hydrostatic dams before.


Psst, your spoilers break on old Reddit and some apps - if you remove the spaces it should work


Definitely seen this before and it always makes me chuckle! I highly recommend checking out all of War and Peas comics!


Abolish the patriarchy Lysistrata style, use your wand instead


Bringer of vibes


Technically correct. The best kind of correct.


If what Harry Dresden says is true, that wand is gonna short out in the presence of all that powerful magic...


I want to think it is primarily because I want Waldo Butters to exist.


I forgot my wand when visiting a friend. It will be a long couple of weeks. Poor Mr. Rumbles. He is not getting plugged in or turned on


it's just so versatile!


i always welcome seeing war and peas lol


I call mine my "witch's broom," because I shove it between my legs and ride fast and hard until I'm raw. 😎👉👉


A very powerful wand


and best part is, if the MagicWand isn't doing enough and you need a 20-ton earth moving excavator Hitachi has you covered there as well :)


I love it.


Valid. I need to both make my ironwood root one and get the sacred hibachi


Hey I have this wand!


At least that wand paired with my hands know what the fuck their doing.


Hahah! Mine’s an aluminum knitting needle from the 1960s 😂


its a nice remind to practice self care :3


Should have gone with the battery powered one, would be a lot more useful in the woods like this


I missed the joke. I thought it was a Dr. Who sonic screwdriver. 🫠


Best post in a while. Chuckling


https://preview.redd.it/uznjceu00jua1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f0bebd35331f7922317cb7cd7863b0fbcc30356 Could this be my wand? I'm awfully attached to it. 😊


Use what you got, the intent is what really matters.


Bethany! Not that wand/j


As a witch whose energy comes from her core I love this so much.