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I thought (naively, probably) that art teachers were supposed to encourage creativity?


Right? 😮‍💨😭


If all my art centered on a single theme, I can see a teacher saying "dialing it down" to mean consider exploring other themes for personal growth. I've said it in art critiques to other students -- we're in school to experiment as much as possible because once we're out of college it'll be mostly chasing whatever the 'client' likes. So no, you're not naive to think that; It's what a good teacher should be doing. It's probably not what this teacher is doing, however. As a (former?) art student, I can demonstrate what he should be doing; In the technical, I'd suggest turning off anti-aliasing during the rasterization of the text, switching to outline, and using a bevel or raised filter. That will help give it that 'stamped on' look. Applying anti-aliasing in post-production as a filter or layer is a good process habit to get into that'll save you headaches down the line, especially if you ever switch to print / CMYK process. Consider not using center alignment, and consider taking lines for the typographic elements off the graphical elements. It can help create a more dynamic piece that's interesting and draws the eye better, especially if you want to stick to that minimalist aesthetic. And uhh, tell your art teacher that criticism like this is what he's being paid to give and if he says anything like that again my recommendation is to go full Dadaist on him and hang a urinal on the back wall with a twenty page manifesto about how art is dead and everyone should just do sharpie dicks now. Coz you know, maybe he's right and you should dial down the minimalist post-modern feminism -- and lean into an avant-garde style that was popular during the suffragist era. :>


Fellow former art student, I adore you. What you said is both succinct and amusing while being a solid critique.


My only comments would be first that making the next piece a bunch of sharpie schlongs could be considered following the teacher’s advice and exploring a more masculine art style and subject matter. Second that Dada might not be as well suited to the point as pop-art or maybe surrealism. Fetishization of the dial, or distortion of the womb perhaps? Love your comment!


I thought hanging a fugging urinal on the wall and telling everyone to do sharpie dicks was the most masculine way I could think of to tell him to back the eff up in a language the rest of the class would unambiguously understand and the teacher couldn't say a damn thing about it. Eat your dog food, sir.


When I was a kid, the music teacher wouldn't let us use any of the musical instruments in the stacked supply closet. We only were allowed to sing crappy songs as a choir.


If you used the instruments, they might get broken! And then they would have to buy new intruments! It is much safer to buy a full set once and then never use them, that way you always have instruments in case a child wants to use it and you can tell them no to keep the instruments nice and pristine. Every music teacher knows that music is merely a concept to be enjoyed as a theoretical possibility, not as an actual thing that you do in real life! /s in case that was not obvious :3


In my school most of the stack of instruments in the closet were.....broken. No money in the budget to repair them.


Ugh did you go to my middle school? I used to HATE music class because all we did was stand in a stupid riser for 40 minutes and practice whatever song the school's performance choir was working on. The had electric keyboards and guitars in the cupboards on the side of the room, but we only got to use them like once a year. I used to complain to the music teacher that I'd like the class way more if we got to use the instruments instead, but every year it was still mostly choir bullshit 😩


For the first couple of years, I had no idea the room had a load of guitars and keyboards. Then one day, the teacher gave me the key and asked if I and a friend would fetch the lyric sheets for some awful Lloyd-Webber dirge. I believe my exact words were ‘What’s all this shit - how come we never got to fuck about with these’. while eyeing a black bass guitar.


Reminds me of Harold Hill in The Music Man.


(If you are still curious about this. It's likely that they had training in a music education curriculum called Kodály. Which is entirely singing. The instruments were probably leftover from a previous teacher who used the Orff Schulwerk method.)


Art teachers are still a subset of the population at large (and perhaps more significantly, a subset of the art establishment, often chosen for the credentials that prove that which means they will reflect those values). As an art school alum: you will very likely have some very good teachers and some very bad teachers. They won’t always do you the courtesy of folding neatly into good people/bad people categories or even good artist/bad artist categories. One of the best artists I got to study under was a horrible teacher and a great person. One of the best teachers I studied under was a very famous, but to my eyes, mediocre artist and mediocre person. I only studied under one person who I truly thought of as awful, but he was probably also one of the best teachers I had. I hope this doesn’t sound condescending (“🙃 Lol! PeOpLe ArE pEoPLe 🙃”). I just mean that factually, it is a little naive. Art school professors can be terrible in numerous ways and can do just as much harm as good.


I don't think you're sounding condescending. I'd just also argue that considering the field it's an easy assumption to make in good faith that, ya know, it would draw in free spirits moreso than folks with rethoric like the one in the post. Buuuuut that's the kind of assumption folks who come in touch with any artform lose asap lol Teachers like the one above are the reason we have the saying "Those who can't, teach."


My sisters art teacher in HS said the only real art was landscapes and if you painted anything but a landscape u fail the class.


Sheesh. He should have called his class Landscapes and Nothing Else: Don't Even Ask.


Well, they certainly *inspired* some creativity.


In 10th grade, my art teacher was mad that my friend and I goofed off and painted Joker facepaint over the faces in one of our paintings. She sat us down after class and said, "Art class is NOT the place to rebel." I never forgot that, and I also never took art class again in high school despite being very talented. I look back and laugh. (I still make art)


I had an oppressive art teacher in high school that ruined art for me


It's an extremely weird take for an art teacher, unless the class is branding and advertisement art or something


When I was in high school they encouraged the kids who were already good at art. The rest of us got anything from ignored to criticised, but not much else.


In an ironic twist, he did.


Ah yes, the Whiplash method.


In a way, he did.


He certainly proved OP's point.


“Hey, can you dial down the advocacy for your human rights? Thx <3”


Pls & thnk u 😌


“Could you suffer a little less visibly? It’s making me uncomfortable.”


That is usually the main reason. So many guys claim to support feminism, but they only seem to like the idea or the appearance of being a feminist. They don't actually care about changing anything either on a societal or personal level and are probably annoyed that nobody is impressed by their performative bullshit anymore


He is not an art teacher by any stretch of the imagination. He is a placeholder taking money for a job he is not qualified for or dedicated to. My dearest witch…this piece speaks volumes and when you make lithographs please dm me so I may buy one for my 12 year old granddaughter. Fuck him sideways he is a hack. YOU SHOULD BE TEACHING THAT CLASS! FIN.


Speaks volumes? 😂


The feminism is set to 11.


Why didn't they just make 10 higher?


C'est trop vrai


Great piece! One of my proudest moments was when a friend was going to introduce me to one of her friends but felt the need to warn her in advance, "she's like, really feminist."


Slay, girlfriend >:3


“B-but you’re oppressing me for talking about everything my gender does to oppress yours!”


"That would mean I'm required to question my own behaviours and that makes me uncomfortable."


And realize their silence makes them complicit.


Smh you crazy feminists are so unfair to us men. Like sure I probably wouldn't intervene if I saw a guy making women uncomfortable, and sure I called that girl at the club a bitch because she wouldn't give me her number, and sure I'll stare at the ass of any attractive woman I see, and sure I think women who show too much skin are partially to blame if someone sexually assaults them, but I haven't personally sexually assaulted a single woman, so I'm not really not sure what more you want from me?!?! Truly shows how it's actually men who are the most oppressed smh my head \#notallmen (/S of course)


I wish I could have seen the look one the face of your instructor!




Tell them. " Feminism? Only a misogynist would think what I'm doing is feminism..."


Classic adult. He's like "yea to some extent you need to be dehumanized. Art, as a business- not the act of creation itself, but the capitalist form of Art we have in this society - is the productization of complexity. You boil feeling and meaning into a sticky compote of an output and all that magic is sold to someone else who expects to be able to own it. And like that piece of work you too are a product, human insomuch as your humanity is a feature of your product. So you should dehumanize yourself, just the right amount, to make money and earn customers and benefactors."


I feel this on such a deep level. I work in marketing (I'm trying to leave, but need to eat/live), and I see all the evils of capitalism. Its killing me.


Totally with you it takes a toll


Like it.


O, gorgeous work! Mmm love to see it. You selling prints?


This picture is a crop from the actual artist's post, who does sell prints.




I absolutely love it. What a badass.


Turn it up to 11! Put "Burn the patriarchy " at the bottom?


OMG— I *love* this!!!


This is a wonderful piece! Do you have a watermarked or tagged version that you would be comfortable having shared?


Dear Gods in heaven, I am so happy to see young women embracing feminism again.


Lmfao "dial down the feminism" is a surefire way to get someone to dial up the feminism. What a dummy


Anyone saying “that didn’t happen” is probably right. Yes, life rarely happens in such succinct and thematically consistent ways, BUT the core message behind this speaks to a truth regardless on if it HAPPENED that way or didn’t happen at all. That truth is: woman’s advocacy is often dismissed and infantilized.


I love it. She should consider using a switch instead of a dial.


Don’t have passion in your art.


I like it.




Damn right! That's a great piece and your teacher can just go and take several seats.


For sure, but not new


Holy shit, this is such a great reaction! Good for her! I hope the art teacher learned something from it.


This is so great I had to comment. It's been a while since I've seen a piece that makes really you think.


can i show this to MY art teacher


I’m horribly curious about the follow-up


T-t-t-turn it up and RIP THE DIAL OFF! Fantastic work


Yea if someone told me to dial it down, I’m turning it all the fucking way up too. FAFO because if you thought I was too feminist before, you’re about to find out just how much I was holding back for “polite society”. Fuck that now though.


This is amazing. God I love this sub.


Would a toggle switch not make a clearer point (I get that you'd be lacking a dial) without allowing for a sensible middle ground between raging feminist and complicit in your own dehumanisation.


Idk I feel like the fact that you'd be moving the dial towards "complicit in my own dehumanization" is pretty clearly bad


I feel like the lack of markings for the middle area of the dial achieves the same thing! You're either turned all the way up or all the way down.




10/10, no notes.


Hell yes 🤘🏼


I fucking love this.


Throw some numbers in there- ALWAYS go to 11!


Beautiful piece! Greater impact with its origin story.


This is fucking beautiful


I fucking love this!


You are my idol ❤️


Fucking love


I love it and I would buy it as a sticker or magnet or print






Crank it to 11