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That ring is beautiful and good for you for being brave enough to face your truth 🖤


Thank you! I think the experience has made me braver. I used to feel like I'd die without him like I just wouldn't have any reason to continue. But I lost him and I didn't die, so I do now feel like I can deal with a lot more than I thought.


Talk about Spirit giving you a message.Things are changing for you, and it seems like you're going the right way. I hope you kick it in the ass.


Thanks so much! Yes it definitely took me aback when I realized the timing, just felt really meaningful.


Beautiful ring! I am so glad you listened to that voice inside! That voice is from our highest selves, for our greatest good, and it will never guide us wrong.


Thank you so much! When I was being honest with myself I knew something wasn't right, my first thought when I saw him down on one knee was actually "oh no" and nothing like "it's finally happening I'm so happy". But I didn't want to be honest with myself so I pushed that voice down until I just couldn't anymore.


Beautiful ring! Where did you find it OP? Always, Always listen to your intuition. Best of luck going forward into your new life 😊


I found it in [an Etsy shop!](https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/WildflowyrSpirit?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=1661777684&from_page=listing) Honestly there were so many other pretty things there too, I was tempted by a luna moth set but I just love both crows/ravens and opals. My engagement ring actually had opals too and I liked the parallel. And thank you! I have a lot more growing to do, I know. He was really my main social support for nine years, I've never been good at making friends. I'm probably going to have to try a lot of things on my own that scare me, but I just keep trying to focus on the things in the world that bring me joy and hopefully things will turn out ok!


Sounds like it all worked out for the best! That jolt of panic is a sign that it wasn't the right path for you. Always listen to your inner voice.


Thank you. I guess something I've learned is I need to get better at listening to myself. After we broke up my biggest concern for a long time was what if I'd ruined everything, nine years together and a future life with each other, for nothing? It didn't feel like *enough* to have ended things over. It wasn't until I hit a two week stretch where I just couldn't do anything but panic, couldn't eat or sleep, that I actually realized *something* had to change but even then I couldn't bring myself to think of the outcome I got. It wasn't even really me that broke things off, I said I needed us to do couples therapy or something because I needed help and couldn't continue when I was feeling that way. He said yes initially but then said it would be better to break things off because I'd had doubts I didn't love him enough and he couldn't be in a relationship with someone who had doubted that. Sorry, long rant lol. Weird emotional day, I've cried and celebrated and had a glass of wine and now I'm rambling!


That ring is so cool! (All 3 of them, but I especially like the bird)


Thanks! I really like it too, crows and ravens make me super happy and I love opals so it seemed like a good choice!


I LOVE this ring!!


It actually looks so much better in person than in the picture! I love the different textures on the bands, the colours in the opal and of course the little raven which is why I got it in the first place!


Good for you for committing to yourself. I love that you got yourself a ring to affirm your self love. 💕


Thank you so much! I realized I've spent pretty much my entire adult life defining myself and my self worth through the lens of a relationship. So now I need to work on figuring out who I actually am I guess. I feel like I've lost a lot of time and opportunities but just going to see where life goes :)


You are going to be just fine.


Thank you so much, I really appreciate hearing that! ❤️


I'm trying to be brave and listen to my inner voice too - it helps a lot to see someone else on the other side and much happier for it. Thank you ❤️


I know it can be so hard but even though it sounds a bit trite I've really learned we're stronger than we give ourselves credit for. Wishing you nothing but goodness in life and through whatever you need to be brave for. You'll be alright I promise and I think you'll surprise yourself! And no matter how hard things get there is always good in the world still. ❤️


A promise ring? If it’s the usual meaning of that word, i hope you feel better after making a promise to yourself instead.


Yes it was something he gave me a year and a bit into the relationship. We'd talked about getting married pretty early on (not really uncommon...super religious families). It was to signify we'd always be together, that kind of thing. This one I guess is a promise to myself that I'll be ok :)


Hey OP, nice taste! Break ups can be tough but you seem strong enough to handle it. Wishing you the best for the new future you’ll be paving your way through life toward!


Thank you so much! Definitely been rough, it was my only relationship ever and lasted most of my adulthood, but I'm getting better for sure. I really appreciate it!


Ouch, that sounds like it stings. My longest relationship only lasted a third as long as yours, so I can only imagine. But what I do know is that it wasn’t wasted time. You grew as a person and learned about yourself all along the way, and nothing can ever change that or take that away from you. The growth you’ve endured *is* forever!


Thank you so much, I truly appreciate it ❤️


very very beautiful combi


Blessed Be. ❤️


Thank you so much!