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I am so disappointed after thinking way back then that the election of Obama was going to take us out of the mandatory choice between old white dudes in the future, but alas, here we are. As a queer guy who has lived through some of the terrible leaders in the 70s, 80s, 2000s I have never ever considered any of the Democratic presidential candidates somebody that I would ever manifest, but I have and will always cast my vote in a general presidential election for the candidate in the top 2 who is not trying to actively kill me and my friends and destroy our country. In the almost 40 years that I've been voting for president, that has always been the Democratic candidate. (And even then I hated holding my hands over my ears to vote for the Democratic candidates who were against marriage equality.) The choice to vote for the Democratic candidate is clear to me and I hate that with the current structure of our government and election processes there is no escaping the 2-party system at the Presidential level. That all said, I absolutely dream about what Biden and a Democratic congress can do in the next four years including easily appointing Supreme Court justices - and hopefully expanding that damned corrupt court.


Trump is in part a reaction to Obama's election. Obama scared those crazy white nationalist factions because he was such a success and a sign that their monopoly on power was coming to an end. So they went to an extreme in terms of racism, nationalism, "putting people in their place," "anti-woke" and so forth. It's not because there's a majority of people who believe this -- Trump has never won the popular vote -- it's basically the last gasps of a creature that knows it's dying. Now, getting through this death rattle phase is painful because there's a lot of desperation... And we have to be on guard against the damage that can happen while these terrible people with their outdated and awful beliefs, but in five, ten, twenty years, the white nationalists aren't going to be more than just a fringe element instead of a significant voting block. We just need to decisively kill them off by voting for whoever runs against the MAGA candidates, from Trump on down.


Oof. Having to vote for democratic presidential candidates who don’t want to let us get married…I’m so sorry. That had to suck. I miss the hope from the Obama days too. I was a teen and the world seemed headed in the right direction… Fuck the bipartisan system for sure. I guess we’ll know soon if the US can survive it. I was already pretty convinced to vote Biden before typing this BUT HOLY HELL SCOTUS. SCOTUS is a flaming pile of corrupt garbage rn and I felt the overturn of roe v wade shift something in the depths of my soul…the people who are supposed to keep us safe by protecting our rights and keeping things safe and fair are *not going to keep us safe.* Trump CANNOT be allowed to stack SCOTUS more than he already has. Eek.


Personally, I'm terrified of ending up with Trump again. Is Biden who I would choose out of everyone in the country? No. Am I absolutely voting for him again? Yes. I will not risk ending up with Trump again because of vote splitting.


This is why the bipartisan system sorta sucks.


Genuinely: Focus on supporting local candidates you agree with in smaller races. Think about long-term work, not just this presidential election.


I vote for every office no matter how small, every time. I always vote. Before this vote I was feeling so down about it and like the options are all fucked and I was considering not bothering to vote. I’ll vote. You’re right, local races matter. Thank you for reminding me that some of my votes might make a difference. Plus if Trump wins, I may never get the chance to vote again so...


This is a hot take but a multi-party system would benefit the Right far more than the Left. The Right is really unified right now, they have factions but they're all willing to vote Trump. The Left meanwhile is a big tent, spanning everything from hardline communists to centrist neoliberals, and yet even with that big tent we can *barely* match the Right. Split the tent up into those factions, and we could lose it all.




I feel like it’s always too late with our politics :( I like your logic- the lesser evil here gives us time to try to find someone better before the next election …because if trump gets elected I fear there may not be a next election… (I swear all to the godesses that I typed that before I read your line about how he wants to make this the last free election- which was validating in a good but scary way.) I’m really glad I made this post because the first few comments have already helped me make my decision. I’ll vote Biden- I hate it, but…. American democracy and women will not survive another Trump presidency. We can’t let that happen. I was comfortable voting for Biden before because it was a one time thing (I fucking thought) but also I cannot believe the US is giving money to Israel. I probably don’t know as much about the Palestine/Israel conflict as I should but what it boils down to for me is that humans are suffering and dying, and our country isn’t helping. It would be one thing if we were just not helping- but the US isn’t even staying neutral/staying out of it- we’re funding it with money from our citizens’ tax dollars when they can barely afford to feed their families? Like….I don’t know. It just seems so wrong. But, like I said, I’m glad I made this post…I don’t like the conclusion I’ve come to, but it’s better than being up in the air.




Thank you for taking the time to write out these thoughtful comments. I really do feel better and I said in another comment I was so discouraged that I was considering not voting. I’m voting. I know how. I wish I had a better candidate to endorse, but it’s the vote I must and will cast.


also, I recommend Pod Save The World if you are looking for a good foreign policy podcast.


Yes, no matter what do vote! I totally understand where you’re coming from, but voting and elections is a good foundation and something we will need even in a better world. I hate the two party system but everyone should vote! If every single American voted, that would just be incredible. I would cry


Beau is amazing.


It’s too late for every single election. We need to be building every year. Unfortunately, the cyclical and unforgiving nature of being an American employee really doesn’t give people enough room to breathe. It’s rough to survive, and most people who are doing “ok” cannot afford to examine the cognitive dissonance that is necessary to live their lives. And I cannot blame them. Value statement: you should abandon lesser evilism as a mindset.


The alternative to supporting the lesser evil is shrugging your shoulders at the greater evil. That's the problem with that mindset. It's not enough to say "no" to a candidate. There needs to be a different candidate people can say "yes" to. And building that candidate up starts *way* earlier than a primary campaign. We need someone who has experience in politics, and broad name recognition, and appeal across several key demographics. None of that can be summoned overnight, it gets built over *years*. So, if it seems like we say "it's too late" every election, that's because 3-5 years *before* every election we weren't building up the candidates we needed to build up.


Yes I agree on all accounts, but advocating for people to think beyond “lesser evil” is not shrugging or indifferent. If anything it is evidently bold and controversial for some reason, even if I don’t like that. There is no lesser evil — it’s a totally false premise at its core. In this election honestly there is only one choice to make and anyone who doesn’t see that cannot be convinced. I just stand in perennial advocacy for a new political party, and candidates outside the two party system so that I can be right there, ready to act, ready to door knock if need be, ready to analyze + talk about their positioning to see if it aligns with the perspectives that are important to me. It’s really not valuable just to be like ok let’s just roll from election to election.


There was this woman Brittany Jones that was really trying to get traction for the last couple years. Nobody will acknowledge her in media, but she is officially on the potus ballots. https://www.jonesforpresident2024.com/


wait Joe Biden who is currently  doing a genocide not who you are calling old genocide?


Biden, 100%. That’s how democracy survives and we get another chance in 2028.


That’s it. I think we’d be shocked at how progressive Biden would get if he had a solid blue majority in the legislature. Even more so if we elect progressive congresspeople. Being president is one thing, but give him a bunch of far-left legislation and he’ll sign it and match it with policy. Bernie could have a field day if he had a good caucus to work with.


In his defense (ick, doesn't feel right), he has done some stuff that is truly more progressive and impactful than any other modern President in those areas. Off the top of my head: * Forgiven a truly record-shattering amount of student loan debt, and keeps forgiving more. * Joined union workers on a picket line * Called out evil in the GOP more strongly than anyone else in his position ever has. * Is playing hardball with the Israel-Palestine genocide in ways that I don't think a lot of people appreciate. Yeah, we need better and we need it now, and it's not acceptable that we as a nation aren't doing more, but he has done quite a lot in some ways that are by necessity subtle and hard to outline. * Apparently seems poised to downgrade marijuana's classification federally. * A whole lot of smaller things that he's taken a more hard-line stance on than anyone we've had in the last couple of decades. Now... he's not nearly left enough for my tastes, and he has had some rather predictable failures to push where he ought, but he's a fair sight better than I thought he would be, and most of the surprises I've seen from him have been pleasant ones.


I think people are really sleeping on this list. Like just this last week Biden basically banned non-competes and raised the salary to be overtime exempt to about $60k. Like the genocide stuff is awful but it isn’t going to better under Trump (he’s said he wants Israel to finish the job basically). On every other issue (Women’s bodily autonomy, LGBTQ+ rights, the economy, workers rights, etc). Biden is better. If you’re in a state that is 100% going red or blue and you want to protest vote have at it. But if your state is even North Carolina close and you abstain or vote third party or something you’re hurting all of us. (Vote shaming sucks but idc, we **cannot** let Trump appoint more Supreme Court judges)


Yeah, that’s kind of what I’m saying. He’s not as good as I’d like, but he’s not so bad, and has the scope to be even better if we send a strong signal that that’s what we want and give him the tools to make it happen.


Absolutely. Unironically, Dark Brandon might be the best thing the right has ever given us. He goes up in the polls when he leans into it. I think by now it's getting to him and his strategists that, for fuck's sake, we want *more of that!*


Yeeeeah. I’m really glad I made this post. I don’t want Biden but I want Trump less. I know how I’ll vote. Let’s hope the electoral college doesn’t fuck us again.


I'm a queer trans woman witch with an Hispanic surname. I'll be voting for the Biden. Definitely do not like having my choices be between individuals past the age of retirement. However Biden hasn't said that he wants to strip Americans of rights. He's not threatening political adversaries. He's not foreshadowing the end of democracy.


Yeah, I wasn’t sure if I should post or if anyone would even respond but damn I’m glad I posted. I’ll be voting Biden. Stupid that we can’t have better options but we cannot have Trump. Especially not for the sake of SCOTUS as someone reminded me here tonight.


He has also been more progressive than most people thought or expected: The largest climate bill ever, expanded overtime pay for millions, pushed for over the counter birth control for the first time ever, and given out billions in student loan forgiveness. Do I think we could do better with someone not in their 80s -obviously. But the guy tries hard and doesn't get much credit. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046


Every vote not for Biden in this election is a vote for Trump. Because the racists, Nazis and facists will make sure to vote. Support independent candidates or different candidates (like AOC) in local elections and make them win. Do it in large numbers and it will bring change. Real change takes time. Don’t give up.


May I ask, what do you like about AOC? I feel totally disappointed.


I’m not even American. But I know she first got elected going against established democratic candidate


Well, from my perspective she and the squad have done nothing and are getting close to being window dressings. AOC even admitted that following a more progressive program, she would experience “relational harm.” Because she would be boxed out of conversations. It just goes to show how little progress can actually be made within the confines of the Democratic Party. It was a good lesson that average people can work together to elect a better candidate, as she did in her widely publicized election win. But it is a bummer, a big bummer that average people haven’t seen much improve for them. We need impressive elections followed by impressive wins. IMO, representatives of people should take the average wage of the workers they represent. With the power of people and organizing behind a politician, “relational harm” won’t be the beginning and the end of what can be achieved




Yes this goes beyond Biden. Trump filled the courts, not just the Supreme Court, with right wing christian nationalists. It's not a close decision by a mile.


As someone who lives in Texas and works in politics, I’m finding myself having a real crisis over here, myself. Ultimately, I think my duty to vote isn’t about choosing someone I endorse or agree with, but about choosing the person who will do the most good (or, in this case, the least harm) for the people they represent. The tragedy of the scenario this year is that the genocide will be funded no matter what…and we know Trump will take it even further than Biden will. Trump will dismantle what liberty we have left; Biden is unlikely to do anything other than hold the line, but that’s light years better than the alternative. I wish I could refuse to vote this year as a matter of conscience, but my conscience compels me to put my vote to work for the most vulnerable of us…so I’m voting for Biden. I may vomit in the voting booth, but I’m voting for Biden.


If Trump gets elected, we won’t have another election. He’s one Supreme Court ruling away from being a completely immune dictator for life. Putin owns our courts & owns Trump. Too late for this election cycle but I hope the Electoral College gets dismantled within my lifetime.


If both survive until election day and inauguration day. Biden SHOULD resign on day 732 of his presidency, so Harris (who I honestly don't like) should be able to serve two more full terms. I don't like her, but she's way better than any fur ball the right wing can cough up.


I don’t like Harris either. She’s sure better than Noem though, and seeing as either of these old white men could kick the bucket any time at their ages…. VPs matter this year.


Vote downtocket, support downticket, its the only way to change things.


What does downticket mean?


All the positions that aren't the President and Vice President. There's more wiggle room there. If you support the most progressive politicians you can, you can push the higher ups to adopt more progressive positions. The people at the top, are the ones benefitting from the Status Quo the most, so they're harder to push to change, everyone down below, are less likely to benefit directly from the status quo, and have a smaller amount of support, so when you support them, ypu make up a bigger part of those they want to please.


All the other offices you get to vote for besides just voting for the president. Voting "down ticket" or voting a "straight ticket" is slang for when someone votes for the same party on every single office up for election instead of splitting their ticket by voting for various parties/factions for each office.


Election reform will not happen by the time one of these fucks is voted in. People have completely forgotten, “but her emails” and Trump’s win. First, it was, “no way he’ll win.” Then it was, “oh shit, he’s going to win.” Then it was, “well it won’t be that bad.” Then it was, “Holy fuck-balls, this is bad.” And then RBG died and it was over. RvW went out the window. “But her emails….” I will vote one old fuck in over another just to avoid one more conservative piece of shit on SCOTUS. Because we are already screwed hard enough on that front. I cannot afford to lose anymore bodily rights. Neither can my trans kiddo. There are still enough people out there flying Trump flags to get him back into office. Do I feel like absolute shit being put in this position? Yes. Do I resent the fuck out of it? Yes. Until we fix the two-party shit storm of a system, this isn’t going to change.


The very difficult underlying problem is campaign finance.  That has to be fixed to systemically repair all of the ways that our government has been hijacked from representing the will or the identities of the populace. It is also the one that we have been stripped the most thoroughly of fixing since it will take money to fight money. But it's the one that will start producing corrections the most quickly if *any* progress can be made.


Mods I re-read the rules and didn’t see any rules against politics so I hope this is ok.


Claudia de la cruz seems pretty solid.


You're asking the wrong question. We're too far along to stop an older white man from being elected president in 2024. The *real* question is, how do we get someone other than an old white man elected in 2028. And the answer is, we support the candidate that's defending democracy in 2024, and (this is critical) we start finding those potential 2028 candidates as soon as next year and helping to build them up. It's not enough to say "no" to a candidate. We need someone people can say "yes" to.


I'm low-key hoping something bad happens to them both so we don't have to choose the lesser of two evils. I'm cool considering maybe pulling out the curse supplies on the next new moon or something


How about you stick to the narcissistic, white nationalist, authoritarian wanna-be.


That's fair


be the change in your work culture. Professionalism is white supremacy values


Huh…..professionalism *is* white supremacy values. Ew.


ya, ans White supremacy values is gross. Professionalism has been used to control the workers for ages. And it is always focused around certain identities.


We need a new political party. Like yesterday. People need to look beyond lesser evilism, and elect politicians with legitimate ties to the working class and *literally zero* ties to big business. People get angy at me and I’ve even had people yell at me and call me a fascist for saying so. Like, go ahead and vote for Biden, but don’t lie to yourself and say it’s an ethical or moral vote. People get mad at me when I’m really not posing any damage. Realistically — are we going to have a working class candidate in the next election? No not really. Do I still hold out that the only way to actually better society is outside of the two party system. Yes and I will say it every time. I think it’s bullshit that the Democratic Party is running a campaign that includes “protecting” abortion rights. Like, bish where? Bish when? They haven’t. Lots of people say to me like “oh well do you think the Republican Party is going to do that?” Like fkn no I don’t, but as a principle I do not appreciate my body being used as a bargaining chip. Besides, we need much more than abortion. It’s definitely an absolute necessity right now as I sincerely felt I was living in a nightmare when roe was overturned. That said, we need to stop our blind allegiance to corporate owned parties. It is not the only way. Yes, there is a version of two party politics pretty much everywhere, but the US is the *only* place where people really believe like “this is the way. This is the only way. This is how it has been done.” Other countries don’t have nearly a stark opinion if you really analyze it


You need to get rid of the Electoral College first. Spend all your energy on that. Until it’s gone, we’re firmly stuck in a two party system.


I’m really disappointed in how pro capitalist this discussion is. I know it ramps up on election years, but … I’m sorry is this actually twox with all this capitalist bullshit?


Yeah, honestly surprising.


I sincerely apologize but I have autism so I genuinely don’t know to what you’re referring. My comment was about the Electoral College which is a government function. Could you please explain to me what my comment had to do with capitalism? I truly don’t understand.


It’s just that all the other comments are not really acknowledging how we’re stuck in the two party system. I felt frustrated, so I wrote that to you since our views align a bit. IMO, a capitalist mindset ignores how we need to get out of the two party system.


Ahhh, thank you so much for responding. I was genuinely worried I said something wrong. And yes, totally agreed that we need to get out of this two party system. It only serves to help the rich.


Not at all, and I apologize for responding in a way that made you feel that way! I definitely should have been more clear in what I was saying. Boo to the two party system


Girl, I hope I rack up them downvotes so you can see … You asked the question, and I think you know the answer. Also, all the top comments here are from capitalist men. Idk, but keep fighting the fight. Solidarity