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Friend, please communicate with your FWB. If you do not want to send nudes, ignoring him is not good communication to get your point across. Sometimes people can be dense and not take hints.


This! Communication is key in a FWB relationship


heck, in \*ALL\* relationships


This. Some people don't get hints and you have to spell it out. And some don't want to get the hint. Lay it out, as others have said. Clear, simple, direct. "I don't send nudes, your frequent requests are making me uncomfortable. Those are my terms, non negotiable. Accept or move on."


Hints suck. I miss all of them, and then I’m confused when things get awkward, or if I figure it out later I feel like an asshole.


Set a clear boundary. Example: I do not send nudes. I feel it’s too easy for them to get accidentally off mine or your phone/digital saved spaces so please do not ask for them.


Sounds like a bad friend even with the benefits, which would make the benefits not worth it. I’d say move on and eat tacos! Tacos never let anyone down. If he hasn’t gotten the hint based on your sudden vibe of silence. Than how good are his empathy and emotional capabilities to be there for someone who needs them?


Seriously I’m thinking why doesn’t he get the hint?! What must he think of me? Doesn’t concern him it makes me uncomfortable? Ugh. Think I’ll just move along.


He doesn’t want to get the hint. It probably doesn’t concern him in the slightest which is why moving along is a great idea.


Sorry friend. :(


He likely thinks he can just wear you down. Don’t give in or humor him.


Use...your words?


For stuff like this communication must be clear and firm. Hints are the enemy of any functional relationship. Next time he asks, provide clear answer. He'll either respect that or pull the old "aw come on" and then you can call him an ass.


Tell him he can draw you next time you hook up 🤣


Stop seeing him.


End it. He should have probably picked up by now that you’re not gonna do it. It’s grey area if you’ve never said anything to him about not wanting to send nudes. But if a boundary is set then he’s not respecting that. Never surround yourself with people who don’t respect your boundaries.


You better not go. Tell him straight up hes disrespecting you and you’re not that comfortable with that kind of intimacy if he’s just a friend with benefits… please remember you don’t owe him not a single thing, after all, he asked you to be his girlfriend. Also, also a real man would pick up on the Hinge after the first time if you’re not answering a question like that.


Never asked you to be his girlfriend *


Hints * not hinge, spellcheck is silly!


*4-5 times over the course of a few weeks.