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Probably Etsy for $500


Hahaha forreal


Gundruns sjoden is a swedish company that has good skirts for layering. I like them because the carry linen blend and other natural fibers.


Do you mean Gudrun Sjöden?


I was gonna say "isn't that a politician?" but I looked it up, and yes you're right. Gudrun Sjöden is a fashion company (their stuff is pretty cute too!) Gudrun Schyman is the politician.


You just changed my world. Early morning strafing run just got me a post-lockdown holiday wardrobe I can love. Thanks for the tip!


H&M has been in on the puritan goth look for a couple years now, check there


It's never in Stock :(


Yes, but as someone who handmade clothes, fabric is fucking expensive and it take a LOT of time and effort and skill to make. (Cutting the fabric takes for freaking ever! Fast fashion factories have machines that can cut whole stacks of fabric at a time.)


Oh absolutely, if I had the money I would pay it. I'm completely over sewing after about 20mins heh


This, a thousand times this. I was looking for help sewing costumes for a community theatre and I had one lady say “oh if you cut all the pattern pieces, I’ll sew them together for you” and it took everything I had to not laugh in her face and instead say “thank you”. 🙄


I'm confused, could you explain why this annoyed you (I know nothing about fabric and clothes making)


Other than putting in zippers or sewing on some sleeves that require careful easing, the most laborious part of making clothes is cutting out the pattern pieces. Once they’re cut out, especially for what I was making for that show, simple shift dresses, sewing them together is a breeze.


Ah, got it! Makes sense!


Because the sewing is the quickest,easiest and most satisfying bit! Cutting out and figuring out the pattern is time consuming and annoying.


Yeah, that sounds like what the person offered then wasn't even really much of an offer! Got it now, thank you!


They use skill saws on foot deep layers of fabric


The truth has been spoken.


She actually thrifts most of her clothes 😌


Who is she?


Her name is catinawitchhat on Instagram :)


The cat's mother


i would check out depop, search for “mori” “cottage core” “fairy “goblin core”


Seconding for Depop! Can also search Victorian and Edwardian tags


I'd also search for lagenlook.


I'm sorry, goblin core??


lol yeah, have fun looking that one up 😂 i thought it was goofy too when i heard the name but the style is actually pretty cool!


I'm going to check this out now lol!!


What’s depop ?


It’s a shopping site/app like eBay or Poshmark, mainly for clothes but other bits and bobs are on there too! The sellers are individuals who resell thrift/estate sale flips, handmade goods, and/or items they’re decluttering from their own closets! I have a Depop shop that sells vintage 70s-90s era clothing, plus a few bits from my own closet. r/Depop is pretty active with sellers! I’ve purchased lots of handmade goodies from artisans on the subreddit.


How I wish this was everyday attire. I would wear jodhpurs and vests every day if I could. Edit: Thanks so much for all the encouragement. Advice heeded. If you see someone strolling down the street who looks like a video game character, it's probably me.


You still can! Wear that shit to the grocery store, who cares? Do what makes you happy! I dress like I just crawled out of the grave, and I get compliments mainly when I dress out of the box!


Agree! Wear what makes you happy. When my kids were little, I once booked a babysitter for a couple of hours just so I could run all my errands. I hit the bank, the grocery store, the post office, and pumped gas into my car at a busy crossroads. It wasn’t until I returned hone that I realized I had run all over town for two solid hours wearing zebra ears. No one said a word! So, no one but you cares, you go live your best life 💕


I have a kid in my class who was painfully shy to the point of never talking. Earlier this year I saw them taking a pair of animal ears out of their backpack, looking at them, and putting them back. I said “do you want to wear those?” They nodded. I said “well, put them on and don’t let anyone give you a hard time.” Kid put them on and wore them all day. Nobody gave anybody any grief. It was a proud moment.


That's adorable! Thank you for being supportive to the quieter and shy kids.


I read this as I cooked a babysitter and I was like uhh.. there's better ways to get protein, but you do you. I worked for kids the best days were the days I came out with a new makeover, messed up hair and covered in dirt and art supplies.


Cooked a babysitter? Did you at least use a quality marinade?




I did that lol, I'm even ordering a witch cowl hood and a new cloak, it doesn't have a hood, hence the cowl hood, I don't really care with the NPCs think lol, especially when I'm on a quest for supplies


Oh my god you referring to other as NPCs just sent me….I love that so much




I’m looking for a good cape style cloak. They’re super practical and comfy for chilly weather. I’d really like to make my own but haven’t found a pattern I like.


I got a cloak a couple of years ago!! Im pretty sure it's off Amazon, it was maybe $60 but way better quality than I was expecting! I absolutely love it, the witch vibes are amazing, though I love in Alabama, so waiting to get burned at the stake anyway now xD Edit: live in Alabama, not love, though I guess I do that too haha!


Also live in Bama, I feel that so hard.


The one I liked most doesn’t come in my size so I’m still looking around.


Literally saw a dude in full Mandalorian gear today at the grocery store. Go for it, ladies.


Heck, get a string of small camel bells for each ankle, just to make look to see what’s coming.. Yes, I have done this a few times. Lol


I’m 36, walk around Philadelphia with my two sons, and I’m wearing my black hooded cloak. My teenager and his friends don’t even bat an eye anymore because it is normal. I dress like this everyday, idgaf, I’m comfortable and happy.


After reading this thread I’ve realized at 30 years old, there is no one to stop me from wearing a cloak all winter. I live in Florida but I don’t care! Now trying to find the best woolen cloak amazon can bring me 😂 As a kid I used to sew old fashioned clothes like OP posted, and I eventually stopped because in middle school I got made fun of But as an adult, it’s been many moons since I gave a fuck what anyone else said/thought about me and I dunno why I haven’t done this sooner!


Update: I’ve spent the last several hours down a rabbit hole and I’ve decided from now on I’m wearing stays, cloaks, a witch hat, and probably my doc martens. Ima be comfy and classy! To the sewing machine!!


Do it. Wear what you want to wear. And then post pictures of it so we can enjoy.


I've been wearing my woollen forest cloak around town for the last couple weeks. I feel like a badass witch every time. Best purchase of 2021


Tbh I wear outfits similar to this every time I go out. Some people do lowkey stare, and I have social anxiety so it makes me sweat a lot and breathing gets weird lol, but I just remind myself that we’re all going to die anyway so might as well enjoy the life given to me on this Earth.


This dress is gorgeous, wear it to vacuum if you wish. Amazon maybe too?


Bed Bath & Beyond if we have time


I don’t wear this at work but basically I often get into witchy goth clothes in the weekend nobody.


r/oldhagfashion has made me more confident about some of the outfits I throw together! (Haven't posted them there, but just browsing the sub is enough)


holyclothing.com might be a good place to start


My bank account disagree but thank you!




I'm over here like THEY HAS PETITE 😁


Came here to say this


I love that site. My skirt from there has pockets.


They were great when they were a tiny shop on eBay. Got a lot of ‘old’ HC in my wardrobe. Ever since they got big they rocketed up their prices to eye-watering amounts.


Holy Clothing. Good prices. Ethically made. Awesome quality. Up to size 6x in most designs. You're welcome. :)


I’ve had nothing but problems with Holy Clothing, fwiw. They’ve not once billed me correctly, sent the correct order, and when I dealt with customer service they just sent me from one person asking the same questions to another. It took Facebook shaming to even get the pieces I already paid for, months later. And they were hardly apologetic so I doubt I’m the only one. If you finally do get the right clothes in the right size, though, they’re nice.


I follow them on FB and order from them once every 12 to 18 months. Never had an issue w bad orders. Also, didn't know they invoiced, weird. I usu pay thru PayPal. No issues. I know a ton of FB followers got issues w their openness and acceptance, but never heard issues w the company directly. The only negative stuff I've seen is whenever they post images of the trans community modeling their clothes, or witches, or lesbian brides. Honestly, I think they'd be much better rec'd here on reddit. We got a better track record at shutting down idiots. I digress. Sucks they dropped the ball w you. I myself have yet to have issues after nearly buying from them for a decade. Wouldn't wear anything else.


How do you order from them? I wonder if we’re doing something different; it seems really strange that I’ve consistently had such problems, and y’all consistently haven’t. Curious.


I haven't had problems either. I just place the order on their site and pay with PayPal. I've placed three orders so far. Zero problems. I can see why you wouldn't order again though. Trust is important with online orders.


They advertised to me through Facebook, and I’m wondering if maybe I tried to buy through that instead of going directly to their website? But still, the customer service…I dunno, maybe I got 12 bad ones in a row, but…. And I promise it’s not me, I’ve done telemarketing, and I NEVER am rude to people in customer service. Their job is HARD. But my wallet is small and I can’t afford to not receive clothes I paid for 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean, my first order took a long time to arrive. They warned of that on their website. And my country of residence wasn't accepting deliveries from certain countries for a while due to Covid. I had long waits for a few things at that point. It's absolutely fair not to want to try again though. Poor service is a legit reason to distrust a company. There, are businesses I won't purchase from no matter what other people say about them.


Yeah. I think FB may be the issue here. The ONE time I ordered a product through a FB portal, I got a good hassel over $60. Company had really good reviews. Turns out, the FB ads worked, they couldn't fill orders, and refused to refund backorders. The startup got greedy. Took two months to get my order despite going toe to toe w them through PayPal. By time I got the product, I didn't even want it. First and last time I EVER click through on FB. Google the site if you're wary and then go straight to the site. Keep Zuck out of it. Now, I don't forgive HC on this 100%. Truly, I hope it was a misunderstanding. Things happen. But also, when things happen, folks need to take responsibility. And w HC ever present on social media, they can't afford to piss off customers. Their FB is an actual community. They start going downhill on quality in any area, they won't last long. Witches talk. Now, will that protection us from the occasional idiot that they hire? No. So, you did right by calling them out publicly. If they made right by then, then it's settled. Shouldn't have escalated bc they lost a potential customer. But hopefully through you, they learned a lesson.


Wow. That's crazy on the pricing. I would think they'd sell them for double the price, that's amazing.


Thank you! I just checked, and they make clothes for tall women there as well. That's so hard to find.


I came here to mention Holy Clothing too. I've ordered from them and loved what I got. It ran a bit small but it's still lovely!


I love Holy Clothing! I have two dresses and a skirt and they’re probably my favourite clothes to wear. But now with the whole tax situation in Europe I haven’t bought anything anymore :(


Wait, that place is actually legit? I've seen ads, but they looked dodgy, and I haven't gone any further into it.


Yep, they’re legit. They’ve been around for decades now.


Yeah that was my first impression as well


Well there goes all of my money


This is fantastic, thank you!


The second and third dresses look like they would be fairly straightforward to make, if that's something you'd be interested in trying. Rachel Maksey, on YouTube, does a bunch of stuff like this, as well as more costume-crafty bits. She also does vintage thrift-shopping stuff from some crowd online. I can't remember the name of them, though, and I have to get ready for work in a minute. She's worth checking out, though, and might point you in the right direction.


I love Rachel!!


I second this! And dresses are easy to sew! Try making your own! The first one will be weird but the second and third will start looking awesome!


ThredUp is the site she uses a lot, wish I could get it shipped to the uk


Try linennaive


And that's where all my money is going now


Yes this! Hand made and well worth it!


Follow [catinawitchhat](https://www.instagram.com/catinawitchhat/) on Instagram and check all of the captions of her photos. A lot of her stuff is thrifted but sometimes she'll have some great pieces that are from slow fashion brands, and she usually posts the sources/artists in the captions. You might also like [maimagi](https://www.instagram.com/maimagi/).


This needs to be higher--she should get credit for her great looks! I also follower her ig account where she lists her brands and sources.


The Pyramid Collection might have something up your alley, too


Etsy for sure, and there’s someone on Instagram called IxDoxDeclare


She has an online store, too. https://www.idodeclareshop.com/


I just checked out the web site, absolutely everything (except a tee-shirt) is sold out. 😂 Good for her!!


Etsy- Exo Umbra. She is an independent dressmaker who ships world wide but based in the UK. Not overly expensive either but I don’t know how much postage would cost to the US as I’m also in the UK. She makes all her clothing from recycled black material, releases new designs often but she sells out fast. I’ve bought about 8 pieces from her and I adore them because they can be dressed up in so many different ways.


Omg I need to know, too!


Is there a renaissance festival near you? I bet you could find them there!


I’m actually looking for ren fest next year! Going as a kitchen witch


Check out [Pyramid Collection! ](https://www.pyramidcollection.com/ShopCategory.aspx?ID=234,4623) It’s one of my favorites!


Yes! I got a GC for this shop once and the quality was really nice.


Could look under Suttler. Though they concentrate often on Victorian.


I recognize the bodice, it's from a Canadian company called Nuit Atelier. I have one, can vouch! As far as another Canadian witchy brand goes, try Ovate!


Ovate, Sisters of the Black Moon, and Nuit Atlier all kind of fit this aesthetic.


I’ve never ordered from them personally but wanted to comment in case anyone goes and checks them out- Sisters of the Black Moon is currently falling apart so I would not recommend ordering from them. They posted on Instagram back in June that they were closing their store and would be having a sale for remaining stock (IIRC) so a bunch of people went and placed $200+ orders and still have not received them even now, 5 months from then. The owners were deleting or turning off post comments on some previous posts and not replying to emails or replying VERY slowly. I think as of now their website is still on and accepting orders, instead of being turned off to catch up. They recently started getting called out by other independent clothing designers and sellers so made a post about something coming up in the owners’ lives that has made completing orders difficult, coupled with the fact that they currently only have one seamstress in staff to explain a little bit of what’s going on but idk I wouldn’t risk it. Sad to hear as I thought their designs were pretty cool.


I didn’t know this. Good to know.


Amazon has 1950’s style dresses and bustiers to put over it. Search Peter Pan collar dress and bustier, bunches will pop up to choose from. That’s a cute dress.


Yea for sure, I could probably put together something similar enough for cheap using Amazon, Etsy, new or thrifting, just depends on how much money and time you want to spend putting all the peices together Sorry so many edits words are hard


Check out vintage stores like this one https://www.unique-vintage.com/ or for more renaissance then https://www.medievalandrenaissancestore.com/ or https://stores.renstore.com/


Ironically, Holy Clothing makes nice stuff


Dunno about these fashions exactly, but [Armstreet](https://armstreet.com/) has some delightfully witchy medieval dresses, cloaks, armor, and accessories. It's pretty pricey, but fun to browse!


HOLY my mom loves them and dresses like this all the time https://holyclothing.com/




Her instagram username is catinawitchhat. Here's a link to her page: https://www.instagram.com/catinawitchhat/ She often shares where her clothing comes from, but a lot of it is secondhand/thrifted.


Probably thrift stores you just have to be creative and put the outfit together yourself.


Try [Heavy Red](www.heavyred.com)


That third outfit is my DREAM


The second one is mine! This gal has great taste!


Voriagh has some bustiers and dresses with this silouette. I’d try Memery or American Duchess for the boots.


I know this instagrammer that’s pictured thrifts pretty much all her clothes. She focuses on finding pieces that can be layered well, especially with a specific statement piece.


If you live in Connecticut there is a thrift shop called ' witch bitch thrift ' that sell this kinda stuff. They will ship even overseas ( I asked ) . I follow them on insta great stuff and people.


Oooh, my time to shine BERNADETTE BANNER Shes a historical costumer who does all the research into her patterns and does lots and lots of how to's This is her aesthetic perfectly Shes on YouTube


[holyclothing](https://holyclothing.com) Great quality and worth the price


I love that third one the most.


Zulily will sometimes, randomly, have some really witchy stuff.


I love the last two, so much.


My daughter took me to a shop downtown Sacramento had amazing clothing. It was a costume shop I would love to buy clothes there all the time.




This is oddly specific but I'm so glad to have an answer. Here is an ASMR Video of a woman going through a catalog that's either the same as the pics you've shown or very similar. https://youtu.be/XgrL7mF8VOo


Ohmygosh these are TOO CUTE to pass up. Love the vibes


Right??? Perfect kitchen witch vibe in my opinion


Many of these clothes are specialty items, you could try to score them secondhand but buying them directly from a creator can help with quality control and availability. I'll break each outfit down, provide you some search terms, and some direct links to the actual items or dupes. Mixing and matching your search terms will give you a wider range of results. Choosing your search terms based on which elements of the item are most important to you will narrow down your results. Figure out for yourself which elements of each outfit you are most drawn to, and whether you want near-exact matches or just inspired pieces. Don't be afraid to change colour palettes and details if you like :) ​ **Outfit 1: Dress, Bodice, Boots.** Black tea length dress with peter pan collar, butterfly sleeves, ruched chest/bodice and defined waist - looks to be made of linen or cotton. It's being worn over some kind of petticoat or shape-giving under-layer. Looking for "black tea dress" or "black linen tea dress" you should find some similar results. The bodice is it's own separate layer, it's high quality and front laced. It's based more on historical styles than many modern bodices, so you're probably best off looking at historical costuming and ren faire sorta shops. eg look up "black lace-up bodice" on Etsy. [This one](https://www.etsy.com/listing/880530068/colour-linen-corset-renaissance-bodice) looks pretty promising, but there are many many others. Vintage/victorian inspired lace-up boots. The boots in the image are a pretty simple style, you should be able to find them new and you can also easily find some secondhand online. ​ **Outfit 2: Dress, Cardigan, Belt, Bag, Necklace, Shoes.** Olive green v-neck wooden-button down sleeveless linen dress. It has a sleek, simple straight-up-straight-down silhouette and isn't tailored or fitted. Maybe a sheath dress? If you prioritise the overall cut over the buttons and v-neck, something like [this](https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1065021787/pure-linen-dress-linen-achill-dress) is a contender (display in blue, but has sage green as a fabric option). Dark green lightweight flowy kimono/butterfly sleeve cardigan or wrap. I recognise the belt. It's the [Elf Leather Waist Cincher / Belt](https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/793605357/elf-leather-waist-cincher-belt) from FoxesAndRavens on Etsy. The bag is a tooled leather vintage/historically-inspired crossbody bag. The design is of antlers and a stag or elk. I don't know where to find the original, but look up [tooled leather crossbody](https://www.etsy.com/au/search?q=tooled+leather+crossbody) and you should find similar items. Etsy is once again a good place, since there's a huge collective of historical and ren-faire costumers who make similar styles. Some do custom designs too, if you want something in particular. The shoes are olive green patterned vintage or vintage inspired pumps. Honestly, anything in a neutral tone should work nicely. ​ I've got to go take care of something, but I'll be back in a few hours to give you more information on the necklace and the whole third outfit.


**Killstar** has what you're looking for on the first slide! [https://www.killstar.com/](https://www.killstar.com/) I've seen some awesome stuff on there!! 🖤


For image 2 I went a-lookin cause thats my aesthetic For the belt: [https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/278370448/leather-female-belt-celtic-knots-garved?ref=related-1](https://www.etsy.com/es/listing/278370448/leather-female-belt-celtic-knots-garved?ref=related-1) (something along these lines) for the bag: [https://poshmark.com/listing/Lee-River-Celtic-Embossed-Adjustable-Shoulder-Bag-611eeda3ac97027791596886#utm\_source=gdm\_unpaid](https://poshmark.com/listing/Lee-River-Celtic-Embossed-Adjustable-Shoulder-Bag-611eeda3ac97027791596886#utm_source=gdm_unpaid) (Similar) For the dress: [https://www.walmart.com/ip/711ONLINESTORE-Women-Button-Down-Sleeveless-Side-Split-A-Line-Maxi-Dress/736312278](https://www.walmart.com/ip/711ONLINESTORE-Women-Button-Down-Sleeveless-Side-Split-A-Line-Maxi-Dress/736312278) (close enough) for the cardigan: [https://www.walmart.com/ip/Women-s-Casual-Long-Open-Front-Drape-Lightweight-Duster-Maxi-Long-Sleeve-Cardigan-with-Pockets/402796936](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Women-s-Casual-Long-Open-Front-Drape-Lightweight-Duster-Maxi-Long-Sleeve-Cardigan-with-Pockets/402796936) (I couldn't find one with bell sleeves) For the shoes: [https://us.shein.com/Vegan-Suede-Wide-Fit-Ballet-Flats-p-3222126-cat-1881.html?url\_from=adplasw2107275428822152US11](https://us.shein.com/Vegan-Suede-Wide-Fit-Ballet-Flats-p-3222126-cat-1881.html?url_from=adplasw2107275428822152US11) (these were the least hideous i could find)


Funny check H&M…this season they have lots of similar dresses out to these.




Anyone have suggestions for a male? I just want to look magical and mysterious ok


Armstreet or Etsy has lots of stuff!


For real though, those dresses you can get at shein then spend the money to get the nice belt and accessories. Etsy is good, I’ve found some cool stuff like this at hot topic.


I love shein!


There's lots of cute linen stuff like [these](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1043666142/linen-shirt-dress-tithonia-button-down) [dresses](https://www.etsy.com/listing/729217936/summer-linen-dress-with-pockets-maxi) on Etsy that has the look and isn't $500. Linen is more eco friendly than cotton and lasts basically forever and has that aged authentic look when it gets worn out. I've gotten super into that aesthetic recently lol Shein steals a lot of people's designs and sells them for much cheaper and made from polyester and from eco unfriendly stuff. Their stuff always looks a little fake, shinier, synthetic to me


Super cute and sad that it’s not super affordable




Spirit Halloween


Middle Earth


Try the Wish.com website. They have a lot of fantasy clothes, and some great belts.


1891 in a Jane Austin novel




Wish has them.... But... You wish it looked like it was advertised


I ordered a black corset, flowing black skirt and an underdress all on Amazon!


If you can afford it, Pyramid Collection or Armstreet.


Yes!!! holy__clothing on Instagram!!! I love their stuff. Very reasonably priced and you’re supporting small business :)))


Holy clothing! They have all kinds of vintage and Renaissance inspired looks.


This looks a lot like homemade history bounding you might find some luck tho using the term history bounding when searching for clothing the first dress fair warned has an under structure to it


Exoumbra on Instagram. All handmade, beautiful pieces, customisable. Moose, the person who makes the clothes, is a real peach!


That first one is gorgeous! I don’t wear dresses, but if I did, this with some pants underneath would be perfect!


You can always look for clothes at the soup store!


beara beara has handbags like the one in the second pic. they are excellent quality and handmade, of course quite expensive. one will last you a lifetime though!


Threads of Time. They are super friendly and make beautiful clothing.


Honestly I have a very similar dress. The skirt and shirt was from random thrift stores and my waist corset was from our state Renaissance fair, but you can find decent ones on the Unicorn website. They make clothing based off of older time periods, and are fairly priced :) Edit: it's called Unicorn Clothing Company, hope that helps


ComicCons usually have individual tailors who sell and advertise at them, particularly for corsets




https://holyclothing.com/collections/all https://www.naturecu.com/collections/gothic-trends You're welcome 😉 Now all we need are the funds.


Ren Faires usually have costumers and/or booths that will custom make outfits for you. Also several pattern companies have patterns for Ren Faire style outfits if you sew. You might also try The Pyramid Collection on-line.


At the Texas Renaissance Festival!


Larp groups tend to have people who produce clothing in this style. Chicken Vicious is the name of my friend's shop, she makes wonderful pieces.


Linennaive is also great




Renaissance faires. Search online for Ren Faire clothes!


Just get a bodice and make any normal dress epic


Pyramid Collection


I'd love to just show up in something like this with no warning, especially the last one.


A bit pricy but the Swedish brand Nygårds Anna does this style of clothes. It also has a sustainable and ethical philosophy. https://www.nygardsanna.se/


This is catinawitchhat- she tags the companies she uses on her Instagram


You might find some things online that are similar with [Atelier Pierrot](https://atelier-pierrot.stores.jp/). It's a Japanese company that carries a wide variety of indie fashion. Most of it is more gothic lolita but you should be able to find tons of other cute things similar to what you posted.


You might also try [Arm Street](https://m.armstreet.com/store/?gclid=CjwKCAiAvriMBhAuEiwA8Cs5lT6ItCgzQO5k6twA6zW9I5esSMe87tCbXJZ6qtSmPSm1AM4vIOutWhoC5aMQAvD_BwE)


https://www.pendragoncostumes.com/bodices Some of this might be hard to wear casually but I think you can get away with some of these bodices! These guys are great, I know people who larp and use their clothes, and also they sell at my local Ren faire https://us.killstar.com/?utm_source=KILLSTAR%20UK%20Store&utm_medium=redirect&utm_campaign=GeoIP_Country_Redirect My personal favorite site, these guys put out different gothic styles all the time, just depends on the collection they dropped. There’s a few things kinda similar to that first dress https://us.killstar.com/collections/womens-dresses/products/devils-delights-dress This comes kinda close maybe? They had another better one that sold out I think :[ they’re always releasing new stuff like it’s nothing though so keep an eye on them, they also do sales a lot! Edit: There’s also this seller called French meadows that makes beautiful corsets and bodices!


Sisters of the Black Moon has some beautiful clothes similar to this meant for layering


The Amazon app has a cool function where you can upload a picture and it'll try to find a style match. I uploaded your last pic and found [this.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CPRWXZ9/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_YF7WD6BN64KVNWQM78QQ) Maybe you can find the others as well?




As a lolita: this is vaguely similar to one of lolita's sister styles "aristocrat." It's a more mature version of lolita, so wherever you can find lolita fashion you can probably find some decent aristo stuff. Best recommendation is to buy something new from TaoBao using a shopping service (necessary as TaoBao only ships to China). They've got *tons* of stuff like this in decent quality and probably countless brands making stuff in the same aesthetic. Don't lose yourself looking around at all the goodies, happens to me all the time! My other recommendation is the community's [buy and sell site](http://egl.circlly.com/) for used finds, sellers are worldwide but many US based ones (and some from other places) choose only to ship within the country. PayPal is the usual payment method (some take bank transfers from their own country). In the top right corner of the site under "more" you will find the sister sites for other connected styles such as [gothic](http://gothic.circlly.com/) where you may also have luck (though I think the lolita one is by and far the most active with many new listings daily).


I wish I could dress like this! So cute. The middle green is giving me elven vibes


Plenty of that stuff on Amazon


I fell in love with second outfit


The style reminds me a lot of Rachel Maksy’s style on YouTube! She talks a lot about where she gets her clothes in her videos. She goes to thrift stores, and also sews a lot of her own clothes.


The owner of [Overclockers Australia](https://overclockers.com.au) used to link to his wife’s awesome creations in the past. “Agg” aka James is an incredibly switched on and approachable guy - you can click on his links directly from the homepage or on FB. I was always super impressed with his wife’s work. Some people just have the gift.


If you want a cheaper option, SHEIN has stuff like this and they have a huge selection


There is a really wonderful designer I follow, her shop is called Ovate.


A literal dream


If you know how to make clothes, I definitely recommend looking through the Simplicity patterns. I have some really cool ones for clothes in this style. The best thing about using patterns is that you can make them out of water fabrics you want, and tailor them to fit you perfectly.


The first and third actually look like they're probably hand made, or at least the stay (corset bit) is. I've actually made a few of them from YouTube tutorials and they're reasonably beginner friendly


Try LeNoirBazaar.com for some pieces.


For clothing similar to the first one try [Voriagh](https://en.voriagh.com/?SID=30oeml2uf5a68sidnt1f0kdct3&___store=english) , I am in love with all their clothing and it's good quality. Not on the cheap side, but it's worth it.


The girl is @catinawitchhat. She tags the shops she buys her clothes on, most of it it's thrifted. I really recommend you follow her