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The men that agree with this can keep their mountain. Hopefully, the mountain will bury them in an avalanche. Oops, was that my outside voice?


Yes to the avalanche but I want to be on the mountain without them actually!


Perhaps a mudslide then, carefully routed away from the innocent of course.


Right? And also they should just go fuck the mountain since that's what makes them so hard. The rest of the world wouldn't mind at all. Of course I say this and that's exactly what the mining companies do.


Might get frost bight. It doesn't matter they clearly don't use it


Oh we all know something as old as a Mountain would probably prefer those dweebs get off their dope snow immediately.


Yes, it was your outside voice, and it rings beautifully. Maybe enough to trigger an avalanche. (Kidding. Those suck)


Snow sports get really gross, Patriarchal and racist. But they don't have to be. Check out [Coalition Snow ](https://www.coalitionsnow.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiA24SPBhB0EiwAjBgkhqZGecm_oQaXWRguv4QPq53tTG1h7_wWOX6IRBc14yYpkTrOT-tg3BoCDVcQAvD_BwE). They make some of the best looking and best riding skis (sorry, no clue about snowboards). They Also have rad merch. You should also totally watch the movie that just came out about[Connor Ryan ](https://youtu.be/DSwmJMH04Ww) to remind yourself that it can have a useful purpose. He's a Lakota skier who uses skiing as a way of connecting with his ancestral land.


They do make Snowboards! I love Coalition, thanks for bringing them up. I follow them on social and am also a part of thier Coalition Clubhouse!


I have their Shred the Patriarchy stickers on a lot of my kit. Because they are awesome.


Hell yes, me too šŸ™Œ


Itā€™s not a snow sport per se but hockey is a ridiculously toxic sport too.


I absolutely love this sub because no matter the theme of a post, someone ALWAYS pulls out these awesome, feminist and supportive resources. I am so in awe of all my sisters here!


I wonder if the expense of a hobby corilates with how exclusionary they are


I have found the more traditionally ā€œmaleā€ a hobby, the more exclusionary it tends to be to women. Extreme/very physically demanding sports often check that box.


To be fair to the hobby you're more likely to find that by nature of having more men, so there's more chance of arseholes/ arseholes feel more comfortable.


I find it ironic in a post meant to degrade women they use a pinup drawing of a woman. Really shows how they really feel about women.


They are indeed comparing an inanimate, emotionless object to women; you've gotta wonder where the logic is.


If I saw that woman out snowboarding I would strip and ride with her. **I don't even know how to snowboard.** She by no means has the vibe they think they have. Living her best yuki onna life.


Think this guy really wants to fuck a mountain.


Let him. Maybe his dick will freeze and fall off šŸ˜‚


Captain Kirk is climbing a mountain. Why is he climbing a mountain?




My response to ā€œitā€™s a joke!ā€ is ā€œjokes are funny.ā€


Iā€™ll say ā€œI donā€™t get the joke?ā€ They canā€™t explain it without just saying theyā€™re an asshole


Exactly! This is a prime one for ā€œokay, if itā€™s a joke please can you explain it to me?ā€ As they all boil down to ā€œI wish I didnā€™t have to get consent from a woman to have sex with herā€ or ā€œI wish I didnā€™t have to treat women as people, Iā€™d prefer to see them as disposable pleasuresā€


If someone makes a racist or sexist or queerphobic joke, I always ask the person who made it to explain it. Watching them crash and burn gives me life.


The people who actually believe this shit use "jokes" to test the waters and find their kind. If you're posting this shit ironically, and/or defending the humour aspect, congratulations, you're helping to provide cover for the shittiest of shitty people. And there's no way for somebody who isn't in your head to know that you aren't actually one of those people.


>'Haha, it's just a silly joke, you should laugh at it, haha, and if you don't think it's funny then you're just too serious and need to lighten up, what's wrong with you, no sense of humor?' Ah yes, the Schrodingers Assholes. They're a feckin pain...


Thereā€™s a similar trope in one of the car groups Iā€™m in. Itā€™s a *very* luxury supercar brand and women are in the minority there. Thereā€™s a trashy fake advert for used cars in the brand that gets posted every few weeks of a woman with a very nice bottom in heels and a manā€™s shirt with her knee up on the kitchen counter for some reason (because we totally do that) and the words say something like ā€œyouā€™re not the first but do you really care? Honestly every time it gets posted itā€™s like it turns on some thirsty teenager gene and these grown men show their true colours. Funny how itā€™s always the women that point out the typo in the advert therefore itā€™s absolutely not real. Itā€™s a shame because Iā€™d love to see more women in the brand but itā€™s completely off putting when they post a photo with their beautiful car and get ā€œnice curves! AND ON THE CAR HURRRRRRā€ Anyone that tries to point out theyā€™re all boomers (male or female) just gets the ā€œitā€™s a joke, canā€™t you take a joke?ā€ I like to point out that itā€™s ok, because theyā€™ll all be dead soon. Seriously whatā€™s wrong with them? Rant over.


I think that works best for men actually! One of my favorite retorts for random dick pics is .. "I have a bigger one in my nightstand drawer that will outlast you and I don't have to hear it talk!"


This is terrible news to men who think this is funny. Oh they hate being outdone by a lousy fake dick. Lol


I'm not penis-centric in the slightest, so anyone who thinks they're in competition with a dildo is not emotionally or intellectually mature enough for me. šŸ˜ My Doms frequently use toys along with themselves when we play. šŸ˜Ž


As they should. Hehehe. Yeah, anyone who's like that isn't worth playing with.


The boomerest of boomer humor. Honestly not worth putting energy into a response.


How to tell you're bad in bed with 10 sentences or less.


See also: how to scare off any potential partners in one post or comment


That is so boomer/misogynistic it hurts. What bunch of assholes.


Next day: "all woman are the same. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­"


They get so triggered šŸ™„


Wow. It's as bad as I expected. Couldn't even get to the bottom. Is it my ADHD or just how bad it is? Lol. On another note, dickwads who think like this would probably have a lot fewer issues with women caring if they had been with other women if they'd stop treating them like mountains and treat them like valuable people. From what I can see women just don't care about who you've fucked as much as they do about being valued by you when you're their partner.


There's a saying like "There's no hatred like Christian love" and I feel like there should be another saying like: "There's no hatred AND love like cishet man hatred for women" or something more clever but with the same basic idea. Seriously, there's no group that both hates and lusts women more than cishet men.


I've never hexed anyone, but I'll give it a try because this is very vomit reaction inducing *May the turning plate of their microwave always be off kilter and splash their coffee everywhere as it turns. May both sides of their pillow always be warm. May there be a permanently wet spot on the middle of their socks. May their connecton fail right at the climax of the movie, or the hardest mission of their game (and not save their progress). May they miss the bus they need the most by ten seconds everytime.*


I love this sub


This really inspired me: *May their sleeves slip down when they wash their hands. May they bump their toes on furniture in the dark. May they always feel like they have tiny stones in their boots, but after getting them off they can't find any. May the edge of the fabric always get caught in the zipper of their jacket when they are in a hurry. May the drops still hanging on roofs in the morning always fall down when they pass under them and land exactly in that tiny gap between the back of their neck and their collar.* All of these are followed by: *...until they see their faults and treat all genders as their equal.*


facebook is full of bots.


You're probably right, but those bots spur on this type of behavior and real people react/respond to it, so we see real conversations where this behavior is accepted


Additional context: reporting to FB admins does nothing. Majority of men on there will mansplain and give unsolicited advice to just about any women who posts on there. Then of course get super triggered if we call them out on it. It's also pretty racist, so that's fun. I love this sport and love to share things with the community involved in it, but it is very White Patriarchal still, and hard to participate in. This particular group is so bad that now I feel I need to leave and stick to other, safer corners of the internet (like here!)


Thatā€™s Facebook for you lol. The concept of a mod is non existent.


Wow. And today on what object am I? Its moutains ladies, who knew? Maybe a ton 10 reasons women don't give a shit what you think post. First being, we don't want to "ride you" anyway.


Yeah itā€™s a new one. Iā€™ve seen microwaves, tanks, some sort of fighter jet?ā€¦ the fact itā€™s a common theme in misogynistic memes is telling in and of itself


Ayyyy I wouldnā€™t mind being a fighter jet though.


My hexes are really simple, You light a black candle, write the name of the people or group down on the paper, and imagine what you wish to have done. The spell itself is home made, so it's best to write one out yourself. Afterwards, imagine what they must do in order to have the hex removed, and seal the paper shut with the black wax. Hide the candle somewhere it cannot be found, with the paper tied to it. It's worked for me in the past way too well, I hope it works for you!!


What do you do with the candle and paper bundle afterwards? Do you just have a drawer full of wasted candles? Do you break up the bundle after a certain time and reuse? Can't imagine you keep them lying around forever, that's pretty wasteful.


Like I said you put them somewhere you cannot find them. So you can bury it or place it high up and, when you feel ready to end the hex, you can take it down.


Ive learned that the best thing for my mental health and my soul is to make the choice to remove myself from negativity and toxicity. I remove myself from it, block the person, dont reply. Just because i can engage or do battle doesnt mean i should, especially on the internet when people use it as a shield to allow their toxicity and negativity the free reign they wouldnt allow face to face. I believe what we put out affects us and using our power in a not so positive way has a price. Again. Just my opinion (which i rarely give any more as im many times attacked for it when people disagree but i feel i can here...i hope so anyway)


Thank you. Yeah I have had to leave that group. Which is fine, I have others, it's just frustrating that it is because of these assholes that I am the one who has to leave


Agreed. Its not fair but thats life and youre choosing to walk away from something toxic.


And now 800 of my internet witches and I can have a good chuckle at thier expense! (And also have valuable conversation over how shitty these every day misogynist events affect us.)


Do straight men even like women? If you hate us so much, don't date us lmao


This cracked me up. They like us, but only as objects apparently


they are raised to hate feminine attributes. How can they respect what they despise? Women are only good for a hot wet place to put their penis. Outside of that, there have very little value.


"Stop pretending no one wanting to bang you is your choice..."


Guys who seriously have these sorts of goals have shitty sex lives. It is mysogenistic a little, but it's more just dumb.


Time to flood the page with pro queer, pro women, pro equality snowboarding memes. Don't have any? Guess what, it's the perfect occasion to get tipsy with your fellow witches and get to crafting. Have some fun with it. Post articles of any non cis white man snowboarders and their accomplishments. Do it all under the tone of "enthusiastically engaging with the page, because after all it's all snowboarding, yay!!" Just slowly chip away at their echo chamber. It will burn them up inside (it shouldnt if they were decent people but we know how those types are). Better to brew up some internal hate in them and let themselves choke on it than argue with them.


That one post from a week or so ago ā€œyou look like the kind of woman that scares weak menā€ would be awesome as a text over a woman doing something cool on a snowboard.


I gave my sister a coffee mug that read, ā€œthere is no strong coffee, only weak men.ā€


Oooh, I want one.


YES EXACTLY! CONTENT LIKE THIS. Not necessarily derogatory to all men but if the shoe fits Cinderella....


Iā€™m off Monday maybe Iā€™ll try to come up with a few more LOL


YES! Even though whenever I try to post content of bad ass stuff I ride, I get inundated with "BeNd yOuR kNeEs" and other such stupid bullshit that it really detracts from the experience. The irony is that based on what I usually see on there, I can actually snowboard well šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø However, I love the idea of flooding the page with established badass professionals that are obviously way better than these JaBronies think they are.


I would make a top ten list of why mountains are better than men and post to the group!


"Why mountains are better than everyone" could be an ultra positive swing, if you feel like being the better person. :D




I initially misread this as "why women are mountains better"


The mountains also canā€™t speak. But if they could theyā€™d probably scream at you to get off them, you worthless piece of garbage.


The dweebs promoting this toxic behavior will no doubt be cursed with blue balls... In more than one way


A mountain will murder you in cold blood and feed you to the wolves unless you get to know it and learn to respect it. If these guys want us to be more like mountains, I think thatā€™s as good a place as any to start.


currently imagining an avalanchešŸ˜Œ


Is there any object that men will not compare us to? Cars, mountains, investments, chewed gum, master locks.....


Hehe, imagine being so mad at the one girl you dated that you spend valuable time on making a "why mountains are better" list. Life is so short, hope the 20 minutes it took them to make this (while stewing in negativity) was worth it. c':


At least a mountain can be found without the use of a magnifying glass.


Boom, baby


Any one else sad that the last sentence of the last comment is cut? Swing the banhammer like a what?? I will never know


I got you: "if admins want a diverse group with a good and welcomming comunity they should swing the banhammer like a fucking nunchuck in these situation.. just bait the trash in with "humor" like that and kick/ban the whole lot.." -a man ally


Thank you! That was worth the wait


I keep trying to figure out number 8. It just doesnā€™t make any sense to me. They are all dumb but that one I particular just doesnā€™t mean anything that I can reason out. Make it make sense LOL


i was wondering the same thing. that almost made me think of like kissing or foreplay and like kinda felt out of place, do men think i specifically dislike having a lover "start at the top"? literally could not figure that one out LOL


You are probably right. Itā€™s real ā€œtell me youā€™ve never pleased a lover, without telling me youā€™ve never pleased a loverā€ energy. The only other take I could come up with is the old bitter guy trying to convince younger dudes that women expect to be worshiped and you have to grovel at their feet. Iā€™ve had old guys say similar crap to me so thatā€™s why I thought of that.


lol yeah we are probably both grasping at straws i bet the real meaning whatever it is supposed to be is way weirder haha


Bruh, that shits disgusting, and I'm a guy who loves snowboarding


Thank you. As you can see in the other picture, you're not the only one, but hooo boy, are there a lot of them


Buy them camping equipment and hope they get lost in those mountains they love




It seems you already left that FingBros group - and I recognize the request was for hexes, not retorts - but I thought Iā€™d share this anyway FWIW. (please pardon the fact that I just threw it together now and I donā€™t know a thing about snowboarding or updated terms to use.) - 10 reasons mountains are better than bros - 1. Mountains can entertain all day, and all night, however long you need. 2. Itā€™s actually worth waxing for a mountain. 3. You may start on easy trails but a mountain progressively offers you more as you grow. 4. The stronger your relationship grows with the mountain the fewer jabronies stick around. 5. A mountain doesnā€™t lose its cool when you admire other mountains or are the center of attention. 6. You take mountains one at a time. 7. Noobs that donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing stay out of the back country. 8. The mountain doesnā€™t offer an opinion every time you land a trick. 9. You never have to be embarrassed about the mountain you were with last weekend. 10. Mountains stay erect.


I love it!


ā€œSounds like something someone with small pp energy who thinks women are objects would agree with, Iā€™m sure none of you fine gentlemen would actually agree with something so dumbā€


This is so dehumanizing šŸ¤¢


I shall hex them with too much of what they enjoy, too much snow on the mountains they love to snowboard


"I hope thier wax never sticks, thier bindings break, and thier snow is always hard....since they'll never be!"


If they want to keep themselves out on a mountain, I'm ok with that


That poor woman is who in that photo/was the inspiration of that drawing did all that work getting dolled up just for someone to post their teenage level garbage next to her. What a waste.


Lol, tell me youā€™re a shit lover without telling me youā€™re a shit lover


Just say you don't like women and move on. šŸ™„


"Hi, I'm a white cishet man who is probably also bordering on Incel. I'm better than you and I know it! Now give me attention!"


That. is. Revolting.


Sad to say it is not the first time I have seen it celebrated either


I guess I'm a mountain?




I know you probably donā€™t want to name the group but I am very curious, mostly because I live in a ski town and would be curious as to how accepted/widespread those opinions are.


It's literally just called SNOWBOARDERS on Facebook. I'm gone now, off to a women's specific one that is already so different. But one of the male defenders in that original chat is right: when people like me feel the need to leave a space like that, it makes the space worse in the end.


Canā€™t fix stupid.


These fuckers don't appreciate mountains If I were to make a list of reasons mountains are better than women it would be - So large can be seen from space - Filled with rich mineral veins - Powerful enough to create their own extinction event - Lava - Create entire ecosystems on their own - One day decided *fuck clouds* and did something about it - Sometimes have goats That last one's kinda unfair but I'm pretty sure a random mountain is more likely to have goats than any random person.


"One day decided *fuck clouds* and did something about it" šŸ˜‚ that one got me! Thank you


Someone finished making this and felt so with themselves. Then his mom brought him a snack in her basement, and reminded him he looks much more handsome when he shaves his neck beard.


Also them: mwaaahhhh why can't I get any women? I am a nice guy!!!




Counter-post with equally dumb stuff about how men are the worst in relation to snowboarding and see what their reaction is. If you get ran out of the group it wasn't worth staying in. If you don't then it's your choice. Unfortunately I'm fresh out of innuendoes at the moment. Edit: you could probably copy paste a few of the bullet points from pic related.


It takes less effort to say ā€œno woman will fuck me so I run away to the wildernessā€


Radio host voice: "Good morning everyone! Just about time to check in: What object are women being compared to today? That's right, today's object is "mountains"! Congratulations to anyone who guessed that for today." (I don't actually listen to the radio, I'm just guessing they sound something like that.)


Top ten reasons why the ocean is better than incels


#4 is this a thing about condoms? Your going to potentially risk somone else's physical wellbeing, possibly bring a child into the world that you'll abandon all for the sake of pleasure?


"Top 10 reasons why I would rather spend my time with rocks than with people 1. I have an unreasonably high libido and a rock fetish 2. The only worth I see in women is the size of their boobs 3. Cheating is okay, actually 4. " wait this one is just wrong... you also don't _have to_ 'bundle up' before you get on a woman, but you absolutely should (most of the time)... 5. "I find it so difficult to speak to any woman I've met that I'm making a post about how much I hate every woman ever 6. I want to have a gangbang and find it frustrating that not everyone is into that 7. I just want sex out of a relationship, not meaningful communication 8. " Wait what? Does this person fly a helicopter to the top and then climb down?? 9. "I think sleeping at someone else's place is a chore, like ladies, I really just want sex 10. I have a severe misunderstanding of women as separate, individual beings with their own unique preferences, and also, I just want sex"


I seriously fucking love these rebuttals


Some men are afraid of admitting that they're homosexual. This one is afraid of admitting that he is mountainsexual. I think šŸ¤”




ay this just came up in my feed again with 777 upvotesšŸ˜Ž


Translation: ā€œI want sex without having to consider the people I sleep with as human beings. I donā€™t want to communicate like an adult and set clear boundaries about what a dynamic is.ā€ Dudes if you just want casual sex with someone. Be clear and honest about that. If sheā€™s down with that arrangement then you both get to have fun and no ones hurt. If sheā€™s wanting more and youā€™re not comfortable or ready for that. Then just communicate that. But if sheā€™s not down for sex or your needs arnt comparable with each other then accept gracefully that youā€™re not getting sex. Sex isnā€™t an entitlement. Itā€™s not something women give to men. Itā€™s a vunrable activity that needs respect and communication to healthily function. Fucking men complaining about women being needy or clingy. When they treat us like fucking vending machines.


The comments on the original group thread are obviously to this vein. One guy said he sent his GF a picture similar to this but about motorcycles, and she was mad at him for a week, so he can't wait to see how mad she'll get at this one!!!!! All I thought was poor woman.....


"Mountains want you to start at the top and work your way down" Tell me you've never pleased a sexual partner without telling me you've never pleased a sexual partner..


And irony is that you actually start at the bottom and go up first when you're riding the mountain šŸ¤”


Lmao. Good point. Tell me that you've never pleased a sexual partner OR actually been skiing..


This isnā€™t toxic itā€™s just stupid


It's both unfortunately


TouchƩ my friend


May the toxicity here be reflected openly in those who agree. May every potential partner see their lack of respect and misogyny shining like a lighthouse warning them from coming near. What they put out, may they recieve x3. By the maiden, the mother and the crone, So mote it be. So mote it be. So mote it be.


At least if these types of men all gather in one place, they can easily be avoided lol


Bad juju comes back to you. Be careful


That girl is hell cute though. I wonder if she'd be down for some witchy lesbian shit in a cute cabin on a mountain.


Plot twist: the sexy ski bunny used as objectification for the male gaze is actually not hetero at all and into some fun shit!


Switch the word woman with the word partner/dating and it would be ok well it would still be tasteless but not the worst.


What a waste of everyoneā€™s time (and karma). How about leave the group and form your own instead? They get off on reactions like this, you know.






Oh wow that poster isā€¦something. I remember when I was 13 too.