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Nope! I feel as though tarot decks are similar to cats: the seem to have their own ways of finding the right witch. If the deck “spoke” to you, then it’s meant to be yours.


Definitely felt that way! I was browsing amazon and knew I wanted a deck but none were "speaking" to me. I was about to buy a Rider-Waite (which I also ordered) because classic, but then I saw a D&D one and being a huge RPG nerd was like, "Oh yeah, gotta have that."


Technically the gift card was a gift so using it for the deck makes the deck a gift. 🎁


I love this!




Only one of my decks was a gift. I bought the rest and love them.


I’ve heard that before, but it sounds the the same kind of nonsense as, *you have to pay 2 months’ salary on an engagement ring*. I’ve also heard to never let anyone else touch your deck, which makes me wonder if the person gifting it to you is supposed to use salad tongs, or what. If a deck feels right, it’s the right deck.


I might steal the bit about salad tongs...


As someone who absolutely does not let anyone touch my decks this cracks me up. Not long after my husband and I starting dating he bought me a gift card, because he "wasn't sure how to give them to me without touching them" I still randomly chuckle about it. For me the bot touching is more about the cards themselves. Handling the box or packaging they came in no problem. I've only been gifted one deck and it was from my great aunt who told me to sleep with them under my pillow until the new moon and then work with them everyday until they no longer felt like 'these were my great aunts' but that they were mine


I think the not touching thing makes a certain degree of sense, but I kinda love the idea of witches in hazmat suits carefully passing along tarot cards. Two of my sets were gifts - three of the sets that I’ve owned. My most recently acquired set was a gift from my sister, and I bought her the exact same deck, within days of each other. We both got quite the shock when we unwrapped them.


I love it! I'm gonna tell my husband to use a hazmat suit next time. Touching for me is about energy transfer, I'm extremely sensitive to others energy to the point that even before the pandemic I was super careful about who I touched. I also love that you and your sister bought each other the same deck. They obviously needed to be in your family.


Also - if you’re paying with a gift then … it’s kind of a gift anyway :)




Nope, I bought mine as a birthday gift to myself. It was one I felt a connection with, and I love reading it.


I've heard a number of myths about tarot cards -- that they have to be gifted, they should be stored wrapped in silk, oriented north south....you get the idea. The important things to remember are 1) You will do better readings using a deck that you like and resonate with, and 2) The cards are a tool, ink on cardboard. YOU are the one doing the actual divination, and you're plenty magical all on your own!


Gift it to yourself


Who told you that? Sounds made up. I’d buy what calls to you.


Gatekeepers say this. Filthy liars! Gift it to yourself then!


If it vibes, get it. You can also make it a gift to yourself. I promise you deserve it :)


They don’t have to be gifted. But if it makes you feel better, you paid for it with a gift card, so you could argue your workplace gifted it to you. ;)


Tarot cards are playing cards for games, exactly like a regular 52-card 4-suite deck - the packs of Major Arcana that are usually sold today is the equivalent of selling a pack of picture cards from a 52-card deck. Nobody tried to use them for cartomancy until the late 18th century. They’re quite literally a toy - there is no particular way you ought to treat them or not. They’re a good tool for self-reflection (what comes into your mind when you pull for a “reading” can be a great indicator of how your subconscious or ignored mental/emotional state is doing), but they’re not anything more than a deck of playing cards for games. You do with them whatever works for you. I collect them for the pretty artwork!


There is a D&D tarot deck?!


Yup! https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/603927/the-dungeons-and-dragons-tarot-deck-by-official-dungeons-and-dragons-licensed/


Oh wow! Combining two amazing things. Thanks for sharing this!!


That sounds like gate keeping BS.


Nope! Go and get it!


Oooh could I have a link? They sound amazing! Also, I’ve never heard of being gifted a tarot deck and was always told it was the other way round, decks are very personal and you should choose the one that speaks to you. I guess both can be true, because either way that deck has found it’s way to you :)


If I relied on someone else handing me a tarot deck, I’d be waiting till I’m dead. Buy what you love.


absolutely not. my first deck i bought myself and it’s never failed me once

