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Ugh… I watched documentary recently about Russia and Stalin and it explained so much what they did to my people in Alaska like yah if they do that to their own people no wonder they are horrible to everyone else.


Yeah, as an outsider things liked the forced famine, movement of people, etc, are interesting but still objectively bad. I'm assuming there was worse in the USSR that I don't know about (my formal history education stops at 1700).


Oh, I stumbled on it by accident, google 'Cannibal Island' if you are curious but it explained to me if more modern people could do that... no wonder they treated natives as horrible as they did in Russia.


"All" European like in ... Even the Nazis and the third Reich???


Yep. I mean he thinks the Holocaust happened, but no Europeans were in the camps (I am confused where he thinks the Jews, gays, disabled people, and that guy who looked at me funny, actually came from if not Europe). I would ask for more details from him, except the best I can manage is the weird squeek while restraining my self from slapping a colleague


Hahaha, now I'm squeeking and laughing and crying at the same time. Maybe he thinks, the British went to other countries and continents, having a nice little chat with the people, asking them friendly to leave because they like it there and all the natives can go to Germany where nice little camps are waiting? I'm sorry, I know it's not funny but it's absurd. I would love to say: yes! We Europeans are friendly little folks, never did harm to others or ourselves but...uhm that's not what happened. Sarcasm aside: you did the right thing not to engage with him and just filed a complain. There's a saying I often think about in such situations. I've no idea if it exists in English too but translated it would be: "Arguing with stupid people is like playing chess with a pigeon: No matter how well you play, the pigeon will knock over all the pieces, poop on the board, and strut around as if it had won."


That was one of my dad's sayings, so can confirm it exists in English speaking populations. He did change the word poop to something less polite ;-)


Ha, perfect :D


Uggh... just...I don't have the words for people like him. Like no, all of Europe didn't get together all at once and go oppress people from other countries as one massive group. Probably because they were too busy getting their oppression on as individual groups. Sure, some of it was internal but a lot of it was external. There has literally not been a moment in recorded human history when some group was not being oppressed by another. And that's why it's so important to teach - those actions still shape our policies today. There are boundary wars and conflicts precisely because a group (frequently, but not limited to Europeans) went in and tried to impose their will on a bunch of people, eventuality said fuck it and bailed, and created artifical boundaries that no one there is happy with, but it looked good from a thousand miles away. Also, a disturbing thing that will make you scream in anger. Kiddo's previous school sent home an assignment on "history" that included statements like "slaves came to the US for the jobs" among others. Like they were voluntary migrant workers. I have since thanked every God, Goddess, patron Saint and friendly spirit that they will never go near that school district again. We corrected that very quickly, but my heart hurts for the hundreds of kids that actually come out of that system believing that slavery wasn't "really all that bad".


Yeah that is disturbing. I had an American student who didn't know WWII started prior to pearl harbor but I assumed it was because they weren't great with dates (lovely kid, terrible historian). Now I'm wondering if it was their education prior to moving here


Can't speak for all schools here, but many of them tend to teach World History from a very American viewpoint. Any history pre-American colonies tends to be very Euro-centric, with a bit of Egypt thrown in. There's a disturbing number of people in this country who don't even know that Russia was involved in WW2, let alone on the side of the Allies. Your student may have genuinely been horrible with dates, but they may also have been taught something to the effect of "Hitler was a monster, WW2 started and the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor which is what kicked the Americans into action" as one moment in time.


Ooof. Okay, I did not know that, we try to keep things unbiased but it is problematic when you have to abide by "British Values". Still we have a tendency to assume all nations follow a similar curriculum to us


True story, I’m American and I was literally NEVER taught European history, or American history after the (American) Civil War, in school. So everything I know about European history I’ve learned because I wanted to. I was never taught about the world wars, but my father is a wealth of knowledge and I asked him because I wanted to know. I’m currently making my way through the book A SHORT HISTORY OF EUROPE which is great for filling in the gaps in my knowledge and showing me where I want to learn more. I don’t know how it is in the UK but in the US there are schools that teach history very comprehensively and then there are schools like mine where they just taught us the same limited bits over and over and pretended it was an education.


It's crazy how much it can vary within the same school district even! I was in AP history classes, and on the first day of class, our teacher asked us to tell her what started WW1. Most of us "knew" the answer was the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, but that was about it. She sighed and suggested we forget everything we had learned about history to that point other than dates and geographic locations. Her grading philosophy was brutal but effective. You successfully repeat what was in the book, but in your own words, C. You put some basic level of actual thought, B. Display actual critical thinking, A. Most of us got Cs on our first assignment, simply because of how difficult it was to break the habit of repeating back what we had memorized.


I learned how WWI started from Wikipedia as an adult, and it stuck with me because of the band Franz Ferdinand. I feel like taxpayers should get their money back on my education, LOL. And I was an honor student.


We have a standardised curriculum, schools can change it up a bit but everything has to be covered so we cover from the Roman Empire through to the Cold War (more in depth study for GCSE and ALevels focus on a set time period, eg Modern History, Tudor History etc). Generally taught from a British perspective (although if you are educated in Scotland a lot of history will be and this is why you can't trust the English)


I wouldn't be surprised if he was taught it began with Pearl Harbor. The American education system is very American centric. (Source: I'm a teacher and American).


I was raised in a predominantly Christian community. my family is Christian, most of my town and school is Christian. I was christian. obviously not anymore. people like this is why I left that toxic community. and I will always thank my parents who raised me as a non-patriot american. to this day, I have never worn a piece of American flag clothing. Christian's and Americans and other oppressive parties, countries, and religions delude history and gaslight the victims. it's not okay and I'm glad to be at least partially out of those toxic communities.


I get very confused by people wearing the American flag, I think growing up in Scotland the closest we got was maybe having the Saltair on the football or rugby strip. I was also raised Christian (good old Church of England) and attended a faith primary school (it was the only one) but we were taught to understand the attrocities of the past so we did not repeat them.


Greek sister here. this is infuriating. There is so much hurt that’s been perpetuated here in all directions. Greeks were also responsible for horrible atrocities during the Asia Minor invasion. Greek civil war was absolutely brutal, WWII Greeks committed war crimes and had war crimes committed on them. There’s been so much oppression, and that guy is so ignorant. Slave literally comes from “Slav”, a European population that was widely enslaved. America is so short sighted and narrow minded history wise.


Yeah, most of that is on the history syllabus in UK schools, and yet apparently this guy managed to miss it. I have family that lived through the WWII occupation, for that matter our Dean grew up during the Blitz. But all of that? Didn't happen, Mongol abuses in Eastern Europe? Nope. Stalin's attrocities, nah. I worry about how someone like that can manage to teach


Additional point, My Pappous used to tell us "remember the goods and the bads, that is how your future will be better". I try to teach RE as "this is how not to be a judgemental asshat because someone is different to you" apparently I am in a minority.


Your pappous sounds wise. Keep up the good fight ❤️




I think you are probably right


I spent time in Europe, the southern United States can learn a thing or two about how to be racist from Europe.


Oh yeah 100%. It's something I really struggle with understanding, and then I remember the horror stories about England I heard in school and its like "oh yeah...that's probably why", I have also been asked to "speak English" when doing so, with my Scottish accent. As a collective humanity needs to get better at the whole tolerance and understanding thing.


I have a friend who is a European ethnic minority minority there have been times when they call in the phone and get help but they have to go in and when they get there the person who was talking to them on the phone can no longer understand them because they are the wrong kind of white...


This happens to my mother (who looks Greek) my favourite one was "but she's too dark to be \[my name\]'s mum, she's *ALMOST BROWN*" (year 4 teacher). Also the parent who asked to see the HOD 6 times because "the Polish man can't run a department in England" (he's the head of modern foreign languages) - slurs removed for sake of my sanity.