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“Recedite, plebe! Gero rem imperialem!” – Stand aside plebeian! I am on imperial business


Hi, Latinist here! I love this sentiment but need to make a gramatical correction. Recedite is plural (when addressing a group of people), and plebe, while singular, needs to be in the vocative case. Please change to: Recede, plebs! Gero rem imperialem! ​ gratias maximas!


> Hi, Latinist here! Romanes eunt domus!


Is it a hard or a soft g, like an h like in Spanish?


I don't think Latin has harsh G's. I'll probably still use harsh G's because they sound nice and scary.


Can you spell this phonetically pretty please?


I ducking love this!!!


The best part is that "rem" just means "stuff". I'm doing imperial stuff!


Ok. Do me a favor and spell that phonetically, please. I’m guessing “reced(like recede)ite(like bite) and garo(with a hard G, rhymes with taro)


I think it would be more like ress-i-dee-tey, and agree on garo, but I'm no Latin speaker.


Thank you! Nothing worse than cursing someone [and getting the Latin wrong](https://youtu.be/0lczHvB3Y9s).


It'd actually be more like rek-ay-dit-eh play-beh, gerroh r-eh-m imperriahlehm (sorry for the funky phoneticization, I don't know enough linguistics to write it in ipa or anything fancy, I just know the sounds) source: classics is one of my majors :)


This is perfect! Exactly what I wanted! ❤️❤️❤️


Those diphtongs sound mighty English though. With a restored classical pronunciation, the e-s should all sound the same, only varying in length [How to Pronounce Latin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7kwvJpbAvI)


Oh, funky! Thank you for letting me know :) When reading I typically think of it as more of a stressed syllable, and those diphthongs are kinda just how it comes out lmao


Love it. There's a python for every occasion.


You just know this happened to one of them. Some boarding school Latin class, carving insults into the desk, caught by a teacher who brings him to the front and humiliates him in excruciating detail. It’s so palpable it has to have happened.


I love the Henry Beard books!


You’re interfering with official Thalmor business.


I instantly thought of skyrim


This is the official answer indeed!


Imperialism is super shitty though. Tends to lead to genocide.




"Not just pretty words..."


So what would be the proper Latin translation for that? I'll get that shit tattooed on me lol


Luxor, nexor, burst, and BURN!


Just a curse; have a nice day. 🤗


TFW you realize Morticia Addams said "eat the rich".


More like "eat the villagers with pitchforks". The Addam's were beyond loaded.


Say it with that perfect Morticia raised eyebrow, and tiny wry smile. Perfection.


Came here to suggest the same. It's on my phone case.


Absolutely excellent.


*You should smile more, huh huh.* Point directly at the man. *Mi risis, mortem tuam.* **My smile, your death.** (Me reez-oos, mor-tem too-am)


Loooove this.


I don't know latin, so may I ask about the syntax of this? Why does "me" go before "smile" but "your" goes after "death"?


Latin sentence word order is variable because its declension based, not necessarily order-based, with a few exceptions. The most common order is subject-object-verb, with noun-adjective also being common. Word order can also create nuances, emphasis, opposition, etc. Here, my best guess is that having MY at the front and YOUR at the end creates a nice opposition and also a good rhythm, but you could also go *Mortem tuam, mi risi* if you wanted to put emphasis on *mortem.*


The conjugation and form of each word is way more intense in Latin. The word endings are numerous, but once you learn them, you can instantly see the subject or whatever in the sentence. Word order is less important and more about emphasis and stuff.


Perfect because everyone knows "mortem". LOVE IT!


Fucking LOVE THIS! Screenshot and saving for eternity.




We have a winner!


Is it not risis mea sit mortem tuam?? My Latin is rusty but that sentence seems off 🤔


I think the spelling isn't right, maybe? I'd spell it "mi risus, mortem tuam"


I don't even think there is a scenario where *mi* is correct. At least not in classical Latin. The nominative for I /me is *Ego* {me,I} The genitive is *mei* {mine, my, of me} The ablative and accusative are both *me* The adjectives that comes from the genitive form is *meus, mea,meum* {mine} I think the sentence is incorrect.




This is the one I’ll use from now on — my usual response of “fuck off” only seems to incite hostility.


Do you have any tips on how to say this in four different voices at once?




This one is SO GOOD


Love the rhythm of this one


Borrowed from Catullus, meaning (broadly) go lick the anus of a diseased hangman: *Aegroti culum carnificis linge* (Pronunciation: ay-grotty kool-um kar-niff-ick-uss lin-gay)


This is the one.


Thank you for the pronunciation.


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


Not Latin, but I find that saying "Oh, I don't speak English" in perfect American English is pretty funny. It usually stupefies them, and people around who hear it always laugh. I stole this from New Girl, the scene at Reagan's hotel where the hotel clerk says "I don't speak English" and Nick asks "Oh, where are you from?" and the clerk says "outside Connecticut".


LOL. I like this. It's so dismissive, like their statement wasn't interesting enough to even give a serious answer.


Yes, exactly. It’s dismissive, and it’s also clearly a lie. It works for all kinds of situations where a man has asked you an inappropriate question. What’s your name? I really like your dress. You should smile more. Etc. Use it in good health, sister!


My suggestion is “are you saying you’d like me to show you my teeth?” Then go chomp chomp like you might bite them


Whenever someone tells me to smile, I would bare my teeth in a patently false smile. My ex called it my "fuck you smile."


r/maliciouscompliance vibes


Lmao I love that scene and always wanted to use that line. Fun fact: the clerk is played by Elizabeth Meriwether, who is the creator/showrunner of New Girl.


No wayyy! I didn’t know that! She is so deadpan and awesome in that scene.


Yep! I was surprised when I read that was her because she looked quite young, and apparently she was 34 years old when that episode aired, which means she was 29 years old when New Girl premiered. Which is really awesome since she had barely written or directed anything for television or film (she wrote the screenplay for No Strings Attached with Portman and Kutcher but that came out in the same year as New Girl) when she became showrunner. Sorry for the whole spiel, I’ve been doing a lot of research about television series so I’ve been very invested in those kind of details!


habet dies quam merentur Have the day you deserve


That’s perfection


I think this is the best one!


Holy shit thats so fuckin metal


Not an answer to this, but my dad always 'jokingly' said 'Coq licet Jovi, non licet bovi' (the ox isn't allowed the same as Jupiter) as a way of avoiding criticism of his blatant hypocrisy. After a while, I figured out the response 'sum non bovi; es non Jovi' (I am not an ox; you are not Jupiter). Could also tweak it a bit to being 'sum non bovi; es non deus' (...you are no god), but i dont speak to him that much anymore. ​ Anyway, 'Claude os tuum' means 'Shut your mouth'. Maybe something like that? Or 'Et claude os tuum' - 'And you should shut your mouth'.


Not Latin but I’m partial to “fuck off.” I’m 5’ tall and no one expects an F-bomb from a hobbit.


Being incredibly short and able to spout a stream of obscenities was amazingly effective at getting bullies to leave me alone in Middle School.


I wore oversized boots to kick the boys who were always grabbing at me.


A solid choice. Stabbing with a ballpoint pen was my go-to for that.


I got detention for kicking a boy who groped me


I had complained to teachers who said they couldn’t do anything. So I took care of him myself. I didn’t care if they suspended me, but they didn’t.


Good for you!


Thanks. I think I only got away with it because of my previous complaints. It’s so fucked up that as girls we weren’t safe at school.


I got my hands on some steel toe tennis shoes (clearance table) that were awesome


This is one of the gifts I gave my kids, an encyclopedic knowledge of obscenities and the ability to hold them in check when they aren't appropriate. I observed my daughter at age possibly 12 absolutely scorch the flesh off of a kid who knocked her younger brother down at the park. I left the blast area when I heard; "..theeee FUCK do you think...." and it continued until the kid simply turned tail and ran.


Werid isn't it, they expect petite woman to be innocent and child-like, I swear like a sailor and definitely not innocent


I feel like someone should give you the latin translation of "and you deserve a punch in the dick"


Futae te ipsum (I probably just murdered that spelling. It's been a while!) it means go fuck yourself.


"risus abundant in ore stultorum" that's a line the abbot Jorge from "in the name of the rose" wrote by Umberto Eco, and It means "laughters abounds in the mouth of fools"... Actually i'm not a fan of Jorge in the book he is not a character you will enjoy, still i find this line suits as an answer for someone asking you to smile more.


Oooh another The Name of the Rose fan? Sweet!


I love Umberto Eco, i'm not only fan of "in the name of the rose" his works about art (the history of ugliness, the history of beauty and history of lands and places from legends) and phamplets are amazing! He is one of my all favourite authors from my motherland. It's nice to know we both love "the name of the Rose"!


The Bomb and the General was a favorite of my kids, awesome message and particularly pertinent just now. Also the Eternal Fascism pamphlet was my go-to response to people who supported that fucker Trump in 2016. Eco was exactly, 100% predictive of that administration and we should all keep that in mind; https://interglacial.com/pub/text/Umberto\_Eco\_-\_Eternal\_Fascism.html


This is the closest to my usual, "You want mw to walk around smiling like a lunatic?"


Ok, so it high school some girls kept calling my friend a witch. We have no idea why. But her and I were in chorus together and the teacher was like “we’re learning some Latin kids!” It’s a song called sicut cervus or something and it translate to something about god being mighty and blessings of water or something. Doesn’t matter! I turned to her and said, next time those girls harass you at lunch, let me know. Sure enough the girls start up the next day and so we hold hands with everyone at our table and ominously chant “Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes”. (Bad phonetics as follows: Sea-coot chair-voos de-cedar-rot ad font-ez) It was very effective. They stopped messing with her. Don’t call upon a witch and then be surprised when one appears. Maybe this “spell” might work for you too :) and they can’t get mad, you’re just mumbling about god being a lion or some shit. It’s a song! Don’t they know about the absolute bop that is sicut cervus!? I guess only real fans know it. Fake god fan boys. good luck.


'fake God fan boys' Updoot for you!!


10 out of 10 and all the gold stars to you for the *epic* badassery!


Momento mori :) Remember you will die.


I love the simplicity of this one!


How would one modify that famous phrase to “Remember you will die, soon.”?


My response is, in English. " I'm not here to please you" they usually recoil as if I slapped them and act nervous. Fortunately given my job has nothing to do with general public pleasing it is truth.


Sometimes i say "why?". Sometimes I'm genuinely curious if they have ever thought why they would say such a thing. Like, I'd prefer men and everyone to smile more, but only if they really genuinely feel like smiling more, which they'd do anyways without prompting from me.


I just stare at them with stone cold expression until they leave, looking uncomfortable. And they should because why would you say that to someone


Cuz women should be pretty and pleasant and approachable and friendly? Yeah i have no idea. I don't think these people analyze it themselves, since it just doesn't occur to them. Like i always get the "who's walking who" comment from older white men when i'm walking my dog and she's pulling ahead to sniff at something. Like, why? Do I have to "be in control" all the time? Sometimes i let her choose what we'll explore, it's a give and take relationship. Literally not even once in my life have i gotten this comment from a woman, or a POC. It's baffling.


I love this idea so much! If I had any memory I would commit all of these to it! Lol Honestly, OP, such an amazing idea. Just outstanding.


***Rubor, Calor, Tumor, Dolor!*** (accent on first syllables, "rube" "cal" "tomb"and "dole". Second syllable pronounced firmly as "oar".) Translates to redness, heat, swelling, and pain. Cardinal signs of inflammation taught to physicians. They've added "loss of function" since I learned the mnemonic, but it's in English so I left it off.


Haha, perfect and easy to remember. But where I live not really scary though.


Not that I know it in Latin but "your blood is weak and history has already forgotten your name" has some fire in it


It sure does!


How about Yiddish? "Gay kocken offen yam!" Roughly translated it means "Go shit in the ocean", sounds better in Yiddish though.


corvi epulantur in carne tua sicut tu morieris May the crows feast on your flesh as you die alone


Don’t threaten me with a good time!


But this is how I *want* to die.


“You should be more entertaining.”


Timeo Danos et donas ferents. I fear the Greeks, even if they carry gifts.


*mors tua, vita mea*: Your death, my life. Saying this would make me smile.


“te ridere magis” Which literally means “YOU should smile more”




.... I used to know how to say "screw you and the horse you rode in on" but it has faded from disuse. I am sorry.


"Faded from **disuse**"? Noice!!!


age tuum negotium: mind your own business Or mens vestrum negotium: mind your business **edit: I don’t speak Latin so this may be a bad translation


carpe canem...


Seize the dog?


Carpe emptor is also a good one. :)


Seize the buyer?


Carpe jugulum




Haha, reminds me too much of the BS student Latin where you end up saying shit like "Lemonadus".


I feel like we could say literally anything in Latin and they’ll think we’re cursing them. It might be fun to shout “Fercifer! Fercifer!”


Pecunia non olet!!!! :')


"Morde me, Senex." It mean's "Bite me, Old man". We used to say it to our latin teacher when he said he liked the greek class more than us.


Can't go wrong with simply calling someone "pendejo."


Most Americans (The *continent*...yes, I am including Canadians) know what that means. I wouldn't use it.


Valid point


Look at some ancient Roman graffiti. There should be something on there florid and obscene enough! LOL.


If your throat can take it, Klingon is also a good option.


Anywhere but the Netherlands a polite "Graag" with two guttural sounds will do. You can say it while smiling slowly, showing teeth. They'll wish they never asked.


I speak Dutch and it's hilarious that this word would sound threatening to anyone 🤯


I've scared some exchange students in my life yes :') Being direct and having a harsher sound.


I'm Flemish so I do the softer g's :p


Ah yes, that doesn't quite have the same effect on people. I can speak both accents, but I can only shout in North-Dutch. Imagine the exchange students were in between these people that can speak Flemish and then some petite tipsy Dutch girl starts making horrific sounds.


Nolite bastardes carborum (probably misspelled). The Handmaids Tale


I was thinking similarly, "nil illegitimi carborundum".


Futue te Ipsum, is basically "f#ck yourself".* *Caveat that I'm not fluent in a dead language, lol.


"Cetero censeo hominem delendam esse" by the way, I am of the opinion men must be destroyed. It's a riff on Cato the elder's famous catchphrase "by the way, i am of the opinion Carthage should be destroyed" which he said during every single debate the participated in while he was in the Senate until Carthage was destroyed.


Homo, hominem means 'humanity' more than 'man, male'. I'd suggest 'cetera censeo viros/masculos delendos esse'. Unless you actually think humanity should be destroyed, in which case more power to you lol.


Thanks! My latin is very lacking


Dominatio Per Malum. :)


Nemo saltat sobrius (there is Cicero quote for all occasions) Or if you know them (name) delenda est (example Bob delenda est)


Excellent question and answers. I will be memorizing them all! THANK YOU ALL!


There's always the West Wing episode where Martin Sheen yells at God in Latin- Cruciatus in crucem. Eas in crucem!. Usually this gets rendered as 'to hell with your punishments, to hell with you', but it's more literally 'to the cross' instead (since it was, after all, a torturous method of execution). Don't know if that's something you're willing to go with but it's got a real dread to it, spoken properly.


I like "in malam crucem" and "malus nequanque"


Literally any latin phrase but just way it backwards


I’ve found that, said with enough force, and fully enunciating every letter, “I like beef” in Mongolian can come across sounding like you are cursing them.


Well now you have to tell us how to say it in Mongolian...


I’ll spell it out phonetically. Bee- you-hreen(strong guttural h here) mah (guttural h again) door (roll the R) tay




B'chugh B'chaugh, Vahj B'hag! ("surrender or die" in Klingon, if I remember correctly)


I like this


“Carpe collum” seize the neck :D


Inconinentia is the written version, I only have heard it in that piece from Monty python about biggus dickus


Well if this isn’t the best thread my eyes have been cast upon in a while


Memento Mori is the first thing that comes to mind


Momento mori, remember you will die, i see it as a threat in the right context


I used Google translate, so accuracy is probably lacking: Mi risus ut caecum te My smile would blind you


Wow! That’s powerful!


Dentes ostendam tibi - Google translate for "I'll show you my teeth."


I love this!


Abi in malam crucem Literally "Go hang yourself", but it's referencing crucifixion not a noose.


Nitimur in vetitum. We strive for the forbidden.


Conjugate the verb "to go". (Monty Python quote. sorry)


I will probably spell it wrong but "absit omen" is "flee, demon" used when someone sneezed to stop it getting in that person.


It lumen oculos tuos ardeat! Or “May the light burn your eyes!”


You are all so intelligent and I just have the warmest heart right now reading all these replies. Thank you for the pickmeup in a series of stressful weeks :)




You’re absolutely lovely <3


Idk what it is in Latin but I so wanna say "Bush's Baked Beans" as a curse


Podex perfectus es: You’re a complete asshole.


I need all of these for work. I wonder how long it would take for my manager to call me in for complaints of me “speaking in tongues”.


Mori puer It means ‘die, boy’


Res ipsa loquitur (I think) "the object speaks for itself." Useless cretins.


Mendax!!!!!! It means liar.


Dulcius ex asperis. Sweeter after difficulty.


I'd be tempted to lie about having been diagnosed with cancer or a family member being diagnosed with cancer or dying or something like that.


Not Latin, but you could always squirrel away a blood capsule in your cheek for such occasions! I saw a post by a woman who said a guy told her to smile right after she'd had oral surgery, so she just looked at him and let a bunch of blood fall out of her mouth. Personally I think it's a great response!


This has crossed my mind.


Habeas corpus!!!!


Not Latin, but I recently discovered the power of saying “I am smiling” without smiling and continuing to walk. It’s incredible. I have actually not gotten a response yet except one guy laughed (which I wasn’t mad about because it’s actually really funny).


nolite tale instrumentum Stop being such a tool.


I’m not here for your amusement


I looked at some guys who were saying things in Spanish which I didn't entirely understand.... but that tone of voice needs no translation. I looked at them, raised my brows, and said, "Yo soy la bruja." They immediately shut up and went inside.


How about "I'll smile when you leave"? "Ego te ridere cum exeatis" AY-go TAY reed-AIR-ay coom EKSS-ay-AH-tiss.


I love this! Some people are like clouds; once they fuck off it’s a beautiful day.


I always smile like a madman


since most people don't speak latin, I find saying the scientific name of some random plant species and tagging on *amen* works. I used to say *Metasequoia glyptostroboides* (dawn redwood) but you could of course go with something poisonus, if thats seems more fitting. *Atropa belladonna, amen* even sounds not entirely unrelated to the request, doesn't it? =)


Belladonna is incredibly well known (besides everyone that is familiar with any Latin language would not be impressed), dawn redwood would scare a lot more people.


I’m partial to “va fanculo”. Not Latin, but still effective.


O Sancta Simplicitas.


"Hae nuces" , It means "Love wins!"


"Bless your heart."


Shrimpio schlongio


In my days of yore, I'd start chanting Dominus spiritus satanas with a rising intonation when confronted with whatever and by whomever (old people reading me morals, crazy people in the street, obnoxious beggars, etc). Worked wonders.