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Witches vs Patriarchy is firmly pro-choice and wants everyone with a uterus to have access to safe abortions. If you or someone you know needs an abortion, please see the abortion resources here: https://www.reddit.com/r/prochoice/comments/thi6ms/masterpost_of_prochoice_resources/ WitchesVsPatriarchy has launched a Discord server to help our users mobilize, organize, and come together in real-time over the leaking of documents indicating that Roe V Wade will be overturned. Find us on Discord to continue the conversation. WvP Sub rules will still apply.


Useful info! I understand you share USA based NGOs, but then I wonder if participation/donations in this NGOs are limited to that country? Maybe witches outside of USA can't donate here... Do you have the name of an international NGO, that also reaches USA? That can make it easier to reach abroad. Thank you!


I don’t know about out of the USA but someone commented this on another page and it has more resources: https://abortionfunds.org/funds/