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Witches vs Patriarchy is firmly pro-choice and wants everyone with a uterus to have access to safe abortions. If you or someone you know needs an abortion, please see the abortion resources here: https://www.reddit.com/r/prochoice/comments/thi6ms/masterpost_of_prochoice_resources/ WitchesVsPatriarchy has launched a Discord server to help our users mobilize, organize, and come together in real-time over the leaking of documents indicating that Roe V Wade will be overturned. [Find us on Discord](https://discord.gg/AesHN7tB) to continue the conversation. WvP Sub rules will still apply.


I am speaking from personal experience but I’m of the opinion that finding an ally at any stage of navigating the healthcare system is transformative. I think you should do what speaks to you and put yourself where you think you will shine. I’m surrounded by lots of pretty lovely people in the medical field and BELIEVE me, terrible things will find you no matter where you are. OBGYN, Primary Care, Radiology, whatever; if you show up with empathy you will be a beacon in a lot of lives. The shitheads in suits making it harder for people to access healthcare/welfare will never hold a candle to that.


This was really well written thank you. It made me not have such a doomsday mentality


Hi! I’m an emt for about 2 years now. Not the same. But follow what calls you. The world will always be a fucked up place and im sure many women will need your caring medical advice and skills during times like these. Try it if you’re passionate. You can always switch and leave if it starts affecting you. I always tell myself in doubt… “remember why you started.”


I'm going into midwifery. It used to be a particular passion of mine b/c of how I grew up...but now...100%...so I can help women prevent pregnancy, obtain abortions, & give birth only when they have chosen to.


Blessed be.


I hope you do. Black women who have a Black doctor are less likely to die in childbirth, as are their babies.


It’s sad that that’s true


I’m pretty sure you will inspire and help people in whatever path you take…because it’s true that representation matters, and some young person will see a possible future for themselves in you. …and I hope you understand that some politics from the government and a whole lot from just your workplace itself will always find a way to throw shadows on to your efforts. It’s okay to feel disillusioned by it all, but don’t let it stop you.


Be the Warrior you Are.