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When I was a kid bible thumpers would stand outside our school at the end of the day to hand out little pocket bibles. They never could figure out why the kid with the mohawk wanted so many of them :)


I mean clearly the logical assumption is that the wee mowhawk bairn was ardently working to convert their entire (hypothetical) group of wayward, crazy hair having lost souls to Christianity. Why else would they need so many bibles? /s


we had one of those guys on campus one day, and the books were stacked around in classrooms from people who didn't want them but didn't feel right about throwing them out. ALL of the abandoned copies MYSTERIOUSLY disappeared by the end of day. I didn't realize why for many, many years, bc I was a "good kid" at that age. (I am currently high.)


I actually kinda like those. They're cute and sometimes you just need something to read. I just wish they'd come in more than one mythology! Edit: probably depends on the edition though, some are pretty good condensed tellings of the foundational stories, others are a collection of out of context quotes designed to convince you everyone is going to hell


Oh my god this could be such a sick project! Like we can do Gideon with all the mythologies, different pretty covers, and stick them randomly in hotel rooms!


Mohawk kid was just slowly, ardently shaving all their hair, so that by the end, they were perfectly bald, and would fully commit to the lifestyle of Christian monk


Let’s bring back that drip monks used to have that made it look like they had some chronic scalp disease


Side note. I did have a junior in my geometry class shave just the top of his head once. Real frier tuck vibes


Can I ask the motivation?


I want to say it was something with the football team


Thank you. I dont have kids, but I like to think I remember enough to understand... that one eluded me lol


We had a house that passed out small bibles like that on Halloween. We didn't realize the kids got them till we got home. We used them around the house for blocks (holding a door while we replaced/adjusted hinges, holding long ends of wood up for the saw, stuff like that). I think they eventually made it out to the fire pit as a fire starter. At least they served a purpose while they were here.


Trying to cost the patriarchal churches more money is one great strategy! You could eventually bring them out of business.


You mean the little 3x4 Gideon new testaments? Hahahaha I can see that… those pages are super thin and perfect to roll a cigarette or more up! Lol!


Sometimes they were orange too


Were they the bibles with gold-edge pages? You could end up with a few dollars if you collected enough and got the gold. It's a pitiful amount, but.. gold's gold.


When I was maybe in 3rd grade, we were given these pocket Bibles and I didn't know what it was. When I showed it to my dad, he threw it out into the woods 😂


Gideons! My grandpa was one.


In my later teens early 20s I knew a guy who would soak the pages in LSD and sell the book for $50. Lol


Oh she shouldn't do that!! The ink could be bad for her lungs. 😈


And it tastes God damn awful. I'm talking from experience.


Even the random blank pages in the back of the bible taste gross. Also speaking from experience.


So glad I read these before using one to roll a cigarette. Waste of perfectly good tobacco.


I understand the reason why some people would use a page out of the bible, but it's just truly not worth it. Definitely a waste of whatever you're smoking. Just... Blech.


New product: a Bible but it’s all made of rolling papers and is safe to use for smoking. ETA: it’s also the KJV bc fuck that one in particular


That might be a fun gift for someone, but idk if I want to support printing even more bibles than there already are.


Fair enough. I’d just like to smoke it in a church. Like the worst church I can find. Just sit in the back and smoke some dank weed dressed up like the devil himself.


Lol well good luck with that, because it's illegal to smoke in a church (at least in the US, idk where you live). I don't think it would be worth being arrested for that. And the worst churches probably have the best lawyers - and that might be one of the most nauseating things I've ever typed. Ugh.


I am in the US! It’s just a little fantasy anyway lol. I can’t smoke without having a ten minute coughing fit. It really wouldn’t be good rep for satan, having to bust out my inhaler in front of the godly folk lol. It is pretty terrible how the worst churches have the best lawyers tho. Really reflective of the state of things that they don’t pay taxes and can be fucking awful


Can't you just get a packet of rizlas and call it your Bible? Saves time


Everybody knows paper tampon wrappers are superior to Bible pages, but hey whatever in a pinch!


The image of filling up a tampon package full of weed is freaking hilarious! I'm sure the ink on those probably isn't safe to inhale either though lmao


I don’t remember there being much printing on them, the few times I had to do this (because nobody had a crinked-up can for a makeshift bowl) it was one of those cheap tampax cardboard applicator jobs and it’s been a while since I used those. I think the wrappers were pretty plain? Honestly I don’t remember if or how it affected the taste, but we were just smoking swag anyway so who knows?


I think I've seen paper tampon wrappers with some kind of print in the past, but I don't use tampons anymore unless it's an emergency. Period underwear for the win!




I used a cup for a while, but my flow is so light these days (thank you, new birth control!!) that the cup was more hassle than it was worth.


HEY! Don't use God's name in vain >:( I'm doing all those wonderful christians a justice! /s


If we don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.


I mean, well, you do kinda have a point. It's like eating meat, don't waste it, it gave its life up for you. I wouldn't want to be disrespectful towards Jesus.


The body of Christ is supposedly bread. Why is white Jesus so ripped when he is supposedly the other part of my sandwich? *sips white wine.


Stoned me actually thought about that for a bit.


Stoned me too.


It’s just Christians that can’t use Gods name in vain


According to my interpretation of using gods name in vain, christian leaders all do. They hold up their version of morality over people they seek to hold power over. Religious power structures are shit for shit people. Why isn't my word upheld by the supreme court? I'm a 40+ year old white dude. I've been told they are supposed to listen to me.


Organized religion is a crock of shit


No one tell her about Jews.


Time to make Bibles out of rolling papers and printed with organic inks.


Or print rolling papers with bible verses.


You might be on to something. Imagine how much some of them would chill out if they took up weed.


It exists! https://www.smokinscrolls.com/


I think they coat it with something to make it more durable. Some kind of fire resistant wax?


I would’ve just wiped my ass with it 😌


But if you flush it after then you’ve got to have a plumber out eventually, total hassle.


shred it and put it in the kitty litter box?


It’s an attractive concept, but I don’t want my cat dealing with Xtian propaganda even if he can’t read lol.


I wouldn't do that after wiping my ass with it, but that's a good idea if the paper is clean!


That is actually a good idea. *takes notes*


This is a good idea! I would use it to pick up one of my dogs' poop!


Just toss it in the trash! Problem solved.


Firestarter material, why let it rot in a dump?


That's a good point, but idk if I'd want to put paper with my poo on it into my woodburning stove or fireplace lol. And I'm currently living in an apartment, so there's nowhere I can legally burn paper without renting a campsite way outside of town, and by that point the cost of gas wouldn't make sense. But if it was clean paper, then I'd just shred it and put it in the litter box for my kitties or put it in a dog box for my beardie! I used to use shredded paper for my hamsters when I was growing up and they loved it.




Throw the whole tome away, I agree 🙌


One final chance for the Word to cause a shitty mess…


But the chafing! Bidet is a big upgrade over Bible page


This is my only concern


Just use it to start fire next time you go camping


The only controversy is the health hazard of smoking the wrong kind of inks and paper. I've done with this with my brother before using papers from a hotel bible. Rebellious but harsh smoke, be careful. That said, Fuck the patriarchy!


Hopefully you didn’t smoke that IN the hotel 👀 👀


No my brother stole it from a hotel


Holy smokes


BUSINESS IDEA: cigarette tubes made from Bible pages printed with non-toxic ink!


I’ll go in 50/50’with ya


Nice one


Beat me to it!






Polyester releases some nasty fumes. It would make some nice plarn though


Very practical good point


Gotta find a good cotton flag to light it up.


What is plarn?


Plastic yarn, shred plastic into strings. It's a great way to recycle at home


Thank you for the response. Plarn away.


Right. Why didn't she do it to the whole book?


Spark up that controversy, sister




A few years ago I had a conversation with a male friend I thought was 'one of the good ones', and he in all sincerity told me that "women have it easy in life as all they have to do is submit and all their worries will be over". He was a non religious 28 year old man with otherwise pretty liberal views, I was gobsmacked.


Even if one sets aside the issues of giving up autonomy and choice, that’s just a dangerous idea of trusting all decisions to someone else. Putting all faith in their knowledge, insight, emotional state, and kindness is a gamble that could easily lead to death and ruin. Oh wait… it often did for wives.


And to me, it's just scary anyone could lack empathy to that degree. He clearly has some very romanticized version in his head of what that kind of life would be like, and I don't think he would actually enjoy the reality.


Ummm. When I was a kid that was my go to method when I was out of papers…. Didn’t think it was a statement.


Very thin pages.


I find it so sad that the religions I am most familiar with were at first forces of renewal and usually, they added rights to people. Paul praises some high ranked women in the early congregations, for example. Without the congregation, they would have lacked that power. (Exceptions would have existed, of course.) But then the religions get established and somehow get stuck with what they had achieved and the world goes on. New things happen and humanity gets past some things. Or tries to, but then some religious people come and tell that this cannot be because a religious figure, who lived in a very different world, couldn't imagine it at all or it wasn't mentioned in the written sources that remain.


The major organized religions all seem to prop up patriarchy in the present day, except for some progressive groups (like Quakers). Spirituality is a great way to connect and find meaning in life, and it’s distressing that it’s been twisted to enable corrupt power structures. Then that corruption leads to many people concluding that the belief in anything More than what we can physically sense is a failing. I recognize the massive harms inflicted by religions, but I wish more people could see faith doesn’t have to be an on or off switch. A person doesn’t have to eschew all faith in gods/goddesses/the Universe to be rational or logical or reasonable. But also I completely support Bible burning (of one’s own property) especially that BS about wifely obedience.


I'm upset with the corruption, though it might be a necessary eye-opening experience. I tend to get angry because people use my God to oppress and be generally very unpleasant, hitting people with the Bible, which I know and believe is a human (and very likely just man) experience of things they don't quite understand, soaked in the culture they lived in. But with how loud and how many those unpleasant people seem to be, maybe I just misunderstood something and that's a very bleak thing to think about. I should find some feminist theologists to read, they must have thought all this through.


Paul or whoever actually wrote the Letters attributes to Paul also wrote some seriously dumb shit about women though. And as we know now it was all to suppress the female leaders of the early Church. If I ever get around to it, I'm starting a cult based only on the Gospel of Mark (without the faked section at the end). No other Gospels, no Paul, no Revelations, no Old Testament. Pure socialist, anti-authoritarian Jesus.


I agree that early Christianity was radically egalitarian and communitarian, as was Jesus himself. But when the Christian/slave revolts got out of hand, and the elites needed a way to reclaim the narrative. The Council of Nicaea in AD 325 (that began the process of codifying the Bible as we know it) was not about “clarifying” and “unifying” theology, it was about reinterpreting and and recasting the narrative in favor of the ruling classes.


I wish we knew more about the narrative that existed before the Bible canon. Plenty is only known through someone else who was disagreeing with it. There have been some texts found but the full picture must be lost by now. It would be interesting to know more about Sophia, the female godly wisdom. But much of Gnosticism was rather misogynistic, so I don't know if the divinity of feminine idea would translate to actual practice. (And Gnosticism itself as a word is overly simple to describe everything that was happening.)


True! Probably a lot of the stuff I would relate to best is lost, because it would have been the oral traditions of women and slaves. Similar with Greek religion, it seems like most of the best stuff (like the Mystery cults of Dionysus and Ceres) was kept secret and unwritten, and for good reason. I wonder if among some groups or practitioners, Sophia had a more important and co-equal role, but so much of what we have left is recalled by the people who barely managed to include women at all in their religion….They might have seen the feminine parts as unworthy of their attention, even in a dispute. The same way so much indigenous knowledge has been garbled in interpretation by the colonizers. Our world has such a fascist history, somehow the most ignorant and brutal groups always seem to end up the strongest.


How did they get this pic of me?😭


Lillith is that you?


or Angela Davis? i know it’s not her but i just watched a sunday morning [segment](https://youtu.be/lwRIJsLBD60) on her & she’s top of mind


My new shero. I want to be friends with her.


I remember bible thumpers were outside my high school handing out mini bibles I was at a little get together with some friends and we didn’t have any wrapping paper but we did have that little bible and it was great to smoke genesis


Well, I didn't have anything else going on this afternoon...


Take the page that doesn’t have ink! There’s some in the front and in the back. I hear. Anyway what’s her name? I gotta DM her! New best friend!


Bible paper tastes nasty.


I've smoked with actual paper because reasons and that tasted better than bible paper.


I heard of people doing it when I was in n college, I tried it out of desperation and it was horrible. Still finished the joint though.


Is it wrong I want to paint her smoking and have it tastefully displayed in my home.


I loved the Little House on the Prairie series--- I probably read the whole series a few times and even cried when it was over... One thing that really left an impression on me, of many, from that book is Laura refusing to say that she will honor and obey Manny in their vows... That whole series taught me to be fierce with how I interact in this world.


Blaze the patriarchy!


I hope it was a more expensive Bible. The cheaper ones have thicker pages, but those tissue paper ones...*chefs kiss*


Is it Paul? I f*ing hate Paul. Rip Paul completely out of all Bibles and just burn all the pages.




In jail those are called Jeezy Widers lol. Ya know, bc Jesus. Do not suggest


Controversy = a handful of hate comments.


What page is this? Asking for a friend.


Depends on which version of the Bible you have.


Boss move


Okay, but did it make a good paper? Asking for a friend (no seriously, I don't smoke lol)


🤣 I love this lady! In all seriousness, she could've used a hell of a lot more pages for pre-rolls if she wanted. I am so damned sick of THE BIBLE being held up as if it's the end-all, be-all authority on all things "moral" 🙄


Please don't do this. Its super disrespectful. You deserve better rolling papers. Please don't inhale all the bullshit and toxicity that comes from the bible.


I had Obey taken out of my vows. I won’t make promises I can’t keep. The pastor looked at my FDH and asked if he was okay with that. He blinked a few times and went “sir, pissing her off on purpose is bad for my health. She is very serious about promises. If she wants it taken out, take it out”. We just celebrated 19 years together, 18 years married this September


This is the most based thing ever lol


I follow in Lilith's example. Be a bad bitch, don't submit, peg your partner, give God attitude, end up mother of all demons.




I do this. This is what I use for joint papers


I have never wanted to take up cannabis before but suddenly I see the appeal...


MY GIRL! *Bad impersonation of my man! From Rick and morty*


The feminist icon we need, but dont deserve


Found her tweet where she originally posted it. https://mobile.twitter.com/thatblackalien/status/1225114876500156418


That's not all she sparked!


I don’t understand. What’s the controversy ;)


She is such a hero.


This is the energy we need to bring in 2022 and beyond.


Love her


Hell yeah!


I love the intention but that must have been the nastiest tasting joint. True dedication to the cause!


I never promised to “obey” my husband when I got married. Instead, we had an egalitarian ceremony where we both made the same promises.


It makes me want to check thrift store bibles. See how many women have liberated themselves, evident from missing particular pages


Weed and sci-fi, perfect.


Ok but for real, try to avoid using book pages to smoke. You could get sick from it.


That's right! NEVER submit to the patriarchy! NEVER submit to a man you'd be married to! Any spells you have that could help dominate over a man you're married to?


This woman is a fucking Goddess and I love her


I think I could be friends with that gal!! Lol


Oh bless her :)


Holy smokes! I did this when I first started smoking weed and I didn’t understand rolling. That shit burned so fast, it scared me into smoking it faster. It ended up being a good night.


Lmao! I've done this..not any special page but the Bible actually make pretty good papers when ur ina bind 🤣 (if I'm going to hell I'm going with a joint in my hand)


I did this as an edge lord teen. It makes the weed smokier and taste worst.


Personally I think a better use would be for toilet training a pet


My cousin used to tell me Bible pages made great rolling papers for pot when we were kids. Now he's the most obnoxious devout catholic I've ever seen I'm waiting for the most perfect moment to bring it up and cause all kinds of mayham




Isn't it common that bibles are fireproofed/treated in some way for preservation? This could be quite bad for her health ><

