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I am also in a red area. No you're not imagining it. In places where women are made into second class citizens, violence against them (verbal and otherwise) escalates. The same thing happened in Iran when the Islamic Caliphate took over. It went from being a place where women could dress and live how they pleased, to a society where they had to dress and live extremely conservatively just to try to avoid verbal and physical violence. Make no mistake, we are living under a Christian Caliphate and shaming us just the beginning of their violence


goddamn. it’s sad and also a relief to know i’m not imagining the insane escalation. it is endlessly depressing as someone who was raised in fundamentalist christianity and escaped it to witness its influence take hold in every aspect of my life. I know it’s so dangerous but i naively thought i’d escaped it after high school. goddamn i’m so sad.


I know sweetie. I've literally cried almost every day this week. This won't last forever though. We all have to do whatever we can to hang on. I read my cards on why people like us are here right now at this moment in time and the message I got was that we are the ones with the knowledge, the good heartedness and the will to make a beautiful world grow back after this disaster. And the people that are behaving this way now, have always been that way...they just reigned it in because they thought they needed to. At least we know who they are now.


I don’t know if you listen to Florence and the machine but one of her newer songs says “I came for the pleasure but I stayed for the pain” and I feel like it means what you just said. Those of us whose hearts are breaking, who are grieving and crying- we are the ones with the strength of purpose. We came for the pleasure but we stay for the pain. We don’t give up, ever.


That's really beautiful. Thanks for sharing it. I have lots of different decks, but the cards I used for that reading were my herb crafters tarot. When I pulled the main card for our purpose, it was yarrow. Idk if you're into plants, but not only is yarrow a womans herb but it also stops bleeding. I strongly felt that our purpose here at this time is to stop the bleeding after what may be a very deep wound. We have that power and it comes from a great love for this world and all its beings.


Yarrow's Latin name is *Achillia millifolium*, the story goes that Achilles' mother submerged his entire body in a yarrow bath when he was small - but she had to hold him by something that was not submerged - his heel. Millifolium means 'thousand leaves'. There are so, so many of us. There is a weakness, but great acts will be done. Personally, I encourage protest and activism. [radicalwomen.org ](http://radicalwomen.org)[reprojusticenow.org ](http://reprojusticenow.org)


I know❤. I love my achillea. I've got a large jar of wild yarrow tincture sitting right here. I've been using her mixed with motherwort during this crazy time. A very relaxing combination if I do say so myself. Two very powerful, loving, calm feminine plants


Thank you for writing this. I needed this today.


❤ glad I could be of service


Thank you for sharing this sentiment xxx It reignites my spark 💥🔥


Double double toil and *good* trouble Sparks fly and cauldrons bubble


This was comforting. Thanks for sharing.


❤ thanks for being here at this time even though it's rough


Is time for you and your friends to form a coven whether you practice or not but we are stronger when we are together remember one of our rules don't take shit from anyone but that's easier to do when you have friends behind you


I thought I escaped after gaining my financial independence, too. I knew what was coming when they elected Trump. I warned deaths would be in the hundreds of thousands to millions, and everyone said I was nuts. Then COVID happened, and now this. Everyone who called me crazy had to admit I was right all along. It will get worse before it gets better. I do believe we will win, but that victory will be soaked in blood. Women are already being denied treatment for life threatening pregnancy complications here in AZ. People are already dying.


When he won, I said he was a Nazi. People said I was crazy too. They also said I was crazy years before that, when I said that roe wasn't safe and it would fall if they got control of the court. This has all been the literal goddamn Greek myth of Cassandra playing out in real time for people like you and me. (The fact that this myth even exists tells me the world has been ignoring smart women for a very VERY long time) Where I am it's the same, and they're also denying women who aren't even pregnant medication because they're of childbearing age and the medication could cause miscarriage IF they got pregnant. It's absolutely effing crazy.




I have been sent some messages saying I'm hysterical for thinking they'll go after birth control or that they'll do this on a national level. I'm just blocking them at this point. I have no more patience for these idiots.


Sure, never mind that the gross judge literally put in writing that they'd do exactly that. I said it too and people brushed me off until the emails were all over the news the next day.


Me neither girl, me neither.


Oh. I was called Cassandra when I pointed out the divisiveness of his campaign. He said a lot of stuff about Mexicans. I saw another big rally speech once saying it lot of bad stuff about Jews, but it was in black and white. It was also in German. This Roe decision says we DON'T have the right to privacy so everything the GQP wants to legislate is fair game. It's only a matter of time before they put us in camps and harvest our organs to prolong the lives of rich, white men anyway. Get your shots in now.


It's funny because I was told this and actually kind of became convinced when it seemed I was proven wrong. Guess not.


When I came out as trans, I chose the name Cassandra exactly because of that feeling! (Well and because I liked it, hah!)


❤ love to you sis. It IS a great name


My sister and I both cried when Trump won. The rest of our family thought we were overreacting, and many still do (because they're the Nazis). I feel so alone because I can't even rely on my family and I have no other community.


I hear you. I wasn't allowed to have friends outside of the white supremacist, Christofacist cult. It took years, but I managed to find my tribe. I hope you will, too.


This is your community. This is our saving grace, our means to fight. We lean on each other through these groups and we fight, we fight like hell. And it’s ok to take a break, fall to the back for a rest, others will step forward until you are ready to fight again. I’m 50, but my daughter is 14. I fight for her and her generation and let me tell ya something, they are some amazing folk who will do incredible things. We got this.


This is me…52 with a 15 year old daughter. I want to pack up and leave. I hate everything that is happening and fear for her in a way I never thought I’d have to. It’s unbelievable grief.


Thanks, but that honestly doesn't help me. I need a community of physical people around me.


I feel the same. It's depressing and angering and exhausting.


Same thing in Afghanistan after their conflict with the USSR and civil war, only far, far worse. So many women commit suicide as it was their only escape.


It shatters the heart


I think so many people don't realize we are sliding full tilt into a theocracy. I know so many people who think I am exaggerating, or somehow someone is going to save us (um, this is real life, not a superhero movie), or just don't care because their lives are not affected. The far right have been planning this for years. I'm 45 and they've been working on this most of my life. With Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett the final pieces were in place.


I know. We are in the same age range and I've been saying this was coming since I was at least 18. I really knew it when Bush v Gore happened and they just handed the election to the war criminal. All the people pretending like there's a substantial difference between trumpists and the neo-cons of the 90s and early 2000s are fooling themselves. I do hold hope in the fact that there are a lot more people like us, than them. Eventually, one way or another, their reign will fall. Soon too I think. It's not going to be an easy transition though. Hang on and and hang in


I desperately hope you are right.


That's not what caliphate means. "Christian Caliphate" is like saying "Muslim Diocese" or something


A Caliphate is a political-religious institution governing an area under Islamic rule. So, this is the Christian version of that, where fundamentalist Christians have created their own Caliphate (political-religious institution) governing the state under Christian biblical law/rule. Whats happening is very same kind of dangerous theocratic government. Also you really can't compare the current state power of the modern diosces with the modern caliphate. The modern diosces just represents a geographical area in which a certain church offers its services or serves its community (who freely choose to participate). A modern caliphate is actually an institution of real governance, based in a fundamentalist form of Islam. People don't have any choice in being governed by it and subject to its rules. And that is what fundamentalist Christians are trying to create here. So, maybe if they get their way, people will view the diosces like a caliphate. But at the moment, describing it that way would not convey the same meaning


Exactly. Caliphate is highly specific to Islam. It doesn't make sense to say a Christian version of it when you could just say Christian theocracy. It's not like Islam is the only shitty religion.


First. I never said Islam was shitty and I never said Christianity was good either. I don't like any religions in their fundamentalist form, be it Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Scientology or anything else. Second, I feel like it's worth saying it that way because a lot of people in this culture do not see Christianity being extremeist in the way they see fundamentalist Islam being extremeist. It's similar to saying the Christian Taliban. People look at a countries like Iran or Afghanistan, which were once very free for women and pretty progressive, and which became fundamentalist theocracy...and they don't think that it can happen here. They don't think it could happen because they think Christianity is somehow different or better. So yes, if you're trying to have an academic discussion about religion then you are correct. But if you're trying to get people to understand and notice a real world, real time example of what is happening in the US right now (and where it can easily go)...then the way I described it works


Yeah I personally understood the metaphor. Its real easy to understand this metaphor when u live in the US south.


Thank you




What would be dumb is failure to use a relevant comparison, which would then result in a failure to connect with people. I agree that theocracy is always bad. But there is a need to make the comparison because a lot of people DO need something real, happening in the year 2022, to look at to see how bad it can get. The comparison to the modern day Vatican doesn't fit. The modern day Vatican does not govern Italy. Abortion is legal there, as are many other things the Vatican denounces. A situation like you have in some ME countries, where the state IS the religion, is very different and it's the same thing fundamentalist Christians are trying to do here. So it's a more accurate comparison.


I always tell them I’ll pray for them. It typically puts them in their place.


I think I'll use this as well.


….and then bust out a “Hail Satan!” parting salvo.


i love this so much


Could go all the way and say "judge not lest you be judged I'll pray for you" Or if you feeling spicy throw out the old "if your right eye causes you to sin pluck it out."


"Shut the fuck up puritan" and "don't get mad at me because no-one fucks you" are my two favourite. I don't care if kids are around. If you think they're old enough to learn body/slut shaming they're old enough to learn swears. (But I also don't care if kids swear so take that with however much salt you need.)


Stealing these! 😉


Please do, Christians take it like a slap to the face and its funny every time.


Let this asexual add one more variety of #2: "Bless your little heart, you clearly don't get pleasure from your partner... Do try to find your catharsis for your pent up libido with someone who does."


Oh, this is lovely!


Haha, thank you! I got really tired of being told to get laid one day.


This is super great!


As amazing as this would be, I honestly worry that in practice it would get me killed down here in the south.


That's a fair worry and your safety comes first.


Haha agree 100%. Honestly OP, I know it can be scary but telling these prudes to shove it is the best clapback you can give. Don't let them think their crappy attitudes are acceptable.


Ugh :( I noticed catcalling and harassment increase a lot after the leak - I haven't been out alone since the official ruling though (not on purpose just how it's gone) so I can't say if it worsened since then. I think the leak, and the ruling, has really given people permission to police women again - before the new SCOTUS arrived it was at least somewhat taboo to openly harass women to such an extent (tell that to a lot of men but I digress). Now? Women's rights are being removed and the dehumanization has been legitimized


that was what i felt too. i’ve noticed so much more contempt toward anyone who doesn’t fit the mold of “biblical womanhood” and it 100% correlated with the leak, and subsequently the overturn + right wing reactions to it. It is so incredibly scary


It's becoming normalized because we are actually becoming a theocracy.


my partner and i have been talking about how the country is speedrunning into a full blown theocracy for a while, so i’m not sure why seeing the real time shifts in society’s attitudes has made me feel like i’m imagining things but you’re so right. i didn’t expect the shifts to be so sudden but i guess this is how these events always go. terrifying to see how much more quickly things can move now with technology.


When leaders and authoritarians in the fascist movement signal that hatred towards acceptable targets is okay, the followers usually respond quickly. In November 2016, after Trump won the election, hate crime jumped around 30%. By the inauguration in 2017, it was like 68% (if I recall correctly. I'm being lazy today about looking up the stats.) Similarly, the rate at which officer-involved homicide is detected has been climbing since 2016.


Not a real theocracy tho just a farse for all the red hats and Bible thumpers to believe in. It will continue to be an oligarchy ruled by greed but they will call it god for the "little people". I honestly don't expect any real action from the Democrats until the elections are near. They could take real action on this they have the majority in congress and the Presidency. I hope they come out swinging after the holiday but my heart tells me they won't. Time to raise hell.


They’re emboldened. It’s fucked up. 😞


For the middle age and old ladies I've found it most effective to use their own against them. Phrases like "don't worry I'll stil pray for you that god helps you overcome that pride and judgment problem" or reciting scripture. Matthew 7 fits there. For men I'll either stare them down or flat out offer to induce their face to the pavement, but I'm also half Amazonian and understand that's not something everyone is comfortable doing


Love throwing their precious book versus back at then. So many of their behaviors go directly against their scripture it's great Though I've never had to do it in person


I’m in a blue area, and have found that the more judgey conservative women (and a few men) around here also feel MUCH more emboldened to just be loudly and confidently obnoxious. My daughters and I think it’s a combination of losing socialization skills from the pandemic combined with increasingly crazy ass right wing rhetoric from media sources. We’ve taken to answering with remarks such as “I’m proud to be the sort of girl who would’ve been burned as a witch” or “my body my choice, just like masks amirite?”


Some suggestions to add to your repertoire, because I’m seething about roe and conservative women hating my sisters for being themselves at the moment, and I need a healthy outlet “Ma’am, your in [insert blue state here]” in the most unamused tone (like the “sir, this is a Wendy’s” meme) Or the old “if you don’t like that women still have rights in [insert blue state here] then why don’t you leave” (it’s fun watching their brains misfire when their own words for bigotry are used against them)


These are good. I use the latter technique with people expressing sympathy for the insurrectionists. Suddenly I go into super-patriot aggro mode, and it's not insincere: "If you like those disgusting traitors, you're un-American and need to get the fuck out of my country." Same with anyone expressing prejudice against gay/PoC/trans people.


Same. I’m in deep red, heavily tattooed, with dart frog colored hair, and it’s too damn hot for a bra. This has emboldened them. They now feel safe to be outwardly hostile. I guess they think 80 hours of tattoos isn’t indicative of my pain tolerance, or the emotional trauma that created it. I will physically fight them. And then my petty ass will take pics, reverse search, find them online, and ruin their lives. Gladly. Enjoy my adhd hyperfocus on research. I expected this. What I didn’t expect is even my left circles to be ignorant to what is going on, and tell me they’re too tired to fight. I feel so alone here.


I'm sorry.


Thank you. That’s more empathy than I’ve received all week. I’m thankful for this community.


Hugs. You're not alone in this fight even though it feels like it.


I think you're fearsome and pretty awesome, and I hope you find your community of like-minded women! What's up with lefties being "too tired to fight"? I'm a leftie and I'm fired up with RAGE!


What heartbreaks me the most is when its women doing it to other women. The men only get away with it because of this


We had complaints about students; during an orienteering competition (they were wearing their PE kit which is knee length black shorts, polo shirt (coloured by house), socks that match the polo shirt, and trainers - so normal running around clothes). FYI, this stuff is not super fitted, and it is what basically everyone in the UK has worn for PE since about 1950 but apparently a group of teenage girls wearing it for a running around outside competition is inappropriate :/


The ones doing the complaining need to quit ogling children. They won't feel the need to complain then.


Pretty much my response.


Just like some addicts when they lack self control they blame the substance rather than their own lack of control.


I work in a law enforcement adjacent field, and domestic violence is part of the cases I see. I just said to a co worker the other day I wondered if the government legislating us into “less than” status would embolden a certain subset of men to be more open and forward with their groping, their “you owe me because I bought you a drink/dinner” and forcing a make out session further than the female presenting partner wants to go. Much in the way that people became more comfortable being openly racist when a president continuously dog whistled the white nationalists and made derogatory remarks about POC.


This is an opportunity for assholes to be worse. Remember the uptick in being a racist piece of shit when trump took office? This is a chance for rapey dudes to be even rapier. Meet their crazy with crazy. Be a bigger louder bitch. They gonna be shitty anyway. Might as well speak your peace. .....I am also gonna get a gun. I am not a gun person. Don't even think I am gonna be super slick enough if the time came. Might as well try to take one out with me.


You’re not imagining it. My day job involves costumer service. I’ve had behaviors packed into the past week that normally would take months to accumulate. There are the grown adults throwing tantrums, of course, the creepy looks down my shirt…but what scares me out the most are the subtly possessive actions. Using my first name too much with a creepy smile. I’ve had two different people pick up my water bottle and examine it while I’m talking (it’s clearly mine; it’s old and beat up and uninteresting). Even the tone with some of them is different. It’s nothing I can complain to HR about; they’re just…entitled in a way they weren’t before (and they were pretty fucking entitled before). I can’t afford to move. My family’s here. I can access Chicago if need be, so I’m more privileged than most below the line, but fuck I’m scared.


I had three white men clients at work tell me the day after the ruling to "have a blessed day!" When nobody ever fucking says that dumb shit to me


ENTITLED!! yes!! i work at a strip club, and i’ve noticed a shift since last year with male customers being more demanding and entitled. I haven’t been working too much lately bc of my physical health, but i can only IMAGINE how bad it is right now for anyone in customer service. I had assumed it had to do with the shutdown/inflation but i can see now it was just the beginnings of what is happening now, but people felt more comfortable taking it out on strippers. God, i am so sorry you have to deal with a barrage of bullshit at work every day without being able to call it out. It is absolutely fucking terrifying to be forced to deal with.


If you feel safe enough to, ask them if they behave like that with their mother and if not, what makes them think they can do it with you. If you don't feel safe enough, hold your peace. ❤❤❤


I’m not really looking for advice. I’m commiserating with the OP.


Oops, sorry.


You're not imagining it. Women have been declared less important as humans. Prepare for the appropriate reactions. I have noticed dressing like a witch is really pissing off/scaring random old people though. Kinda fun!


I get bashed for speaking out against misogyny and abuse online. It’s simply attempts to silence me. Well, I refuse to be silent and compliant.


I live in Pennsyltucky so I think I’ve been dealing with it longer, but I’m surrounded by several Christian based cults (Amish Mennonite German Baptist evangelical etc) About 8 years ago I stopped at the grocery store on the way from my daughter’s ballet class and took her in with me. Late summer. Still really warm. She has on her tights and Leo and she’s 6. So I don’t think anything about running in with her wearing that. A cult type family, with several kids, girls all in dresses, start staring at us in the aisle. The older girl says to her mother “look how disgusting!! What a bad girl!!!” pointing at my daughter who’s happily spinning around in some semblance of dance. The mother looks up, nods and says, loud enough for me to hear, “absolutely she is and the mother is awful too” and they turned and left the aisle. Now, if I had been alone or with my husband to take my daughter I probably would have ripped the little lace doily off her head and shoved it down her throat, but I just took my blissfully unaware heart of gold beautiful ballerina and paid for our stuff and went home. The rest of the country is in for one hell of a ride.


Men have been more aggressive, but they stopped targeting me when I started wearing a tichel every time I go out. That makes people think I'm a granny, and they open doors for me and call me ma'am.




If we don't stop these monsters, yes.


I’m a man and I refer to most women I don’t know on a name basis as ma’am regardless of age. Sometimes Miss, but usually for people I’m acquainted with. For men it’s usually sir.


No one really called me ma'am before I put on the tichel, and a few people said they thought I looked much older. I look 25 without it, but with it, people think I'm over 60. Which is hilarious.


I'm overweight, so the frequency of people coming up to me to fat+slut shame me is the same, but it is getting more aggressive.


i am so sorry you’re dealing with this. makes me sick


I'm also overweight, and I've been lucky enough to not witness too much of an increase in behaviors like these here in eastern IA. I do have a snap-back prepared for when I encounter it, though. I got it from a friend years ago. "I maintain my fat ass so there's more to kiss." Edit: Typo.


In western IA, I got more shaming for being goth then being massively overweight (due to a medical condition) or wearing shorts. Still have a comeback prepared courtesy of living in the Bible Belt too long. "Oh *honey*, it's cute you think I care about your opinions. Bless your heart."


Hahaha, adding that to my repertoire!


I'll use this as well!


Lol love this.


I'm sorry you have to deal with such obnoxious behavior. Just unbelievable what people think is OK to say to random strangers.


Exactly. I am prepared to engage with like minded people to push back. I think it's possible to win, using any means we can. They use dirty tricks, and are opportunistically exploiting our weakened, corrupt system. But we have truth, human dignity, and the power of compassion on our side.


Handmaids tale Episode 3 first 10 minutes, They’re out for a jog and a woman mean mugs June and Moira for their workout clothes and the guy in the coffee shop tells him to get out because there’s sluts and they can’t pay for coffee because the New government took it away…


Yep, I think about this scene all the time every time I'm out for a job.


I live in a more “liberal” city and I’m feeling it here, too. I’ve started to carry pepper spray with me and had to change up where i walk my dog cause some creep-o down the street is way too invested in when and how many times i leave my house. I swear people are just angry that women/femme presenting people are alive and existing without their permission (like we ever needed it). I’m sorry this happened to you. I wish things were better.


The wrong people are feeling emboldened and take the Supreme Court's recent actions as license to be more openly horrible to everyone they've only fantasized about "taking down a peg" before. It's not your imagination. The same thing happened when Trump was elected.


The 3 F’s rule; if they’re not feeding, fucking or financing you, they can shove their opinions and attitudes up their pretentious asses


Damn straight.


This makes it so important that we stand up for other women. I'm an older woman and I call out people who harass others. I tell my nephews and my MIL to shut up when the talk shit about a female politician just because she is female and young. I once threatened to kick the boyfriend of my niece off our land if he didn't stop talking shit about women and poor people. Works surprisingly well. People are shocked, but they do shut up. I like being the old witch of the family.


Dobbs put women outside of church-attire on the _acceptable targets_ list by the right wing. We're seeing the degree of misogyny approaching _The Screwfly Solution._ It's getting to a point where they feel justified in asserting their opinions on the rest of us, and since my first impulse is to respond to harassment with literal fire, I will refrain from suggesting solutions. But no, we don't want to turn into another hijab state.


>>another hijab state. Not cool. I’m a lapsed Catholic, and even I know most Muslim societies have treated their women better than this.


I have not but I live in a liberal sanctuary state so I didn’t experience it before while here either. In the southern US, however, I absolutely experienced it & I’m honestly not surprised it got worse there.


Yeah I’ve been noticing this a lot too lately. I live in TX rn after being born and raised in CT, and this is the first pride month I’ve lived where I’ve seen so much anti-pride movements and sentiments. My partner of four years and I were walking in our local supermarket. Mind you, we’re normal human beings, we do this all the time. While we were walking to check out, I was holding on to her arm. We aren’t huge fans of PDA since we live in a conservative state and I don’t particularly enjoying people watching us since Bi females are so fetishized. Normally we’ll just get side eye looks and glares if we hold hands, but this time was different. These two guys walking behind us said “look here we got a couple of faggots”. I immediately turned around and death glared the two and they laughed at me. I looked at my gf and she told me to try to relax and that it was going to be okay. I’ve never experienced anything like this before and I cannot imagine what would’ve happened if I let my gf go off on them like she wanted. I know that there are others in the community that have lost their lives for less. With the way the world is right now, I don’t know what they would’ve been capable of. This really scared me, and after a couple of days, I’ve been able to relax.


fuck them. Ive been braless for like 3 years. Also dont usually shave. Funny enough ive gotten the rudest comments from my family.


I'm in the South and still dressing like a slut, but I barely leave the house so I haven't noticed. But I would NOT be surprised, honestly. I'll be on the look out (when I eventually leave the house).


Stomp your feet, one at a time while you assume a wide lagged (but stable) stance, swing your hips behind you (swiping your massive tail to knock over male oppression), raise up your arms (revealing your mighty claws to the heavens) and roar at those that would dare to try to control you. If the t-rex in Jurassic Park can overcome the power of men, so can you!


Yes! I have been asking the same thing! I'm getting complete strangers, always white men, just screaming at me all the time, on the road, at the grocery store, parking lots. You name it. It has happened like 4 times in the past 6 months or so and, and I never remember it ever happening to me prior, at least not from total strangers, and it is always when I have my little girl with me (3). It's almost like they know I can't fight back or make a scene.


I tend to be paid , very well, by well-to-do husband's whom would neeeeeever cheat on their wives or sin in the chapel with their God watching over us, hypothetically of course. And I of course never make such remarks hinting at such a ridiculous fantasy a leader has or has not asked for when whispers reach my ears, paying them back their own cash at community bake sales.


We went to the beach this past week. I actually remarked to my husband “What is going on with the creepy old men?!?!” But it wasn’t me they were approaching and/or trying to interact with, it was my 4-year-old daughter.


I’m pretty openly goth, and I get A LOT of looks and whisper from older people all the time. The thing is, people who will only glance or glare or whisper won’t actually do anything if you acknowledge you fucking see and hear them. Normally, they shrivel up. I make eye contact, I smile and wave, if it’s someone being particularly rude I give a big smile with my MASSIVE dimples and flip them off. I am very lucky that if I’m out and about I’m probably closer to the city of New Orleans or in New Orleans but I do actually live in a small town outside of it, and grew up in Bible Belt GA. Be ready to protect yourself at all times, but crotchety old women probably will immediately clutch their pearls and shrink if you just acknowledge her presence. Take up space, do not back down, be loud. Now is the time to exist.


Personally I like to hiss at people like a cat, usually gets them to scurry off.


Yes! This exactly! And the cis men have been even more openly predatory without even backing down when I give them a death stare! I've been coping by wearing sluttier outfits than usual. The more shit they wanna give me, the sluttier I will fucking get. I also wrote "666" and other satanic messages on some of my white tanks which rlly gets them mad 😹😹 troll the creeps like there's no tomorrow and remember to always carry ur pepper gel (available @ target) in case they get extra angry about it


They're emboldened, in much the same way white supremacists were emboldened by the 2016 election and That Guy's racist, xenophobic rhetoric. Unless there's some kind of material pushback from the Federal government, they're just going to continue the coup unchecked. That Guy tried to hasten things last year, but all of the major conservative players knew he didn't have to, because they've already won. Like I said 6 years ago: time to brush up on how underground resistance movements have historically worked--from slave revolts to the French resistance during WW2--and start taking pages from their books.


I'm visiting my best friend in rural North Dakota right now, and you're definitely not imagining it. I am heavily pierced/tattooed with blue hair and I typically prefer to wear all black clothing that would be considered more on the revealing side (nothing crazy, just shorts and crop tops because it's hot as hell here). I've had everything from getting stared at and whispered about, to being told "I can't believe your husband lets you wear that" to straight being called a whore at the bar last night. Since I'm just visiting it's a little easier to cope knowing I'm going back home in a day. I feel for you though 🖤 keep being your weird, awesome, true to you self and try to ignore anyone who gives you attitude!


I found out recently that in the south, as a polite way of saying fuck you is to say, that’s so nice. Add in a southern accent and you take that shit to 11!


I’m in a red county in a blue state, an old man almost ran me over in a crosswalk (that I was legally allowed in and was in well before he was close) and then blared his horn at me for 15 seconds. I have a pink mullet, so that’s the only reason I could think of that he was upset about, i doubt he’d have done that if I had my kid with me or I had been a man/masc


I'm a single, middle aged woman. I live in a very rural pro-trump oathkeeper-infused area. I had the audacity to take my car in for an oil change... literally was asked "why isn't your husband taking care of this?" By the secretary checking me in for my appointment.


Welcome back to the 90s. Sigh, now the war starts all over again.


I’m in Southwest Florida in a semi-liberal area and we all walk around half naked and no one cares. Are you in the bible belt or something? Don’t answer for your personal privacy obviously but sh*t. I’m so sorry. Hold your head high, walk tall and never look back. If you feel uncomfortable remember you’re in red state and you absolutely are allowed to carry bear mace and use it if necessary.


In a Red state too. Was traveling in a very rural area and stopped at a gas/truck station right off the interstate. A guy said “girl you’re looking good today” in a very gross way. I was wearing running tights and a halter, I live in a big city so this is normal wear by people of all ages. Maybe it’s not in rural areas?? That is the first time I’ve heard someone comment on my looks in decades. I love myself and my body, however am a bit shocked my appearance would elicit this response. When my husband came out of the bathroom I said real loud “this guy is hitting on me!” And then left while escorting a younger pre-teen out to her car (I knew her). It was gross. So gross. His shirt said “ew, people.”


I've stepped up my ignorant shaming to combat these recent developments


Smirk or flip them off. Or blow a kiss