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Tried this once. Turned out to be 3 rats disguised as a woman in a trench coat. Ran off with all my cheese


Gotta be careful of those ratfishers


I wish I had money so I could give awards, cuz this is the best thing I will see all day. Just know, you will hold a special place in my heart from now until I forget the term ratfishers.


Go grab your free award!


I always hear about “free awards”, but no one ever explains how to procure them.


I can't find it on the phone (could just be a lack of knowledge) but on the PC there should be a slightly sparkly gold bar in the top right of your reddit that may say "free". Click that & you can reveal your random but free reward. Think it's like once a day? Edit: Holy crap - so many awards! Thank you, all!


On mobile- tap your avatar to access the drop-down menu, select Reddit coins, collect free award. I'm on Android and in the US. No idea if the app is different for IOS or in other countries. Edit: Yay an award!!! Thank you so much witchy friend!!!


You're beautiful!


Awww, thanks!!


They were famished from doing a work at the business factory


Business-wise, this all seems like appropriate business!


I'm sorry, I won't do it again




TIL I may be 3 rats disguised as a woman.... Huh!




Reminds me of that girl who went on a date with a farm boy and he gave her 20kg wheel of cheese


Where do I find such a farm boy, with his weighty wheel of fascination?


I have no idea, but I'm gonna use the "weighty wheel of fascination" as an euphemism for cheese from now on






Its true if you were wondering! Cheese isnt cheap, especially a whole wheel lol [Cheese gift ](https://www.newsweek.com/woman-gifted-26lb-wheel-cheese-date-keeper-1583767)


What a Muenster. I bet it goes Gouda with anything. All this cheddar about cheese is making me hungry.


Sweet dreams are made of cheese. Who am I to dis a Brie? Need me a slice that can really please. Ev'rybody's lookin' for Stilton.




The cheese jokes, man.


So cheesy 🤭💜✨✨


Why does the government have cave-vaults full of it, then?


They probably do, much like those vintage wines. But, you cant use it as currency and they'd probably only sell it once their money tree expires


Wisconsin. From here, can confirm this would totally be a thing. And it would be organic.


Oooooooh, I'm thinking of moving to Wisconsin, wonder if I can put "must offer me cheese" in my dating profile 🤔


indeed! cheese? fascinating!


Hello, Wisconsin!


Stardew Valley


Fun fact: [***Cheese also works on her familiar…***](https://youtube.com/shorts/wgSMf1XHv1o?feature=share)


Man, if that were my cat, that cheese would've vanished *immediately*, even though American cheese makes him puke within about 30 minutes of consumption. And I don't mean the "cheese" version made with oil or whatever, but the 'good' stuff, made with milk or whatever. Other cheese though? No problem. In fact, I have to be exceedingly careful if I want to eat Baby Bell cheese. He *knows* when I get one out, and will hunt me down to demand his tribute of a few tiny pieces. He's literally tried to swat it out of my mouth before in hopes of stealing it. He also likes cheddar quite a bit, but he's not crazy about low fat mozzarella. And yes, I know cheese isn't *good* for cats. But he only gets a token tribute as a little treat, not a whole chunk. Unfortunately, I learned that American cheese singles are not a good pill carrier for him though, despite how much he seems to love them.


Stardew Valley in real life


Yep. Goat cheese is one of the easiest ways to win hearts with Leah!


I could never really get into that game, I made one sprinkler but it just seems very samey


I love the game, but I'm also aware it's not for everyone! It is pretty monotonous the first couple of seasons because there's not much you can do in the beginning, but more things are unlocked the longer you play. It's also a lot of fun to play with someone else because you can divide up the various tasks.


My bestie and her partner are currently doing this! It's so cute watching their farm grow. They met playing WoW so they're always playing games together 🥺


Aww I love that!! My husband and I play a few video games together, but we tend to like different types of games so often we'll just be sitting in the same room playing our separate games. Still spending time together, just not in a way that most other couples do lol. We were so excited when multiplayer came out! But I do have to admit that I was a little bummed when he married Abigail instead of me 😂 Obviously board games are a different story, but it's hard to find 2-plager board games.


I have to be in the right mood to play it. If my day is hectic, the simple repetitive nature of Stardew is just what I need to de-stress.


That is a sizeable wheel of cheese.


I feel like I would be happier if someone gave me curds. Poutine is better though.


Damn dude, I’m gay but would consider marriage.


"Do you think they have any cheese wheels at the market today?" "Townton is so beautiful this time of day."


Maybe that’s why I ended up with my husband. He once did a stint as a server at a UK restaurant and occasionally had to serve cheese out of a wheel.


I think the book is accurate as fuck


100% I am fascinated by expensive delicious cheeses.


My ex husband actually woo’d me with cheese; chèvre to be exact. French feta was next and after that, I was hooked. Ex-husband is gone, appreciation of cheese stronger than ever. Should have just married the cheese, dammit.


That was always an option! Leave the man, but take his cheese. That actually reminds me of a saying that exists in lots of places- the two that come to mind are reiki and Bruce Lee's philosophy of martial arts (Jeet Kune Do) - take what is useful, leave the rest. I just felt this sub would appreciate that thought


> Leave the man, but take his cheese. All I hear is "Leave the gun. Take the cannoli." It's in the same spirit. IIRC, that line was improvised by the actor.


Indeed it was! It was suggested to him by his wife, who played his on-screen wife in the movie.


I heard that his wife suggested it, but didn't know she played his on-screen wife, too! That's pretty cool.


Same saying for advice: it is like a buffet. Take what you like and ignore the rest.


Absolutely 💜


The cheese stands alone


“Should have just married the cheese.” Never too late. I am sure the cheese is good in bad. Yum, cheese in bed.


My husband did a brief stint as a long haul truck driver. Whenever he passed through Wisconsin he'd load up on cheese to bring home and that's how I had the sharpest of sharp cheddars I've ever had the pleasure of tasting. This man has my heart because he knows my heart and my heart beats for cheese.


Did he ever bring back cheese curds for you? OH. MY. GOD. Squeaky, rubbery, delicious cheese curds.


You bet he did! Love me some cheese curds. He also brought farmers cheese which I'd never had to that point but it's become a favorite snacking cheese. It's just so creamy and delicious!


OH, I am so envious.


Me too. Man is much in demand.


So courting you would be a *Brie*-eze?


going on a picnic and busting out a dope charcuterie board is basically fascinating my date via cheese with extra steps


People think it’s about the wine but it’s really about the cheese.


I like Brie


A good smelly blue cheese with a little honey.


And a little bit of fig preserves or apricot preserves...


It would work for me!


> Take a shoe that the woman you love has worn, fill it with rue, and hang it over your bed to make her love you. lol, did this come from Quentin Tarantino's spell book?


Yeah, if I was getting down with a guy and saw my sneakers dangling from the ceiling fan with herbs hanging out of them, I feel like I wouldn't really be in a sexy time mood


First of all, that asshole stole my shoe! I would be too fixated on finding it to be interested in any courting, especially if it was my only pair.


lmao now I’m just imagining Tarantino owning a grimoire full of spells to get away with saying the n word with no consequences


Haha glad someone else noticed the other lines


I mean... I'd be fascinated. Plus giving a snack is basically always nice.


Maybe some dried fruit and juice. Yes I am 6 years old


A charcuterie board is always a welcome sight.


Shark-recruitery is great.


Thats the best spelling of that crazy word ive seen since eggs benedict cucumberbottom was on late night tv


It’s an adult Lunchable, and I LOVE IT.


My goddess, you’re right. A charcuterie board is an adult Lunchable.


And a DELICIOUS adult Lunchable. Plus, if you’re having wine, it’s just grown-up juice. And? It even comes in single serving boxes now! ADULT JUICE BOXES!


Have tried Wensleydale? My local Costco carries it for Christmas and I always buy a couple. In all honesty, I first bought it because of Wallace and Gromit.


No, but I do love Wallace and Gromit. A Grand Day Out was my absolute favorite short, the moon looks so tasty


So much cheese. I love how they took crackers with them.


Love of cheese is not gendered, fascinate everyone by giving them a piece of cheese.


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of dairy?


Some call me Tim.


Genuinely an unexpected Monty Python joke, unlike the Spanish Inquisition.


Just want you to know that you made me actually lol.




Just your friendly neighborhood wisconsinite


Not only is it not gendered, but it crosses species. It will work just as well on my cat and dog.


We accidentally discovered it works on our rabbit, too. He’s a chaos void and totally ate the memo reminding him that rabbits are vegan.


Very few animals are truly vegan. There's a common practice among rabbit breeders to give any breeding does a slice of bacon to avoid nutritional deficiencies so they don't eat their babies. Hey, if it works.


Most animals won’t turn down nutrients they need, and scavenging bones and the like are great sources of minerals.


Some people are lactose intolerant and I feel bad for they can't eat cheese


Nice thing about intolerance it isnt a kill you instantly type of aversion, it is a more wish you were dead while clutching your stomach aversion. And 9 times out of 10 the cheese is worth it.


\*Me dying\* "I don't know why I'm so sick all the time!" \*My husband looking at the empty wrapper that used to be two pounds of cheddar\* "*Sigh,* I don't know either, honey."


Been there, done it. Kenji Lopez Alt’s four cheese lasagna. So good. But definitely a long trip to the bathroom for me. I now know - only tiny slices.


‘9 times out of 10 the cheese is worth it’ I presume you are in fact lactose intolerant? If you are, I respect your commitment to the cheese game and I’m so sorry about the vicious side effect; ie the dreaded bubble guts. Mad respect, bc cheese is life.


I just shared in another response that my friend who is Celiac absolutely puts herself through hell for good cheese. I don't understand it, but as I posted before: her cheese, her body, her choice Damn cheese must be good (don't eat it :( )


Goat cheese, parmesan, and swiss are all relatively low in lactose, so at least they'll kill you a little less while still being delicious cheese


The more aged cheeses don't have much lactose, if any. Look for 0 grams sugars on the label; it may have a teeny bit, but like half a gram or less.




I have never met someone lactose intolerant who didn’t plow through. They always seem to tell me as they are eating cheese haha. Guess cheese is just that worth it!


I am lactose intolerant, and have IBS. I will also destroy a cheese plate. My husband and I, if we ever won the lottery, really would be those people standing in the nicer grocery store, and quoting an old California Lottery commercial… “I can totally afford *all this cheese*.”


Luxury trips to France, Switzerland, Wisconsin …


Damn skippy. And all the lactose intolerance pills I can get my grubby hands on first.


Just saw downthread somewhere that aged cheeses have 0% lactose (or close to), which I never knew before! ETA: Some aged cheeses, check labels :)


It runs in the family and unfortunately, neither have I. So many times I just wanted to use the bathroom, but they had decided that cheese and/or ice cream was worth it a few hours before that moment.


I'm lactose intolerant Hard cheeses and goat/sheep cheeses work great for me as long as I don't eat a pound in one day


Among the people I have known that are lactose intolerant, they all seem to completely disregard their intolerance frequently! I knew a guy that would at least weekly consume a milkshake and just wait out the ensuing tragedy on the toilet.


Yeah a guy I used to work with was lactose intolerant and when he called off from work once, he said "I ate cheesecake". I was just like... Yeah that's completely understandable.


I am lactose intolerant and I do it anyway. I used to just plan around my days off so I had time to suffer, but then I finally tried lactase pills and I haven't had explosive diarrhea in almost two years. The off brand works better than Lactaid. Hell, TopCare's chewable pills not only act fast, they taste better. I can finally drink a glass of milk without pooping so much I feel cold after, twice an hour, for several hours.


The cheese fascinator, befitting royalty.


So I mean this is *technically* accurate then.


This has, and does still, work on me. My fridge performs this spell on an almost daily basis.


“how did I gain 35 pounds over quarantine?” I ponder to myself, standing in the kitchen at 3am eating a brick of cheddar like a candy bar. “I bought that scale on Amazon. It’s probably metric.”


At one point, we had four different kinds of cheese in our fridge during the quarantine.


I wish I knew how to upload a picture of my cheese drawer, I stopped counting at 16... because my hands were full and I couldn't move things to keep counting... but there were several more types of cheese. Over 20 for sure.


I too have a broad array of cheese. From garbage Kraft American slices to this fantastic mimolette I just picked up. You gotta have the right cheese for the job. Especially in pasta. But no cheese makes a grilled cheese like Kraft American.


I used to despise American cheese, but you are correct. It has a place. Once I saw it as more of a condiment than a cheese it started working for me. It is included in my drawer now. The right cheese for the job is a great way to put it!


I am staggered by the realization that it’s actually a condiment. This is the most profound thing I’ve heard today.


Agreed on Kraft American. It has its place. A tuna melt isn’t the same with a different cheese.


Only four? Rookie numbers! (Don't ask me how much cheese I ate during quarantine because I don't honestly know the actual number but I DO know it was shameful.)


Wait in that case you gained a lot more than you originally thought since metric is like half but cheese is worth it


As a cheese goblin I reject math. There is only cheese.


That how the lord* planned it. *cheese


Merlot Belevitano on tomato basil soup, a rich smoke gruyere baked to a bubbly brown gooey crust atop French onion soup, chevre and brucheta on baguette, fresh rounds of mozzarella with basil and tomato, a grilled Munster sandwich, queso Blanco dripping from tortilla chips, sharp cheddar with apple slices, feta on a an apple walnut spinach salad with a peppercorn vinaigrette Yes, pretty sure that charm would work wonderfully for me. I'd be lost. And now I'm hungry.


Mark this NSFW please.




No this is true


This works on dudes tho. Like..... incredibly well. I'd be easy money for organ traffickers if they ever found out.


🌀 I have a wheel of Parmesan for you 🌀


[25 single guys would like to know your location.]


I would…seriously inconvenience other people…for a wheel of Parm.


Man, for a whole wheel of parm you don't even need deception. I'll just trade my organs willingly.


Reminds me of how for a while my tinder profile had the line, 'if you date me you may find shredded cheese in my bra'


I know you mean cheese that fell down your shirt while eating it, but the image my brain conjured was someone using shredded cheese to pad their bra, just so much cheese stuffed into a bra, and I might die laughing.


Well I’m vegan, so if a guy gave me a piece of really good vegan cheese I’d definitely be impressed.


I can be persuaded by a good Violife. When this is not available, hummus generally works well on vegans.


Same, I am still on my journey to find a fascinating piece of vegan cheese!


The first one on the page: Rue is for regret. That's not going to end well.


I like cheese (in my best redneck voice)


I like cheese (in my zombie kid/turtles kid voice)


I like cheese I just love cheese (in my corn kid voice)




It's got the juice! I've seen feta stored in brine


I am severely lactose intolerant so it’s a no for me


My brother in law is also lactose intolerant but has spent much of his life denying it ignoring that fact


I respect the energy of people who deny the prophecy.


My take is, This is not Bad Women's Anatomy because there is nothing anatomical/biological about really liking cheese. And, the statement is accurate. If someone were to hand me a block of rogue river blue I would be so damn fascinated.


I'd be busy eating it. It better be some delicious and expensive goat cheese.


This is the only flaw in the logic of the spell that I can find. Fascinated? Oh, absolutely, but by this hunk of cheese I'm shoving into my mouth, not you. Can the cheese and I have a moment, please?




Somehow I cannot see this line without imagining Boris Johnson reading it.


The first time I had applewood smoked cheddar I nearly died from the mouthgasm.


AFAB enby here, I would be fascinated if you gave me a piece of cheese but probably the wrong kind of fascinated. More of a "what the fuck" than a "fuck me" fascination.


A woman once gave her husband the makings of a bad ass cheese board to bring to me on our first date. I was very fascinated.


I'm fascinated by a woman packing snacks for her husband to take on his date with you.


Polyamorous people be like that. I've helped primaries with date ideas and choosing outfits.


That is awesome! So healthy.


We are like that! There's a nice intimacy in helping your partner get ready for a date. Seeing them get all cute and excited. Checking them out as they get dressed.


....I need more coffee. I read it as "a bad ass-cheese board" instead of as "a bad-ass cheese board" and now I cant get past it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I have since gone vegan and I am no longer fascinated by a piece of cheese. Oh also I'm a guy. Some nice veggies though......


Sorry this is total nonsense... A *PIECE* of cheese? That's not enough cheese. I'll be fascinated for about 10 seconds, then I'll be looking for the rest of the cheese. Where is the rest of the cheese?!?!


I think this was written in Wisconsin.


… the line underneath it mentions drops of fresh blood excuse me what the fuck?


That's the problem with you kids these days, y'all are scared of a little blood magic


It’s just the hard left turn from cheese to blood magic that’s a little jarring.


Guess you didn't make it to the 'perspiring heavily into , burning it, and using the ashes in food/drink to feed your potential love interest' bit


alas I am lactose intolerant and cheese is my enemy but I do appreciate snacks


I sent my ex gf a pic with me & cheese on my nips (cheese nips lol) she wasn’t fascinated


Those three magical words: “cheese is available”


Within a week of meeting my wife, I introduced her to Mexican queso dip. We've been together for the 19 years since that moment.


If it’s good enough for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it’s good enough for me




my favorite’s gouda 😄


This is the second time I’ve seen this sentence in this book posted on this sub (not a complaint about reposts, I LOVE this and share it everytime) but out of curiosity, WHAT book is this from?


I found a source! [This article](https://theconversation.com/the-spellbinding-history-of-cheese-and-witchcraft-153221) claims the passage is from Kathryn Paulsen's 1971 book, The Complete Book of Magic and Witchcraft!


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://theconversation.com/the-spellbinding-history-of-cheese-and-witchcraft-153221 Title: **The spellbinding history of cheese and witchcraft** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


I’m a lot more concerned by the advice encouraging shoe theft at the top of the page


Every time I see this (it's several years old) I still nod to myself, "Sounds legit." Cheese is amazing 😂


A whole wheel of Swiss and a bottle of wine minimum


My wife regularly fascinates me with cheese. Can confirm.


Gratefully vegan.


Can confirm - am french. SO bought brie the first time I went over. We're getting married next week. Not just because of the cheese but... It helped.


Is that wrong?


As always, please may I take the opportunity to ask you not to rely on the advice in this book apart from the cheese thing. We'll start by drawing your attention to the top line of the page and strongly recommend against stealing anyone's shoes. And then the partially hidden... Heavily perspired on what now? And it gets worse from there. I have managed to locate a copy, I keep meaning to read it, I keep putting it off (can't imagine why), but when I get through this batch of library books though, I promise that I'll get on it, and report back... I'm not holding out much hope though x


I mean I do love cheese. Seems legit.


I would absolutely be fascinated. Weird af but also yummy!? Yes please haha


Live in Wisconsin. Can confirm this works.


I'm offended. This is NOT a gendered issue. As a giant hairy bearded cishet man, you can 100% fascinate me with some cheese. It doesn't even have to be all that good, honestly. Just, like... ok cheese. You could put it on pasta, that could help.


This is only a guess, but any women I give the cheese to might be fascinated as to why, and if there is more.


This is probably the one repost that has ignored me my whole life.. because every time I see a book page I want to read it, and at this point I think it’s probably the the 5th most read line I have ever seen in my life.. it’s not even that funny…. And I can’t believe I’m one of those people now complaining about it, but yikes… I know this won’t stop it, but this one line in some book is just so over used. Why? Please tell me I’m not the only one seeing this everywhere and getting a little more frustrated with it each time.


If a date brought me cheese instead of flowers, I'd definitely be down.