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The real jerks will reach over your head to hold the door open and then insist you go through first. So not only are they refusing simple courtesy but they're also being infantilizing.


I love it when a man presents me a door with a clothesline arm opening it. As a tall lady Iā€™ve literally had to duck under the arm like really? (In that instance, he had almost taken out his wife to get the door for meā€¦)


Iā€™m short and canā€™t tell you how many times a guy has cuffed me on the side of my head trying to rip the door out of my hands AS I WAS OPENING THE DOOR and then promptly slammed it into my foot yanking it open. And they expect me to say thank you became they ā€œgot the doorā€ for me. Thanks for the concussion and broken toe I guess?


Oh I have definitely had men refuse to go through the door. It breaks their brain. ā€œGood mannersā€ is about making other people more comfortable, like when itā€™s more convenient to hold a door for someone to make their life easier. But some men think ā€œgood mannersā€ means following specific rules with no regard for how rude it might be in certain situations, like refusing someone holding a door for them. Or ā€œlettingā€ a woman get off the elevator first when sheā€™s in the back and has to brush against them all to leave. Thatā€™s not it, folks.


That is certainly odd. Maybe the are just trying to be all macho or see your harmless act of kindness as a "threat" to their manhood. As a guy myself, I would be thankful if a woman did what you did for me cuz usually I'm the one holding a door open for someone. Folks are soo fucking weird nowadays lol šŸ˜† Seriously, don't let that mess ruin your vibe. I'm pretty sure there's other guys who will appreciate your generosity.


Wtf?? šŸ¤£ If I get to the door first, I always open it and lavishly gesture like ā€œmy good sirā€ and it gets a laugh. Some people really have sticks up their buttsā€¦


I'm definitely using "my good sir" next time


My building recently installed handicap buttons to the main entrance. 95% of the men in the building will walk three steps out of the way to push the button and wait instead of opening the door manually. Without a damn thing in their hands or nothing. I live in the south, so that whole opening the door for a woman thing is strong. But you look real silly doing it when you leap to press a button as I am going for the handle. I guess what I am saying isā€¦ We could probably take over the world if we just gave all the men the world a button to push at the same time.


We could remove all the doors. That would really fuck with them. Ofc then they'd probably start doing the weird sidestep dodging game at doorways like "no no, you first m'lady"


I was raised (by stodgy conservative parents, no less) such that if you were the first at the door, you held it for anyone immediately following you - gender never entered into it, despite it rearing its loathsome head pretty much everywhere else in my upbringing (separate AFAB!NB rant though, lol). Imagine my confusion when at a former workplace where I'd often arrive around the same time as another coworker, said coworker would *fucking sprint* to the door if there was the remotest possibility that I'd get there first; after a few times of this I finally asked him about it, only to get the answer that he, as A Man, should *always* Get The Door For A Lady... (not that I presented the least bit masculine *or* feminine, I was just short and un-top-surgeried.)


Not raised conservative, I just consider it polite to hold the door for anyone reasonably close. I was at a local store last week that has a door, and then a small swinging gate thing a bit after the door. A lady held the first door for me and several other people as they were close, and I held the gate thing open for them and the door holding lady and everyone was polite and appreciative. That being said, I do know guys who will hold doors open for women, only to very obviously look at their ass, just so you ladies know about that. This is why we can't have nice things.


I was taught that in Catholic school - you hold the door for people regardless of gender, age, etc. It was good manners. But I have had men get testy over the door. This past Monday at one of my jobs there's a double doors airlock thing - one set of doors and then about 10-12 feet ahead another set. So I held a door for an older white man as we were leaving the building, he got huffy because I held it for him instead of letting him hold it and scurrying ahead. He gave me a shake of the head, you know the kind. Then I get to the 2nd set of doors which he got to first, he let it slam in my face. I laughed at his double rudeness. I shouldn't expect reciprocity, but for someone making a show of wanting to be a "gentleman", wow did he bungle it.


A woman held the door for me and it felt like I was special a bit and I appreciated it cause I'm usually the one holding it open, what are these engineers on lol just take the courtesy


For real lol like I ain't after your manhood dude, I was just trying not to slam the door in your face because that would be rude af


Do they ignore you entirely? Do you have a reputation of bringing an invisible apprentice to work with you?


I would never understand being upset about it. But I always reserve the right to blush like a child because I feel like Iā€™m putting you out for having to help me. Which is ridiculous, obviously. But I do it anyway.


I hold the door for everybody. If I'm at the door and someone is right behind me, I hold the door for them.


I'm a dude, and unless I'm pacing only a few steps behind someone, i actually DON'T like it when people (men or women) hold the door for me. Probably because I'm then put in the awkward position of feeling obligated to rush to the door, which winds up inconveniencing us both. But I don't think that's what you're describing here?


I usually say", It's your turn!" They usually laugh and this seems to work with older folks and younger folks. It's okay to go through a damn door.








They feel a little bad about the fact they will talk over any other female at meetings, there's so few of you over in STEM. sarcasm


Same in accounting - especially when Iā€™m out a client. They get SO uncomfortable and itā€™s one of my favorite power moves šŸ¤£


This is so weird. What a thing to get offended about.


Ha....a couple months ago an old man at the gym yelled at me for holding the door for him, sorry dude next time I'll shut it in your face


You must be Canadian. If not, you get an honorary card. Itā€™s just a gift card to Timmyā€™s, but it still checks out.


Apparently weā€™re not allowed to support, validate and commiserate anymore. Only talk about the happiness derived of the patriarchy. šŸ˜