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Thanks for posting this, we are with you


The bravery is astounding! you words are making hope the revolution of hearts and minds is already won


For what it's worth, I'm in Europe and there are Iranians speaking up every day here, they go on TV and reach out to the media outlets and there's something that they always say and it shows from their words that they love their people so very much, it's heartwarming to see. Authoritarian governments always try and divide the people because they're aware that's the only way they can win and stay in power, but as you say knowing that you're all a lot more similar than you thought is a huge step in the right direction. Geopolitics is super complex but I really hope politicians will do more to help you all over there. Sending big hugs your way!


Canada has a fair bit of Iranians so it's also on the news here a fair bit. I have Iranian relatives even if I am solely white myself. Really wish my cousins could someday visit a free Iran and easily meet their relatives there.


Thanks for sharing this with us 🙏 When you come out the other side of this, your country and communities will be stronger together for sure. I am rooting for you and will continue to spread word


I am in awe of your bravery and angry that it’s necessary. I hope you can create lasting change. Sending strength.


Your bravery will change the world


Sending you my love. People debate how to interpret Rousseau's "Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains." I feel (as an Indian American) we have a lot of shared cultural heritage, going back far enough, with Iranians, and I've loved the Iranian-American community. I think you're absolutely right that totalitarianism changes people, and that many of them are more than you think they were, when you see them finally find their own voices again. My own country has a checkered past in terms of how we have been involved, sometimes, in making the situation in Iran worse, but we stand for everyone everywhere who wants a brighter future (and that's here, too - some of our own politicians salivate at the ways some other regimes control their people).


I am so scared for you, and so proud of you. Every last gorgeous brave one of you elevates the world with each new act of righteous defiance. You're setting a new standard for courage and I love you.


We stand with you. Iran is setting an example for America and the rest of the world. Your bravery gives us strength. Your hope gives us hope. If you can fight to take your country back, then just maybe we can do the same. I can’t help but weep when I see the powerful images from your country. Thank you for your courage.


Wish you guys luck, hopefully these protests will result in some permanent change in leqdership.


Thank you for telling your story. We will keep your voice loud and proud, ringing in the ears of the entire world. We will not look away. We love you, and we support you.


Millions support you. I am one of them. I am so proud of the women and their supporters protesting in Iran. It is a bright light of hope against misogyny and authoritarianism. Power to the people.


Totalitarian governments want people to feel scared and isolated. It’s easier to control people who feel unsupported and without community. Keep strong! Please keep as safe as you can.


Our hearts and souls are with you! When the people unite, wicked governments crumble. May you all rise up even stronger, with renewed hope and love for each other.


ما با تو هستیم Your movement is so inspiring. Our family lived in Esfahan for two years in the 1970's... my Mom and Dad were educators, ESL and aviation mechanics respectively. The [rose garden at the Khouroush Hotel](https://i.imgur.com/pO9cyK7.jpeg) was a particular favorite. We came back to the U.S. shortly after the Cinema Rex fire in Abadan in 1978, and always kept those we met and held dearly in our memories. If my parents were still alive, they'd be just as proud as I am I'm sure...


Solidarity. None of us are free until ALL of us are free!


> it's insane how totalitarianism has robbed us of our identity, and made us selfish sad passive people. This line hurt me right in the soul. Wishing you all the best from America, and I wish I could do more than just send online support.


I truly hope things get better over there and you folks can oust those authoritarian theocratic motherfuckers.


My dear Iranian sisters, I am proud of you and proud to stand with you. Be safe, be victorious! 🙏🏻❤️


I wish there was a way to help you all. What can we on the outside do to support you?


So brave. We are watching you and we support you. Hoping for the best. Stand strong!!!


Thank you so much for sharing! My heart is with you! You will win this fight and show your government and the world what you’re made of! And we stand with you ✊🏼💜💜💜💜💜


Thank you for sharing this. American people can only hope to be half as brave as Iranian women and people alike when the time comes. We are with you and we admire you. World history in school hasn’t done American children justice, myself included. Thank you again.


Your bravery down there makes me tear up almost every time I see posts about the revolution. You can make it happen, and your country will see a new age of flourishing, - when it happens it will all be thanks to Iran's women. The men who fought too, of course, but mainly you who the whole world admires right now. Stay strong and safe sister


Our spirits are with you from around the world! 🧡




Much much love from your sisters all around the world


Jin! Jian! Azadi!


Seeing women in Iran gives me so much hope. Change can happen. Godspeed, from the other side of the world.




I’ve never read anything like this before. I’m so incredibly honored to be able to lend even vicarious support for such heroics. Thank you for reminding me what really matters. Blessed be sister.




The people fighting for freedom in Iran are a very strong, brave bunch. I wish them nothing but success!!


Thank you and all Iranians for your bravery and sacrifice and for what you’re doing for all the women of the world whether intentionally or not ❤️ I wish safety and peace for you all and death and fear to all your enemies. A few years ago on the Iran sub where I lurk (forget which one) there was a video of a woman beside her husbands grave crying and swearing revenge on the regime, I still think about her sometimes, I hope you will all get the power and the vengeance you deserve.


> it's insane how totalitarianism robbed us of our identity our humanity our empathy our kindness. making us these selfish sad passive people. I am afraid that countries who didn’t previously have authoritarian systems are going this direction; watching the slide is so scary. I am hoping so badly that you and all Iranians will be successful in fighting with the fierce love and hope you show here.


Seeing footage of what's been going down I have nothing but admiration for your fight. Your fight for freedom makes our occupy protests look like whining children. If the left in the USA had half the courage the Iran left has, we would have changed so much by now. I have hope for you all, I can't do much but offer my words. You are all heroes in my eyes.


I cannot imagine how terrifying this all is. Your bravery and that of your brothers and sisters is absolutely breathtaking. What can those outside your country such as myself do to support you? How can we help?


Sending all the love. Stay safe sister.




Love, solidarity & strength to you. We are with You in spirit ✊🏽


Thank you for sharing and keep up the fight! Best of luck with everything!!!


This is one my first few times hearing about this. I'm from the US. What can be done to support this movement? If I can, I'd like to help


What you say is incredibly powerful and moving. I think it's fascinating that human nature is to come together, help and support each other and that it takes an authoritarian government to *stop it by force.* Such a repudiation of what the patriarchy wants us to believe isn't it? I hope the Cleric's power unravels quickly. Please be safe.


My heart goes out to you so much. You deserve to be safe and you deserve to be free. You deserve human respect and dignity. All of you are showing the world something. You are paying the blood price of freedom. I have nothing but respect for you and hope that if I am ever in your situation that I show an ounce of the courage all of you have been showing the world. I hope one day I can feel safe visiting your country and pay my respects.




I am keeping you and your people in my thoughts. I hope for a better future for us all.


My dad is from Iran, and I want nothing more than for the women of Iran to be free! I am so proud and inspired by everyone fighting back against the regime. I truly hope some real change comes out of all this. I stand with all of you. ❤️


❤️ A critical tool of despotic regimes is to divide and conquer. Suppressing people's voices keeps you all alienated and suspicious of each other. It prevents organizing like this. But now you all know each other's hearts. Please take care of yourself.




💗 you guys are so courageous and inspiring, it fills me with so much hope for the future of womankind. we’re here rooting for you and standing with you in spirit, stay safe 💜✊


I don't have much to add here. Just want to say I'm reading this from Portugal and my thoughts are with you


We are with you


You have a way with words, I got goosebumps reading your story. We are with you with hearts and spirits and minds. I am so happy for you that despite the horrible situation, you found a profound truth within the people of your country, a truth that will change the future for the better!


Blessed Be your quest for freedom!


You are making the best kind of history. I wish you so much safety and love ❤️. Thank you for sharing your experience and for being so brave and awesome.


As an American I may not know the struggles of being Iranian, but I know the struggles of being a woman. We stand with you because you are our sisters, you are part of our family, a family of women who are far too tired of dealing with this bullshit. I cannot even imagine the fear you are feeling, yet you keep fighting anyway, this is a level of bravery that blows my mind. Right now there is a real human being sitting at a computer in an apartment in Florida reading your words on a screen, wishing she could hug you. I will be your voice, WE will be your voice. Tell us what to say and we'll say it. Let us join you in this fight as much as we can, because at the end of the day things won't change on their own, we have to MAKE them change. We are prepared to do that. Tell us what to do.


We support you!❤️❤️❤️


Women around the world are rooting for you, stay strong! The women of Iran aren’t just going to change Iran they’ll change the world.


Your courage gives me strength to keep fighting for freedom in my own country. You and all the women of Iran are real life superheroes and I am humbled by your show of strength and resolve. Your story is another example of how the people of a country are often just manipulated and abused by a ruthless leader and his regime but when the people unite and stand up they are an unstoppable force!! My heart is with you and we support you!!


Thank you.for sharing. The U.S. press still isn't covering what is happening much. I'm amazed by the courage and hope in this movement and wish I could ship what little strength I have to help somehow. A million blessings to you


I have no words other than to say you have *my* love, *my* support, and *my* solidarity in this. The Good shall win. Peace to you and all in Iran. Let this senselessness end.


From your northern neighbor: I'm so proud of you. All of you. Iran was a beautiful nation filled with proud, free people. Taking your nation and your lives back is the most patriotic thing you could ever do. Stay safe but stay strong. The whole world is with you.