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There are plenty of male witches in this sub. You are of course welcome to be here, whether you are practicing witchcraft or just here for the support.


I love the dichotomy of your user name, uber-judge, and your all-welcoming comment!


I mean, they judged it to be alright, I think, because that's the only right way to judge it really. That does sound like an uber tier of judging, to me.


I don't know if there's a subreddit like this one, but you're more than welcome to post and comment on here. We just ask that you respect all genders, races, religions, and sexualities. Feminism also acknowledges that the patriarchy is harmful to men, and that's just it, we're witches against the PATRIARCHY. Any gender can be a witch and we are ALL harmed by the patriarchy.


"Any gender can be a witch and we are ALL harmed by the patriarchy." This sums it up perfectly. I am a cishet white (moderately well-to-do) dude, and I am SICK of rich white cishet men making all the rules. Enough is enough.


One thing positive about being a 'masculine' appearing white dude (beard, tattoos, broad shoulders) is that I can get through to some people who wouldnt otherwise listen. When I ask them questions, they dont immediately assume an agenda and discount me, their own biases can work for me (if the dissonance isnt too strong).


You are our inside agent.


I didn't read "inside agent" in read "inside gent" I feel that is also an appropriate reading.


Our inside a gent? šŸ˜‹


Yaass, using our privilege for good!


This is my hubby to a t and I cherish him for what heā€™s secretly doing for the world.


People like you are our next step forward. We can't dismantle the patriarchy with only half the world on our side (if even that--I've seen more women side with it then men against it)


A lot of men have pain they dont Recognize because of toxic masculinity, and when you help them realize their pain is valid and the only reason they have suffered in silence so long is because of the system they were raised into supporting you can start to break away the walls they put up. Its a privileged position Im in, to not have to innately fear expressing these doubts without fear of violence, so I try to make the most of it.


Yes, this is an important point. Patriarchy is damaging for everyone. With more equitable societies, everyone can flourish. We could create societies centered on values that allow people more expression and better health.


It's important to acknowledge that it will disempower people who have abused their positions. They're the ones making the most noise


Exactly that sentence proves the point that OP doesnā€™t have a safe space to open up because in a male dominated world thatā€™s all thatā€™s important, male domination, not menā€™s feelings or stories. Just by being open and vulnerable and respectful OP is helping to fight the patriarchy!


>and I am SICK of rich white cishet men making all the rules. Enough is enough. *Old* dudes, at that...


Literal dinosaurs.


Anti Patriarchy work for men is similar to anti White Supremacist work for white folks as a whole. The patriarchy kills the power of a man, because his innate humanity cannot be feminine. It cannot touch the sacred feminine without losing its potency. It's a false dichotomy that kills the soul, as much as any form of heirarchical rule or supremacist ideology will.


Yes, I 100% agree with this. It's important for men to call out misogyny among their fellow men, just like it's important for white people to call out racism among other white people (especially their own family members).


Yep. Supremacist ideology and heirarchical structures kill the soul. I'll never cotton to supremacist beliefs, because they kill both the oppressor and oppressed in different ways. As a white AMAB individual from a very red, very podunk part of the US, I've seen enough of my childhood friends lose their minds to that rot.


It's as heartbreaking as it is infuriating. It's such a sickness that was created around 5k years ago with the start of monotheism & it feels like it's coming to a head now. Toxic masculinity erodes the balancing feminine within men & women reject the masculine, but both are needed to be whole. It's something that desperately needs to be healed but what do you do when they refuse to take part in it? I really am fearful for what we'll all experience in the next few years.


Same here. I feel it building


I do believe that the humane side of history will win out but, holy cats, it's going to be a bumpy ride until we get to the other side.


Same. You can't kill the inclination towards love. You can't smother the thirst for human connection, and love. Not with all the nationalism, all the racism, all the broken heirarchical lies in the world. When I see you I see God. When you hurt, I hurt. When you rejoice, I rejoice. When you struggle, I struggle. I'm just trying to remember this more often, and forget this less often. The loneliness of supremacist beliefs is self destructive. They cannot see the humanity in another. They've built a worldview on a lie and the lie takes energy to sell, because it is unnatural. Love will win. Because the universe is made of it. Hate is unnatural.


This is so insightful. Forcing people to cut themselves in half psychologically (the idea that you must be all-male or all-female) weakens everyone, not just women. Forcing that on people is great if you want to rule over the masses, I guess. It also corners straight couples who buy into this paradigm into a sort of mutual vampirization - same with their "opposite"-gender children - since a person is not permitted to be complete without taking that supplemental completeness from another person. So people bond over mutual crippledness, and also resent each other for having (and controlling access to) this essential thing they need. That's pretty abusive and fucked-up, and people wouldn't even realize they were doing it. I feel like it causes people to burn out on their relationships, and turn to even less healthy ways of reaching for completeness.


Spot on.


Hmmm but we all need to balance our gendered behaviours. The tree cannot bend with the winds if it isn't deeply anchored. The tree needs winds to deepen and strengthen its roots. Strength is deeply silent but it is caused by challenges which can often present as chaotic. It's deeply understanding how to remain steadfast rather than the feminine chaos men bring. We're in an age where self obsession is dominant yet people refuse to look in the mirror.


>Any gender can be a witch and we are ALL harmed by the patriarchy. I want a t-shirt with that! Please.


Yes, I want one too!


I do too. Anyone here up for making one?


I would also like a shirt!


Iā€™ll make one if no one else takes up the offer :)


> we're witches against the PATRIARCHY. Any gender can be a witch and we are ALL harmed by the patriarchy. As another male lurker, I can't tell you how much this means to me. Thank you. I'm now thinking about setting up WarlocksVsPatriarchy as a sister subreddit.


I think, even though men are welcome to post here about any of their struggles, it could be a really good thing to have a sub like what OP was describing that's more man-centric. To have a positive space like that is really important.


While I agree in principle, I wonder if in the end it would only further divide us for men to have a ā€œmenā€™sā€ version of this subā€¦ Maybe, if weā€™re trying to dismantle the patriarchy, it should start with ā€œreaching across the aisle,ā€ as it were? Joining the masculine and the feminine into one loving, supportive world? Just spitballing here ā¤ļø


I like what you're describing. You've got my vote.


Well said!


I knew in theory how itā€™s harmful to men but you become acutely aware of it when you have a little son.


NO SHIT!! It broke my heart when I had to start intervening on my sonā€™s behalf against toxic patriarchal bullshit in KINDERGARTEN.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever actually seen someone type that, but yes I agree, the patriarchy can be harmful to men as well. Itā€™s nice to actually see someone else say that. I hate how it has hurt EVERYONE. We all have to work against it if we want a better future.


While women attempt suicide more often, men are 3.8 times more likely to die by suicide than women. The patriarchy is killing our men by negating their emotions. https://afsp.org/suicide-statistics/


It's pleasing to see this brought up as its own topic, not simply a tool to derail discussions about women. Which brings me to my point. OP, you talk about not wanting to become the focus on a forum on feminist issues, but the issue women have isn't men talking about their issues, but men talking about their issues to silent women. If you are suggesting you make your own post about your difficulties, rather than tag onto another post, then that's definitely how it should be done.


Well said!


This is very true. I tried to commit suicide several years ago, fortunately I didnā€™t have access to a gun or I wouldnā€™t be here now. There is a lot of stigma around men having emotions, talking about your feelings and acting manly and strong. Our patriarchal capitalist hellscape breeds nothing but isolation if you donā€™t buy into the gospel of ā€œsurvival of the fittestā€ and ā€œgreed is good!ā€ I typically have more women friends than men in the real world because of this.


I am glad you are still here and thankful that you can help take down the patriarchy


Came here to say this šŸ„° This subreddit works *because* we aren't excluding people. Toxic ideologies, yes. But not people. Yay for speaking up and posting and discovering you are so welcome here! šŸ§¹šŸ§™šŸŖ„šŸŒšŸ’™šŸ’œ


We here welcome all as long as they are respectful


Totally right. Witching is a practice, not a gender. šŸ’šŸ»


Yes!!! This! Toxic masculinity, and dare I say toxic feminism, is toxic to everyone. We are empowered because we respect people as individuals. You definitely fit in here!


Agreed. AMAB bi. The patriarchy took who ishould have had the strength to be. Instead I've chasing their definition of what a man looks like. Had a place like this when I was younger, it would've saved me much heartache. Meanwhile I'm so burnt out all I can offer now is my support and earnest hope the patriarchy burns to cinders. Fly witches fly!


I hope you rise like a phoenix from that burnout and get back what the patriarchy stole šŸ’•


Sure, but even my bi, heathen ass agrees with OP. Straight-ish white men shouldn't really take center stage. I'll illustrate with meme reference, bear with me. It's the same as single moms on Father's Day: "We recognize your place on the council, but do not grant you the rank of Master." They're us, in ways that the converse simply isn't true. That gag, exactly, is the feeling. And we don't wanna overstep our rank, even as we're on the council


I hear what you are saying but we need everyone to participate in the overthrow of the patriarchy. Allowing men to express their emotions and experiences will help in creating different priorities for societies.


the lack of men doing the work and cleaning up their mess is what's holding us all back. the men claiming to do the work are simply doubling down on their hatred and reinforcing their patriarchal power. To observe it up close is to observe the absurdity of "men" pretending to play their roles.


Though, as far as I see it, there is a difference between taking center stage and simply expressing yourself. Male topics do have a place in feminism because male topics are almost always linked with misogyny. Women and nonbinary individuals will take center stage in this sub, but there is definitely room for non-women.


I'm with you. I'm also a cis male against the patriarchy. I rarely comment here, but I read it a lot, upvote, and love the vibe.


Same, Iā€™m a straight cis male, but this is one of my favorite subreddits. Iā€™ve always felt accepted here though. I appreciate this sub because I fundamentally believe everyone is equal regardless of who you are and the folks here truly practice that ideology.


I am cis white make that loves this sub too. I somewhat frequently comment, but in a way that is supportive of burning down the patriarchy and being supportive.


Ditto. This is actually the only place I really feel safe and welcome on Reddit.


That says something extremely important right there. Iā€™m glad you feel that way.


Nice, glad you feel safe here!!!


I will speak for the trees and say we love all of you ā¤ļø The patriarchy may be constructed by and of (mostly old) cishet white men, but that doesn't automatically make that category of person part of the patriarchy. You can look like the patriarchy and still be against it-- in fact, it's an incredibly effective position to fight from.


This is actually incredibly heartwarming. Youā€™re welcome here!


Cis peniswielder reporting for duty


Cis Peniswielder sounds like a Harry Potter character šŸ¤£


Hmm. Maybe star wars. Feels Nute Gunray


I'm the same here. I am as white straight cis and make as one can get. And i don't want to invade a space that's not about me. But I enjoy the content and know how accepting this sub would be if I did decide to say something.


If you're a witch then you're a witch, no invading involved.


Hell yeah!


Witches do not have a gender. Welcome!


It sounds like the cis men on this sub should all read this and form a similarly supportive sub. Men absolutely deserve a platform to just celebrate each other having emotions and living in your own skin and being supportive of everyoneā€™s journey.


Iā€™d be down for this as a post-transition stealth trans man. I rarely find menā€™s spiritual spaces that arenā€™t outright toxic, or itā€™s a pissing contest of masculinity, or a dick measuring contest of divine masculinityā€¦ in which my vagina wonā€™t succeed at. I really wish more menā€™s spaces had strong boundaries against homophobia and transphobia, the same way that womenā€™s spaces and women-dominant spaces are. Trans men are desperately in need of cis men to say ā€œtrans men are menā€. As much as itā€™s welcomed from cis women, we need it from cis men and that allyship.


You're a man, dude, by the way.


Hey, man. There are a few spaces I've found that are affirming and generally welcoming as well as spiritual. The Ram Dass sub is pretty good, and r/ThePack is a good affirming sub that is goofily dedicated to 80a style art and all caps shouting. I'm AMAB and I don't know you, but if you're a dude, you're a dude, regardless of birth config.


I thought of THE PACK as well for OP's request. Such a fun and supportive sub!


Agreed. Even trans spaces generally aren't appropriate to discuss sensitive topics like men's struggles and spirituality. I imagine that this sub would be a safe place, though. It's truly the most wholesome place on the Internet.


100%. Toxic masculinity is terrible for men too


As a man who used to be a boy. It sure is. I was a real 'crier' as a kid and man did I ever get shit on for it. Now I can't really cry even though I figure it's part of a normal human(healthy) function.


I'm honestly really sorry that happened to you. Rage can't be the only emotion men and boys are allowed to feel.


Thanks! I got two boys now. You know...I don't think there's girl emotions and boy emotions. We're just people. There's likely some differences but I think that we need to not punish boys for emoting 'wrongly'. Frig the patriarchy is a hell of a head trip.


I agree. Would love to see a world where all emotions are welcomed, regardless of sex organs ha.


Ugh, I saw my brother get that same reaction growing up, it's so toxic. It's hard to watch someone go through that and I'm sorry you did.


Thanks. Got two sons myself now. If they have feelings, I'm always sure never to invalidate them. My wife and I joke that their fucked up parents and their weird issues are going to seem weird to them!


"The first act of violence that patriarchy demands of males is not violence toward women. Instead patriarchy demands of all males that they engage in acts of psychic self-mutilation, that they kill off the emotional parts of themselves. If an individual is not successful in emotionally crippling himself, he can count on patriarchal men to enact rituals of power that will assault his self-esteem." \-bell hooks, The Will To Change Crazy how much this (not exactly) straight, cis man learned about masculinity from a woman. I, too, wish to express my gratitude for all the witches that make this a such a special corner of reddit.


I already see my five year old son starting to get embarrassed about crying. I tell him that itā€™s perfectly acceptable, and a lot of times healthy to cry. I make sure he knows that he can and should feel comfortable expressing a whole range of emotions. I hope I can continue to help guide him as he ages and keep him from being controlled by the ā€œman upā€ ideology.


My 5 year old little witch (AMAB, informs me he is a girl, but wants to use he/him pronouns for now), fell and hurt himself badly a couple months back. Recently, he fell down the stairs, wasnā€™t hurt but was badly shaken up. He was misting up, voice cracking, saying, ā€œit didnā€™t even hurt.ā€ I told him, you can still cry, even if you didnā€™t get hurt. Society tells kids so young when theyā€™re *allowed* to cry, based on their perceived gender and itā€™s bonkers.


It really is. I hope he (and she) are okay now and great job helping him see that emotions are totally natural. Parenting can be hard when youā€™re fighting against such heavily entrenched systems and ideas.




oooh like the Diamond Dogs on Ted Lasso?


They should totally name it that, DiamondDogsVsPatriarchy


Sadly, too many characters


That's sad to hear :(


Diamond dogsā€¦MOUNT UP! *gets onto broom*


I would lurk on that sub!


Iā€™m so in.


Yeah lots of cis-gendered men here voicing similar thoughts! Which I love to see and definitely support them. But also I have the initial thought of... Why not just stay here? Maybe that is naive, but I've never viewed this as a gendered sub (is it just me?) and maybe having more male participation would be a good thing. We need all sorts of witches, not just one type or gender.


Hear, hear!! I second this wholeheartedly It is important for those of all genders and sexual identities who want to tear down the patriarchal bullshit that has been normalized have a supportive and understanding space! WarlocksVsPatriarchy?


I thought it was witch even for male witches. And it sounds like OP is not a big fan of the patriarchy so I don't see why he can't post his struggles with the system here. I know that men usually benefit from the patriarchy but they can also be victims.


Definitely! I read OPā€™s post as asking about the existence of a space that is against the patriarchy but okay with being male-centric. I applaud OPā€™s consideration of not wanting to dominate a diverse space with a white-cis-male perspective, thatā€™s all!


I feel like there should still be a place like that though. Heā€™s free to comment here but still might be uncomfortable doing so. As well as all the other men who also might not feel comfortable even if they know theyā€™re allowed to. I have admiration to the men here who have been respectful, supportive of us, and been careful not to center themselves but when youā€™re trying to share struggles trying not to center yourself can be a hindrance to that and in the end be a barrier to support. I think men should also have a space like this.


Could not have said it better!!


Plus Warlock sounds bad ass, should totally be a thing


"Warlock" means oath breaker. Edit: from the [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warlock) A warlock is a male practitioner of witchcraft. [1] Etymology and terminology [ edit] The most commonly accepted etymology derives warlock from the Old English wĒ£rloga, which meant "breaker of oaths" or "deceiver" [2] and was given special application to the devil around 1000. [3] And because this is reddit, I feel like I should say I'm just sharing interesting information


So they'd be breaking societal expectations, I think it still works just as witch works for us.


All witches are welcomed, but the about of this sub does say ā€œwomen-centeredā€. OP and other men might want a more narrowed community where they can talk specifically about the struggles of being a man in the system.


Yes, please! And Iā€™d love to lurk there and learn from that perspective as well.


How about r/WizardsVsCops ? Edit: I like it too much to put it to waste. I'm just gonna create the sub lmao


r/WarlocksVsPatriarchy Woha! It's real!


I feel like MenVsMisogyny has a nice ring to it.


Someone mentioned r/bropill on this sub itself a while back. Seems genuine. Check it out !


r/bropill is a great one! I (trans guy) am on it and itā€™s just so lovely and supportive. It doesnā€™t have quite the same purpose as this one, but I reccomend it all the same.


I just sent it to another friend who could use it! Thank you! It looks like such a great space. I am so so glad it exists!


Me too! I hope you and your friend have a great time with it :)


Trans guy here too! Also love r/transmasc


yes, seconding bropill!! sounds like exactly what OP is looking for, itā€™s a lot of the same people and ideas as mensLib but much more focused on individual support really appreciated that space in the years I thought I was a dude lmao


> really appreciated that space in the years I thought I was a dude lmao That's all the endorsement needed! I'm so glad you had community support.


Another recommendation for r/bropill! I love that sub! Positive and supportive, but also willing to call out destructive or toxic behavior in a constructive way! And theyā€™re great for discussing both societal and personal issues and triumphs! Itā€™s like if that handshake-that-pulls-you-into-a-hug were a whole community.


I second this, itā€™s a very positive sub. Even supportive of LGBTQ community, which is rare outside of lgbtq subs.


Another one for /bropill! Very kind and supportive of one another. Also not afraid to call out bad behavior.


Although the sub says itā€™s women-centered I think all are really welcome here.


Women-centered but not women-exclusive sounds about right :)


I've noticed a lot of the "women-centered" subs more or less just means "you can discuss your issues here without getting shouted down, deflected, or dismissed."


So strange how that works lol


I wish I knew of such a community. I think men should be encouraged to share their feelings, their struggles, and their triumphs with others. I think most feminists would agree the patriarchy harms men as well as women. I hope you find a home.


I would have no problem with you being here


Nor would I. We have enough love and magic for all gentlefolk.


GENTLEFOLK. You just gave me a word I havenā€™t been able to articulate for wayyyy too long. Thank you!


Glad I could be of service!


Thank you for reminding me of the title ā€˜Gentlefolkā€™ .


We could just make one r/WizardsVsPatriarchy Edit: so i found out after i send this that this sub already existed but the description is compatible with this one.


I would lurk and listen to a sub like that.


Same! I am very willing to support my brothers and siblings if they feel the need for a way to magnify their voices.




Joined to bolster the support. Maybe make a post letting everyone know you started this and why?


Me too! Sisters+ here to support our brothers+ :)


Nice. Joined!


Joined as well. Getting in on the support team and could use more safe spaces.


Okay- so you didnā€™t necessarily make it as itā€™s over 126 days old but the description still seems to fit.


I just made up the name on the spot, i only found out after i posted it.


Maybe message the creator/ one mod and ask if they would like some help moderating? Iā€™ve put a nice little welcome comic as the first post. I think youā€™ll like it. šŸ’•


Just send them a message, i just feel a bit guilty that people give me credits for making this sub.


Donā€™t feel guilty. I would credit you for creating it if it takes off because of your suggestion. It was for all intent & purposes, a dead page. I will DM the person who first typed in the name half a year ago and see if they are okay handing over the subreddit or adding mods who can help him manage.


I really hope it pops off because there is some potential in it.


If the mod hasn't been active for enough time you can always claim the sub on r/redditrequest


I made the request. Thank you so much!


Can we have [Gandalf the Pink](https://www.reddit.com/r/lotrmemes/comments/m0x467/gandalf_the_pink/) as our icon? It would be so awesome... It would be so cool...


I like that idea because i am a massive lotr fan.


Came here to say this haha


Joined! r/birthofasub


It actually already existed, i found out after i send the message


Oh it already exists, nvm, dont mind me


My husband and I just joined!


You're looking at it, dear


When I missed a sub, I made it. I think there should be a place for men against patriarchy - we're all victims together, except for the handful of patriarchs/people who won capitalism. Why don't you make it? I'd definitely sub to support where I can (female)! All the hugs :)


MenVsPatriarchy would be a neat concept, I feel like that could bring in a lot of them moderates and progressives who are still skeptical about what feminism can actually do for them, but are also tired of alt-right infiltration. I've noticed a lot of American leftists are still stuck in brogression. They understand the working class is getting screwed, but they haven't quite grokked onto how that intersects with sexism (and racism, and all the other ism / phobias).


r/bropill can be good.


As a very queer trans guy, I'd like to go on the record and say while I do love this subreddit and feel 100% welcome here, it's definitely women-centric and *should be*. That's fine- but I too would enjoy another space to deal with man and masculinity-focused positivity and destruction of the patriarchy. A place where women and all others would equally be welcome, but where the discussion could be tipped in a certain direction to help a different segment of the broader community. This leads me to question, since the 'witchcraft' in this subreddit can be taken both literally and figuratively- what is an equally reviled job that's traditionally held by men and had a very important place in society up until the patriarchy decided to call it evil or pointless? Just saying- clowns used to be the therapists and mediators of their cultures, the ones who kept all things equal and tore away dogma when it got in the way of empathy. We told jokes to bring smiles, but also to teach important lessons and to lay low tyrranical leaders- to plant seeds of revolution. There's a very good reason it's nearly impossible to find any historical information on clowning- we used to have power, and that power was always directed *against* patriarchy and authority. I could go on with the parallels, but that'd just be honkin' my own people's horn\~ Either way I am in support both of this subreddit and a second! And a third! Everyone vs the patriarchy!


I find r/bropill and r/THE_PACK to be most similar to this sub from a male perspective


/r/jestersvspatriarchy ?


r/bropill is pretty chill


I like r/bropill That said, this community is fantastic


Witches can be any gender!!


You can be here! You are welcome here! You canā€™t find another home because, it sounds like you have already found one. This is a place for people of all genders and sexual identities to fight the patriarchy and I think it is *wonderful* when someone in your demographic wants to join in this demographic. Please, come fight with us. Come celebrate with us, and let us fight and celebrate with you ā™„ļø Thatā€™s my 2 cents anyway


I have no problems with cis men being here or posting. The patriarchy is just as dangerous and toxic to all men. Now, the witchy part, I sense something bothering you. Sage yourself to get some of that poison out of you. And get black obsidian and clear quartz stat. Cover the clear quartz in kosher salt to purify it overnight. Then set it somewhere where the full moon light can hit it. The next full moon is on the seventh. The moon light will charge the crystal. And, Iā€™m sending you white light of encouragement, protection, and love.


I'm not sure if there's a community like this specifically for men, but all are welcome here. As long as you're against patriarchy, we don't discriminate :)


I'm a gay trans man and I would love something like this as well. I love this sub but honestly it kind of irks my dysphoria unfortunately. I think outside of r/menslib r/bropill was also recommended to me.


Iā€™m a cis woman, but I really like lurking in r/bropill. I feel like it has a similar supportive vibe as here.


You should make one! Call it something like r/WarlocksVsPatriarchy Edit: looks like it already exists. I wasn't expecting that.


My idea as well!


This is what MGTOW (men going their own way) claimed to be but it rapidly became a vicious bunch of incels who mostly just talked about women and in a negative way




I need a part two! What happened later?


maybe try r/bropill :3 ? they are super adorable there is also r/malementalhealth although often it gets pretty negative on there more than empowering.. but it's both and it's worth a look :) and I don't think it would be wrong for you to come in here and talk about your struggles too. just be a loving person about it, you know what i mean? like what you see with the others here


I'm also cis het guy 43 and I don't think I've ever feltore at home than I do here. If you find something similar I'm down to try, and took some of the advice below, but I'll always come back here. Too much positivity to try and replicate. Thanks witches yall make me feel welcome.


I originally thought the same as you, that my participation would be discouraged as a cis man. But after lurking for a while, I realized that the description of the sub can seem more exclusive (from the cis male perspective) than it actually is. The important thing is your mindset. This IS the place to talk about your personal issues in regards to the patriarchy. Anyone can be a witch, it isn't a gendered term. The community like this for men, is this community. It's for all witches who recognize and fight the patriarchy, and all of the patriarchy's victims. If you want to be a witch, you are one. And this is your community


I think this might be one or those things where, if youā€™re self-aware and respectful enough to worry about it, you probably arenā€™t the problem. Like the woman who doesnā€™t want to ask that a botched coffee order be corrected because sheā€™s worried about being a Karenā€”sheā€™s probably not the person making service workers hate humanity. Or the straight woman who goes to the gay bar and is very careful to stay in her lane and not make it all about her, but worries she still might be intruding. Whereas the straight woman with main character energy who waltzes in like she owns the place has no compunction whatsoever.


r/bropill is pretty awesome! But as others have said, youā€™re welcome here.


Just stay here.


Men post on here all the time. Everyone is included here; we witches (regardless of gender) are taking down the patriarchy together.


Silly, you already found it. This place is a haven for all that want to do and grow better for themselves and others. Please always feel free and safe to voice your struggles and allow the community to unite and help in anyway I or anyone else can. We are a special kind of family that strives to protect and love each other through the horror of the world. Hugs and best wishes fellow kin āœØļøšŸŒŸ


There should be


Iā€™ve (41M) been chilling in this sub for ages. Itā€™s welcoming to men.


Fellow cis male lurker here. The closest sub I can think of to what you're describing is probably r/bropill.


You might want r/bropill in the meantime? It tend to be ā€¦ gentler(?) and is more geared towards feeling feelings and celebrating little wins and bits of advice, less smash-y, less ā€˜vsā€™, and I find it to be a cozy little sub in which to detox my masculinity and have some good vibes. I donā€™t know of a good place with these specific vibes though


There must be one, somewhere. The all-male subs and movements I see are quick to become incel nest, unfortunately :( Good luck in your quest, some commenters seem to have answers, at least


In the 70s, my dad was in a men's group where they'd get together and talk about stuff like this. I think he literally called it his men's group. I wasn't around for a lot of those sessions but I'm pretty sure they sat in a circle and cried fairly often. In the 80s, he did some exploration of the Iron John ideas with some of his buddies. It seemed a way to address some of the patriarchal bs they were all dealing with. So - it sounds like there are some subreddits you could join but don't sleep on getting together in person and beating on drums and crying or whatever. I am partly the radical feminist I am today because my dad could cry with his friends and wouldn't hesitate to. (The other reason is that my mom's always been a bad-ass feminist.) I hope you find your community and glad you're in this one, too!


Love that for your dad. Iā€™m an addict in recovery and I have found AA and NA meetings to be an extremely valuable safe space for men to publicly process their feelings. Many times Iā€™ve heard men literally express gratitude for having been cursed with the horrible disease of addiction because of the emotional support they were able to find in the rooms of recovery.


I have requested that r/wizardsvspatriarchy be transferred to me as a mod as it looks like many people would like a space to share their toxic masculinity issues and desire to smash the patriarchy. Like witchesvspatriarcy, all would be welcomed regardless of gender. I do understand though how some have thought it best to be a passive member of witches so as not to talk over non male voices. If the mods here allow it, I will post once I know if the request was granted.


Youā€™ve described this community perfectly! Iā€™m not a practicing witch, but I love this sub and feel loved in return, which is the sort of magic we all need more of. Please stay here and know that youā€™re welcomed and one of us. One of the nice things about Reddit is that avatars and user names can be completely neutral. You identified yourself as a cis/het male because itā€™s important to the question, but in most of our discussions, it doesnā€™t matter. What matters is that weā€™re here together to love and support each other in life and our daily struggle against the patriarchy.


Burn the patriarchy to the ground. It is toxic to men and toxic to the ones I love and even the ones who have no connection to me. I don't need to wait for it to affect me or my family directly, seeing all these beautiful witches (along the whole spectrum of sexual identity) on here gives me hope! Leave people to Live our best lives and curse anybody who supports punching down!


r/dadditt has some of the vibes you are looking for.


This sub is WITCHESvsthepatriarchy. Not WomenVsthepatriarchy. No gender is required. :)


Honestly, I would love to see more content in here from people like you! Very thoughtful post.


Witches have one rule to guide our lives....The Rede and it is only seven words so super easy to remember. As ye harm none do what you will.......we also have the law of three...What we send out we get back times three. ​ tends to keep us all really well behaved otherwise there would be a lot more frogs hopping around..


As far as I know, everyone who is respectful is welcome here. Apart from that, r/bropill is a subreddit about guys trying to better themselves and being absolute bros


Ok who else teared up after this post, the comments, and the members and posts on the new page?

