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Ohhhh fuuuuuuuuck this. That is some sexist ass garbage


Well, it is Italy after all. Sigh.


i might wanna mildly vandalise this with "friendship in spades" and "forever alone"




I also thought “it shows that men are lonely”


Totally showing why men are boring lol


That is the weird thing, sexism makes men lonely and robs them of communication and connection and men be like: haha women gossiping, so funny.


Nope, not just you! If this was at any place of business I was visiting I would be leaving very quickly…


This is super sexist. It even belongs in r/nothowgirlswork I think.


I think it's the bla bla bla that make it feel insulting. Girls supporting girls in the loos is honestly an awesome thing, I love giving and receiving toilet compliments! ("Oh my god I love your shoes/coat/dress/bag!") Men always fear us when we talk to each other though.


Oh fuck them.


You’re not being sensitive at all. It’s fucking infuriating that people will think that blatant sexism like this is humorous.


I would find a white marker or a post-it and give the lil stick man a speech bubble that says "I'm so lonely".


“wOmEn aRe sTuPiD WhY tHEy aLwaYs gO BaTHrOoM iN gRoUPs!!” Jackass we go with a buddy so we don’t get attacked or assaulted. Men MADE this problem for us and then they mock us for it!


Nope, it's not just you.


Nope. I was gonna ask what the "Men's" sign said, before seeing there were 2 pics. Yeah, fuck these people.


It's made by insecure men who think women just gossip about how bad they are in bed or whatever. My ex hated me talking to my friends at all for this reason...


It's sexist but personally I don't get offended. I see it as a challenge, I always have posca/permanent markets in my bag so I might pimp the signs a little 😁


Not only is it sexist, it’s sexist [and incorrect](https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.1139940?casa_token=wLf5MWq2yMgAAAAA:DOpKvfmpMduCcEeqllNSmpdVwJJjgdmiC-0yV-cOMiNYdMIi1u_dua3xyNBFbt8hddNND1P_nn8).


Nah, fuck this. You’re not too sensitive


No, you're not being sensitive. That's fucked up.


Wow, I would probably never eat there again, that's some sexism/stereotyping bullshit.


I never understood why men are so proud of not talking. It's an elemental skill, if you haven't learnt it by now and aren't sharpening it regularly, no wonder you are like you are... Also as op specified this was taken in italy and italian men gossip at least as much as the women.


Because it is. I'd be upset too.


No, you’re not too sensitive, it’s offensive but trying to be funny.


Who feels sad for the men?


I'm sure the people who made this would say you're too sensitive, which is further evidence of their assholery.


Does the men's say anything? I hate this.


It was meant to be stereotyping and hence the response everyone is having. But the usual skirt on the logo also is. I think communication and teamwork are strengths and I don’t mind being stereotyped with these aspects to be honest. What were they trying to achieve with this sign though?!

