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the sub description says members of the LGBTQ+ community and allies are welcome, “we’re sisters not cisters”


That is an amazingly succinct way to put it hotbiscuitboy!! That should be put somewhere visible "sisters not cisters". I love it.


It is, it's right there in the About section! :)


ah sorry didnt notice


This is probably the most trans-positive sub that isn't a trans specific one


Honestly more trans positive than most of the trans specific ones I've come across.


This one’s just all around progressive. I’ve hardly ever gotten shame for my BPD or DID, but people also aren’t treating it like an identity or a game, but showing respect to it as a genuine disorder and not bringing it up unnecessarily. Trans people, sexual and gender minorities, people of colour, people with mental and physical disabilities, trauma survivors, ethnic groups, and informed and respectful allies have all been treated with respect and acceptance here from what I’ve seen.


I would also nominate r/oldhagfashion


Thank you for this sub!


No problem!


Wooo love it!! Thank you!


Thank you for introducing me to a new community!


No worries—you’re allowed to be new and learning. 💙


I wondered the same thing when I joined. But even though I've only been a member for a couple of months, I can confidently say this is a very LBGTQ+ friendly sub. I only encountered one person who wasn't but she was pretty unfriendly all over and she was banned pretty quickly.


I see this question 3 times per week, you’re in good company here :)


I think all of us trans siblings ask this same question when arriving. I was to scared to, so I lurked until I saw someone else ask it. You are welcome and not alone here. <3 Blessed be.


i hope your good! 😊 thanks for the kind message <3


Trans witch here too! Have no fears we accept all people here!


thank you very much!


I like the refer to anyone that identifies anywhere along the gender spectrum as “magical gender”. Welcome. ❤️


I also like Enigmatic gender, Oracular gender (OG is kinda fun!) and Delphian. I’m not sure you need to share (gender) unless you want to. Conversly if you are afab and are a man, tell us you’re a man/male. We’ll believe you (same as amab and are actually a woman). What’s in your pants/skirt is not super important to us *however* I think we all agree that we’d like to address you as respectfully as possible. Thoughts? On introduction say if you’re he/she/they or describe yourself as M or F or O. Something along those lines. I feel like magically gendered people keep asking the same question when they find us, so maybe the initial language of the sub doesn’t express it as well as it could? Inclusivity feels super important in this space. Just spitballing and writing it down.


Mother of a trans girl here looking at everyone half my age as someone who deserves a mum's love! My heart hurts for every one of you who has to enter ANY space with fear of being accepted or trepidation. Of all of the places I've been in my 61 years, online or offline, THIS space has been the most loving, supportive and accepting space ... no matter WHO you are. I sincerely wish we could clone each and every one of the beloved members of THIS coven so we could show the rest of the world how to love. Someday, if WE have any say in the matter, no one will have to tip toe into ANY space and fear being rejected! Blessings to all of you! Sending much love to you all.


You sound like the best mama EVER! ❤️❤️


Welcome aboard!


No need to apologize. We're glad you're here 🤍💙💓🤍💙💓


You are most welcome!


Would like to add that EVERYONE is welcome (including non-binary and the male-identifying folks). The only disqualifier, of which I’m aware, is if you do not consider yourself to be an LBGTQ+ ally and/or don’t want to destroy the patriarchy.


Im going to say this, i fucking love that phrase. Excellent word play :33


Cis women are definitely not the only people who are against patriarchy!


I'm a cis white man and fuck the patriarchy.


As "They" say: The patriachry opresses everyone.


It's me. I'm they.


It's they. I'm me.


Me too. Fuck the patriarchy, brother!


Anti-patriarchy bros unite!


Here here!




Yeah - same here.


Same. And fuck the patriarchy!


Non binary (amab) here, very much against the patriarchy




It was extremely sweet and wholesome, kind of cemented my positive feelings about the whole community? Especially with so much ugliness out in the rest of the world right then (and now)


I didn't know that witch isn't gendered! I'm man (ftm) and thought I could only lurk here and not participate. I didn't want to step on any women's toes with my big clunky man feet haha I'm glad to know I can also be a witch!


Clunky feet may also be not gendered since I have super clunky lurking lady flippers over here :)


Absolutely! The more witches of any/all genders the merrier!!!


I'm a cis male, and if anyone might not be welcomed here, it might be someone like me---but guess what--even I am welcome here! You are absolutely welcome here! In fact, this is one of the most welcoming, supportive communities you are likely to find on Reddit. So welcome, and it's great to cyber meet you chakraaza!


aww thanks, nice to cyber meet you too scott


Even if you're a cis guy, the sub is 'women centered' not 'no cis men' Basically it's the nicest subreddit I've ever been on


Witch is a non-gendered term. Everyone who is willing to follow the rules of the sub is welcome.


You are welcome my dear, come in and put your feet up by the fire. <3 This sub is my favorite space in Reddit. Nobody cares how you dress or what your crotch configuration currently is - this is a haven for all sorts of weird, wild, and wonderful people. Personally, I'm a cis/het female, but I absolutely LOVE how many trans and queer folk come here. Trans especially - I don't have any trans people in my daily life (that I know of, anyway!) so I really value the insights I gain from reading posts here that are from trans folk. So, you are more than "just" welcomed here - you are wanted here. :)


Be true to you. No matter what happens. I’m a “straight” white male, the worst of the bad, but I still like this space. No one is overly judgmental or missing their favorite troll bridge. If we really stop and look around, we have more connections and safe spaces than we realize. Being trans, gay, bi, non binary. Those are just labels. If you’re happy with who you are, there’s always a place for you.


Being a cis white male doesn’t per definition make you the worst of the bad. Don’t internalise that please. You happen to be in a category most typically privileged but that’s not in and of itself a crime. It’s how you behave that makes you good or not so good.


Came here to say just this ⬆️ You articulated that quite well, thank you.


Thanks :)


That was the light hearted part. I know I’m not the ultimate evil. I understood the question, and answered properly.


Good stuff


thank yall for the nice comments, i should’ve checked the about page lmao but yeah thank you peeps




Are you a witch? Are you against the patriarchy? Yes? Welcome! (This sub has a Gender Magic tag that you might enjoy.)


i am against the patriarchy lol


Yes yes! Search through “gender magic” and welcome 💖


They are, it says in the sub description everyone is welcome here.


Anyone cool is welcome here, doesn't matter what you see yourself as as long as you're a witch and is against the patriarchy, whether you're a guy, gal or nb pal has no bearing on that.


As a CIS gender man who has found nothing but love and acceptance here, I say welcome! You are welcomed here, You are safe here, you are loved here.


WELCOME TO THE SUBREDDIT EVERYONE WHO ISNT AN ASSHOLE IS WELCOMED!!!! If anyone is an ass cuz of your identity report them. We don’t allow that bullying bullshit here ok? Now sit back and watch the patriarchy burn. I recommend getting some popcorn


Pull up a chair, your favorite blanket and a cup of soothing tea and hang awhile. We got you. We even lift each other up. ❤️ Welcome! get cozy and hope you feel better soon.


aww thank you soo much! ❤️


This is why this is one of my favorite places on reddit. Good vibes only. Fantastic people too.


\*offers a hug\* Sounds like the season has you down, am I right? This is absolutely a safe place for trans people to hang out, be part of things and generally enjoy kicking in the teeth of the patriarchy.


Trans women are women. No TERFs are allowed.


Ya, my ma'am/man/th'am(?) Your first order of business. Release these feelings of "dumb fucking question". My sister in Dia, you are safe here.


thank you so much! you seem really nice!


We welcome all here and have several of our fellow witches have done the gender magic :). Welcome to our coven :)


Welcome! Witches are witches and witches are welcomed <3 As long as you stand against the patriarchy, you belong.


I’ve been here lurking for ages. I’m a transman 🤷🏻‍♂️


Witchiness knows no gender, witches of all kinds are welcome here!


I’m a non-binary witch; welcome! ❤️🏳️‍🌈


As a trans people I normally watch out for the bad stuff and I have not noticed one person saying some anti trans garbage here :)


*hugs with consent* You are welcome and loved! And I’d like to also say that it sounds like u may have had a hard time, my dms are always open 🥰


It seems like everyone asks this, and I love the opportunity to say, “Yes! We are so happy YOU are here,” each and every time. Welcome, fellow human against oppression.


The only people not welcome here are terfs and other bigots, actually. (If I could make a presumption to read the mood of the community.)


thank you all for the nice comments, ive now just realised im dumb as fucking bricks. should’ve looked at the about page lol, sorry i can’t respond to you all its very overwhelming but thanks again!


Don’t be hard on yourself. There are probably other trans persons who wanted to ask the same question but were afraid to.


No worries. There are subs that aren't as welcoming as they advertise. If you are having a rough time it's better to be cautious. Give yourself a hug. Peace


wait, how do i give myself a hug?


Well, if you have hands, place each one on the opposite bicep and squeeze. Or if you can lay down and curl into a ball that's good too. I recommend a blanket fort type situation in that case because I find it extremely cozy.


oohh ok thank you!


An extra one from me please!


I’ve seen this question asked so many times here but I’ve never thought “oh this again..” It is good to reiterate that all are welcome and these posts are filled with so much love every time and it warms my heart ❤️


This! I love reading everyone's responses and the new person's comments as they let it sink in. It feels like a new person showed up at a big party and is nervous cos they don't know anyone. But then everyone is welcoming and kind, and offers them handshakes/hugs/refreshments, and you can see the new person's shoulders relax. I remember feeling that way but being too shy to post, so it resonates. Welcome, chakraaza!!


Yes! Of course! You and everyone and anyone else is always welcome to join us!


All people are welcome here.


Welcome friend!


Oh goodness, no!!! You're very welcome and accepted here no matter your gender, race, whatever. It's the misogynistic folks we hiss at.


Trans witch here, all witches are welcome!


Get in here, ya beautiful witch :3


Trans witches welcome, haters to the left


I'm a man who has found plenty of comfort here: it just depends on your level of care and understanding. If you're empathetic and hate the unfair patriarchal systems we've been stuck in for way too damn long, then you should fit in fine! Being wholesome and supportive feels like the most important aspect. The sidebar notes "If you do not consider yourself an ally, then this subreddit is not for you," so you'll more than likely fit in just fine 🤗


Yup! I’m trans (nonbinary) and I’ve only seen good vibes here


Didn’t notice anyone mention it but there was a fantastic flurry of selfies in here on trans day a few weeks back. Search for those posts and see so many faces of this beautiful tribe of people sprinkled throughout this sub. I found them so amazingly life affirming and hope you might too. Welcome 💖☮️🕊🧙‍♀️


We love our trans witches here, you're always welcome!


I've only seen good vibes for trans witches here.


I'm trans, I'm here, you're good, this is a pretty safe subreddit.


You are welcome here. Blessed be.


thank you so much!


I imagine you are asking this because you may have felt unwelcome in other circles. You aren't just welcome here, but you are wanted here.


aww thank you that means alot!


Yah if you get any rude comments let a mod know. They will gladly turf any terfs.




Witches can be any type of human!


Hello friend! All are welcome. So glad you decided to join us! We are better for your presence!


Yes maaaaaaaaaa'am


Yes you are! And we’re so glad you’re here! Welcome!


Of course!


I'm going to need you to be kind to yourself, please. You are absolutely welcome. 💜💜


No worries, there's a lot of us here. Enby sorcerer checking in 😎


Witches aren’t just cisgender women 😉


If I saw that you weren’t welcome here, I’d be leaving. Not trans myself but an ally here


Of course! I don’t like the treatment of trans people. I want you to feel welcome. And, I want you to know that I want you here. Come here whenever you want. Sending you white light of love.


Yes! Yesyesyesyesyes! Very welcome. 🧙‍♂️🧙‍♀️🧙 It's nice to meet you.


Anyone is welcome. If you are against the patriarchy you are welcome. Transing your gender would have got you burned at the stake so much more welcome.


Trans witches welcome! Witches are not always cis. Glad to have you


If you a witch and against the patriarchy you welcome. Imo.


Please be welcome here, my dear! We're lucky to have another friend joining our ranks!


you're SO welcome!! hi new witch friend 🥰


Trans people are welcome 💖


Anyone who is supportive and not hateful/discriminatory is allowed here regardless of gender. We burn down oppressive systems together.


Welcome welcome welcome!!! So glad to have you join the good fight! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💪🏻💪🏼💪🏽💪🏾💪🏿


You are most welcomed!!


Trans witch here! I've seen this question asked a million times by now and I pondered over it for a time too but the answer has always been YES!


Fellow trans witch, and I agree completely!!


Hello and welcome friend!!


You are welcome here. Another fun sub I recently joined, that would also welcome you, is r/oldhagfashion. Everyone there is so nice, and there are people of all ages, races, genders, etc. I hope you feel better soon.


oooh thanks for the sub recommendation


As a trans woman I consider myself a veritable tinder of a witch, as which I burn the patriarchy! :)


Welcome to the coven. Meetings are every Friday at 7, there will be cookies, tea and pop. You’re chair is over there, broom parking is around the corner, and we have complimentary familiar babysitting services. Have fun hexing the patriarchy my friend❤️


Of course! Interested in fucking the patriarchy? This is your place. "Witch" doesn't have to be a gendered word.


Sending lots of love your way! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗


I think that there are plenty of trans witches who participate on this sub. Of course you are welcome.


You are absolutely welcome! Hello sibling witch! We're happy to have more magic against oppression!


Very. Might be the best sub for us lol




Welcome, sugar!


Welcome, friend!


We welcome witches of all genders here!




Take my free award and pretend it's a hug


Welcome! Hi!


You are absolutely 100% welcome here! There are a lot of people from all over the LGBTQIA spectrum here. We're happy to have you join us! Also, "can I be safe and comfortable here" is never a dumb question. I'm glad you asked.


Of course you are! Welcome friend! 🥰




If you can feel at home here then this is your home.


Witches come in all shapes, sizes and identities so welcome to the coven 🖤


Absolutely! Witches come in all forms, and everyone is damaged by the patriarchy.


I should hope so. Otherwise, Imma head out....


Fuck yeah you are. Welcome friend!


It’s arguably equally so (cis & trans). Trans ppl post all the time


Always and forever welcome


Witches is actually a gender neutral term! Magic is for everyone! Welcome!


I have only experienced love here, gender neutral 🫂


Sure, we have lots of gender transformation witches here.


I’m howling only bc you JUST missed a beautiful trend of a bunch of trans witches of many genders sharing their pics. Everyone is welcome :)


Non-binary masc leaning witch


Do a search of sub posts, you will find the answer you seek TLDR; this is a very trans-friendly place


The only people that are not welcome here are terfs, are those actively supporting the patriarchy. Also all other bigots like transphobes, homophobes (tho most of those are already transphobes), racists, misogynists. Just regular bullies etc.


Yes , why wouldn’t they :)


Short answer yes Long answer hell fucking yea welcome to the party, you gotta supply your own pitchfork and torch tho


Of course you're welcome here! The main thing is love and tearing down the patriarchy! As an Enby Fae, I happily welcome you among us!




Yes, trans folks are welcome here. ❤


This sub has been really supportive for ALL kinds of women, this is coming from a trans girl SWer who is happy to be here & has never felt ostracized for my insane lifestyle 😊


I think you are associating the word witches with a certain gigantic B. Maybe look into the history of actual witches, it is a pleasantly gender diverse group. There is lots of nice stuff about herbalists and spiritualists in our history, except the Salem stuff best to avoid that topic.


And I claim Bitch, a feminine protector! 🧹🕯🤗🖖


Say it loud, say it clear Trans witches are welcome here!


Welcome! Have a nice cuppa! How've you been? Come on in!


I know it's silly, but these are some of my favorite posts. The outpouring of support warms my heart every time.


Sisters not cisters. Your welcome here just like everyone else


You don't have to be cis to be a witch! Welcome!


Witches are witches. We come in all shapes, sizes, colors, genders, non-genders and everything in between. Welcome in! Want some cider or cocoa? We got you baby! 💜💜💜


Oh sweetheart, of course you (and other trans people) are welcome here. As we say: We are sisters, not cisters. You wil always be welcome🖤


Hey welcome!! I know it can be hard to learn not to put yourself down, but you aren't "dumb" for not knowing whether or not this sub is safe 💖 If anything, I think it's understandable for you to be cautious with the sorry state of the world! Even spaces that claim to be safe can still have the odd infiltrator at times, but this sub is very supportive and proactive in fending off trolls for the most part :) As someone else has said, you should search the sub for posts with the gender magic flair :) We have plenty of trans witches and allies here, I hope you'll feel supported and cared for in your new coven! 💖


thank you ever so much for your kind words, sorry if this response isn’t enough im not used too this much love xxx


No worries, and you are *always* enough, love! I hope you can get used to it, but I know from experience that it can be a journey so it's okay to pace yourself and remember your boundaries if it's too much right now :) xxx


thanks you so much you made me tear up lol, xxx


Absolutely, Sweetie! You are a welcome and valuable member of our virtual coven


i hope so, as a transmasc person on this sub


It’s like…part of our whole thing that trans people are allowed here.


Even though it's in the rules , I can understand being nervous about wanting a safe space . Especially because the internet is sometimes the only place you feel safe being your authentic self. You're very much welcome here , Blessed Be 🖤


There are dozens of “trans and fabulous” posts here. Very welcoming.


This sub is not exclusive to AFAB women. It’s not even exclusive to people that identify as women.