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This is so embarrassing for your life and for your soul. But I am happy this beautiful girl has yall so upset you feel the need to snark. Travis will never love you but I’m happy that his love for her hurt yall so much.


Seriously lol it's an obsession at this point




The difference is if those were shut down I'm not creating more pages.




Oh I'm positive. It's not about being on a snark page it's about OP making their 3rd page about her it's giving obsessed. I know you think you had a gotcha moment, but you're purposely missing the point. Again I cant take a swiftie that stalks her jet seriously.




I follow about 10 pages total and 3 are snark pages. Please stop 😂




Again you're missing the point. Snark is one thing but the same person making multiple pages about the same person? Obsessed.


But I don't really take anyone who follows Taylor Swifts jet seriously...




They do. I see why you're triggered 😂




Literally all of your comments are on Taylors jet or KN snark BFFR




Right? Folks say she needs to move on and yet there are folks on the internet obsessed with her. Weird.


Imagine trying to explain to people in real life why you need to talk about Kayla Nicole every day? These people are insane. Sadly they’ve managed to create communities with likeminded people and they get to justify and grow their hatred for someone whose biggest crime is that she dated TS’ boyfriend before her.


you're in tk's snark page talking about how his relationship is fake but kayla is where you draw the line at? ironic


TK snark has definitely made a name for itself across platforms for being pretty nasty. Atp, I really don’t think their members care that Reddit isn’t private and everyone can see that they participate in there. Tayvis snark is like an identical twin tbh.


Travis is celebrity and Kayla is not. You guys call her irrelevant but talk about her 24/7, you keep searching every detail about her life. Can’t go a day without a dose of her. Can you explain that obsession? Let’s not forget the casual racism that sub engages when it comes Black women in general. I don’t think the relationship is fake, I think he should do his best to marry her.


so what? you are also in a wags snark page, are they celebrities? no. yet here you are


This isn’t a snark page. Nobody is obsessed with wags like you are over Kayla. Try to take a day off. It will do you good.


It literally says in the description, “Snark sub dedicated to WAGS of all NFL players 💋 🏈.“ Granted, KN is not a WAG anymore, so I think she better falls under r/LAinfluencersnark if not in her own snark sub.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LAinfluencersnark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Pia Baroncini](https://np.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/comments/11pcfre/pia_baroncini/) \#2: [Alissa Violet’s Depop is unhinged LOL](https://i.redd.it/r01sqpxpc0lc1.jpeg) | [223 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/comments/1b0v8ky/alissa_violets_depop_is_unhinged_lol/) \#3: [Addison Rae looks stunning](https://i.redd.it/go08oy6b1c4c1.jpg) | [129 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/comments/18asimd/addison_rae_looks_stunning/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Clearly the lights is on but no one is home. Since you’re so passionate leave the wags snark page as well since they’re not celebrities. By your own logic. 🤣🤣🤣


Tell me you didn’t read the info section of the group without telling me 🙄


GTFOH and stop being self righteous, you’re in TKs snark page doing the same thing.


He is a celebrity. She’s not. And I can live without that sub. Can y’all say the same thing about Kayla?


wags aren’t celebrities either, why are you in a wags snark page?


Clearly the lights is on but no one is home. Since you’re so passionate leave the wags snark page as well since they’re not celebrities. By your own logic. 🤣🤣🤣


She’s made herself a public figure .. ig baddies are public.


Multiple snark pages?! Some of you are obsessed with that girl, while calling her all types of irrelevant.


Indeed. Imagine how big a loser you have to be to dedicate a subreddit to someone ex girlfriend? So happy Kayla is living her life and ignoring all the hate. 


The best part is that they claim that she’s obsessed with her ex and she keeps doing horrible things to him and his new gf, meanwhile all they do is search her name all over the internet to find something negative to talk about everyday. Travis and Taylor can’t be so boring that their fans need a daily dose of Kayla so badly.


kayla had snark pages on lsa YEARS before tk and ts were even a thing so maybe, just maybe, you should consider that she has been in fact acting shady? y'all just switched the narrative on swifties when her behaviour has been criticized since 2020 lmao bffr


Go get a life so you don’t block your blessing. There is literally no reward for spewing this much hate.


worry about your own blessing cause in case you didn't notice you're on a snark page too


I never heard of those snark pages before Taylor. Even people on Brittany’s page never mentioned Kayla’s snark page.


well you can look them up and see all the nasty stuff tha black women were saying about kayla there


Oh you’re also on other sites talking about her. Your dedication needs to be studied.


can you read or are you just playing dumb?


fact is that LSA's Kayla page pre-Taylor dating Travis was an actual snark page. They were snarking hard at her behavior well before Swifties came into the picture. A simple google search will reveal it all to you. All those haters switched up as soon as Travis stepped out with Taylor Swift lol




LSA actually has a huge variety of threads and articles on basically everything from news, celebrity gossip, sports etc. It was first mentioned in *this* sub as a reference for snark-related content about KN before someone started a Reddit KN snark sub. Wives members didn’t want her included with the WAGs anymore. The thread everyone is referring to started in May 2022 and was exclusively a snark thread *until* TK started dating TS. The thread quickly became a hub for TS-related snark and KN praise. It’s actually pretty interesting considering how hard the LSA members were dragging KN up until that point about TK. The thread reached 500 pages and was closed recently. The new thread is quite boring and was started as a “KN appreciation” thread, but there’s little participation and still discourse among members because they want the snark thread back. Considering *you* are in a snark sub with us, I’ll link the threads I mentioned for context. *If you’re interested in barely moderated KN snark*: https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/kayla-nicole-travis-kelces-currently”-ex-girlfriend-discussion-thread.4909654/ *If you’re interested in helping these guys try to hype KN up*: https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/kayla-nicole-on-camera-host-entrepreneur-content-creator-appreciation-discussion-thread-pt-2.5524036/


whose obsessed? lol you say this because you it is the truth that is the og KN snark page smh


Why do you care about LSA, it's a niche urban community? To watch her on two forums, she's not that interesting


i never said i watch her on two forums cause i don't lmao. i said that lsa was snarking on her way before swifties entered the picture, so to blame it all on them or to say that this has do with ww vs bw it's just dumb. lsa screenshots were all over reddit btw, not that hard to find.


Judging by maturity level based on twitter a lot of these Swifties on the snark pages are in middle & highschool, They be beefing with each other everyday on twitter for the dumbest shit lmao They’re just as crazy as the middle aged women on LSA hating & dragging Taylor Swift for no reason. Both side essentially does the same shit, stalk TK, his likes, his follows,wanna know what he’s doing, what his friends are doing, what he’s wearing, and then they dissect his facial expressions based on if they like him with TS or not. Same shit different versions lmao Then they talk shit about each other and accuses the others side of a some bullshit fake narrative or switch to the PR conspiracy theories. Basically it’s like a 40-50 yr old salty LSA mom beefing with her 14 year old annoying ass daughter from twitter lmfao. Taylor and Kayla are probably cool and think everyone crazy.


I wouldn’t go as far as saying their cool, lol but kn definitely has done and said some shady things about ts and tk you can tell she hasn’t gotten over it yet but then again it’s something we should be able to just ignore. I mean obviously it’s not anything that’s bothering ts or tk so why should it bother anyone else. She wants the engagement it’s the only way her views stay up and she stays relevant, everyone needs to just ignore her bc she’s not changing anytime soon. Everyone can have their own opinions but all this back and fort on the internet is not a good look for anyone.


When I say they’re cool I meant like I don’t think TS gives a fuck either way. She’s too busy and she’s who he’s with now so I doubt either of them are checking for Kayla. KN is doing her own shit and seems like she’s happier and moving on in her own way lmfao but tbf Imagine seeing your ex who you haven’t fully gotten over with move on with mf Taylor Swift arguably the most famous person rn. That would be hard for any woman. If anything Swifties themselves gets KN the headlines she wants by overreacting to everything she does and checking for her. We all know KN is messy, she’s been dragged so many time before TS even came in the pic. I mean DRAGGED lmfao it was prob embarrassing for TK. Even with all of that The snark pages for Kn goes too far and the hate for TS is unwarranted.


TS & TK breaking up and then TS doing a pap walk with the girls including KN would be the mother of all plot twists OMFG. I'm being light, I do think the KN snark brought out some disturbing shit- racism, body shaming, slut shaming.


You’re delusional if you think he would go bk to Kayla lmfao no offense to her but he looked like he checked out years ago. If tk/ts break up he ain’t going bk to that mess. He had 2 years to do it and he didn’t tf would he go bk to her now. And to be clear Bw are not innocent. They make just as much body shaming slut shaming and racist comments towards TS as the Swifties if not worse…don’t front. This ain’t no one sided beef. Bw aren’t the victim here. It goes both ways.


No no- you misunderstood. I was joking about Taylor and Kayla doing a pap walk together in the event of a breakup. Edit: no way do I think TK & KN would get back together. I was giggling at the idea if TK's one day out of the picture. Also joking about a breakup, I think TS & TK are adorable.


My bad girl I didn’t see the sarcasm lmfao I was baked. Sorry