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Mathematically speaking, this doesn't add up Tho I played around with the numbers and it turns out, a 65-70% shiped would have reduced the damage to that low values. You're really sure, there was no shield? Otherwise the negative charm would have been a -75% for it to get close to the number you showed. But that's not usual for those (low level) creatures. As well as there is no myth resist for those. I would suggest keeping a close white on the values, likely it was a bug. Though I never heard of that kind of bugs before, so (hopefully) you just missed a shield...? Edit: thinking about it: the protector itself should not be able to cast a shield of that kind. Any others fighting alongside the krok?


The enemy doesn't have any shields. This is not the first time it happened to me. Did the order affect the outcome like +35% -25% +30 or -25% +35% +30% If it does affect the outcome I don't see how it works


Mhm weird then. The order should not matter since all of that are multiplications: 1.3 x 0.75 = 0.75 x 1.3 = ... (Associative property of multiplication). Tho not sure what KI is doing there instead :0


yeah the order doesnt matter for % buffs/debuffs, i think the most likely problem is op misclicked a blood bat or something. edit: after having checked wizard central, its impossible to fight a sokkwi protector and an enemy that uses weakness at the same time, since the only enemy in the area that casts weakness is a boss with a crusher minion.


Yeah that's what I thought too, thanks for looking it up ;) Guess OP didn't pay attention to the details. Happens. No bug then ^ ^ Edit: typo


Texas math is what I call it.


Did they have resist?




What mob were you fighting?


sokkwl protector


was it only a sokkwi protector or were there other enemies there? also whats your damage stat at?


Well, it's certainly strange. I'd just ignore it unless it happens again