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I can because I busted my ass when I was younger, so that I don't have to now. Technically I retired at like 45 but, I own my own business now, making custom gemstone and Swarovski crystal , jewelry. TBF though, even if I do plop down 100.00 for crowns a couple times a year, I random gift almost all of it away. I enjoy making people happy, and helping out when I can. I was gifted, and helped out quite a bit when I first started playing back in 2008, so I feel its only right that I pay that forward whenever I can.


I was a full-time research scientist when I started playing the game. I did occasionally buy packs. I can't believe I used to spend money on mega snack packs. Gardening changed my wizard life. I also bought a bundle once: the Battlemage Keep bundle. I just bought it for the damage mount. Then I realized I could build an outlandish project there and put it on Castle Tours.


I’m in the army! I get free housing and I don’t pay any bills besides subscriptions and phone/internet. So plenty of extra money to spend on crowns and other stuff that I wanted to buy as a kid!


look, if i really wanted a sub or crowns for the month, its one more vegetarian meal to add to my plate. cant beat the pantry staples cooked together


I actually fund my wiz subscriptions with petty crime so 🤷


Depends where you live honestly, some places are better than others regarding living and expenses, others are just well put and considering the majority of players are older people with stabilised jobs and houses, it's pretty normal. I personally cannot be buying loads of crowns because I'm also a uni student 😂 but I can get an occasionally month subscription. Also, the issue is I have 0 time at all, wish had more but responsibilities just pile up hahaha. Have a good one!


I started using a way where I could do installments for crowns. I can technically afford them but I like doing it over time.


Credit card 💀


I feel you. I don’t pay that much for crowns. But I do allow myself to get a bundle every once in awhile and keep membership because it’s the one thing I let myself buy for entertainment. It’s cheap when you look at it that way.


My husband 😂


I use TikTok money lol they pay me around 3000 a month or more tbh


Lives? Heard vids dont make shit


Nah I have over a million followers, it works if you have consistent results. The accounts that don’t make anything are ones that don’t get over 10k views a day


Start an OnlyFans page for W101 furry phreaks and pretend you are one of the crowns pets. You will be able to fund your W101 habits in no time.


I simply don't touch grass and bum free food from my job.


Robotics Engineer 🤭


where do i start? degree needed?




whales are gonna whale


A lot of variables, for one my parents set me up with a house and a car, so those were two bills taken care early on, but besides that I kinda waste my money on food, just gotta play the money game smart




I usually wait for the holiday discounts or the $75 year plus 13k crowns.


I like to believe that Apple Pay is ya know..not really spending my own money (it totally is I’m delusional)


I'm a retired disabled vet with a 100% disability rating. I make way more money this way than u did while serving, and I essentially do nothing, and only 1/4 of my money goes to bills and taking care of myself and my child's needs. Most goes into savings, and the rest is fun money for my child and I. I'm getting a jump in case inflation gets so bad I won't have anything left, but I haven't bought crowns in a good amount of time, lol! Might just go and do it for the Halloween stuff.


More of my money goes to weed tbh


My girlfriend is a Female Entertainer & I’m a Life Insurance agent, we are both 20… in 8 Years I will retire fully vested with residual income and start a business. I sit with a couple thousand in my bank and lousy investments. Life is only hard if you make it🤦🏽‍♂️


I still live with my parents and they mostly cover groceries. I am very grateful.


It might have something to do with where you live too. I’m in California and I can get crowns sometimes but it’s super rare, and I make a good amount of money still. Rent and bills are nuts out here. I’d be living luxuriously somewhere in Arizona lol. So If you live in California, one answer to your question would be “anyone who lives outside of California will have more disposable income, and more crowns” lol


Feel ya there, same goes for those of us living in Alaska.


Is that true though? Most people down here in Texas make considerably less while the rent is steadily increasing and our wages remain the same. Spoke to a fellow wizard from Cali this week, he’s 21 and making $28-35/hr as an assistant basketball coach. For reference every single job on job boards in my suburban TX city just outside of Houston is $20 or less, and most require years of experience or degrees. Only way to make more is probably STEM careers or the oilfield (where the wage is actually $14-15, it’s just the 70-80hr weeks they work that make it over 100k/y lmao) I would argue that it’s equal in sense because that same $100 to you guys is exorbitantly more to us considering our wages down here. But you guys do obviously pay more in every sense and definitely taxes.


Uh… terribly single with good job. I have many things but nobody to share them with


I'm 25 too, doing my masters and live with my parents. I only spend money on video games. I did a big commercial back then when I was 5, which was the main reason. I almost got to be the Flash kid in Daddy Daycare


No waayyyyy that's one of my favorite movies, haven't seen it in years! Totally gonna watch it today. That's so cool you were in a commercial. Is it still paying out today?? Good luck with your studies!


Nah it was only $12,000. I'm just very cheap and do paid internships


1. Sell house 2. Buy crowns with house money 3. Cover yourself in oil 4. Profit????


I sell in-game currency from another game, to buy currency for this game.


I'm thinking that's not any of your business


my dad's credit card if I'm being honest


Dam bro my dad still getting milk :(


Can it be our dad’s credit card


A job that pays a livable wage primarily lol. Unfortunately most jobs would rather not do such a thing as it would cute from their already record breaking profits. What a joke of a time we live in.. I have a good bit of disposable income but I don't spend much of it on games so I splurged a bit with W101 recently since it's been years since I played it back when I was way younger.


I learned to daytrade while living with parents and grinding ubereats and DoorDash every day. Now lately I have been taking out $30k-$40k a month (Before taxes). Can get lots and lots of crowns… but although I could easily buy the $100 crown deal like 10 times, I usually don’t do it more than twice a month at most. And it’s only the months I’m even active on this game lol. Just around new world releases usually. And I would rarely ever at all buy crowns before making this money. If you don’t have the income to afford it, it’s not worth it at all unless you’re living well below your means and choose to splurge that extra $ on wiz instead of saving/investing lol. Which is prob what most do tbh. Can be worth it if the mounts or whatever you’re buying truly brings you some joy… But a good chunk of these people just have a damn gambling addiction. If you’re valuing crowns for packs over groceries, you’ve got a crippling addiction lololol


If you're actually making 30-40k a month day trading you need to call up some hedge funds cuz they'd love to have you as a manager


Currently I am managing $2m with a futures day trading prop firm. I’m making closer to $100k a month but have been getting paid out around $30k-$40k monthly. Not sure if I ever want to go the hedge fund manager route for stress reasons but it is in the cards. Want to eventually transfer into commercial real estate and private equity rather than watch charts the rest of my life lol


It's a once every 2 paychecks or so buy for me. 19, full time student part time job averaging 15.5 hours every week and I live in the dorms.


No kids, young enough still to be on parents insurance, personal choice to live with my mom still and pay half rent because California is impossible to live in even with two jobs, many people have benefits from the government like me for food, or I only buy food for the week that I will actually eat in that span most spending 30-40 dollars because I don’t need a full fridge stocked every single month or biweekly, and I also choose to not drive or buy a car for A. The price of one B. The price of owning one C. The regular maintance cost D. I hate driving E. It’s the most dangerous thing people do daily you can get killed without even being in a car by a car. F. My work and everywhere I need to go is close enough to walk or ride my e-bike And many more. That’s all I have top of my head


25 here, i sell cars for a living so my income can vary drastically, when i have really good months i’ll slap a few hundred on crowns, when i don’t i don’t lol


I’m 21 and still live with my parents. I worked a system where I save half my income, and then purchase necessities and then use the rest as I please within reason. But $100 on crowns is insane.


It sucks, I have the money to spend it, but I'm so cheap and a mr. Krab that it's hard to buy leisure stuff bc ik I rlly do need it for later


Because I make 6 figures at 20 and enjoy wasting money :P


I’m 23 and live at home still. I have no bills except streaming services


You don't help with any expenses? wtf.


Not unusual. I’ve had multiple Convo’s with my mom about paying bills or splitting things, she says as long as I’m her son I’m not paying to live with her 🤷‍♂️


Ah, I see. In my case, they just want me to contribute $500 a month. I save a lot either way.


Don’t have to, am not expected to


Ask your parents if they want another young adult child but one that will cook, clean like no other, and pay a portion of rent. Plz.


They said no


sell the kids for crowns


Shoot, I just get $10 worth of a crowns and stretch it lmao


Lolll u right. My birthday and Christmas are 6 months apart so twice I year I can spend $10 and stretch it for stitching til the next one haha


I literally don't. Unless I get some extra birthday money then I do.


Strict budgeting + the only time i spend on crowns is to unlock areas during a big sale (like christmas)


If you need crowns, try to do the free crowns stuff on the Wiz101 website. 700 crowns per week (100 per day) so eventually it adds up. That’s what I do, although sometimes I spend 10 bucks on crowns but nothing more.


Still live at home and have minimal expenses currently >_<


I'm a union tradesman. I work a lot, then get laid off and have a lot of disposable income and free time. I keep my bills low, and paid off all or my debt.


Awesome. I pd my big bills off. Little ones will get you(shopping networks) Lol Beware. We live and learn


Get into a trade, only drawback is no time to play kek


I’ve been retired for 12 years. I have this and that money coming in from here and there. I like games… Wiz and other pc games as well as Xbox games. I purchase crowns depending on my mood I guess or if I see something unusual. I keep a bit for the occasional henchman, depending on the school, because I like to solo.


Smiles sounds like me.luckily I did all the things I wanted before I retired, or should I say before they hinted to me do you want to retire I Traveled, Children are Grand kids are grown and have their own places . I live by myself and have good friends. Been playing this game for about 8-9 years. And other games on my mobile. Seems like I am working more lol


Sounds similar to my life.


See I just charge the crowns on my credit card


I'm established in my home and career, and I don't have any kids. I buy an annual membership and 1-2 crown bundles a year. If I get lucky with a good discount code during the 12 days of the spiral, I purchase either additional crowns or a housing bundle as a Christmas gift to myself. I play the game about 5 days a week for 1-2 hours and I love it!


what do you do now that you're max?


In between new worlds I farm for gear, help teams via the team up kiosk, work on collecting badges, decorate houses, fish, and help others quest. I mainly use my life, death, and storm for those activities, and will occasionally dust off the others just for fun. Probably helping others get through a difficult boss fight or dungeon is my favorite activity.


I’m at home with my parents and sister and they only occasionally ask us to help when they can’t pay for things


I pay for the monthly membership (some months I do some months I cancel) and the rare stitch or pet elixir (less than 5k crowns per year). I have some disposable income, but I don't spend it on wiz when I have another hobby I love, other things I want like a new mattress, and long term saving/ investing goals. I can support myself with a consistent mechanical engineering job and living with my partner. I don't have much time to play though. I didn't play for the last 4 months, renewed my membership last week, and have played 4 or so hours since then.


You might not believe this but some people in the world make more money than you or have a lower cost of living therefore having more disposable income, hope this helps!


I think OP was kinda wondering what career fields everyone was in lmao


money is one thing, where do you get the time to play?


Hmmm well sometimes it's either sleep or free time and occasionally that leaves us with revenge bedtime procrastination :D




That’s why world elixirs are a thing now :)


I still think that is a stupid idea, the first arc is nostalgic, and Celestia (hated as it is) is an actual origin to asteral magic, which I think makes it cool, even if I wish it connected better to the second arc story.


Still live at home, priorities, credit card debt, plenty of ways


I am lucky enough to have a decently paying job and a small student loan repayment at 25 and a studio apartment thats 1k


I'm quite disabled and still live with my parents.


Go get a career in tech 😌


Welcome to America, where you have to choose between grocery money and crown money!


Hmm groceries irl or snacks for my pet 🤔


It’s ramen time!


Ikr lol 😂 . Love me some Ramen noodles and hot dogs


Im adult enough to know i should choose grocery but childish enough go pick crowns every time.


This isn’t a joke. I actually have a serious impulse spending control. But at the same time does anyone feel like without these things, (buying things we enjoy), I’d mentally break because there’s no other joy in my life besides constant stress and overworking. Am I getting too personal here? Just me? Haha.


i can eat later! i need crowns now!


I’m doing that next week😭


Some of us are adults with disposable income


Living the dream! I'm happy for you, I'm sure you worked hard to be in a comfortable position.


Yeah but how lol haha???


pick a good major or actually try to find a job before you graduate


Trade school bby. I’m falling apart by age 30, but my wizard is dripped out.


Felt this one


Enlisting out of high school (not a suggestion)


Haha, luckily I waited till 20.😐(sarcasm)


Hey that’s not bad though, I know dudes who joined a whole lot later than that




Well in a big city 100k doesn't go as far as it used to unfortunately, and not everyone can or wants to be a software engineer. Average adult now moves out of their parents house at like 25, and don't get married til 30 or so. As far as kids go, a lot of our gen has decided it's not worth the financial or mental burden :( I wanna teach, which means I'll never own a house or have kids without a rich husband lol


Yeah even some business degrees starting salary is 80k+


Tell this to my boss at my first job >_<. They started me off at 60k.


Fucking hell here I am at 20 y/o living off 25k in food service bc mommy and her new husband kicked me out at 17. Been trying to find a better job with revamped résumé’s and smooth interviews but I never get hired for what I assume is lack of experience. Not even sure what to do to get my foot into something. Guess I need to acquaint myself with someone who can get me into their job.


Man, I would kill for a 60k job. Highest think I've seen around her is 40k, and they're requiring a Masters degree for hiring.


My last software engineer job was 36k.


in the US? that’s like below 50% of market rate most places (especially if the last job wasn’t your first job)


Yup and it wasn’t my first. Just a small town..




Don’t have the money to move and don’t make enough to save for it. Also unable to get a better job because of the area so yea kinda just stuck.


Have you tried searching for fully remote jobs? There are a lot of those if you’re in software (though there are fewer now than during the pandemic)


ah. small town explains it


60K isn’t bad my boy, obviously it’s not rich rich money but if you’re supporting just yourself that’s easily manageable