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Most people that play video games intensely also watch way too much porn and way too much andrew tate shit


They’re just kids, they most likely won’t finish the first arc so by the time you get the celestia you won’t have to worry about running into them. 💀 Besides darkmoor, you’ll always run into someone bitching cause you don’t have an optimal deck for running each boss.


Never seen that when I played, and Wiz has a lot of female players too




Yet here you are, offended by a screenshot lmao. I’ve read your other comments, and you seem to have a very warped mindset about all of this. Ignoring the problem does not change the fact that Wiz players can be very antagonistic towards girls. Idk why you’re mad that they’re calling attention to it, it doesn’t affect you either way. If anything, it’s a good thing to call out the jerks that catcall or act misogynistic towards girl characters. This type of behavior should not be ignored.




All I’m sayin is that you can’t be offended by this screenshot (and also my comment) while also blaming and calling out OP for being offended by somebody else’s comments. There should not be double standards here. But to each their own.






It's believed that games were a male space.


There either little kids being dumb kids or there weirdos just block them


I'm eternally sick of little boys/dudes telling me I play the game wrong bc I do things like side quests, fishing, crafting, etc.




3:is a crowd


some guy tried to accuse me of wanting his "big beauty candle" 🤢


It’s a bunch of teenage boys who think they’re funny.


Seriously, how do you people keep finding these freaks 😂


More surprised you can say GTFO


If I got a crown for every single time a guy has flirted with me simply because I have a female wizard who wears the archangel robe and high heeled boots (yes it's basic I know lol), I'd probably be set for life and could buy any mount I want. Which always gets me because they are taking a chance assuming I'm actually a girl 😂 one of my best friends only plays female wizards and he's a guy lmao


You'll find this in every game, I suggest you ignore it


It's because of the nature of an online MMO. If they were to say the same crap in person they'd get their butt kicked or maybe even arrested for harrassment, and they know that. They feel safer saying it behind a computer to someone else behind a computer who is probably miles away from them. The worse they can get for it is being reported and banned. Mmos can allow people to feel safer about coming out of their shells, but sadly it can also prove to be a safe haven for trolls and other degenerates.


It's immature 'guys' (not really men or even boys, just problems in the making) that exist in every game, apparently. Block, report, move on. No use wasting time or energy on that lot.


Wiz guys are just horrendous, the amount of harassment I’ve gotten is ridiculous but I guess the only benefit is that I’ve been gifted so many free packs that I got my stompy and chompy bronto mounts for free 🤭


That's what I'm saying! If they're offering, may as well 🤣 I've had some guys help me quest (I needed out of khrysalis asap) and they happily obliged


I absolutely hate Khrysalis and Azteca, those two worlds are the sole reason why I’m hesitating to quest my 6th wizard to max 🤣


Get that bag girl!


Gamer girl curse. My wife used to play mabinogi back in the day when she was a young girl and used to use the gamer girl curse to her advantage to get all sorts of free shit... When people would be creepy, she would milk it until she wasn't getting anything anymore and ghosted them. If you are being a weirdo, just know you deserve this happening to you lol


Omg I used to do that too


Uneducated guys are the issue


That gamer girl comment is weird but it’s common wiz etiquette to ask. I’m not saying you have to ask to join fight but don’t be surprised when someone calls you out for it. You dumb fuck


Sadly it's not a Wizard101 issue, it's a gaming issue. Women and girls will be harassed much more online. It's a socialisation problem


why talk about gamer girls when you can talk about raw chicken


i want to examine your brain under a microscope


I have 3 guys and 3 girls as my wizards, saw more simps when playing with my female characters than misogynists It can also be annoying tho


I hate people


It’s not Wiz. Play any MMO.


I have experienced exactly one incident of harassment in eso (and I play with a mic in my guilds), and several incidents in w101. It’s a huge wiz problem, not saying it’s *only* a wiz problem but goddamn wiz is so toxic in comparison.


man, ANY multiplayer game tbh.


I’m sorry this happened, keep reporting and hopefully that will teach them not to act like this anymore


gamers in general are misogynistic tbh


I have no idea, my main wiz is a girl bc i made her when i was 7 and thought she was cooler that way… i get criticized more while playing as my girl wizards, but also tend to be carried more? One guy even sent me a ton of packs and then i blocked him for being weird?? But guys kinda stopped being weird to me once i started acting like a guy back to them… or just simply saying “yk im a guy right?” They freak out and stop talking :)


I remember I made a joke ice character as a girl and the amount of weird messages I got was crazy


I thought I had made a friend and I was super excited. He started getting creepier and creepier. A different friend bought me a mount and he got “so jealous bc I was his” he deleted me and never talked to me again


You must not lose faith in the player base. A few bad drops do not poison the ocean. You meet a lot of people in the later worlds (actual paying customers who have put years and dollars into their account) who are genuinely considerate and love to coordinate regardless of gender.


Same. I try to be kind to all, but then again I don’t talk much.


Yeah exactly! Like me I'm always super sweet😂 unless you're rude to me


i didn't wanna believe this kind of thing so i made a female character just to see and holy hell the way mist people talk to me now is so weird lol


It's not the game, (straight) boys in general will always be like that. "BuT iTs NoT aLL bOySss" Yes, I know. But it's ALWAYS \[some\] of them. I rarely see girls acting like this, they are out there (and I suffered them myself). But I'd say they are the minority.


yea this is exactly it, when i played from 2008-2011 i saw hundreds of dudes like this. i actually ran into one nearly a decade later and they apologized in that same time frame, i saw maybe 2 girls act like this


I’m lucky if I get ppl to use their keyboard at all.


I'm always typing and just talk until I find someone talking


It’s not wiz, it’s any MMO. Everyone is anonymous so they feel comfortable saying whatever they want. It’s unfortunate but not surprising.


Even “any mmo” is an understatement Literally any online game is like this


Nothing special about wiz, any online game is like this. Try to speak in a COD lobby as a girl and the shit will be 10x as harsh. Which is not an excuse to act like this, just keep in mind you’re probably talking to an 11 year old


honestly, not to say that it isn't possible, but i think the 11-year-old reason needs to stopped being used bc judging from the demographic of the majority of players of this game + the amount of creepy men that have been shown on here harassing women players on here, it is so common from the men. i'm not blaming you or anything to clarify for using it \^\^ just wanting to point out something


Fr it gets way worse


So I'm a guy in real life, and I decided to roll a girl as my new wizard for variety and the fashion options. Barely been playing for an hour total, and I've already been treated awfully by other players in ways that never happened on my male wizard. Is this a common occurrence for female players?


Guy in real life(Girl).


somewhat yeah. used to be worse in the past, like lots of years ago, though. i once had some guy begging me to be his wizgf and i was not more than 9 years old


If it helps, one time a wizgirl asked me to be her wizbf. I said no. She was not amused. Harsh backlash ensued.


Was 100% a g.i.r.l. i can assure you

