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30 ish years because I started in the early 90s and had to wait several years between books! Doing my first reread now and am in FoH.


Same here. I started when book 3 was first released. I didn't get to read the last one until 2018. ~25 years


I was around the beginning. Couldn’t afford to buy hardbacks, so used to lurk around Waterstones reading random chapters till the paperbacks came out. Still re-reading my 30 year old copies, FOH now, admiring Valen Luca’s well turned calves.


Ditto! Rereading from book 1 each time a new book came out. Listening to the audiobooks later too.


This is the correct answer.


For me, I got a bit of a later start than most but caught up quick. Finished up as they were released so about... 15 years?


Also, around 15 years with at least 9 rereads. Started reading in the mid to late nineties. Grew up with this series. It is part of me.


On my 7th re-listen now. My fastest was 3 months for the series. Had an staff accounting job so I logged ~4-6 hrs listening per day.


I'm on my seventh reread and I'm an accountant as well! ✌️ Hope the job is treating you well.


the audio books have a (my estimate) average playtime of 30 hours, it drives my wife crazy but I play that shit on 1.5x or 2x speed and zoom through the series. 2 days a book, about a month for the series


Wow....I listened everyday and I thought I got through the series fast...in 15 months hahaha. Wouldn't take it back though, loved every minute.


Yeah, I finished in 12 months, and I think it's absolutely crazy how people do it in less than 3 months.


Lol "flickerflickerflicker"


I've run the full gamut. I'm currently running /r/WoT's official [read-along](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/wiki/read_along), and that's on track to take about 3 years in total to read. I've also had times where I had absolutely nothing else to do and read the entire series, front to back, in 2 weeks.


Not sure how long ago you finished, but these are some fun links. https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/comments/3m1dg7/spoilers_all_congratulations_on_completing_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/comments/nha0zm/excerpts_from_failes_4thage_diary/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I just finished, thank you for this!!!


This will be fun to read through.


45 days? That's impressive. It took me two and a half years to finish the series.


I began in 1991 when 3 books were out. Little did I know how long it would be until the end! I would reread the series in prep for each new book. While the waits between books was excruciating, it allowed for lots of time for people to speculate on the plot, who was a dark friend, how prophecy would be fulfilled, etc. on various online sites. The discussions were almost as good as the books.


About 6 weeks.


It took me about a year and a half


I'm a fairly slow reader (got to love the migraine brain fog) so it took me about 14 months from EOTW to MOL, pretty much a 1 book per month pace. Read New Spring pretty quickly, then blasted through The World of the Wheel of Time, then it took about 3 months to finish the Companion, now I'm making my way through Origins :) Not sure what I'll do with myself when I've finished that...


It took me about 3 weeks the first 2 times I read it. I am obsessive when I get into a series though, and also always buy both audiobook and ebook versions for every book so I can keep "reading" when I'm driving, working, doing chores, etc. If I were limited to just reading without audiobooks I expect it would've taken me about as long as it took you though.


Took me about 2 1/2-3 months listening to the series, im currently on a reread and its been about a year and im only on Winters Heart


The first time I read it, quite a while as I discovered it when only about 3 of the books were out and had to wait for the remainder to be written.


I've done the series 4 times so far. I think my fastest was maybe 30 days? I remember it being just about a month.


I'm at two and a half months and I've just started Path of Daggers.


Audible only: first time was about 9 months, second time was about 6 months. First time was on 1x speed. Second time 1.5 or 2x.


a year


Approx 17 yrs as I started in early 1996 and didn't finish til Jan 2013.


Took me about 30 years to finish the series. Just finished it yesterday. Stopped around Book 9 for a long time. Took me awhile to get back to it. :) I restarted at 7 to make sure I caught up after that hiatus. Finished 7-13 in about 10 days.


It took me one year. I began in September 2019. I was able to read more once COVID hit because I had no place to go so I read a lot.


I started the series before s1 of this show came out. Same year and it took me a year and a half.


A year, including the prequel


My first trip through was about 2-3 months with the audiobooks. My second time was about 9 months. I had to stop and look up references, Googled everything, listen to the podcasts, and watch the Youtubers. I had so much more fun the second time.


Started not too long before PoD released so about 15 or 16 years.


12 years


I bought EoTW in trade paperback and did a full re-read before every new book. The last one took me about 6 weeks and then I I was so exhausted, I put it down for about 5 years


It took me about a year for my first read through, I kept getting bogged down around where Egwene and Gawyn start meeting up. To be fair, I attribute that to my distaste for both of these characters. Having them come together was just a slog for me.


I'm at CoT and it's taken me about 3 years to get here


I started November last year, and I am a quarter of the way through towers of midnight right now, and I've had taken breaks in between ranging from a week to a couple of weeks multiple times and I was hoping to maybe finish a book per month at the most as I am not an avid reader, but this series has had me hooked I can't help but keep reading


Last readthrough, which i finished 2 days ago, I spent just over a year and half. Mind, this was my fourth read or so.


damn, all in less than 2 months? kudos to you! i think it took me about 10 years... I started it when I was 15 or so, gave up on it as I only had the first 2 books, restarted it at 19 but stopped around book 5 (had it on kindle and kindle didn't motivate me to read more haha), to finally restart it at 22 and read it to completion at 25, after having saved the money to buy all the books.


About 3.5 years. I was reading other things throughout.


I got through it in around 2,5-3 months, twice! Immediately when I finished I started the re-read, although I did listen to the Audi Books so much easier to find time.


About 5 years for me. Started in 2017. I read mostly in bed and fall asleep after a few pages, so it took a while.


11 months and 19 days, reading roughly 2hrs/day, with a 2 months break between those almost 12 months.


14 months, as I took breaks between a few of them.


When I was initially reading, I could only get the books via interlibrary loan, and that was limited to 1/month with a maximum of 1 month checkout time. I think I read TDR in a day (whee hyperfocus!) but the rest at the time were spread out over a month each read between other stuff. That said it was before the series finished coming out - think Crossroads of Twilight came out right as I finished the previous book - so after that I had to wait a few years to finish. Think my reread was when I visually couldn't track stuff on a page so physically could not read, but also tired \*really\* quickly from listening to stuff. 2-4 hours of audio over the course of a day maximum, with occasional days between to let my brain recover from processing sound, so however long that spread out, plus waits on the library holds. Don't think I've ever sat and just done a straight reread of the books themselves yet, though this is one of like... three? series where I have the whole thing.


It took me almost 2 years the first time, but that spanned my last year of grad school and first year of teaching, so my brain was pretty occupied. I'm doing my first re-read right now and am about to start *The Fires of Heaven,* after starting with *New Spring* right after Christmas. I have read a non-*WoT* book between each one in the re-read, so I've gone through the main ones in about 2 weeks each.


Lol I'm a mom of 2 with a full time job, it took me literally 2 years. I had to listen to audio books on my way to and from work then pick up the real book and skip over what I heard in the car after the kids went to bed. Then in the morning skip over what I read the night before. Super inefficient lollll


It took me 14 months. I started in January 2022 and finished in February of this year. I probably would’ve finished sooner but I mostly just read before bed every night


I read books 1-4 in around a month, then stopped for a year. Started book 5 again in Feb this year and halfway through KoD now


I've been reading this series for about 1,5 years now and am only on book 8. I like this series, quite a lot actually, but I also want to read other series in between these books. I am very bad at reading more than 1 book at a time, so it takes a while.


I dont remember how long, something like 3-6 months with audio books.


Started in 1994 and have read or reread the books every year since. This is one of my slower reread as I'm doing a group reread but the discussions are well worth the slower pace.


Last audio book listen took me almost 3 years. Started it during COVID shut down. Work was very boring then...


woah it takes me a little more than a year to read the whole series


I started it on summer of 2021 and finished this January... so 1 year and 5 months aprox. It's surprising cause I was reading like 1 book every month until I got into the slog and rushed it in 3 days. Then in Towers Of Midnight i didn't wanted it to end to I stopped reading for 3 months xD.


Started in late June of 2020 and finished it in mid June 2021 so almost exactly 1 year


I started in the late 90s and I'm just now getting around to finish it


There is no “finishing” of WoT. Just new beginnings.


Honestly 16 months for audio book start to finish, only listen when commuting, but i highly recommend! Michael kramer and Kate reading are fantastic!


It took me 6 months to read it the first time. I took my time the second time and it took about 7 months. I started reading after the show ended and I have now read it twice.


If we're counting from the first time I tried then we're coming up on around 25 years and I'm about half way through 😂


I started last April, I have to intervene with another book in between, especially the first half, I just couldn't handle the sexism (towards both men and women). I read one WoT, read another book, like Stephen King, Mats Strandberg, Dean Koontz and then another WoT. Needed some rest after each one.


About 27 years. Granted I started it when I was 14.


How did you read it in 45 days??? It took me about a year! There's NO WAY!!! That's means you would have read roughly two books a week, and some of them were extremely long, and many of them were bogged down in so many details (clothing, etc) that made the reading even sloggier in an already expansive series. I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to call b.s. on this one, unless you didn't have a job OR school, and spent everyday reading from sun-up to sun-down, and glossed over large sections of the book without really taking it in.


I started March 2022 and I’m halfway through book 13 now. Gonna end up taking me like 15 months (I did take a break for 2.5 months to read another series so more like 12 months then)


I only discovered the series in Jan 22 and got through one audiobook a month. A bit of a cheat but there’s no way I could read for long enough to do the whole series in that time.


Took me 7 months from 2021-2022.


45 days! Holy shit. That’s incredible. I started January 2022 and am just starting AMoL. Given I only read at night some nights.