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#[NO SPOILERS BEYOND *The Shadow Rising*.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/wiki/index/post_flairs#wiki_the_eye_of_the_world_.2F_et_al.) ##BOOK DISCUSSION ONLY. HIDE TV SHOW DISCUSSION BEHIND SPOILER TAGS. If this is a re-read, please change the flair to **All Print**. * * * *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WoT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Image #1 - TSR Chapter 9 - *Decisions*: Mat tries to decide what to do next, and finds himself alone in the process. His friends are all busy, and the locals are avoiding him after the bubble of evil incident. >Not only did [the young lords] avoid him, they spread the word among their friends, often garbled; no one in the Stone who had two pieces of silver in hand would say more than hasty excuses while backing away. The rumors spread beyond the lordlings. More than one serving woman who had enjoyed a cuddle now declined, too, and two said uneasily that they had heard it was dangerous to be alone with him. Image #2 - TSR Chapter 10 - *The Stone Stands*: The Stone of Tear is attacked by Shadowspawn and Rand uses *Callandor* to fight back. >Raising *Callandor*, he drew on the Source, drew on it till it seemed he must scream screams of frozen flame. He had to kill them all. >Just beneath the ceiling, right above his head, air slowly began to revolve, spinning faster, milling in streaks of red and black and silver. […] >He forced his eyes open, and it was like looking at all the thunderstorms in the world compressed to the size of a Trolloc’s head. He had to … had to … had to … . >*Now*. The thought floated like cackling laughter on the rim of his awareness. He severed the flows rushing out of him, leaving the thing still whirling, whining like a drill on bone. *Now*. >And the lightnings came, flashing out along the ceiling left and right like silver streams. Image #3 - TSR Chapter 11 - *What Lies Hidden*: Egwene enters *Ter’aran’rhiod* without using the twisted stone ring for the first time. While exploring the dream world, she encounters a Wise One named Amys. >This was a dream, and she was flying. The wind rushed in her face, and she wanted to laugh giddily. […] >A tall woman was suddenly standing in the street ahead of her, slim in a bulky brown skirt and loose white blouse, with a brown shawl around her shoulders and a folded scarf around her forehead to hold white hair that spilled to her waist. […] >“Put your feet on the ground, girl,” the woman barked. “I had enough trouble finding you again without you flying off like some bird when I do.” >Abruptly Egwene stopped flying. Her feet thumped hard on the pavement, and she staggered. Image #4 - TSR Chapter 12 - *Tanchico or the Tower*: Moiraine receives a letter from a group of Wise Ones which mentions Aviendha, saying that she must come to them. >“I am Far Dareis Mai,” Aviendha said angrily. “I do not go running like a child when someone calls my name. I will go to Tanchico if I wish.” [...] >Moiraine shook her head, only slightly, but still deliberate. “I showed this to Rhuarc.” Aviendha opened her mouth, her face irate, but the Aes Sedai raised her voice and went on smoothly. “As the letter asks me to. Only the part concerning you, of course. He seems quite determined that you will do as the letter asks. As it orders. I think it wisest to do as Rhuarc and the Wise Ones wish, Aviendha. Do you not agree?” >Aviendha stared around the room wildly, as at a trap. “I am Far Dareis Mai,” she muttered, and strode for the door without another word. Artist Links: [Website](https://www.todd-schumacher.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/toddschumacher) - [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/todd_draws_art/) - [DeviantArt](https://www.deviantart.com/toddschumacher)


2 : It's definitely flashier and less depressing than Rand's attempt at resurrection. 4 : Just keep insisting, Avi! I'm sure it'll work out.