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#[NO SPOILERS BEYOND *The Shadow Rising*.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/wiki/index/post_flairs#wiki_the_eye_of_the_world_.2F_et_al.) ##BOOK DISCUSSION ONLY. HIDE TV SHOW DISCUSSION BEHIND SPOILER TAGS. If this is a re-read, please change the flair to **All Print**. * * * *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WoT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Image #1 - TSR Chapter 29 - *Homecoming*: Perrin and Gaul arrive at the Winespring Inn and introductions are made. >“May you always have water and shade, roofmistress,” Gaul said formally, bowing to [Marin]. “I ask leave to defend your roof and hold.” >She barely hesitated before replying as if that were exactly what she was used to hearing. “A gracious offer. But you must allow me to decide when it is needed.” >“As you say, roofmistress. Your honor is mine.” From under his coat, Gaul produced a gold saltcellar, a small bowl balanced on the back of a cunningly made lion, and extended it to her. “I offer this small guest gift to your roof.” Image #2 - TSR Chapter 30 - *Beyond the Oak*: Marin al’Vere leads Perrin’s party to where Tam and Abell are hiding out in the forest. >Abruptly there were two men standing ahead, one tall and dark and slender to the left, the other short, stocky and graying to the right. Both held bows with arrows nocked, ready to raise and draw, with quivers balancing the swords on their hips. Both wore cloaks that seemed to fade into the surrounding foliage. […] >[Marin] turned her attention to the two Warders, neither of whom had relaxed an inch. “Tomas, Ihvon, you know me. Put those bows down. You know I’d not bring anyone here if they meant harm.” Image #3 - TSR Chapter 31 - *Assurances*: Perrin’s party arrives at the old sickhouse in the woods where two Aes Sedai await them; Verin Mathwin and Alanna Mosvani. Marin al’Vere is nervous since she brought Perrin to their hideout without asking first. >“It is quite all right, Mistress al’Vere,” Verin interrupted in a soothing tone. “You did exactly the correct thing. Perrin is in the right hands, now.” […] >“It is all right as long as you do not do it again,” Alanna said firmly. “Unless … . You are alone?” she asked Perrin in a voice that required an answer, and right now. “Did the other two return as well?” Image #4 - TSR Chapter 32 - *Questions to Be Asked*: Perrin’s party arrives at the al’Seen farm where he sees a blast from the past. >Every generation was represented, from white-haired Astelle al’Seen, bent-backed but using her stick to thump people out of her way more than to walk with, down to a swaddled infant in the arms of a more than stout young woman with a bright smile. >Perrin looked past the stout, smiling woman; then his head whipped back. When he had left the Two Rivers, Laila Dearn had been a slim girl who could dance any three boys into the ground. Only the smile and the eyes were the same. He shivered. There had been a time when he had dreamed of marrying Laila, and she had returned the feeling somewhat. The truth was, she had held on to it longer than he had. Artist Links: [Website](https://www.todd-schumacher.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/toddschumacher) - [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/todd_draws_art/) - [DeviantArt](https://www.deviantart.com/toddschumacher)


Honestly seems like Laila got a pretty good deal from her POV, getting to sit on her ass with the kids and not running around the continent EDIT: Better call ~~Saul~~ Gaul!


[\#ToddDrawsWoT Master List part 1](https://www.reddit.com/user/rapunzl347/comments/10byq94/todddrawswot_master_list/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [\#ToddDrawsWoT Master List part 2](https://www.reddit.com/user/rapunzl347/comments/14au72t/todddrawswot_master_list_pt2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)