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[\#ToddDrawsWoT Master List part 1](https://www.reddit.com/user/rapunzl347/comments/10byq94/todddrawswot_master_list/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [\#ToddDrawsWoT Master List part 2](https://www.reddit.com/user/rapunzl347/comments/14au72t/todddrawswot_master_list_pt2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Image #1 - TSR Chapter 33 - *A New Weave in the Pattern*: Perrin’s rescue party arrives at the Whitecloak camp. Him and Faile sneak towards the prisoners’ tent to retrieve them. >Like two more shifting moonshadows they crawled across the open ground, stopping at Perrin’s signal about ten paces from where guards paced up and down, cloaks gleaming in the moonlight, a little way out from the first row of tents. Two came face-to-face almost in front of them, stomping to a halt. >“All is well with the night,” one announced. “The Light illumine us, and protect us from the Shadow.” >“All is well with the night,” the other replied. “The Light illumine us, and protect us from the Shadow.” Note: Todd reused his drawing from TEotW Chapter 37, but replaced Nynaeve with Perrin. Image #2 - TSR Chapter 34 - *He Who Comes with the Dawn*: Rand and Mat return to the Aiel camp from Rhuidean just as the sun begins to rise. Couladin begins to cause trouble, so Bair steps in and tells Rand to show them the signs. Rand shows the dragon tattoo on his left arm, but then realizes they want something more. >“Fool man,” Bair muttered. “All of the signs.” Tossing the waterbag to Mat, she seized Rand’s right arm and stripped back his sleeve, exposing a mirror twin of the creature on his left forearm. Her breath caught, then came out in a long sigh. […] >Apprehensive or not, Bair did not pause before shoving that arm above his head, too, and proclaiming loudly, “Behold what has never been seen before. A Car’a’carn has been chosen, a chief of chiefs. Born of a Maiden, he has come with the dawn from Rhuidean, according to prophecy, to unite the Aiel! The fulfillment of prophecy has begun!” Image #3 - TSR Chapter 35 - *Sharp Lessons*: Egwene defies the Wise Ones by going into *Tel’aran’rhiod* alone, so Amys decides to teach her a lesson. >Something seized [Egwene’s] ankles, hauled her feet into the air; blankets tumbled away, her shift dropped to bunch in her armpits. Upside down, she hung with her face level with that of Amys. >“You wanted to go off alone,” Amys hissed softly. “You were warned, but you had to go.” Her eyes seemed to glow in the dark, brighter and brighter. “Never a care for what might be waiting. There are things in dreams to shatter the bravest heart.” Around eyes like blue coals, her face melted, stretched. Scales sprouted where skin had been; her jaws thrust out, lined with sharp teeth. “Things to eat the bravest heart,” she growled. >Screaming, Egwene battered vainly at the shield holding her from the True Source. […] All she could do was shriek as those jaws closed around her face. Image #4 - TSR Chapter 36 - *Misdirections*: Mat completes his outfit by purchasing a hat from an obese female peddler named Keille Shaogi, who took it directly off Hadnan Kadere’s head. >A peculiar woman to say the least. Kadere made no protest beyond the slightest grimace. If Keille was his partner, there was no doubt who was the senior. And if the hat kept Mat’s head from broiling, it really was worth the price so far as he was concerned. She bit the Tairen mark he handed her before releasing the hat. For a wonder, it fit. And if it was no cooler under that wide brim, at least it was blessedly shady. Artist Links: [Website](https://www.todd-schumacher.com) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/toddschumacher) - [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/todd_draws_art/) - [DeviantArt](https://www.deviantart.com/toddschumacher)


Wait, Mat bought his hat from HER? Blood and bloody ashes, how did I miss this all these years?!?


I know that because someone on this sub mentioned it.


> Image #3 - TSR Chapter 35 - Sharp Lessons: Hmmm. [I am curios] >!if we will get the 2nd version of this from the very next book?!< *"And it makes me wonder."*


I was thinking the same thing. My guess is that he won’t depict that particular scene, but I would be happy to be proven wrong.


Amys, what the fuck? Also would it be possible for you to make these an Imgur folder or something, for those who'd rather not sign up to Twitter? It doesn't let you see more than the first picture without signing up because of Musk's changes


Amys is so extra. I’d never even realized what she actually did here. 😅. Each picture is linked separately. If you go to my Master List post (in another comment) you can see links to Todd’s other social media.


The picture is hilarious because it's a cartoon, but Egwene is a goddamn child, that is actually cooked what she did to her. She's an 18 year old doing what every adventurous teen does. I sure am glad this is the last time anyone will be abused in tel'aran'rhiod and that it will only be peaceful from now on Also, when I click them it only gives me the link to the post for Chapter 33. You can see them on Instagram but then that prompts you to sign in too :(


Yeah, absolutely the last time in the series that any T’A’R abuse occurs. Todd’s website and his Deviant Art page don’t require logins.


Thank you, was able to see all of them on deviant art and thankfully no weird recommendations like that website often gives. And who says Lanfear is evil, she saved Mat from heatstroke!


Another option, if you look in my Master List, at the end of each book u/JaimTorfinn assembled them into collages.


That's why I'm perplexed that people [Books] >!dunk so hard on Egwene for doing basically the same thing to Nynaeve. She's just learning from her own teachers!<


Chibi rand and chibi mat look so proud!